947 resultados para web-site development


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In this paper, we first describe a framework to model the sponsored search auction on the web as a mechanism design problem. Using this framework, we describe two well-known mechanisms for sponsored search auction-Generalized Second Price (GSP) and Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG). We then derive a new mechanism for sponsored search auction which we call optimal (OPT) mechanism. The OPT mechanism maximizes the search engine's expected revenue, while achieving Bayesian incentive compatibility and individual rationality of the advertisers. We then undertake a detailed comparative study of the mechanisms GSP, VCG, and OPT. We compute and compare the expected revenue earned by the search engine under the three mechanisms when the advertisers are symmetric and some special conditions are satisfied. We also compare the three mechanisms in terms of incentive compatibility, individual rationality, and computational complexity. Note to Practitioners-The advertiser-supported web site is one of the successful business models in the emerging web landscape. When an Internet user enters a keyword (i.e., a search phrase) into a search engine, the user gets back a page with results, containing the links most relevant to the query and also sponsored links, (also called paid advertisement links). When a sponsored link is clicked, the user is directed to the corresponding advertiser's web page. The advertiser pays the search engine in some appropriate manner for sending the user to its web page. Against every search performed by any user on any keyword, the search engine faces the problem of matching a set of advertisers to the sponsored slots. In addition, the search engine also needs to decide on a price to be charged to each advertiser. Due to increasing demands for Internet advertising space, most search engines currently use auction mechanisms for this purpose. These are called sponsored search auctions. A significant percentage of the revenue of Internet giants such as Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc., comes from sponsored search auctions. In this paper, we study two auction mechanisms, GSP and VCG, which are quite popular in the sponsored auction context, and pursue the objective of designing a mechanism that is superior to these two mechanisms. In particular, we propose a new mechanism which we call the OPT mechanism. This mechanism maximizes the search engine's expected revenue subject to achieving Bayesian incentive compatibility and individual rationality. Bayesian incentive compatibility guarantees that it is optimal for each advertiser to bid his/her true value provided that all other agents also bid their respective true values. Individual rationality ensures that the agents participate voluntarily in the auction since they are assured of gaining a non-negative payoff by doing so.


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) held a Workshop on Sensor Technology for Assessing Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Coastal Zone on March 7 to 9,2005 in Savannah, GA. The main goal of the workshop was to summarize the general parameters, which have been found to be useful in assessing groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) interactions in the coastal zone. The workshop participants (Appendix I) were specifically charged with identifying the types of sensor systems, if any, that have been used to obtain time-series data and to make known which parameters may be the most amenable to the development/application of sensor technology. The group consisted of researchers, industry representatives, and environmental managers. Four general recommendations were made: 1. Educate coastal managers and agencies on the importance of GW-SW interactions, keeping in mind that regulatory agencies are driven by a different set of rules than researchers: the focus is on understanding the significance of the problem and providing solutions. ACT could facilitate this process in two ways. First, given that the research literature on this subject is fairly diffuse, ACT could provide links from its web site to fact sheets or other literature. Second, ACT could organize a focused meeting for managers and/or agency groups. Encourage development of primary tools for quantifying flow. The most promising technology in this respect is flow meters designed for flux chambers, mainly because they should be simple to use and can be made relatively inexpensively. However, it should be kept in mind that they provide only point measurements and several would need to be deployed as a network in order to obtain reliable flow estimates. For evaluating system wide GW-SW interactions, tools that integrate the signal over large areas would be required. Suggestions include a user-friendly hydrogeologic models, keeping in mind that freshwater flow is not the entire story, or continuous radon monitors. Though the latter would be slightly more difficult to use in terms of background knowledge, such an instrument would be low power and easy to operate and maintain. ACT could facilitate this recommendation by identifying funding opportunities on its web site and/or performing evaluations of existing technologies that could be summarized on the web site. (pdf contains 18 pages)


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本文介绍计算机网络、数据库系统、网络安全和Intranet的基本原理与相关的理论知识:并阐述在此基础上建立CSR系统的站点,CSR web数据库建立过程。相关的工作包括web数据库,文件上传,动态文章新闻更新管理系统、web文件管理系统。本文着生阐述了网站建设的技术细节,web数据库在CSR系统中的应用,文件上传及在线管理。


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Executive Summary 1. The Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) has been developed since 1998. Defra funding has supported a core part of its work, the Biology and Sensitivity Key Information Sub-programme. This report relates to Biology and Sensitivity work for the period 2001-2004. 2. MarLIN Biology and Sensitivity research takes information on the biology of species to identify the likely effects of changing environmental conditions linked to human activities on those species. In turn, species that are key functional, key structural, dominant, or characteristic in a biotope (the habitat and its associated species) are used to identify biotope sensitivity. Results are displayed over the World Wide Web and can be accessed via a range of search tools that make the information of relevance to environmental management. 3. The first Defra contract enabled the development of criteria and methods of research, database storage methods and the research of a wide range of species. A contract from English Nature and Scottish Natural Heritage enabled biotopes relevant to marine SACs to be researched. 4. Defra funding in 2001-2004 has especially enabled recent developments to be targeted for research. Those developments included the identification of threatened and declining species by the OSPAR Biodiversity Committee, the development of a new approach to defining sensitivity (part of the Review of Marine Nature Conservation), and the opportunity to use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) more effectively to link survey data to MarLIN assessments of sensitivity. 5. The MarLIN database has been developed to provide a resource to 'pick-and-mix' information depending on the questions being asked. Using GIS, survey data that provides locations for species and biotopes has been linked to information researched by MarLIN to map the likely sensitivity of an area to a specified factor. Projects undertaken for the Irish Sea pilot (marine landscapes), in collaboration with CEFAS (fishing impacts) and with the Countryside Council for Wales (oil spill response) have demonstrated the application of MarLIN information linked to survey data in answering, through maps, questions about likely impacts of human activities on seabed ecosystems. 6. GIS applications that use MarLIN sensitivity information give meaningful results when linked to localized and detailed survey information (lists of species and biotopes as point source or mapped extents). However, broad landscape units require further interpretation. 7. A new mapping tool (SEABED map) has been developed to display data on species distributions and survey data according to search terms that might be used by an environmental manager. 8. MarLIN outputs are best viewed on the Web site where the most up-to-date information from live databases is available. The MarLIN Web site receives about 1600 visits a day. 9. The MarLIN approach to assessing sensitivity and its application to environmental management were presented in papers at three international conferences during the current contract and a 'touchstone' paper is to be published in the peer-reviewed journal Hydrobiologia. The utility of MarLIN information for environmental managers, amongst other sorts of information, has been described in an article in Marine Pollution Bulletin. 10. MarLIN information is being used to inform the identification of potential indicator species for implementation of the Water Framework Directive including initiatives by ICES. 11. Non-Defra funding streams are supporting the updating of reviews and increasing the amount of peer review undertaken; both of which are important to the maintenance of the resource. However, whilst MarLIN information is sufficiently wide ranging to be used in an 'operational' way for marine environmental protection and management, new initiatives and the new biotopes classification have introduced additional species and biotopes that will need to be researched in the future. 12. By the end of the contract, the Biology and Sensitivity Key Information database contained full Key Information reviews on 152 priority species and 117 priority biotopes, together with basic information on 412 species; a total of 564 marine benthic species.


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Executive Summary The programme of work was commissioned in September 1998 to supply information to underpin the UK’s commitments to protection and conservation of the ecosystems and biodiversity of the marine environment under the 1992 OSPAR Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North East Atlantic. The programme also provided support for the implementation of the Biodiversity Convention and the EU Habitats Directive. The MarLIN programme initiated a new approach to assessing sensitivity and recoverability characteristics of seabed species and biotopes based on structures (such as the seabed biotopes classification) and criteria (such as for assessing rarity and defining ‘sensitivity’) developed since 1997. It also developed tools to disseminate the information on the Internet. The species researched were those that were listed in conventions and directives, included in Biodiversity Action Plans, or were nationally rare or scarce. In addition, species were researched if they maintained community composition or structure and/or provided a distinctive habitat or were special to or especially abundant in a particular situation or biotope At its conclusion in August 2001, the work carried out under the contract with DETR/DEFRA had: · Developed protocols, criteria and structures for identifying ‘sensitivity’ and ‘recoverability’, which were tested by a programme management group. · Developed a database to hold research data on biology and sensitivity of species and biotopes. · Defined the link between human activities and the environmental factors likely to be affected by those activities. · Developed a user-friendly Web site to access information from the database, on the sensitivity and recoverability characteristics of over 100 species and basic information on over 200 species. Additionally, the project team have: · Brought together and facilitated discussion between current developers and users of electronic resources for environmental management, protection and education in the conference ‘Using Marine Biological Information in the Electronic Age’ (19-21 July 1999). · Contributed to the development of Ecological Quality Objectives for the North Sea (Scheveningen, 11- 3 September 1999 and subsequent papers). · Provided detailed information on species as a supplement to the National Biodiversity Network Gateway demonstration www.searchnbn.net. · Developed a peer-reviewed approach to electronic publication of updateable information. · Promoted the contract results and the MarLIN approach to the support of marine environmental management and protection at European research fora and, through the web site, internationally. The information available through the Web site is now being used by consultants and Government agencies. The DEFRA contract has been of critical importance in establishing the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) programme and has encouraged support from other organisations. Other related work in the MarLIN programme is on-going, especially to identify sensitivity of biotopes to support management of SACs (contract from English Nature in collaboration with Scottish Natural Heritage), to access data sources (in collaboration with the National Biodiversity Network) and to establish volunteer recording schemes for marine life. The results of the programme are best viewed on the Web site (www.marlin.ac.uk). Three reports have been produced during the project. A final report detailing the work undertaken, a brochure ‘Identifying the sensitivity of seabed ecosystems’ and a CD-ROM describing the programme and demonstrating the Web site have been delivered as final products in addition to the Web site.


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When mortality is high, animals run a risk if they wait to accumulate resources for improved reproduction so they may trade-off the time of reproduction with number and size of offspring. Animals may attempt to improve food acquisition by relocation, even in 'sit and wait' predators. We examine these factors in an isolated population of an orb-web spider Zygiella x-notata. The population was monitored for 200 days from first egg laying until all adults had died. Large females produced their first clutch earlier than did small females and there was a positive correlation between female size and the number and size of eggs produced. Many females, presumably without eggs, abandoned their web site and relocated their web position. This is presumed because female Zygiella typically guard their eggs. In total, c. 25% of females reproduced but those that relocated were less likely to do so, and if they did, they produced the clutch at a later date than those that remained. When the date of lay was controlled there was no effect of relocation on egg number but relocated females produced smaller eggs. The data are consistent with the idea that females in resource-poor sites are more likely to relocate. Relocation seems to be a gamble to find a more productive site but one that achieves only a late clutch of small eggs and few achieve that.


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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are essential to summarize evidence relating to efficacy and safety of health care interventions accurately and reliably. The clarity and transparency of these reports, however, is not optimal. Poor reporting of systematic reviews diminishes their value to clinicians, policy makers, and other users. Since the development of the QUOROM (QUality Of Reporting Of Meta-analysis) Statement-a reporting guideline published in 1999-there have been several conceptual, methodological, and practical advances regarding the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Also, reviews of published systematic reviews have found that key information about these studies is often poorly reported. Realizing these issues, an international group that included experienced authors and methodologists developed PRISMA ( Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) as an evolution of the original QUOROM guideline for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of evaluations of health care interventions. The PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist and a four-phase flow diagram. The checklist includes items deemed essential for transparent reporting of a systematic review. In this Explanation and Elaboration document, we explain the meaning and rationale for each checklist item. For each item, we include an example of good reporting and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies and methodological literature. The PRISMA Statement, this document, and the associated Web site (http://www.prisma-statement.org/) should be helpful resources to improve reporting of systematic reviews and metaanalyses.


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The aim of this paper is to identify and classify the numerous managerial issues encountered in the management of personnel in confined site construction. For the purpose of this research, a confined construction site is defined as a site where permanent works fit the site footprint, extending to levels above and/or below ground level, leaving spatial restrictions for other operations (e.g. plant and material movements, materials storage and temporary accommodation etc.) and require effective resource co-ordination beyond normal on-site management input. A literature review and analysis, case studies incorporating interviews and focus groups along with a questionnaire survey were used in order to gain a comprehensive insight into the issues in the management of personnel in a confined construction site environment. The following are the top five leading issues highlighted in the management of personnel in confined site construction; (1) Accidents due to an untidy site, (2) One contractor holding up another because of the lack of space, (3) A risk to personnel because of vehicular traffic on-site, (4) Difficult to facilitate several contractors at one work location, and (5) Numerous personnel working within the one space. In today’s modern environment, spatial restrictions are quickly becoming the norm in the industry. Therefore, the management of personnel on-site becomes progressively more difficult with the decrease in available space on-site. Where such environments exist, acknowledging the numerous issues highlighted above, aids site management in the supervision and co-ordination of personnel on-site, thus reducing accidents, increasing productivity and increase profit margins, in spatially restricted environments. As on-site management professionals successfully identify, acknowledge and counteract the numerous issues illustrated, the successful management of personnel on a confined construction site is achievable. By identifying the numerous issues, on-site management can proactively mitigate such issues through adopting counteractive measures and through successful identification of the traits identified.


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Within Ireland, interest in strategically supporting young people’s participation in the arts has increased. Additionally, awareness of the Internet’s potential for promot- ing engagement with the arts has grown. Addressing national directives and local needs assessments, South Dublin County Council’s Arts Office initiated NOISE South Dublin (http://www.noisesouthdublin.com), an interactive Web site based on Australia Council’s NOISE project (http://www.noise.net), to promote the creative development of young people in the county. This article presents the practical chal- lenges and potential of youth arts Web-based programs for harnessing the creative engagement of youth. It concludes that the Internet is only useful if it expands online engagement offline.


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O presente trabalho versa sobre a temática da corrupção como fenómeno global e a sua influência nas mais diversos setores da atividade politica, social e económica. A sua prevenção e combate tem sido objeto das mais variadas intervenções a nível mundial, através da criação de organismos e mecanismos legais. No contexto nacional, esta problemática tem feito parte das políticas governamentais de vários governos, através da adoção dos vários mecanismos internacionais ratificados e transpostos para o ordenamento jurídico interno português, ao abrigo dos quais foram criados mecanismos de foro institucional e legislativo, como forma de tornar a sua atuação cada vez mais transparente. Entendemos realizar este estudo na perspetiva do poder local (municípios) e respetivos sítios web e tendo em conta que a informação é o pilar de uma Administração aberta e transparente aos cidadãos, quer na sua atuação, quer na sua responsabilização. Propõe-se neste estudo observar como se refletem as diversas imposições legislativas em matéria de informação (produção e publicidade) e demais mecanismos, na atuação dos municípios, sob ponto de vista da sua implementação nos sítios web. Para tal recorremos à vasta matéria legislativa existente e delineamos a nossa investigação ao abrigo da questão principal formulada, para qual propusemos algumas hipóteses de investigação, que nos propusemos aferir pela observação e análise on-line ao sítio web definido. As conclusões indicam que as questões de transparência e informação são o objetivo primordial de qualquer Administração aberta e responsável, cujo objetivo seja a prossecução do interesse público. Para além disso, constata-se que os diversos mecanismos legislativos constituem forte comprometimento na sua implementação, bem como condicionam a atuação dos decisores públicos em termos de desvios de comportamento e responsabilização.


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Dissertação mest., Gestão Empresarial, Universidade do Algarve, 2006


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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This exploratory, descriptive action research study is based on a survey of a sample of convenience consisting of 172 college and university marketing students, and 5 professors who were experienced in teaching in an internet based environment. The students that were surveyed were studying e-commerce and international business in 3^^ and 4*'' year classes at a leading imiversity in Ontario and e-commerce in 5^ semester classes at a leading college. These classes were taught using a hybrid teaching style with the contribution of a large website that contained pertinent text and audio material. Hybrid teaching employs web based course materials (some in the form of Learning Objects) to deliver curriculimi material both during the attended lectures and also for students accessing the course web page outside of class hours. The survey was in the form on an online questionnaire. The research questions explored in this study were: 1. What factors influence the students' ability to access and learn from web based course content? 2. How likely are the students to use selected elements of internet based curriculum for learning academic content? 3. What is the preferred physical environment to facilitate learning in a hybrid environment? 4. How effective are selected teaching/learning strategies in a hybrid environment? The findings of this study suggest that students are very interested in being part of the learning process by contributing to a course web site. Specifically, students are interested in audio content being one of the formats of online course material, and have an interest in being part of the creation of small audio clips to be used in class.


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Although there is a consensus in th~ literature on the many uses of the Internet in education, as well as the unique features of the Internet for presenting facts and information, there is no consensus on a standardized method for evaluating Internetbased courseware. Educators rarely have the opportunity to participate in the development of Internet-based courseware, yet they are encouraged to use the technology in their learning environments. This creates a need for summative evaluation methods for Internet-based health courseware. The purpose ofthis study was to assess evaluative measures for Internet-based courseware. Specifically, two entities were evaluated within the study: a) the outcome of the Internet-based courseware, and b) the Internet-based courseware itself. To this end, the Web site www.bodymatters.com was evaluated using two different approaches by two different cohorts. The first approach was a performance appraisal by a group of endusers. A positive, statistically significant change in the students performance was observed due to the intervention ofthe Web site. The second approach was a productoriented evaluation ofthe Web site with the use of a criterion-based checklist and an open-ended comments section. The findings indicate that a summative, criterion-based evaluation is best completed by a multidisciplinary team. The findi~gs also indicated that the two different cohorts reported different product-oriented appraisals of the Web site. The current research confirmed previous research that found that experts returning a poor evaluation of a Web site did not have a relationship to whether or not the end-users performance improved due to the intervention of the Web site.