997 resultados para 193-1191
This review is about the development of three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonic medical imaging, how it works, and where its future lies. It assumes knowledge of two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound, which is covered elsewhere in this issue. The three main ways in which 3D ultrasound may be acquired are described: the mechanically swept 3D probe, the 2D transducer array that can acquire intrinsically 3D data, and the freehand 3D ultrasound. This provides an appreciation of the constraints implicit in each of these approaches together with their strengths and weaknesses. Then some of the techniques that are used for processing the 3D data and the way this can lead to information of clinical value are discussed. A table is provided to show the range of clinical applications reported in the literature. Finally, the discussion relating to the technology and its clinical applications to explain why 3D ultrasound has been relatively slow to be adopted in routine clinics is drawn together and the issues that will govern its development in the future explored.
青藏高原为冷杉属(Abies)的多度中心,共分布有10种,9变种和4亚种。其中苍山冷杉复合体(Abies delavayi complex)包括3种,5变种和2亚种。它们的形态性状变异较小,且分布区重叠。迄今对该复合体的遗传多样性水平、分化程度以及进化历史仍缺乏了解。 本研究对苍山冷杉复合体的14个居群、302个个体进行取样,并对193个个体的母系遗传线粒体DNA nad1 intron2区和276个个体的父系遗传的叶绿体DNA trnS-trnG区进行了序列分析。该复合体的线粒体DNA nad1 intron2区的序列为675bp,其中有4个单碱基变异和1个插入/缺失,可分为6种线粒体单倍型。这14个居群的线粒体总核苷酸多态性(π)为0.00114,单倍型多态性(Hd)为0.627,居群间的遗传变异(FST)高达84.034%。叶绿体DNA trnS-trnG区的序列排列后为718bp,共有8个单碱基变异和4个插入/缺失,可分为12种叶绿体单倍型。这14个居群的总核苷酸多态性(π)为0.00116,单倍型多态性(Hd)为0.590,居群间的遗传变异(FST)为65.830%。以上结果显示苍山冷杉复合体居群间已经产生了强烈的遗传分化。叶绿体的3种主导单倍型(H1、H2和 H3)在YLXS、SKXS、GS和WX 4个居群中都有分布;而其它居群则只有主导单倍型(除SJLS外)中的1种或2种。造成边缘居群(如JZS)多样性较低的主要原因是冰期后群体在迁移过程中的遗传漂变和奠基者效应。根据谱系关系线粒体H1型和叶绿体H3型均为较古老的单倍型,线粒体和叶绿体的谱系关系均支持上述分析。 本研究初步推测青藏高原的东南部—横断山区(包括YLXS、SKXS、GS、WX、BMXS、ELS和EMS)可能为苍山冷杉复合体的冰期避难所,群体存在冰期后向西和向南扩张的过程。间冰期群体隔离和扩张过程中的奠基者效应是形成目前居群分化和遗传多样性分布格局的重要因素。