999 resultados para white coat ceremony


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A student (right) is shown shaking the hand of an administrator and accepting an award at a New York Trade School commencement ceremony. Photograph is black and white.


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A student is being congratulated at a New York Trade School commencement ceremony. Administrators and other important persons can be sitting on the stage behind him. Photograph is black and white.


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A George E. McLaughlin, a New York Trade School administrator, is pictured speaking along with others on dais at the May 1958 commencement ceremony of the New York Trade School. Photograph is black and white.


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A group, possibly administrators, pictured at a New York Trade School commencement ceremony. Photograph is black and white and contains some writing in red ink on it.


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A student is shown on stage shaking hands with an administrator at a New York Trade School commencement ceremony. A diploma can be seen in his left hand. Black and white photograph with some damage from folding in upper right hand corner.


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This is a group photo mainly comprised of the school's administrators taken at the 1958 commencement ceremony of the New York Trade School. Original caption reads, "Back Row - Left to Right: William F. Vanderbeek, Robert H. Scholl, Gurdon Simmon, Miss Marie Kaye, and Peter H. Vermilye. Front Row - Left to Right: Gilbert G. Weaver, George E. McLaughlin, John Clarke, Enders M. Voorhees, Ralph Cole, Frank Casino and Charles Leidig." Black and white photograph.


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A speaker at the 1957 commencement ceremony at the New York Trade School is shown. George E. McLaughlin, superintendent of the school, can be seen amongst other administrators on the stage behind the speaker. Black and white photograph.


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A speaker at a commencement at the New York Trade School. Other administrators can be seen on the dais behind the speaker. Photograph is black and white.


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Bernard Rosenstadt, an administrator at the New York Trade School, hands an award to a student at the school's 1957 commencement ceremony. Black and white photograph.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O coatá-de-testa-branca, Ateles marginatus, é uma espécie de primata ameaçada de extinção segundo a UICN. Endêmica da Amazônia brasileira, este status deve-se a uma combinação de uma distribuição geográfica relativamente restrita e às crescentes pressões antrópicas dentro desta área. O presente estudo compreendeu a margem direita do baixo Rio Tapajós, centrado na rodovia BR-163 (Santarém-Cuiabá), região de intensa e antiga ocupação humana. O objetivo principal do estudo foi uma avaliação da distribuição e abundância de A. marginatus dentro desta área, e a análise dos fatores determinantes destas variáveis. Foram visitados 16 sítios, onde moradores foram entrevistados informalmente para a confirmação da presença ou ausência da espécie. Levantamentos populacionais de transecção linear foram realizados em oito sítios, representativos de diferentes graus de fragmentação de hábitat, com um percurso total de 697,6 km. Em dois sítios, agrupamentos de A. marginatus foram monitorados para a obtenção de dados sobre seu comportamento e ecologia. Os resultados indicam que a espécie é ausente de algumas áreas, incluindo lacunas naturais em sua distribuição e uma zona de extinção local, que parece estender até pelo menos 60 km a sul da cidade de Santarém. Um total de 23 espécies de mamíferos não-voadores foram registradas nos levantamentos populacionais, mas a presença de A. marginatus foi confirmada em apenas três sítios. O estudo indica que fragmentos isolados de floresta com menos de cem hectares não suportam populações de A. marginatus. No caso de fragmentos maiores, a presença e abundância da espécie parecem ser influenciadas mais diretamente por fatores antrópicos (caça e extração de madeira). Mesmo em floresta contínua, a espécie parece ser relativamente pouco abundante, mas semelhante a outras populações de Ateles na Amazônia brasileira. Dois grupos, um com oito membros e o outro com pelo menos vinte, foram identificados durante o monitoramento. Como em outros membros do gênero, a formação de subagrupamentos (fissão-fusão), uma proporção relativamente alta de fêmeas na população e uma dieta frugívora são observadas também em A. marginatus. O estudo deixa clara a situação crítica da espécie na região, frente à ocupação humana, e a necessidade urgente tanto de deter o processo de fragmentação de hábitat como de implantar novas unidades de conservação.


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Coat color and pattern variations in domestic animals are frequently inherited as simple monogenic traits, but a number are known to have a complex genetic basis. While the analysis of complex trait data remains a challenge in all species, we can use the reduced haplotypic diversity in domestic animal populations to gain insight into the genomic interactions underlying complex phenotypes. White face and leg markings are examples of complex traits in horses where little is known of the underlying genetics. In this study, Franches-Montagnes (FM) horses were scored for the occurrence of white facial and leg markings using a standardized scoring system. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed for several white patterning traits in 1,077 FM horses. Seven quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting the white marking score with p-values p≤10(-4) were identified. Three loci, MC1R and the known white spotting genes, KIT and MITF, were identified as the major loci underlying the extent of white patterning in this breed. Together, the seven loci explain 54% of the genetic variance in total white marking score, while MITF and KIT alone account for 26%. Although MITF and KIT are the major loci controlling white patterning, their influence varies according to the basic coat color of the horse and the specific body location of the white patterning. Fine mapping across the MITF and KIT loci was used to characterize haplotypes present. Phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes were calculated to assess their selective and evolutionary influences on the extent of white patterning. This novel approach shows that KIT and MITF act in an additive manner and that accumulating mutations at these loci progressively increase the extent of white markings.


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In April 2008 a Franches-Montagnes colt was born with an unusual coat colour phenotype which had never been observed in that population before. The foal showed extended white markings on body and legs, a white head and blue eyes. As both parents have an unremarkable bay coat colour phenotype, a de novo mutation was expected in the offspring and a candidate gene approach revealed a spontaneous mutation in the microphthalmia associated transcription factor gene (MITF). A detailed clinical examination in 2010 indicated an impaired hearing capacity. As in the American Paint Horse large white facial markings in combination with blue eyes are associated with deafness, the hearing capacity of the stallion was closer examined performing brainstem auditory-evoked responses (BAER). The BAER confirmed bilateral deafness in the Franches-Montagnes colt. It is assumed that the deafness is caused by a melanocyte deficiency caused by the MITF gene mutation. Unfortunately, due to castration of the horse, the causal association between the mutation in the MITF gene and clinical findings cannot be confirmed by experimental matings.