641 resultados para youtube


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This study analyzes the traffic generated on YouTube around television series. We selected a sample of 314 short YouTube videos about 21 Spanish TV series that premiered in 2013 by Spain’s three most popular mainstream television networks (Telecinco, Antena 3, and La1). These videos, which together received more than 24 million views, were classified according to two key variables: the nature (official or nonofficial) of the YouTube channel on which they were located and the exclusivity of their content (already broadcast on TV or Web exclusive). The analysis allows us to characterize the strategies used by TV networks on YouTube and the activity of fans as well as their efforts in the construction of a transmedia narrative universe around TV series.


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El propósito es conocer si las mujeres son más activas que los hombres subiendo a YouTube vídeos relacionados con la ficción. Observamos qué vídeos generan más visualizaciones, y las diferencias entre los contenidos subidos en función del género. Metodológicamente, se trata de un análisis cuantitativo basado en una selección de los vídeos de YouTube relativos a las 21 series estrenadas en 2013 en las cadenas españolas. El estudio exploratorio permite concluir que los vídeos subidos por hombres son ligeramente superiores a los subidos por mujeres, y alcanzan más relevancia y visualizaciones. Sin embargo, ellas superan a los hombres en la creación de contenidos elaborados e inéditos (fanmade).


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Do the “democratization” of media and the proliferation of online participatory culture undermine the aesthetic hegemony of professional filmmakers? This article is a case study of both more and less popular animated Lego videos, also called “brickfilms,” that asks how amateur videos adhere to and/or depart from professionalized aesthetic standards. It addresses the definitions of professionalism and amateurism and proposes that the dichotomy between democratization and ongoing elitism is insufficient to describe the complex dialogue between professional film aesthetics and amateur production—a dialogue that is diverse but nonetheless follows certain patterns. These patterns link Lego videos to silent era cinema as well as contemporary professional live-action and stop-motion animation. Furthermore, a mixture of parody, pastiche, and homage suggest that amateur work has a variety of affective relationships to professional work. Ultimately, amateur filmmaking indicates a negotiation of professional standards rather than slavish adherence.


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Bakgrunden till studien är att Sverigedemokraterna kom in i riksdagen vid valet 2014. De sägs även vara mest aktiva på sociala medier av partierna, samtidigt som användningen av dessa medier som kanalen YouTube är vanligt för alla partier att sprida sin politiska kommunikation. Vårt syfte består av flera delar: dels att undersöka riksdagspartiernas YouTube-användning; dels att analysera text, diskursiv- och social praktik i politiska kommunikation hos partier med öppna kommentarfält. För att studera detta använder vi begreppen  “det goda samhället” och demokratism med avsikten att förstå och problematisera politisk kommunikationen på YouTube utifrån ett demokratiskt perspektiv. Teoretisk ram är Arthos (etisk propagandaanvändning), Calderaro (web 2.0s demokratifrämjande), Dahlgren (“det goda samhället” och demokratism), Ekman (extremhögergruppers YouTube-användning), Falkheimer & Heide (historisk överblick av strategisk kommunikaiton), Giansante (demokrati i social medier), Halpern & Gibbs (politiska diskussioner i kommentarfält) och Neumayer (politiskt oliktänkandes diskussion i kommentarfält). Materialet är alla åtta riksdagspartiers (Vänsterpartiet, Socialdemokraterna, Miljöpartiet, Centerpartiet, Kristdemokraterna, Liberalerna, Nya Moderaterna och Sverigedemokraterna) YouTube-kanaler med  kommentarfält och tre filmer och deras kommentarfält. Filmerna är en valfilm från 2014 från både Centern respektive Vänstern samt en reklamfilm från 2015 från SD. Metoden för analysen av YouTube-kanalerna och kommentarerna är en liten översiktlig kvantitativ deskriptiv innehållsanalys, medan den djupgående analysen av filmer och kommentarfält är Faircloughs kvalitativa kritiska diskursanalys kompletterad med semiotisk analys. Resultatet visar att äldre och stora har sedan 2014 många stängda fält och lägre videouppladdningsfrekvens, medan yngre och mindre partier generellt sedan 2014 har många öppna fält och hög videouppladdningsfrekvens. Av de tre undersökta partiernas filmer och fält tillåter minst två av dem kritisk dialog mellan politiskt oliktänkande i dessa vilket främjar demokratin. Slutsatsen är då att YouTube bidrar till utvecklingen av politisk kommunikation mot det demokratiskt goda samhället.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This re search analyzes the talks dynamics about policy established in YouTube symbolic space. We are interested in examining the way in which the commentators of the video " Globo e os Protestos " articulated in the field intended for comments, a public space directed to the dissemination and circulation of meanings about policy issues. The video studied was published by PC Siqueira and Diego Quint eiro , during the June 2013 protests in Br azil, to direct the political understanding of the movement lived in that period. According to them, the protests had left political position and therefore the protesters should reject the coverage by TV Globo (a comunication vehicle with ideals of right) and allow the participation of political parties linked to the ideological left spectrum. This narrative generated empathy and controversy betwe en commentators, which produced in the comments, an intense argumentative process about these theses (right and left). To understand the phenomenon, we conducted an exploratory qualitative research, the main methodological procedure was a ethnomethodological discourse analysis. We seek the observation of the ways in which the commentators es tablished talks about politics in the comments space, for, thereafter , organize categories of analysis based on identified discursive recurrences. The empirical reflections are supported from discussions about the YouTube potential, while digital media com prising massive strategies and while articulating space in the engagement of individuals in political issues; also confront the aspects involved in the conversation practices that results in sociability dynamics and , especially , in conflict, on the socio - t echnical networks; and finally, we propose a reflection about the circuit actuation in which the people take ownership and realize new readings about the products received. Concluding that the use of digital media , such as YouTube, has caused significant c hanges in the forms of production and reception of symbolic products and ways in which people participate in political issues concerning life in society.


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Introduction: This case study documented the experiences of informal and service providers who participated in the first time delivery of the First Link Learning Series from May–August 2013 in Newfoundland and Labrador. The aim of this study was to understand how informal caregivers of people with dementia experience this Internet mediated health resource, and how Skype and YouTube can be used as tools for the Alzheimer Society of Newfoundland and Labrador to effectively deliver the First Link Learning Series. Methods: Sources of data included key informant interviews (n=3), pre- study and post-study interviews with informal dementia caregivers (n=2), institutional documentation, field notes, and YouTube analytics. Framework Analysis was used to make meaning of the qualitative data, and descriptive statistics were used to report on quantitative outcomes. Findings: Between 3% and 17% of registered First Link clients attended the learning series sessions, however only two caregivers participated using Skype or YouTube. Framework Analysis revealed three shared themes: access, connection and privacy. Discussion: The themes helped to begin building theory about barriers and facilitators to Internet mediated health resources for informal dementia caregivers. Experiences of service providers using the Internet to support clients served to begin building a case for the appropriateness of these media. A modified version of Dansky et al.’s (2006) theoretical framework for evaluating E-Health research that situates the person/user in the model, helped guide discussion and propose future directions for the study of Internet based health resources for informal dementia caregivers.


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Tutkin pro gradu -työssäni kieltä ja vuorovaikutusta suomalaisten Youtube-videoiden kommenttikentissä. Tutkimusaineistonani on 1248 kommenttia 12 eri videosta, Webropol-kysely sekä yhden videon väestötietoraportti. Keräsin puolet kommenteista videoblogeista eli vlogeista ja puolet musiikkivideoista. Tutkimukseni nojautuu diskurssianalyysiin. Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaista kieltä Youtube-videoita kommentoitaessa käytetään. Tutkin, minkälaisiin kielellisiin normeihin sivuston käyttäjät orientoituvat ja minkälaista keskustelua kommenttikentissä käydään. Vertailin vlogeista kerättyjä ja musiikkivideoista kerättyjä kommentteja toisiinsa ja pyrin löytämään eroja niiden väliltä. Kyselyn ja väestötietoraportin avulla selvitin, keitä videoiden kommentoijat ovat. Tulosten perusteella Youtube-kommenteissa käytetty kieli on puheenomaista, kuten verkkojuttelukielen on todettu olevan. Aineistossa esiintyy runsaasti puhekielisyyksiä, mutta kommenteissa on myös kirjoitetulle kielelle tyypillisiä piirteitä, kuten lyhenteitä (esimerkiksi t. ja p.s.). Vlogeihin kirjoitettujen ja musiikkivideoihin kirjoitettujen kommenttien väliltä löytyi eroja. Musiikkivideoiden kommentit noudattavat useammin normitetun yleiskielen normeja ja ne ovat pidempiä kuin vlogeihin kirjoitetut kommentit. Eroja löytyy kommenttikentissä käytävästä keskustelusta. Musiikkivideoiden kommenttikentissä annetaan palautetta videolla soivasta kappaleesta, videolla esiintyvästä artistista tai videon yleisilmeestä. Vlogien kommentit taas ovat useimmiten vastauksia vloggaajan esittämiin kysymyksiin tai mielipiteitä videolla käsiteltävästä aiheesta. Musiikkivideota voikin pitää enemmän puheenaiheena ja arvostelun kohteena, vlogia taas keskustelun aloittavana puheenvuorona. Kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 934 henkilöä. Kyselyn ja väestötietoraportin perusteella voi päätellä, että kommentoijat ovat useimmiten 13–24-vuotiaita. Kyselyn vastaajista 47,1 prosenttia ilmoittaa kirjoittavansa ja 95,5 prosenttia lukevansa kommentteja. Kommenttien lukeminen on siis selvästi osa videoiden katsomiskokemusta. Vaikka käyttäjä ei itse kirjoittaisi kommentteja, hän kuitenkin lukee niitä.


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presente artigo tem como objetivo evidenciar as potencialidades do YouTube como fonte de informação. Ressalta a utilização desta mídia social para o mercado de moda e beleza como uma fonte de informação estratégica e como ferramenta para o monitoramento de mercado, além de servir como instrumento, no meio ao ambiente virtual, que viabiliza a realização do marketing dos produtos e serviços de uma empresa e o marketing pessoal dos usuários desta mídia social. Utiliza levantamento bibliográfico e análise de dados para apresentar os principais conceitos de moda, gestão da informação, fontes de informação e informação estratégica. Contextualiza no campo de estudos da informação os novos recursos informacionais disponíveis na Internet. Apresenta as diferenças entre os conceitos de redes sociais e mídias sociais. Conclui que o YouTube pode ser utilizado como uma fonte de informação e de comunicação que propicia o compartilhamento de ideias, divulgação da informação para negócios e para os usuários desta plataforma.


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Atualmente, encontramo-nos numa Era em que a internet se está a transformar numa ferramenta cada vez mais essencial no nosso dia-a-dia. A internet, mais especificamente, as redes sociais apareceram para que o consumidor esteja em permanente conexão com o mundo, à distância de um clique. Nesta investigação, o YouTube foi a rede social escolhida para o estudo e o objetivo principal é perceber quais as características que um canal no YouTube deve ter para que os consumidores tenham intenção de o revisitar. Na metodologia adaptou-se um modelo que avalia a qualidade de websites, o modelo WebQual. Foi elaborado um questionário online, sendo as perguntas adaptadas para um canal de YouTube. Para analisar as hipóteses do estudo, foi feita uma regressão linear múltipla. Foi então possível concluir que os constructos Utilidade, Facilidade de Uso, Entretenimento e Relação Complementar, influenciam a Intenção de Revisitar logo, pode-se dizer que o canal do YouTube estudado apresenta qualidade aos olhos dos consumidores.


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As doenças crónicas de base alimentar representam já a principal causa de morte e doença nas sociedades ocidentais. Portugal, com um milhão de obesos e com um crescimento acentuado dos custos sociais e económicos relacionados com este tipo de patologias, iniciou em 2012 e pela primeira vez, uma estratégia nacional no campo da alimentação e nutrição consubstanciada no Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudável. A estratégia tem por base as orientações propostas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, pela Comissão Europeia, as derivadas das experiências em países como a Noruega ou Brasil e ainda a análise retrospetiva de iniciativas anteriores a nível nacional. O Programa Nacional para a Promoção da Alimentação Saudável é apresentado de forma breve e são discutidos alguns dos principais desafios à sua implementação.


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Este proyecto es continuación del PIMCD realizado en 2014-2015 en el que se editaron videos en Youtube para la difusión de la historia del pensamiento económico. Los profesores implicados pertenecen al departamento de Historia e Instituciones Económicas I y de Economía Aplicada III (Política Económica) de la UCM


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YouTube videos offer a rare opportunity to gain an insight into the sequestered world of neojihadism. This study examines and compares the lines of the visual narrative associated with two Asian insurgencies that help to form the global Islamic social movement: the insurgency in Chechnya (North Caucasus) and that in Xinjiang (China). The purpose of the article is to describe the narratives used by the Islamic militants addressing the conflict and to identify similarities and differences in the use of visual rhetorical techniques by neojihadist groups to propagate their worldview. The study of the visual narratives promoted in the videos will help to provide a better understanding of the impact of the neojihadist narratives on the creation of collective identities. Our findings suggest that these narratives have similar features, which can be identified in a set of sub-narratives. Within the common pattern, however, significant differences can be found, especially in the interpretation of the videos by the audiences.