749 resultados para 1236


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O presente relatório tem como intuito a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, alicerçando-se em torno das práticas pedagógicas vivenciadas nos dois níveis de ensino supramencionados. Por conseguinte, estas intervenções concretizaram-se na EB1/PE da Achada, nomeadamente na turma do 4.ºA, no período entre 13 de outubro e 15 de dezembro e no Infantário “O Carrocel”, na sala laranja, de 6 de abril a 3 de junho. Visando uma prática estruturada e adequada aos grupos em questão e a real construção de aprendizagens significativas, primeiramente serão revelados os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos que guiaram todo este percurso e permitiram que as crianças fossem elas próprias as construtoras da sua aprendizagem. Não obstante, a observação e a reflexividade na docência foram pontos igualmente primordiais na identificação de problemáticas, mais concretamente no âmbito das competências comunicativas e sociais de ambos os grupos, sendo estas desenvolvidas em torno da metodologia de Investigação-Ação. Desta forma, as questões encontradas foram respetivamente Como desenvolver competências de comunicação em crianças com dificuldades nesta área?, no que concerne ao grupo do 4.ºA, e Como desenvolver as relações interpessoais e de pares num grupo de crianças de PréEscolar?, relativamente ao grupo da sala laranja. Por outro lado, a organização de todo o ambiente educativo e as sequências didáticas, a partir das quais toda a práxis se sucedeu, ocuparão um lugar de destaque no corpo deste relatório. Sendo por fim, tecido todo o processo de reflexão após o culminar destas duas práticas pedagógicas, que evidenciaram o primeiro desafio enquanto futura profissional da área da educação e consistirão claramente na base para um longo e contínuo percurso de formação.


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Foreign students abroad need to feel integrated in the new community, which includes complex learning processes in multicultural environments. The fact that we have experienced these processes ourselves was certainly a motivation for this research, especially knowing that we could contribute to help our fellow Portuguese brass players undergoing the same experience. From the singularity of music performance in the style of playing and communication emerge many cultural aspects, which have been developed through centuries of orchestral practice. As the new students are confronted with the aesthetic musical concepts and both professional and social practices of the country they arrive in, they strive to understand these concepts and adapt themselves to the values promoted by the new music practice. The aim of this on-going research is the study of the integration of brass music students in German universities and in the German society. Notably, through the understanding of intercultural processes experienced by the students, professors can become more aware of the challenges that concern music education. In this research all ten Portuguese brass students enrolled in any German music university in the last five years were interviewed in order to deeply understand this process. With a growing importance of the technological facilities, students are able to gather more information, to prepare themselves for the new concepts they try to embrace and to better deal with a different culture.


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A human genome contains more than 20 000 protein-encoding genes. A human proteome, instead, has been estimated to be much more complex and dynamic. The most powerful tool to study proteins today is mass spectrometry (MS). MS based proteomics is based on the measurement of the masses of charged peptide ions in a gas-phase. The peptide amino acid sequence can be deduced, and matching proteins can be found, using software to correlate MS-data with sequence database information. Quantitative proteomics allow the estimation of the absolute or relative abundance of a certain protein in a sample. The label-free quantification methods use the intrinsic MS-peptide signals in the calculation of the quantitative values enabling the comparison of peptide signals from numerous patient samples. In this work, a quantitative MS methodology was established to study aromatase overexpressing (AROM+) male mouse liver and ovarian endometriosis tissue samples. The workflow of label-free quantitative proteomics was optimized in terms of sensitivity and robustness, allowing the quantification of 1500 proteins with a low coefficient of variance in both sample types. Additionally, five statistical methods were evaluated for the use with label-free quantitative proteomics data. The proteome data was integrated with other omics datasets, such as mRNA microarray and metabolite data sets. As a result, an altered lipid metabolism in liver was discovered in male AROM+ mice. The results suggest a reduced beta oxidation of long chain phospholipids in the liver and increased levels of pro-inflammatory fatty acids in the circulation in these mice. Conversely, in the endometriosis tissues, a set of proteins highly specific for ovarian endometrioma were discovered, many of which were under the regulation of the growth factor TGF-β1. This finding supports subsequent biomarker verification in a larger number of endometriosis patient samples.


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The Vitamin E consists of eight chemically homologous forms, designated alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols and tocotrienols. Biologically, the alpha-tocopherol (α-TOH) is the most important. Commercially, are found two types of α-TOH a natural (RRR-alpha-tocopherol) and another synthetic (all-rac-alpha-tocopherol). Both forms are absorbed in the intestine, the liver is a preference in favor of forms 2R, due to transfer protein α-TOH. It has higher affinity to these stereoisomers. Newborns are considered high risk for vitamin E deficiency, mainly premature, these have breast milk as a food source for maintenance of serum α-TOH. Clinical signs such as thrombocytosis, hemolytic anemia, retrolental fibroplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and spinocerebellar degeneration can be found in case of a low intake of α-TOH. Thus, maternal supplementation on postpartum with α-TOH can be an efficient way to increase levels of vitamin E in breast milk and thus the consequently increase the supply of micronutrient for the newborn. However, most studies with vitamin E supplementation have been conducted in animals and little is known about the effect of maternal supplementation in humans, as well as on its efficiency to increase levels of α-TOH in human milk, depending on the shape natural or synthetic. The study included 109 women, divided into three groups: control without supplementation (GC) (n=36), supplemented with natural capsule (GNAT) (n=40) and the synthetic capsule (GSINT) (n=33). Blood samples were collected for determination of maternal nutritional status, and colostrums at initial contact and after 24 hours post-supplementation. Analyses were performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Values of α-TOH in serum below 499.6mg/dL were considered deficient. We used the Kruskal-Wallis test and Tukey test to confirm the increase of alpha-tocopherol in milk and efficiency of administered capsules. Daily consumption of α-TOH was based on daily intake of 500 mL of colostrum by the newborn and compared with the nutritional requirement for children from 0 to 6 months of age, 4 mg / day. The mothers had mean concentration of serum α-TOH in 1016 ± 52, 1236 ± 51 and 1083 ± 61 mg / dL, in CG, GNAT and GSINT respectively. There were no women with deficiiency. The GC did not change the concentrations of α-TOH in colostrum. While women supplemented with natural and synthetic forms increased concentrations of α-TOH colostrum in 57.6% and 39%, respectively. By comparing supplemented groups, it was observed a significant difference (p=0.04), the natural capsule more efficient than the synthetic, approximately 49.6%. Individually, 21.1% of the women provided below 4mg/day of α-TOH, after supplementation for this index declined4.1%. Thus, maternal supplementation postpartum raised the levels of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum, and increased efficiency was observed with the natural form


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Introduction - Learning about ageing and the appropriate management of older patients is important for all doctors. This survey set out to evaluate what medical undergraduates in the UK are taught about ageing and geriatric medicine and how this teaching is delivered. Methods – An electronic questionnaire was developed and sent to the 28/31 UK medical schools which agreed to participate. Results – Full responses were received from 17 schools. 8/21 learning objectives were recorded as taught, and none were examined, across every school surveyed. Elder abuse and terminology and classification of health were taught in only 8/17 and 2/17 schools respectively. Pressure ulcers were taught about in 14/17 schools but taught formally in only 7 of these and examined in only 9. With regard to bio- and socio- gerontology, only 9/17 schools reported teaching in social ageing, 7/17 in cellular ageing and 9/17 in the physiology of ageing. Discussion – Even allowing for the suboptimal response rate, this study presents significant cause for concern with UK undergraduate education related to ageing. The failure to teach comprehensively on elder abuse and pressure sores, in particular, may be significantly to the detriment of older patients.


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Objetiva subsidiar teoricamente o debate sobre o processo de feminização da docência na escola de primeiro grau, na América Latina, entre os anos de 1870 a 1930. Discute a relação entre afeminização da docência, a constituição e expansão dos sistemas educativos nacionais, e a elaboração e difusão de diversos tipos de identidade (especialmente identidades de género e identidade nacional). Sua organização está baseada em "palavras-chave " (key-words), vinculadas à problemática da feminização: diferença sexual, divisão sexual do trabalho, público e privado, Estado educador, educação feminina, profissão docente, formação docente e feminização da docência. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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PURPOSE: Nutrition is a key determinant of chronic disease in later life. A systematic review was conducted of studies examining dietary patterns and quality of life, physical function, cognitive function and mental health among older adults. METHODS: Literature searches in MEDLINE complete, Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Complete, Ageline, Global health, PsycINFO, SCOPUS and EMBASE and hand searching from 1980 up to December 2014 yielded 1236 results. Inclusion criteria included dietary pattern assessment via dietary indices or statistical approaches, a sample of community-dwelling adults aged 45 years and over at baseline and a cross-sectional or longitudinal study design. Exclusion criteria included a single 24-h recall of diet, evaluation of single foods or nutrients, clinical or institutionalised samples and intervention studies. Risk of bias was assessed using the six-item Effective Public Health Practice Project's Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. RESULTS: There were 34 articles (11 cross-sectional and 23 longitudinal) included with 23 studies examining dietary indices and 13 studies using empirical analysis. Most studies examined mental health (n = 10) or cognitive function (n = 18), with fewer studies examining quality of life (n = 6) and physical function (n = 8). Although dietary pattern and outcome assessment methods varied, most studies reported positive associations between a healthier diet and better health outcomes. CONCLUSION: Overall, the number of studies using dietary patterns to investigate diet and successful ageing is small, and further investigation in longitudinal studies is needed, particularly for quality-of-life outcomes. This review provides support for the importance of a healthy diet for the ageing population globally.


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BACKGROUND: Exercise is an essential component of contemporary cardiac rehabilitation programs for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Despite the benefits associated with regular exercise, adherence with supervised exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation remains low. Increasingly powerful mobile technologies, such as smartphones and wireless physiological sensors, may extend the capability of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation by enabling real-time exercise monitoring for those with coronary heart disease. This study compares the effectiveness of technology-assisted, home-based, remote monitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (REMOTE) to standard supervised exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in New Zealand adults with a diagnosis of coronary heart disease. METHODS/DESIGN: A two-arm, parallel, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial will be conducted at two sites in New Zealand. One hundred and sixty two participants will be randomised at a 1:1 ratio to receive a 12-week program of technology-assisted, home-based, remote monitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (intervention), or an 8-12 program of standard supervised exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (control).The primary outcome is post-treatment maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max). Secondary outcomes include cardiovascular risk factors (blood lipid and glucose concentrations, blood pressure, anthropometry), self-efficacy, intentions and motivation to be active, objectively measured physical activity, self-reported leisure time exercise and health-related quality of life. Cost information will also be collected to compare the two modes of delivery. All outcomes are assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and 6 months, except for V̇O2max, blood lipid and glucose concentrations, which are assessed at baseline and post-treatment only. DISCUSSION: This novel study will compare the effectiveness of technology-supported exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation to a traditional supervised approach. If the REMOTE program proves to be as effective as traditional cardiac rehabilitation, it has potential to augment current practice by increasing access for those who cannot utilise existing services. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials RegistryStudy ID number: ACTRN12614000843651. Registered 7 August 2014.


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This flyer promotes the lecture "Mapping Memories: Cuban Exiles Navigate Home" by Patricia L. Price, the Dean of Academic Affairs at Stella & Charles Guttman Community College, City University of New York, Manhattan. This lecture was held on November 16, 2015 at Modesto M. Maidique Campus, Green Library 220.


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Prevalent face recognition difficulties in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have typically been attributed to the underlying episodic and semantic memory impairment. The aim of the current study was to determine if AD patients are also impaired at the perceptual level for faces, more specifically at extracting a visual representation of an individual face. To address this question, we investigated the matching of simultaneously presented individual faces and of other nonface familiar shapes (cars), at both upright and inverted orientation, in a group of mild AD patients and in a group of healthy older controls matched for age and education. AD patients showed a reduced inversion effect (i.e., larger performance for upright than inverted stimuli) for faces, but not for cars, both in terms of error rates and response times. While healthy participants showed a much larger decrease in performance for faces than for cars with inversion, the inversion effect did not differ significantly for faces and cars in AD. This abnormal inversion effect for faces was observed in a large subset of individual patients with AD. These results suggest that AD patients have deficits in higher-level visual processes, more specifically at perceiving individual faces, a function that relies on holistic representations specific to upright face stimuli. These deficits, combined with their memory impairment, may contribute to the difficulties in recognizing familiar people that are often reported in patients suffering from the disease and by their caregivers.


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