949 resultados para within-individual


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El dolor de hombro es una de las causas más frecuentes de consulta médica general. El Síndrome de Manguito Rotatorio emerge durante los años 2003 y 2004 como la quinta causa de morbilidad profesional en Colombia, ocupando el segundo lugar a nivel del miembro superior. La gran mayoría de estudios han encontrado una clara relación entre los trastornos musculoesqueléticos de hombro y el tipo de trabajo. Se ha descrito una alta relación del hombro doloroso asociado a profesiones manualmente intensas, es evidente la asociación entre la actividad laboral con el brazo elevado con patologías de hombro. Dentro de los factores individuales predisponentes se encuentran: Edad mayor, género femenino, dominancia del miembro superior, alto índice de masa corporal, sintomatología osteomuscular previa, baja realización de ejercicio, embarazo; hábitos de consumo y enfermedades metabólicas concomitantes. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, examinando las historias clínicas de 117 trabajadores calificados por diagnóstico de Síndrome de Manguito Rotatorio en el área de Medicina Laboral de una Entidad Promotora de Salud privada, durante año 2.013. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue identificar las variables relacionadas como factores influyentes en la causalidad de esta patología. Se estudió la asociación bivariada entre los diferentes factores de riesgo (personales y laborales) de interés y la determinación del origen laboral del Síndrome de Manguito Rotatorio mediante la obtención de la medida de asociación correspondiente (Odds ratio). La investigación permitió identificar que el mayor porcentaje de calificación del origen del S.M.R. es el laboral con el 86.6% de la población estudiada, el 11.8% restante tiene una calificación de origen común. Todos los trabajadores estudiados presentaron sintomatología dolorosa a nivel del hombro en calificación 100%. La imagen diagnostica utilizada para la calificación de la patología fue la Resonancia Magnética de hombro 97.5%. Se encontró relación de causalidad entre la presentación de la patología con el género femenino, la edad con rango entre 30 y 45 años, el hábito de fumar y la no realización de ejercicio. Como conclusión final se obtiene que los resultados obtenidos concuerdan con lo descrito en la literatura a nivel mundial en trabajadores, en los cuales influyen los aspectos personales y laborales descritos como variables en el presente estudio con relación a la calificación del origen laboral del Síndrome de Manguito Rotatorio.


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Variations in demographic rates due to differential resource allocation between individuals are important considerations in the development of accurate population dynamic models. Systematic harvesting can alter age structure and/or reduce population density, conferring indirect positive benefits on the source population as a result of a consequent redistribution of resources between the remaining individuals. Independently of effects mediated through changes in density and competition, demographic rates can also be influenced by within-individual competition for resources. Harvesting dependent life stages can reduce an individual's current reproductive costs, allowing increased investment in its future fecundity and survival. Although such changes in demographic rates are well known, there has been little exploration of the potential impact on population dynamics. We use empirical data collected from a successfully reintroduced population of the Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatus to explore the population consequences of manipulating reproductive effort through harvesting. Consequent increases in an individual's future fecundity and survival allow source populations to withstand longer and more intensive harvesting regimes without being exposed to an increase in extinction risk, increasing maximum sustainable yields. These effects may also buffer populations against the impacts of stochastic events, but directional shifts in environmental conditions that increase reproductive costs may have detrimental population-level effects.


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There has been considerable interest recently in the teaching of skills to undergraduate students. However, existing methods for collating data on how much, where and when students are taught and assessed skills have often been shown to be time-consuming and ineffective. Here, we outline an electronic research skills audit tool that has been developed to map both transferable and discipline-specific skills teaching and assessment within individual modules, the results of which can be collated and analysed across entire degree programmes. The design and use of the audit tool is described in detail and a bioscience case study is presented to illustrate the types of data that can be collected. The audit tool has been designed as a time-effective way of collecting information on skills teaching and assessment, but also actively encourages staff to reflect on their teaching and learning practices. Conclusions are drawn about the practicalities of using the audit tool and its importance in both curriculum design and as a resource to encourage dialogue with graduate employers.


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Observations on clumps of Phascum cuspidatum during the summer and autumn indicated that this species is at least a short-lived perennial, as young shoots develop from old, brown shoots persisting from the previous winter. No young shoots arising by vegetative propagation were recorded in Pottia truncata. Rhizoid tubers were observed in this species, but only in one of the many clumps examined. Spores of both species germinated freely in culture, but when spores were planted in the field young gametophytes developed inconsistently in P. truncata and never in P. cuspidatum. An investigation of spore deposition around an isolated clump of P. truncata suggested that 67% of the spores released were deposited within the clump, and 70% within 2m. Electrophoretic studies indicated limited genetic variation within two populations of each species, with no genotypes in common between the populations. No genetic variation was recorded between gametophytes within individual clumps of either species, nor between sporophytes and their maternal gametophytes, suggesting a high incidence of inbreeding in these monoecious mosses. (author abst.)


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Background: The pathogenesis of diarrhea in patients receiving enteral feeding includes colonic water secretion, antibiotic prescription, and enteropathogenic colonization, each of which involves an interaction with the gastrointestinal microbiota. Objective: The objective was to investigate temporal changes in the concentrations of fecal microbiota and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in patients starting 14-d of enteral feeding and to compare these changes between patients who do and do not develop diarrhea. Design: Twenty patients starting exclusive nasogastric enteral feeding were monitored for 14 d. Fecal samples were collected at the start, middle, and end of this period and were analyzed for major bacterial groups by using culture independent fluorescence in situ hybridization and for SCFAs by using gas-liquid chromatography. Results: Although no significant changes in fecal microbiota or SCFAs were observed during enteral feeding, stark alterations occurred within individual patients. Ten patients (50%) developed diarrhea, and these patients had significantly higher concentrations of clostridia (P = 0.026) and lower concentrations (P = 0.069) and proportions (P = 0.029) of bifidobacteria. Patients with and without diarrhea had differences in the proportion of bifidobacteria (median: 0.4% and 3.7%; interquartile range: 0.8 compared with 4.3; P = 0.035) and clostridia (median: 10.4% and 3.7%; interquartile range: 14.7 compared with 7.0; P = 0.063), respectively, even at the start of enteral feeding. Patients who developed diarrhea had higher concentrations of total fecal SCFAs (P = 0.044), acetate (P = 0.029), and butyrate (P = 0.055). Conclusion: Intestinal dysbiosis occurs in patients who develop diarrhea during enteral feeding and may be involved in its pathogenesis. Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89: 240-7.


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A greater understanding of the molecular basis of hibernating myocardium may assist in identifying those patients who would most benefit from revascularization. Paired heart biopsies were taken from hypocontractile and normally-contracting myocardium (identified by cardiovascular magnetic resonance) from 6 patients with chronic stable angina scheduled for bypass grafting. Gene expression profiles of hypocontractile and normally-contracting samples were compared using Affymetrix microarrays. The data for patients with confirmed hibernating myocardium were analysed separately and a different, though overlapping, set (up to 380) of genes was identified which may constitute a molecular fingerprint for hibernating myocardium. The expression of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) was increased in hypocontractile relative to normally-contracting myocardium. The expression of BNP correlated most closely with the expression of proenkephalin and follistatin 3, which may constitute additional heart failure markers. Our data illustrate differential gene expression in hypocontractile and/hibernating myocardium relative to normally-contracting myocardium within individual human hearts. Changes in expression of these genes, including increased relative expression of natriuretic and other factors, may constitute a molecular signature for hypocontractile and/or hibernating myocardium.


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In enclosed shopping centres, stores benefit from the positive externalities of other stores in the centre. Some stores provide greater benefits to their neighbours than others – for example anchor tenants and brand leading stores. In managing shopping centres, these positive externalities might be captured through rental variations. This paper explores the determinants of rent – including externalities – for UK regional shopping centres. Two linked databases were utilised in the research. One contains characteristics of 148 shopping centres; the other has some 1,930 individual tenant records including rent level. These data were analysed to provide information on the characteristics of centres and retailers that help determine rent. Factors influencing tenant rents include market potential factors derived from urban and regional economic theory and shopping centre characteristics identified in prior retail research. The model also includes variables that proxy for the interaction between tenants and the impact of positive in-centre externalities. We find that store size is significantly and negatively related to tenant with both anchor and other larger tenants, perhaps as a result of the positive effects generated by their presence, paying relatively lower rents while smaller stores, benefiting from the generation of demand, pay relatively higher rents. Brand leader tenants pay lower rents than other tenants within individual retail categories.


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Zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulation may have evolved twice in the Brassicaceae, in Arabidopsis halleri and in the Noccaea genus. Tandem gene duplication and deregulated expression of the Zn transporter, HMA4, has previously been linked to Zn/Cd hyperaccumulation in A. halleri. Here, we tested the hypothesis that tandem duplication and deregulation of HMA4 expression also occurs in Noccaea. A Noccaea caerulescens genomic library was generated, containing 36,864 fosmid pCC1FOS (TM) clones with insert sizes similar to 20-40 kbp, and screened with a PCR-generated HMA4 genomic probe. Gene copy number within the genome was estimated through DNA fingerprinting and pooled fosmid pyrosequencing. Gene copy numbers within individual clones was determined by PCR analyses with novel locus specific primers. Entire fosmids were then sequenced individually and reads equivalent to 20-fold coverage were assembled to generate complete whole contigs. Four tandem HMA4 repeats were identified in a contiguous sequence of 101,480 bp based on sequence overlap identities. These were flanked by regions syntenous with up and downstream regions of AtHMA4 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Promoter-reporter beta-glucuronidase (GUS) fusion analysis of a NcHMA4 in A. thaliana revealed deregulated expression in roots and shoots, analogous to AhHMA4 promoters, but distinct from AtHMA4 expression which localised to the root vascular tissue. This remarkable consistency in tandem duplication and deregulated expression of metal transport genes between N. caerulescens and A. halleri, which last shared a common ancestor > 40 mya, provides intriguing evidence that parallel evolutionary pathways may underlie Zn/Cd hyperaccumulation in Brassicaceae.


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Neutron diffraction at 11.4 and 295 K and solid-state 67Zn NMR are used to determine both the local and average structures in the disordered, negative thermal expansion (NTE) material, Zn(CN)2. Solid-state NMR not only confirms that there is head-to-tail disorder of the C≡N groups present in the solid, but yields information about the relative abundances of the different Zn(CN)4-n(NC)n tetrahedral species, which do not follow a simple binomial distribution. The Zn(CN)4 and Zn(NC)4 species occur with much lower probabilities than are predicted by binomial theory, supporting the conclusion that they are of higher energy than the other local arrangements. The lowest energy arrangement is Zn(CN)2(NC)2. The use of total neutron diffraction at 11.4 K, with analysis of both the Bragg diffraction and the derived total correlation function, yields the first experimental determination of the individual Zn−N and Zn−C bond lengths as 1.969(2) and 2.030(2) Å, respectively. The very small difference in bond lengths, of ~0.06 Å, means that it is impossible to obtain these bond lengths using Bragg diffraction in isolation. Total neutron diffraction also provides information on both the average and local atomic displacements responsible for NTE in Zn(CN)2. The principal motions giving rise to NTE are shown to be those in which the carbon and nitrogen atoms within individual Zn−C≡N−Zn linkages are displaced to the same side of the Zn···Zn axis. Displacements of the carbon and nitrogen atoms to opposite sides of the Zn···Zn axis, suggested previously in X-ray studies as being responsible for NTE behavior, in fact make negligible contribution at temperatures up to 295 K.


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There is accumulating evidence that macroevolutionary patterns of mammal evolution during the Cenozoic follow similar trajectories on different continents. This would suggest that such patterns are strongly determined by global abiotic factors, such as climate, or by basic eco-evolutionary processes such as filling of niches by specialization. The similarity of pattern would be expected to extend to the history of individual clades. Here, we investigate the temporal distribution of maximum size observed within individual orders globally and on separate continents. While the maximum size of individual orders of large land mammals show differences and comprise several families, the times at which orders reach their maximum size over time show strong congruence, peaking in the Middle Eocene, the Oligocene and the Plio-Pleistocene. The Eocene peak occurs when global temperature and land mammal diversity are high and is best explained as a result of niche expansion rather than abiotic forcing. Since the Eocene, there is a significant correlation between maximum size frequency and global temperature proxy. The Oligocene peak is not statistically significant and may in part be due to sampling issues. The peak in the Plio-Pleistocene occurs when global temperature and land mammal diversity are low, it is statistically the most robust one and it is best explained by global cooling. We conclude that the macroevolutionary patterns observed are a result of the interplay between eco-evolutionary processes and abiotic forcing


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Zircon recrystallization is a common process during high-grade metamorphism and promotes partial or complete resetting of the original isotopic and chemical characteristics of the mineral and thus complicates U-Pb geochronological interpretation. In Central Brazil, this complexity may be illustrated by three composite mafic-ultramafic intrusions metamorphosed under amphibolite-to-granulite conditions. Their ages of emplacement and metamorphic ages have been a matter of controversy for the last thirty years. The Serra da Malacacheta and Barro Alto complexes make up the southernmost of these layered bodies and four samples from distinct rock types were investigated in order to verify the consequences of metamorphic alteration of zircon for U-Pb dating. Cathodoluminescent imaging reveals internal features which are typical of concomitant dissolution-reprecipitation processes, such as convolute zoning and inward-moving recrystallization fronts, even in samples in which partially preserved igneous textures are observed. Due to this extensive alteration, LA-ICPMS U-Pb isotopic analysis yielded inconclusive data. However, in situ Hf isotopic and trace-element analyses help to clarify the real meaning of the geochronological data. Low Lu/Hf (<0.004) and homogeneous (176)Hf/(177)Hf(t) values imply that the zircon populations within individual samples have crystallized in a single episode, despite the observed variations in age values. Trace element signatures of zircon grains from garnet-bearing samples reveal that they were unreactive to the development of the peak metamorphism mineral assemblage and, thus, the main chemical feature in such grains is attributed to a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation process. However, in the Cafelandia amphibolite an additional alteration process is identified, probably related to the influx of late-stage fluids. Combined isotopic and geochemical investigation on zircon grains allowed the distinction of two magmatic events. The first corresponds to the crystallization of the Serra da Malacacheta Complex and characterizes a juvenile magmatism at similar to 1.3 Ga. The younger episode, recognized in the Barro Alto Complex, is dated at ca. 800 Ma and is represented by mafic and ultramafic rocks showing intense contamination with continental crust, implying that the emplacement took place, most likely, in a continental back-arc setting. Altered zircon domains as well as titanite grains date the metamorphic event at ca. 760-750 Ma. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Australian university sector is undergoing a major change, with a significant increase in the emphasis on quality teaching and learning. This change is being driven by the national government. The paper asks if the correct response to this change of emphasis should be a change in the attitude to the appropriate mix of research and teaching skills within an institution, and within individual staff of the institution. The same question could be asked of how to better develop teaching expertise in many higher education sectors globally. It is proposed that to create excellent teaching and learning within an institution may better be achieved by allowing staff to become experts in a narrow field of teaching rather than
generalists across the basics of teaching. The creation of a Community of Experts in teaching parallels the process of creating a Community of Experts in Research and can bring similar benefits in the teaching area to what it does in the research area.


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Antigen-specific T cell receptors (TCRs) recognise complexes of immunogenic peptides (p) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) glycoproteins. Responding T cell populations show profiles of preferred usage (or bias) toward one or few TCRβ chains. Such skewing is also observed, though less commonly, in TCRα chain usage. The extent and character of clonal diversity within individual, antigen-specific T cell sets can be established by sequence analysis of the TCRVβ and/or TCRVα CDR3 loops. The present review provides examples of such TCR repertoires in prominent responses to acute and persistent viruses. The determining role of structural constraints and antigen dose is discussed, as is the way that functionally and phenotypically distinct populations can be defined at the clonal level. In addition, clonal dissection of “high” versus “low” avidity, or “central” versus “effector” memory sets provides insights into how these antigen specific T cell responses are generated and maintained. As TCR diversity potentially influences both the protective capacity of CD8+ T cells and the subversion of immune control that leads to viral escape, analysing the spectrum of TCR selection and maintenance has implications for improving the functional efficacy of T cell responsiveness and effector function.


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Aims From the pre-teen to the mid-teen years, rates of alcohol use and misuse increase rapidly. Cross-sectional research shows that positive family emotional climate (low conflict, high closeness) is protective, and there is emerging evidence that these protective mechanisms are different for girls versus boys. The aim of this study was to explore gender differences in the longitudinal impact of family emotional climate on adolescent alcohol use and exposure to peer drinking networks.

Three-wave two-level (individual, within-individual over time) ordinal logistic regression with alcohol use in the past year as the dependent measure and family variables lagged by 1 year.

Setting Adolescents completed surveys during school hours.

Participants A total of 855 Australian students (modal age 10–11 years at baseline) participating in the International Youth Development Study (Victoria, Australia).

These included emotional closeness to mother/father, family conflict, parent disapproval of alcohol use and peer alcohol use.

For girls, the effect of emotional closeness to mothers on alcohol use was mediated by exposure to high-risk peer networks. Parent disapproval of alcohol use was protective for both genders, but this effect was larger for boys versus girls, and there was no evidence that peer use mediated this effect. Peer drinking networks showed stronger direct risk effects than family variables.

Conclusions Family factors unidirectionally impact on growth in adolescent alcohol use and effects vary with child gender.


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Males often use elaborate courtship displays to attract females for mating. Much attention, in this regard, has been focused on trying to understand the causes and consequences of signal variation among males. Far less, by contrast, is known about within-individual variation in signal expression and, in particular, the extent to which males may be able to strategically adjust their signalling output to try to maximise their reproductive returns. Here, we experimentally investigated male courtship effort in a fish, the Australian desert goby, Chlamydogobius eremius. When offered a simultaneous choice between a large and a small female, male gobies spent significantly more time associating with, and courting, the former, probably because larger females are also more fecund. Male signalling patterns were also investigated under a sequential choice scenario, with females presented one at a time. When first offered a female, male courtship was not affected by female size. However, males adjusted their courtship effort towards a second female depending on the size of the female encountered previously. In particular, males that were first offered a large female significantly reduced their courtship effort when presented with a subsequent, smaller, female. Our findings suggest that males may be able to respond adaptively to differences in female quality, and strategically adjust their signalling effort accordingly.