992 resultados para zirconium-hafnium
Aim: To evaluate the physicochemical and mechanical properties of Portland cement-based experimental sealers (ES) with different radiopacifying agents (zirconium oxide and niobium oxide micro- and nanoparticles) in comparison with the following conventional sealers: AH Plus, MTA Fillapex and Sealapex. Methodology: The materials were tested for setting time, compressive strength, flow, film thickness, radiopacity, solubility, dimensional stability and formaldehyde release. Data were subjected to anova and Tukey tests (P < 0.05). Results: MTA Fillapex had the shortest setting time and lowest compressive strength values (P < 0.05) compared with the other materials. The ES had flow values similar to the conventional materials, but higher film thickness (P < 0.05) and lower radiopacity (P < 0.05). Similarly to AH Plus, the ES were associated with dimensional expansion (P > 0.05) and lower solubility when compared with MTA Fillapex and Sealapex (P < 0.05). None of the endodontic sealers evaluated released formaldehyde after mixing. Conclusion: With the exception of radiopacity, the Portland cement-based experimental endodontic sealers presented physicochemical properties according to the specifications no 57 ANSI/ADA (ADA Professional Product Review, 2008) and ISO 6876 (Dentistry - Root Canal Sealing Materials, 2012, British Standards Institution, London, UK). The sealers had setting times and flow ability that was adequate for clinical use, satisfactory compressive strength and low solubility. Additional studies should be carried out with the purpose of decreasing the film thickness and to determine the ideal ratio of radiopacifying agents in Portland cement-based root canal sealers. © 2013 International Endodontic Journal.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antibiofilm activity against Enterococcus faecalis, compressive strength. and radiopacity of Portland cement (PC) added to zirconium oxide (ZrO2), as radiopacifier, with or without nanoparticulated zinc oxide (ZnO).The following experimental materials were evaluated: PC, PC + ZrO2, PC + ZrO2 + ZnO (5%), and PC + ZrO2 + ZnO (10%). Antibiofilm activity was analyzed by using direct contact test (DCT) on Enterococcus faecalis biofilm, for 5 h or 15 h. The analysis was conducted by using the number of colony-forming units (CFU/mL). The compressive strength was performed in a mechanical testing machine. For the radiopacity tests, the specimens were radiographed together with an aluminium stepwedge. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey tests, with level of significance at 5%. The results showed that all materials presented similar antibiofilm activity (
Context: Calcium oxide (CaO) may be added to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or Portland cement (PC) to improve physicochemical and biological properties. Aims: To evaluate the physicochemical properties of PC associated with radiopacifiers and CaO. Materials and Methods: MTA Angelus, PC + 30% zirconium oxide (Zr), or 30% niobium oxide (Nb) associated with 10 or 20% of CaO were evaluated. Gilmore needles were used to evaluate initial and final setting time. Compressive strength was evaluated after the periods of 24 hours and 21 days. pH was analyzed after 3, 12, 24 hours, 7, 14, 21 days. Solubility and flow tests were performed based on the ISO 6876. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey tests (P ≤ 0.05). Results: The associations with 10% CaO showed greater strength that the associations with 20% CaO. The shortest initial setting time was observed for the association PC + Zr + 20% CaO and MTA. All the cements presented alkaline pH. The flow of all cements was similar. The highest solubility was found in the associations with 20% CaO. Conclusion: The addition of CaO to PC favored the alkaline property and the PC + Zr + 20% CaO presented setting time similar to MTA.
The purpose of this study was to characterize and to evaluate the bioactivity potential of experimental root canal sealers (ES) based on Portland cement, epoxy resin with nano- and micro-particles of niobium or zirconium oxide used as radiopacifiers in comparison to AH Plus and MTA Fillapex. Methods Specimens of the sealers (10 mm in diameter × 1 mm thick) were prepared and the radiopacity was evaluated according to ISO 6876 (2012) specifications. Characterization of the sealers was performed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) immediately after setting and after immersion for 28 days in Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS). In addition X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy were also performed. The pH and calcium ion release were measured after 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after completion of seating using a digital pH meter and an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, respectively. Results The experimental sealers exhibited an average radiopacity of 2.5 mm thickness of aluminum, which was similar to MTA Fillapex (P > 0.05) and inferior to AH Plus (P < 0.05). AH Plus did not show bioactivity. Although the experimental sealers did not exhibit the formation of hydration product, they encouraged the deposition of crystalline spherical structures of calcium deficient phosphate. The highest pH and calcium release values were observed with the experimental sealers (P < 0.01). ES-Nb-micro was the only sealer to present hexagonal shaped crystal deposition. Significance Novel root canal sealers based on a mixture of Portland cement, epoxy resin and radiopacifier exhibited a degree of bioactivity although no evidence of cement hydration was demonstrated on material characterization. The radiopacifier particle size had limited effect on the sealer microstructure and chemical properties.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Time differential measurements of the 133-482 keV γ-γ angular correlation of 181Ta have been performed in solid hafnium complexes of the type [Hf(glycol)4] (glycol = p-chloromandelate, p-bromomandelate, b-naphthylglycolate and mandelate). The quadrupolar frequencies (ωQ) were found to increase within the series. This behaviour was explained by supposing a dissipation of electronic density at the metal level, caused by an increase in intermolecular hydrogen bonding in the complexes throughout the series studied. These results seem to agree with complementary data from IR spectroscopic studies. © 1988.
Organic-inorganic hybrids containing methacrylic acid (McOH, CH(2)= C(CH(3))COOH)) modified zirconium tetrapropoxide, Zr(OPr(n))(4), classed as di-ureasil-zirconium oxo-cluster hybrids, have been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopies, Si and C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). XRD and SAXS results have pointed out the presence of Si- and Zr-based nanobuilding blocks (NBBs) dispersed into the organic phase. Inter-NBBs correlation distances have been estimated for the pure di-ureasil and a model compound obtained. by hydrolysis/condensation of Zr(OPr(n))(4):McOH (molar ratio 1: 1): d(Si) approximate to 26 +/- 1 angstrom and d(Zr) approximate to 16 +/- 1 angstrom, respectively. In the case of the di-ureasil-zirconium oxo-cluster hybrids, these distances depend on the Zr relative molar percentage (rel. mol. Zr %) (d(Si) ranges from 18 to 25 angstrom and d(Zr) from 14 to 23 angstrom, as the rel. mol. Zr % increases from 5 to 75), suggesting that the Si- and Zr-based clusters are interconstrained. Complementary data from FT-IR, FT-Raman, (29)Si and (13)C NMR, and AFM support to a structural model where McOH-modified Zr-based NBBs (Zr-OMc) are present over the whole range of composition. At low Zr-OMc contents (rel. mol. Zr % <30) the clusters are well-dispersed within the di-ureasil host, whereas segregation occurs at the 0.1 mu m scale at high Zr-OMc concentration (rel. mol. Zr % = 50). No Zr-O-Si heterocondensation has been discerned. Monomode waveguides, diffractions gratings, and Fabry-Perot cavities have been written through the exposure of the hybrid monoliths to UV light. FT-Raman has shown that the chemical process that takes place under illumination is the polymerization of the methacrylate groups of the Zr-OMc NBBs. The guidance region in patterned channels is a Gaussian section located below the exposed surface with typical dimensions of 320 mu m wide and 88 mu m deep. The effective refractive index is 1.5162 (maximum index contrast on the order of 1 x 10(-4)) and the reflection coeficient of the Fabry-Perot cavity (formed by a grating patterned into a 0.278 cm channel) is 0.042 with a free spectral range value of 35.6 GHz.
Synthetic ZrO2 center dot nH(2)O was used for phosphate removal from aqueous solution. The optimum adsorbent dose obtained for phosphate adsorption on to hydrous zirconium oxide was 0.1 g. The kinetic process was described very well by a pseudo-second-order rate model. The phosphate adsorption tended to increase with the decrease in pH. The adsorption capacity increased from 61 to 66 mg g(-1) when the temperature was increased from 298 to 338 K. A phosphate desorption of approximately 74% was obtained using water at pH 12.
The molecular method is used to obtain nuclear electric quadrupole moment (NQM) values for hafnium through electric field gradients (EFGs) at this nucleus in HfO and HfS. Dirac-Coulomb calculations with the Coupled Cluster approach, DC-CCSD (T) and DC-CCSD-T, were carried out to achieve the most accurate estimates of these EFGs. Higher order corrections are also added. Hence, the most reliable values for 177Hf and 179Hf determined here are 3319(33) and 3750(37) mbarn, respectively, in nice accordance with the best currently accepted NQMs for this element. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zirconium tin titanate (ZST) is often used as a dielectric resonator for the fabrication of microwave devices. Pure compositions do not sinter easily by solid state sintering; therefore, sintering ZST requires sintering aids capable of creating defects that could improve diffusion processes and/or promote liquid phase sintering. The mechanisms by which the additives influence the microstructure and, consequently, the ZSTs dielectric properties are not very clear. The effects of ZnO, Bi2O3, and La2O3, on the stoichiometry and dielectric properties of ZST sintered at different temperatures were investigated in this study.
Durch steigende Energiekosten und erhöhte CO2 Emission ist die Forschung an thermoelektrischen (TE) Materialien in den Fokus gerückt. Die Eignung eines Materials für die Verwendung in einem TE Modul ist verknüpft mit der Gütezahl ZT und entspricht α2σTκ-1 (Seebeck Koeffizient α, Leitfähigkeit σ, Temperatur T und thermische Leitfähigkeit κ). Ohne den Leistungsfaktor α2σ zu verändern, soll ZT durch Senkung der thermischen Leitfähigkeit mittels Nanostrukturierung angehoben werden.rnBis heute sind die TE Eigenschaften von den makroskopischen halb-Heusler Materialen TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn ausgiebig erforscht worden. Mit Hilfe von dc Magnetron-Sputterdeposition wurden nun erstmals halbleitende TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn Schichten hergestellt. Auf MgO (100) Substraten sind stark texturierte polykristalline Schichten bei Substrattemperaturen von 450°C abgeschieden worden. Senkrecht zur Oberfläche haben sich Korngrößen von 55 nm feststellen lassen. Diese haben Halbwertsbreiten bei Rockingkurven von unter 1° aufgewiesen. Strukturanalysen sind mit Hilfe von Röntgenbeugungsexperimenten (XRD) durchgeführt worden. Durch Wachstumsraten von 1 nms 1 konnten in kürzester Zeit Filmdicken von mehr als einem µm hergestellt werden. TiNiSn zeigte den höchsten Leistungsfaktor von 0.4 mWK 2m 1 (550 K). Zusätzlich wurde bei Raumtemperatur mit Hilfe der differentiellen 3ω Methode eine thermische Leitfähigkeit von 2.8 Wm 1K 1 bestimmt. Es ist bekannt, dass die thermische Leitfähigkeit mit der Variation von Massen abnimmt. Weil zudem angenommen wird, dass sie durch Grenzflächenstreuung von Phononen ebenfalls reduziert wird, wurden Übergitter hergestellt. Dabei wurden TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn nacheinander abgeschieden. Die sehr hohe Kristallqualität der Übergitter mit ihren scharfen Grenzflächen konnte durch Satellitenpeaks und Transmissionsmikroskopie (STEM) nachgewiesen werden. Für ein Übergitter mit einer Periodizität von 21 nm (TiNiSn und Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn jeweils 10.5 nm) ist bei einer Temperatur von 550 K ein Leistungsfaktor von 0.77 mWK 2m 1 nachgewiesen worden (α = 80 µVK 1; σ = 8.2 µΩm). Ein Übergitter mit der Periodizität von 8 nm hat senkrecht zu den Grenzflächen eine thermische Leitfähigkeit von 1 Wm 1K 1 aufgewiesen. Damit hat sich die Reduzierung der thermischen Leitfähigkeit durch die halb-Heusler Übergitter bestätigt. Durch die isoelektronischen Eigenschaften von Titan, Zirkonium und Hafnium wird angenommen, dass die elektrische Bandstruktur und damit der Leistungsfaktor senkrecht zu den Grenzflächen nur schwach beeinflusst wird.rn