999 resultados para 190-1178A


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F. 1 Psautier, litanies et « preces ». F. 83 Hymnaire. F. 107v Capitules. F. 122 Oraisons du temporal, du sanctoral et du commun des saints. F. 155-317v Antiennes, leçons et répons du temporal et du sanctoral (incompl. de la fin).


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Contient : Extraits de chartes et de manuscrits, parmi lesquels on remarque les suivants : ; Chartes de Saint-Crépin de Soissons (VIIIe-IXe siècle) ; Charte de Philippe-Auguste pour l'abbaye de Sarlat, 1181 (Delisle, Actes de Philippe-Auguste, n° 19) ; Lettres de Philippe-Auguste aux nobles de Poitou, pour les mander à l'expédition d'Angleterre, d'après un ms. de l'abbaye du Jard ; Lettres relatives aux affaires d'Avignon (1470-1472) ; Notice de la fondation da l'église de Nogaro, en 1061-1062 (Bréquigny, Table chronologique, t. II, p. 83) ; Acte d'émancipation de Raoul, fils de Raoul de Cournand (1245), d'après un vidimus de 1259 ; Visio Wettini, d'après un ms. de Cl. Dupuy collationné avec un ms. de Besly ; Notes concernant sainte Wilgeforte ; Lettre de M. Boileau, doyen de Sens [à Baluze] (21 juin 1684) ; Extraits de mss. liturgiques du chapitre de Sens ; Lettre de Raban Maur au chorévêque Regimbaldus ; collation d'un ms. d'Ant. Faure ; Extraits des « Constitutiones episcopatus Sutrini », ms. appartenant au cardinal Casanata ; Extrait d'un ms. d'Orléans (aujourd'hui Bibl. nat., nouv. acq. lat. 1632 ; cf. (Delisle, Cat. des fonds Libri et Barrois, p. 111) ; Extraits d'un sacramentaire de l'église de Lyon, faits par Baluze en novembre 1673 ; Extraits d'un pontifical de l'église de Reims ; Extraits d'un pontifical de l'église de Reims, de la main d'Adrien de Valois ; Autres extraits d'un pontifical de Sens ; Formules de serments « ex veteri codice Remensi Nicolai Fabri. » ; Extraits d'un pontifical de l'église de Reims ; Extraits d'un ms. de Saint-Gall (sans doute ms. 446), collationnés par Baluze en 1674 ; Ordo romanus, extraits faits d'après deux mss. de Saint-Gall ; Ordo romanus, extraits faits d'après un ms. de Cahors ; « Benedictiones, » tirées d'un ms. de Saint-Hilaire-en-Carcassès ; Extraits du De confessione verae fidei [Liber precum], de Marcellinus et Faustinus, faits par Baluze en décembre 1673, d'après un ms. de Saint-Gall (ms. 190) ; « Ex homiliis incerti auctoris qui aevo Karoli M. floruit, » d'après un ms. de Saint-Gall ; Homélies tirées d'un ms. de l'église de Lyon ; Poenitentia laicorum, de Fulbert de Chartres (Migne, Patr. lat., t. CXLI, col. 339) ; Extraits d'un pénitentiel, d'après un ms. de Saint-Arnoul de Metz ; Extraits d'un ms. de l'Oratoire de Troyes, contenant un recueil de canons ; Extraits des Decrétales du Pseudo-Isidore, d'après un ms. de Saint-Gall (ms. 670) ; Copie de deux martyrologes, envoyée par Baluze à d'Achery (cf. note au f. 185) ; le second (f. 210), tiré d'un ms. de Saint-Gall (sans doute le ms. 914), de la main de Baluze, en juin 1674 ; Extraits du De miseria humanae conditionis, d'Innocent III ; Dédicace, par Calixte II, de l'église du Ronceray d'Angers (Hist. de France, t. XIV, p. 199) ; Lettre de Charlemagne relative aux travaux de Paul Diacre (Migne, Patr. lat., t. XCV, col. 1159) ; Bulles et actes pontificaux divers : ; Bulles d'Eugène III (24 avril 1146) et d'Anastase IV (25 avril 1154) pour les églises de la province de Bordeaux (Jaffé, Regesta, nos 8910 et 9876) ; Bulle de Benoit XI portant révocation des collations de bénéfices faites par Boniface VIII (6 novembre 1303) ; Bulle d'Innocent VI pour la prédication d'une croisade contre les Grandes Compagnies (1361), d'après un ms. de Saint-Victor ; Bulle de Clément VII pour le monastère de Coiroux (6 juillet 1393) ; Lettres de Julien [de la Rovere], cardinalévêque d'Ostie, pour Antoine Galvan, seigneur de « Chausenejoulx » (15 février 1486) ; Bulle de Pie V pour Hugues de Vermondot, abbé de La Valette (23 avril 1571) ; Signature en cour de Rome pour Jean du Peyron, sacristain du monastère d'Obazine (17 février 1587) ; Bulle de Clément VIII pour Pierre Pandinhe, abbé de Bonneval (4 janvier 1596) ; Bulle du même pour Léger, abbé de Dalon (12 juin 1600) ; Bulles du même pour Jean de Montroux, abbé de Bonaigue (1601) ; Bulle d'Alexandre III pour l'église de Toulouse, 8 juillet 1162 [Jaffé, n° 10739) ; Bref de N. S. P. le pape Alexandre VII, envoyé à M. l'abbé comte de Richelieu, au sujet de son voyage d'Allemagne (23 mars 1664) ; imprimé de 4 pages in-fol ; Lettres de Philippe le Bel portant convocation d'Etats à Tours (25 mars 1307) ; Lettre de Dom Claude Estiennot à Baluze (Rome, 1er mai 1696) ; Lettre de l'empereur Léopold Ier à Charles II, roi d'Espagne (Vienne, 20 janvier 1696) ; Lettres de l'inquisiteur général de Portugal, portant condamnation des Acta sanctorum des Bollandistes (24 janvier 1696) ; Lettres des inquisiteurs d'Aragon portant même condamnation (19 novembre 1695) ; Extraits de la vie de saint Géraud d'Aurillac ; Instructions données à ceux qui visitent des églises ; Extraits d'un évengéliaire donné par la comtesse. Mathilde à l'abbaye de Padolirone ; Extrait du récit de la translation des reliques de saint Thomas d'Aquin à Toulouse, en 1368, par Raimond Hugues (Bibl. hag. lat. n° 8161), d'après un ms. des Dominicains de Toulouse ; Extraits d'un recueil de formules appartenant à Fr. Pithou (cf. Zeumer, Formulae, p. 597) ; Note sur la fuite d'Ant. Muret à Toulouse, en 1554 ; Sommaire des thèses d'Et. Baluze pour le grade de bachelier en droit canon (3 septembre 1665) ; « Harangue de M. Talon, avocat général, au lit de justice du Roy, tenu au Parlement de Paris, le mecredi XVe janvier 1648. » ; Notes sur l'histoire d'Espagne, envoyées à Baluze ; Lettres (1380-1383), relatives à Simon de Cramaud, plus tard évêque de Carcassonne ; Mémoire sur les affaires d'Italie (26 mars 1669), en italien ; Eloge de Louis XIV : paraphrase, en vers latins, du Psaume CXLIII ; Eloge de Colbert, par M. Boyer ; original ; Lettres de Pierre de Saint-Martial, archevêque de Toulouse, pour l'Hôpital Saint-Jacques de ladite ville (1391) ; Extraits d'un bréviaire ms. de Limoges ; Extraits des registres du Parlement de Toulouse ; Notes pour l'établissement du texte des lettres de Pierre de Blois ; Note sur les affaires de Roussillon ; Instructions données par Henri d'Orléans, [marquis de Rothelin], à ses fils ; « Sirventes de Arnaud Maziere, 1283 », et pièces relatives à Frothaire, archevêque de Bourges ; Notes extraites des archives de Carcassonne, envoyées à Baluze par Guillaume Besse ; Anagramme sur le nom de famille [Ruspiliosus] du pape Clément IX ; placard gravé de 1668


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Background: Management of febrile neutropenic episodes (FE) is challenged by lacking microbiological and clinical documentation of infection. We aimed at evaluating the utility of monitoring blood procalcitonin (PCT) in FE for initial diagnosis of infection and reassessment in persistent fever.Methods: PCT kinetics was prospectively monitored in 194 consecutive FE (1771 blood samples): 65 microbiologically documented infections (MDI, 33.5%; 49 due to non-coagulase-negative staphylococci, non-CNS), 68 clinically documented infections (CDI, 35%; 39 deep-seated), and 61 fever of unexplained origin (FUO, 31.5%).Results: At fever onset median PCT was 190 pg/mL (range 30-26'800), without significant difference among MDI, CDI and FUO. PCT peak occurred on day 2 after onset of fever: non-CNS-MDI/deep-seated-CDI (656, 80-86350) vs. FUO (205, 33-771; p<0.001). PCT >500 pg/mL distinguished non-CNS-MDI/deep-seated-CDI from FUO with 56% sensitivity and 90% specificity. PCT was >500 pg/ml in only 10% of FUO (688, 570-771). A PCT peak >500 pg/mL (1196, 524-11950) occurred beyond 3 days of persistent fever in 17/21 (81%) invasive fungal diseases (IFD). This late PCT peak identified IFD with 81% sensitivity and 57% specificity and preceded diagnosis according to EORTC-MSG criteria in 41% of cases. In IFD responding to therapy, median days to PCT <500 pg/mL and defervescence were 5 (1-23) vs. 10 (3-22; p = 0.026), respectively.Conclusion: While procalcitonin is not useful for diagnosis of infection at onset of neutropenic fever, it may help to distinguish a minority of potentially severe infections among FUOs on day 2 after onset of fever. In persistent fever monitoring procalcitonin contributes to early diagnosis and follow-up of invasive mycoses


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OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether the INTERMED, a generic instrument for assessing biopsychosocial case complexity and direct care, identifies organ transplant patients at risk of unfavourable post-transplant development by comparing it to the Transplant Evaluation Rating Scale (TERS), the established measure for pretransplant psychosocial evaluation. METHOD: One hundred nineteen kidney, liver, and heart transplant candidates were evaluated using the INTERMED, TERS, SF-36, EuroQol, Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), and Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HADS). RESULTS: We found significant relationships between the INTERMED and the TERS scores. The INTERMED highly correlated with the HADS,MADRS, and mental and physical health scores of the SF-36 Health Survey. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate the validity and usefulness of the INTERMED instrument for pretransplant evaluation. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate the different qualities of INTERMED and TERS in clinical practice. The advantages of the psychiatric focus of the TERS and the biopsychosocial perspective of the INTERMED are discussed in the context of current literature on integrated care.


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Em relevo ondulado, a posição do solo na paisagem é importante quanto à quantidade de água armazenada e disponível para as plantas. A camada coesa dos solos dos Tabuleiros Costeiros do Nordeste do Brasil prejudica o fluxo de água no perfil. Em períodos mais chuvosos, pode ocorrer a formação de lençol freático suspenso acima dos horizontes coesos, em decorrência da restrição ao fluxo vertical descendente causada por tais horizontes. Dessa forma, em áreas declivosas, é possível ocorrer o interfluxo (fluxo lateral subsuperficial da água) no sentido morro abaixo sobre os horizontes coesos. Tal hipótese foi avaliada em uma toposseqüência com 190 m de comprimento e 0,097 m m-1 de declividade média, composta por Latossolo Amarelo argissólico coeso-LAx (terço superior), Argissolo Amarelo coeso-PAx (terço médio), solo transicional-PAx/PAC e Argissolo Acinzentado-PAC, não-coeso (terço inferior). Dados de umidade, medidos semanalmente durante o ano de 1996 (53 semanas), em 10 pontos ao longo da toposseqüência e em sete profundidades, permitiram comprovar a hipótese citada, com o interfluxo, acima dos horizontes coesos, proporcionando um aporte maior e mais contínuo de umidade ao longo do tempo, no sentido LAx → PAx → PAx/PAC → PAC.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cannabis use is a growing challenge for public health, calling for adequate instruments to identify problematic consumption patterns. The Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test (CUDIT) is a 10-item questionnaire used for screening cannabis abuse and dependency. The present study evaluated that screening instrument. METHODS: In a representative population sample of 5,025 Swiss adolescents and young adults, 593 current cannabis users replied to the CUDIT. Internal consistency was examined by means of Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, the CUDIT was compared to accepted concepts of problematic cannabis use (e.g. using cannabis and driving). ROC analyses were used to test the CUDIT's discriminative ability and to determine an appropriate cut-off. RESULTS: Two items ('injuries' and 'hours being stoned') had loadings below 0.5 on the unidimensional construct and correlated lower than 0.4 with the total CUDIT score. All concepts of problematic cannabis use were related to CUDIT scores. An ideal cut-off between six and eight points was found. CONCLUSIONS: Although the CUDIT seems to be a promising instrument to identify problematic cannabis use, there is a need to revise some of its items.


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BACKGROUND: In a previous study we demonstrated that mild metabolic alkalosis resulting from standard bicarbonate haemodialysis induces hypotension. In this study, we have further investigated the changes in systemic haemodynamics induced by bicarbonate and calcium, using non-invasive procedures. METHODS: In a randomized controlled trial with a single-blind, crossover design, we sequentially changed the dialysate bicarbonate and calcium concentrations (between 26 and 35 mmol/l for bicarbonate and either 1.25 or 1.50 mmol/l for calcium). Twenty-one patients were enrolled for a total of 756 dialysis sessions. Systemic haemodynamics was evaluated using pulse wave analysers. Bioimpedance and BNP were used to compare the fluid status pattern. RESULTS: The haemodynamic parameters and the pre-dialysis BNP using either a high calcium or bicarbonate concentration were as follows: systolic blood pressure (+5.6 and -4.7 mmHg; P < 0.05 for both), stroke volume (+12.3 and +5.2 ml; P < 0.05 and ns), peripheral resistances (-190 and -171 dyne s cm(-5); P < 0.05 for both), central augmentation index (+1.1% and -2.9%; ns and P < 0.05) and BNP (-5 and -170 ng/l; ns and P < 0.05). The need of staff intervention was similar in all modalities. CONCLUSIONS: Both high bicarbonate and calcium concentrations in the dialysate improve the haemodynamic pattern during dialysis. Bicarbonate reduces arterial stiffness and ameliorates the heart tolerance for volume overload in the interdialytic phase, whereas calcium directly increases stroke volume. The slight hypotensive effect of alkalaemia should motivate a probative reduction of bicarbonate concentration in dialysis fluid for haemodynamic reasons, only in the event of failure of classical tools to prevent intradialytic hypotension.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o aporte de nutrientes pela deposição de serapilheira em uma área degradada, que sofreu empréstimo de solo, após dez anos da sua revegetação com as leguminosas arbóreas: Mimosa caesalpiniifolia (sabiá), Acacia auriculiformis (acácia) e Gliricidia sepium (gliricídia); e outra área vizinha, um fragmento da mata Atlântica em crescimento secundário (capoeira). O trabalho foi realizado no campo experimental da Embrapa-Agrobiologia, Km 47, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro. Na amostragem, utilizaram-se coletores circulares do material formador da serapilheira com área de 0,25 m², determinando-se os teores de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca e Mg) e polifenóis. A quantidade de serapilheira depositada foi influenciada pelas espécies de leguminosas utilizadas na revegetação, variando de 5,7 Mg ha -1 ano-1 de matéria seca (MS), onde predominava gliricídia, até 11,2 Mg ha-1 ano-1 , na faixa formada pela sabiá com contribuição do material de acácia. A deposição na capoeira foi de 9,2 Mg ha-1 ano-1 de MS. O material de gliricídia foi o mais rico em nutrientes (N, P, Ca e Mg) e o que apresentou os menores teores de polifenóis; qualitativamente formou a serapilheira mais favorável ao processo de decomposição. O aporte de nutrientes correlacionou-se com a quantidade de serapilheira depositada. Na revegetação, o aporte anual de nutrientes, em kg ha-1 ano-1 , variou: para o N, de 130 a 170; para o P, de 4,9 a 7,9; para K, de 24 a 31; para o Ca, de 150 a 190, e para o Mg, de 28,6 a 40,0. Estes valores foram similares ou superiores aos observados para a capoeira, que foram para o N, 140, para o P, 4,9, para o Ca, 110, e para o Mg, 31,7, exceto para o K, 63. A revegetação com leguminosas, em áreas degradadas, adiciona, relativamente, em pouco tempo, grande quantidade de matéria orgânica e N por meio da produção de serapilheira, favorecendo a ciclagem de nutrientes e o processo de recuperação.


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22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) is associated with an increased susceptibility to develop schizophrenia. Despite a large body of literature documenting abnormal brain structure in 22q11DS, cerebral changes associated with brain maturation in 22q11DS remained largely unexplored. To map cortical maturation from childhood to adulthood in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, we used cerebral MRI from 59 patients with 22q11DS, aged 6 to 40, and 80 typically developing controls; three year follow-up assessments were also available for 32 patients and 31 matched controls. Cross-sectional cortical thickness trajectories during childhood and adolescence were approximated in age bins. Repeated-measures were also conducted with the longitudinal data. Within the group of patients with 22q11DS, exploratory measures of cortical thickness differences related to COMT polymorphism, IQ, and schizophrenia were also conducted. We observed deviant trajectories of cortical thickness changes with age in patients with 22q11DS. In affected preadolescents, larger prefrontal thickness was observed compared to age-matched controls. Afterward, we observed greater cortical loss in 22q11DS with a convergence of cortical thickness values by the end of adolescence. No compelling evidence for an effect of COMT polymorphism on cortical maturation was observed. Within 22q11DS, significant differences in cortical thickness were related to cognitive level in children and adolescents, and to schizophrenia in adults. Deviant trajectories of cortical thickness from childhood to adulthood provide strong in vivo cues for a defect in the programmed synaptic elimination, which in turn may explain the susceptibility of patients with 22q11DS to develop psychosis.


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Traditionally, the transcatheter aortic valve replacement is performed through a transapical, a transfemoral or a trans-subclavian approach. Recently, the transaortic approach for transcatheter aortic valve replacement through the distal part of the ascending aorta was successfully implemented in order to avoid peripheral vascular access-related complications and apical life-threatening haemorrhage. The Sapien? stent valve has great transaortic potential because it can be loaded 'upside down' in different generations of delivery systems. However, because of their health regulatory systems and despite the launch, in 2012, of the latest generation of the Ascendra? delivery system, the Ascendra+?, specifically designed for transapical and transaortic valve placements, several countries are still using the first generations of Ascendra? (Ascendra? 1 and 2). This device was specifically designed for transapical procedures, and retrograde stent-valve positioning through the stenotic aortic valve may be very challenging and risk the integrity of the aorta. We describe the manoeuvre required in order to pass the stenotic aortic valve safely in a retrograde direction using the Sapien? stent valve and the first generations of Ascendra?.


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Ancien possesseur : Ridder, Gustave de (1861-1945)


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Recently, rapid and transient cardiac pacing was shown to induce preconditioning in animal models. Whether the electrical stimulation per se or the concomitant myocardial ischemia affords such a protection remains unknown. We tested the hypothesis that chronic pacing of a cardiac preparation maintained in a normoxic condition can induce protection. Hearts of 4-day-old chick embryos were electrically paced in ovo over a 12-h period using asynchronous and intermittent ventricular stimulation (5 min on-10 min off) at 110% of the intrinsic rate. Sham (n = 6) and paced hearts (n = 6) were then excised, mounted in vitro, and subjected successively to 30 min of normoxia (20% O(2)), 30 min of anoxia (0% O(2)), and 60 min of reoxygenation (20% O(2)). Electrocardiogram and atrial and ventricular contractions were simultaneously recorded throughout the experiment. Reoxygenation-induced chrono-, dromo-, and inotropic disturbances, incidence of arrhythmias, and changes in electromechanical delay (EMD) in atria and ventricle were systematically investigated in sham and paced hearts. Under normoxia, the isolated heart beat spontaneously and regularly, and all baseline functional parameters were similar in sham and paced groups (means +/- SD): heart rate (190 +/- 36 beats/min), P-R interval (104 +/- 25 ms), mechanical atrioventricular propagation (20 +/- 4 mm/s), ventricular shortening velocity (1.7 +/- 1 mm/s), atrial EMD (17 +/- 4 ms), and ventricular EMD (16 +/- 2 ms). Under anoxia, cardiac function progressively collapsed, and sinoatrial activity finally stopped after approximately 9 min in both groups. During reoxygenation, paced hearts showed 1) a lower incidence of arrhythmias than sham hearts, 2) an increased rate of recovery of ventricular contractility compared with sham hearts, and 3) a faster return of ventricular EMD to basal value than sham hearts. However, recovery of heart rate, atrioventricular conduction, and atrial EMD was not improved by pacing. Activity of all hearts was fully restored at the end of reoxygenation. These findings suggest that chronic electrical stimulation of the ventricle at a near-physiological rate selectively alters some cellular functions within the heart and constitutes a nonischemic means to increase myocardial tolerance to a subsequent hypoxia-reoxygenation.