996 resultados para water productivity


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In low and middle latitudes, the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary is marked by a sudden and pronounced decrease in d13C values of near-surface-water carbonates and a reduction in the surface-to-bottom d13C gradient. These isotopic data have been interpreted as evidence of a decline in surface-water productivity that was responsible for the extinction of many planktic foraminiferal species and other marine organisms at or near the K/T boundary. We present planktic and benthic foraminiferal isotopic data from two almost biostratigraphically complete sections at Ocean Drilling Program Site 738 in the antarctic Indian Ocean and at Nye Kløv in Denmark. These data suggest that planktic carbonate d13C values in high latitudes may not have decreased dramatically at the K/T boundary; thus, surface-water productivity may not have been reduced as much as in low and middle latitudes. Comparison of the records of Site 738 with those of ODP Sites 690 and 750 indicates a pronounced decline in d13C values of planktic and benthic foraminifera and fine-fraction/bulk carbonate ~200 000 yr after the K/T boundary. This reflects a regional shift in the carbon isotopic composition of oceanic total dissolved carbon (TDC) and correlates with a similar change in benthic foraminiferal d13C values at mid- and low-latitude Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 527 and 577. This oceanographic event was followed by the ecosystem's global recovery ~500 000 yr after the K/T boundary. These data suggest that the environmental effects of the K/T boundary may have been less severe in the high-latitude oceans than in tropical and subtropical regions.


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Sustaining irrigated agriculture to meet food production needs while maintaining aquatic ecosystems is at the heart of many policy debates in various parts of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. Researchers and practitioners are increasingly calling for integrated approaches, and policy-makers are progressively supporting the inclusion of ecological and social aspects in water management programs. This paper contributes to this policy debate by providing an integrated economic-hydrologic modeling framework that captures the socio-economic and environmental effects of various policy initiatives and climate variability. This modeling integration includes a risk-based economic optimization model and a hydrologic water management simulation model that have been specified for the Middle Guadiana basin, a vulnerable drought-prone agro-ecological area with highly regulated river systems in southwest Spain. Namely, two key water policy interventions were investigated: the implementation of minimum environmental flows (supported by the European Water Framework Directive, EU WFD), and a reduction in the legal amount of water delivered for irrigation (planned measure included in the new Guadiana River Basin Management Plan, GRBMP, still under discussion). Results indicate that current patterns of excessive water use for irrigation in the basin may put environmental flow demands at risk, jeopardizing the WFD s goal of restoring the ?good ecological status? of water bodies by 2015. Conflicts between environmental and agricultural water uses will be stressed during prolonged dry episodes, and particularly in summer low-flow periods, when there is an important increase of crop irrigation water requirements. Securing minimum stream flows would entail a substantial reduction in irrigation water use for rice cultivation, which might affect the profitability and economic viability of small rice-growing farms located upstream in the river. The new GRBMP could contribute to balance competing water demands in the basin and to increase economic water productivity, but might not be sufficient to ensure the provision of environmental flows as required by the WFD. A thoroughly revision of the basin s water use concession system for irrigation seems to be needed in order to bring the GRBMP in line with the WFD objectives. Furthermore, the study illustrates that social, economic, institutional, and technological factors, in addition to bio-physical conditions, are important issues to be considered for designing and developing water management strategies. The research initiative presented in this paper demonstrates that hydro-economic models can explicitly integrate all these issues, constituting a valuable tool that could assist policy makers for implementing sustainable irrigation policies.


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El agua de riego en España se ha reducido del 80 % al 70% tras la rehabilitación de los sistemas tradicionales de riego y el incremento de riegos a presión. La política española ha favorecido la creación de nuevos regadíos con fines sociales, para asentar a la población rural en zonas con disponibilidad de recursos hídricos. Este contexto es aplicable a la Comunidad de Regantes “Rio Adaja” (CCRR), que comenzó a funcionar en 2010 por lo que se la ha elegido para evaluar el uso y productividad del agua y manejo del riego en CCRR modernizadas de la cuenca del Duero. El estudio del manejo del riego se realizó con evaluaciones de campo, el primer año de funcionamiento, en una muestra de sistemas de riego (pivotes centrales, ramales de avance frontal, cobertura total) representativa de los sistemas predominantes en la CCRR. Además, se analizó la carta de riego propuesta por el fabricante de los pivotes centrales, considerando una distribución de caudal continua a lo largo del ramal, y se propuso una nueva carta con emisores de riego que mejoraban la uniformidad de aplicación del agua. El uso del agua en la CCRR se evaluó considerando tanto los indicadores de eficiencia del riego: suministro relativo de riego (anual relative irrigation supply, ARIS), suministro relativo del agua (anual relativewater supply, ARWS), suministro relativo de precipitación (rainfall relative supply, RRS) como los de productividad: productividad del agua (water productivity, WP) productividad del agua de riego (irrigation water productivity, IWP) y productividad de la evapotranspiración (evapotranspiration water productivity, ETWP). Primero, se determinaron: las necesidades hídricas de los cultivos para mantener un contenido de humedad óptimo en su zona radical, el coeficiente dual del cultivo, el agua disponible total (ADP) y agua fácilmente aprovechable (AFA). Después, se estimaron las necesidades hídricas de los cultivos considerando tres años tipo: húmedo, normal y seco correspondientes a la probabilidad de disponibilidad de la precipitación del 20, 50 y 80%, respectivamente. Así mismo, se realizó una encuesta a los regantes de la CCRR para conocer la dosis de riego y rendimiento anual de los cultivos principales durante sus tres años de funcionamiento: 2010-2011, 2011-2012 y 2012-2013.Finalmente, se simuló el efecto del riego y su manejo en la producción de los cultivos y en la productividad del agua. Además, el modelo de simulación AQUACROP (Geerts et al., 2010) se ha utilizado para estudiar la mejora del uso del agua de los cultivos de la CCRR. Dado que este modelo requiere de calibración específica para cada cultivo y cada zona y dado que, de todos los cultivos de la CCRR, sólo el girasol cumplía el requisito, este cultivo fue elegido para estudiar si la estrategia de riego deficitario mejoraría el uso del agua. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el 90% de los sistemas de riego evaluados distribuye el agua con una uniformidad adecuada (CUC≥75%). La simulación de la distribución del agua con las cartas de riego propuestas por el fabricante en pivotes centrales resultó en coeficientes CUC< 75% y sus valores mejoraban al eliminar el aspersor distal. La uniformidad del riego mejoraría si se trabajase con la carta de riego propuesta y que se compone por emisores de riego seleccionados en este estudio. En la mayoría de los cultivos, se aplicó riegos deficitarios (ARIS < 1 en los dos primeros años de funcionamiento de la CCRR y riegos excedentarios (ARIS > 1) el tercer año siendo significativas las diferencias observadas. El manejo del riego fue bueno (0,9 ≤ ARWS ≤1,2) en la mayoría de los cultivos. Así mismo, los indicadores de productividad del agua (WP e IWP (€.m-3)) varió entre cultivos y años estudiados y, destacan los valores observados en: cebolla, patata, zanahoria y cebada. En general, la productividad del agua en los riegos deficitarios fue mayor observándose además, que los índices de productividad mayores correspondieron al año con precipitación mayor aunque, las diferencias entre sus valores medios no fueron significativas en las tres campañas de riego estudiadas. Los resultados apuntan a que la metodología del balance hídrico y las herramientas presentadas en este trabajo (uniformidad de distribución de agua, indicadores de eficiencia del uso de agua y de su productividad) son adecuadas para estudiar el manejo del agua en CCRR. En concreto, la uniformidad en la aplicación del agua de la CCRR mejoraría seleccionando emisores de riego que proporcionen una mayor uniformidad de distribución del agua, lo que conllevaría a cambiar el diámetro de la boquilla de los emisores y/o eliminar el aspersor distal. Así mismo, puede ser de interés adoptar estrategias de riego deficitario para incrementar la productividad en el uso del agua, y las rentas de los regantes, para lo cual se propone utilizar un patrón de cultivos de referencia. Finalmente, el riego deficitario puede ser una estrategia para mejorar la eficiencia y productividad en el uso del agua de la CCRR siempre que lleve asociado un manejo del riego adecuado que resulta, relativamente, más fácil cuando se dispone de sistemas de riego con una uniformidad de aplicación alta. Sin embargo su aplicación no sería aconsejable en los cultivos de remolacha azucarera, regado con sistemas de riego con un coeficiente de uniformidad de Christiansen CUC < 75%, y maíz, regado con sistemas de riego con un coeficiente de uniformidad de Christiansen CUC < 65%. ABSTRACT The irrigation scheme modernization and the increase of sprinkler irrigation area have reduced the irrigation water use from 80 to 70%. The national irrigation policy favored the creation of new irrigation schemes with the purpose to settle the rural population in areas with availability in water resources. Within this context, the irrigation district “Río Adaja” (CCRR) started in 2010 so, it has been chosen as a case study to evaluate the water use and the irrigation management in a modernized CCRR. Several field evaluations were carried out during the first operation year, in a sample of irrigation systems (center pivot, moving lateral and solid set) selected among all the systems in the CCRR. Likewise, the manufacturer irrigation chart for the center pivot systems has been considered and the pressure and discharge distribution along the pivot have been estimated, assuming a continuous flow along the pipe. Then; the sprinkler nozzles were selected order to increase the uniformity on water application. The water use in the CCRR has been assessed by considering the water use efficiency indicators: annual relative irrigation supply (ARIS), annual relative water supply (ARWS), relative rainfall supply (RRS) and also the productivity indicators: water productivity (WP), irrigation water productivity (IWP) and evapotranspiration water productivity (ETWP). On the one hand, it has been determined the crop water requirement (to maintain the optimal soil water content in the rooting zone), the dual crop coefficient, the total available water and the readily available water. The crop water requirement was estimated by considering the typical wet, normal and dry years which correspond to the probability of effective precipitation exceedance of 20, 50 and 80%, respectively. On the other hand, the irrigation depth and crop yield by irrigation campaign have been considered for the main crops in the area. This information was obtained from a farmer’s survey in 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. For sunflower, the irrigation effect and its management on the crop yield and water productivity have been simulated. Also a deficit irrigation strategy, which improves the water resources, has been determined by means of AQUACROP (FAO). The results showed that 90% of the evaluated irrigation systems have adequate irrigation water application uniformity (CUC ≥ 75%). The CUC values in center pivots, which were calculated using the manufacturer irrigation chart, are below < 75% . However, these values would increase with the change of emitter nozzle to the proposed nozzles selection. The results on water use showed a deficit irrigation management (ARIS < 1), in most of crops during the first two operation years, and an excess in irrigation for the third year (ARIS > 1) although non-significant difference was observed. In most cases, the management of irrigation is adequate (0,9≤ ARWS≤ 1,2) although there are differences among crops. Likewise, the productivity indicators (WP and IWP (€.m-3)) varied among crops and with irrigation events. The highest values corresponded to onion, potato, carrot and barley. The values for deficit irrigation were the highest and the productivity indicators increased the year with the highest effective precipitation. Nevertheless, the differences between the average values of these indicators by irrigation campaign were non-significant. This study highlights that the soil water balance methodology and other tools used in the methodology are adequate to study the use and productivity of water in the irrigation district. In fact, the water use in this CCRR can be improved if the irrigation systems were designed with higher water distribution uniformity what would require the change of sprinkler nozzles and/or eliminate the end gun. Likewise, it is advisable to set up deficit irrigation strategies to increase the water productivity taking into account certain limits on water application uniformities. In this respect, a reference cropping pattern has been proposed and the limits for water uniformity have been calculated for several crops.


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Climate projections indicate that rising temperatures will affect summer crops in the southern Iberian Peninsula. The aim of this study was to obtain projections of the impacts of rising temperatures, and of higher frequency of extreme events on irrigated maize, and to evaluate some adaptation strategies. The study was conducted at several locations in Andalusia using the CERES-Maize crop model, previously calibrated/validated with local experimental datasets. The simulated climate consisted of projections from regional climate models from the ENSEMBLES project; these were corrected for daily temperature and precipitation with regard to the E-OBS observational dataset. These bias-corrected projections were used with the CERES-Maize model to generate future impacts. Crop model results showed a decrease in maize yield by the end of the 21st century from 6 to 20%, a decrease of up to 25% in irrigation water requirements, and an increase in irrigation water productivity of up to 22%, due to earlier maturity dates and stomatal closure caused by CO2 increase. When adaptation strategies combining earlier sowing dates and cultivar changes were considered, impacts were compensated, and maize yield increased up to 14%, compared with the baseline period (1981-2010), with similar reductions in crop irrigation water requirements. Effects of extreme maximum temperatures rose to 40% at the end of the 21st century, compared with the baseline. Adaptation resulted in an overall reduction in extreme Tmax damages in all locations, with the exception of Granada, where losses were limited to 8%.


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A irrigação quando bem manejada, pode minimizar os riscos econômicos da atividade sucroalcooleira, particularmente em safras com presença de instabilidade climática onde a restrição hídrica, promovida pela diminuição no volume de chuvas, pode reduzir a produtividade dos canaviais. Dentre as ferramentas disponíveis para a gestão eficiente da água na agricultura irrigada, a técnica de irrigação sob déficit pode se tornar uma escolha acertada para a cana-de-açúcar, desde que sejam identificadas as fases fenológicas e épocas de cultivo onde a limitação da oferta de água não implique em reduções antieconômicas no rendimento da cultura. Diante disso, a hipótese que norteia essa pesquisa, é a de que existe uma estratégia de irrigação sob déficit, que associada a uma variedade com características específicas, possibilite a expressão de indicadores de produtividade tão satisfatórios quanto os obtidos em condições de irrigação plena. Nessa linha, os objetivos da pesquisa envolveram o estudo da dinâmica foliar, acúmulo e particionamento de biomassa e ainda, índices de produtividade da água para biomassa, açúcar e etanol de 1ª e 2ª geração de oito variedade de cana-de-açúcar, submetidas a diferentes condições de disponibilidade hídrica no solo em dois ciclos de cultivo (cana-planta e cana-soca). A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", em Piracicaba/SP, onde foram estudados os dois primeiros ciclos de cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, sendo estes abordados nesta tese como Experimento 1 (cana-planta) e Experimento 2 (cana-soca). O delineamento experimental adotado para ambos os ciclos foi o de blocos casualizados, com três blocos completos. Os tratamentos foram compostos por três fatores em esquema de parcelas sub-subdivididas. Estas parcelas foram formadas por duas plantas (touceiras) alocadas em um vaso com aproximadamente 330 litros de solo. No Experimento 1, foram estudados três fatores, sendo o primeiro e segundo com quatro níveis e o terceiro com oito (4x4x8), totalizando assim 128 tratamentos, sendo eles: quatro níveis de irrigação ao longo do ciclo (125, 100, 75 e 50% da ETc); oito variedades comerciais de cana-de-açúcar e quatro procedimentos de maturação, impostos por meio de variações na intensidade do déficit hídrico aplicado. Para o Experimento 2, substitui-se o fator Maturação por Épocas de Corte, o qual consistiu em colheitas de um quarto do experimento a cada 90 dias. Os resultados encontrados apontaram que a área foliar responde positivamente a maior disponibilidade hídrica no solo, tendo sido verificado uma relação proporcional entre estes. Quanto ao acúmulo de biomassa, verificou-se que para as oito variedades estudadas houve incremento de biomassa a medida em que se aumentou o volume de água disponibilizado às variedades. No tocante ao particionamento, as folhas foram os drenos principais de fotoassimilados da planta até os 100 dias de cultivo, sendo que após este período, os colmos ocuparam o lugar de dreno preferencial. Os indicadores de produtividade da água apresentaram diferenças significativas para o fator lâmina, o que indica a existência de cultivares de cana-de-açúcar mais eficientes no uso da água. Por fim, observou-se que a produtividade da água para etanol total apresentou valores expressivos, com média para essa variável igual a 1,81 L m-3, o que denota o potencial de rendimento de etanol (1G + 2G) a partir da cana-de-açúcar quando é adotado o aproveitamento integral das plantas.


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During the ARCTIC '91-Expedition with RV 'Polarstern', several Multicorer and Kastenlot-cores were recovered along a profile crossing the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean. The investigated cores consist mainly of clayey-silty sediments, and some units with a higher sand content. In this thesis, detailed sedimentological and organic-geochemical investigations were performed. In part, the near surface sediments were AMS-14C dated making it possible to Interpret the results of the organic-geochemical investigations in terms of climatic changes (isotopic stage 2 to the Holocene). The more or less absence of foraminifers within the long cores prevented the development of an oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Only the results of core PS2174-5 from the Amundsen-Basin could be discussed in terms of the climatic change that could be dated back to oxygen isotope stage 7. Detailed organic-geochemical investigations in the central Arctic Ocean are rare. Therefore, several different organic-geochemical methods were used to obtain a wide range of data for the Interpretation of the organic matter. The high organic carbon content of the surface sediments is derived from a high input of terrigenous organic matter. The terrigenous organic material is most likely entrained within the sea-ice On the Siberian shelves and released during ice-drift over the Arctic Ocean. Other factors such as iceberg-transport and turbidites are also responsible for the high input of terrigenous organic matter. Due to the more or less closed sea-ice Cover, the Arctic Ocean is known as a low productivity system. A model shows, that only 2 % of the organic matter in central Arctic Ocean sediments is of a marine origin. The influence of the West-Spitsbergen current increases the marine organic matter content to 16 %. Short chain n-alkanes (C17 and C19) can be used as a marker of marine productivity in the Arctic Ocean. Higher contents of short chain n-alkanes exist in surface sediments of the Lomonosov-Ridge and the Makarov-Basin, indicating a higher marine productivity caused by a reduced sea-ice Cover. The Beaufort-Gyre and Transpolar-Drift drift Patterns could be responsible for the lower sea-ice distribution in this region. The sediments of Stage 2 and Stage 3 in this region are also dominated by a higher content of short chain-nalkanes indicating a comparable ice-drift Pattern during that time. The content and composition of organic carbon in the sediments of core PS2174-5 reflect glaciallinterglacial changes. Interglacial stages 7 and 5e show a low organic carbon content (C 0,5 %) and, as indicated by high hydrogen-indices, low CIN-ratios, higher content of n-alkanes (C17 and C19) and a higher opal content, a higher marine productivity. In the Holocene, a high content of foraminifers, coccoliths, ostracodes, and sponge spicules indicate higher surface-water productivity. Nevertheless, the low hydrogenindices reveal a high content of terrigenous organic matter. Therefore, the Holocene seems to be different from interglacials 7 and 5e. During the glacial periods (stages 6, upper 5, and 4), TOC-values are significantly higher (0.7 to 1.3 %). In addition, low hydrogen-indices, high CIN-ratios, low short chain n-alkanes and opal contents provide evidence for a higher input of terrigenous organic matter and reduced marine productivity. The high lignin content in core sections with high TOC-contents, substantiates the high input of terrigenous organic matter. Changes in the content and composition of the organic carbon is believed to vary with the fluctuations in sea-level and sea-ice coverage.


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Sediment samples from the Laptev Sea, taken during the 1993 RV Polarstern expedition ARK IX/4 and the RV Ivan Kireyev expedition TRANSDRIFT I, were investigated for the amount and composition of their organic carbon fractions. Of major interest was the identification of different processes controlling organic carbon deposition (i.e. terrigenous supply vs. surface water productivity). Long-chain unsaturated alkenones derived from prymnesiophytes, and fatty acids derived from diatoms and dinoflagellates, were analysed by means of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. First results on the distribution of these biomarkers in surface sediments indicate that the surface water productivity signal is well preserved in the sediment data. This is shown by the distribution of the 16:1(n-7) and 20:5(n-3) fatty acids indicative for diatoms, and the excellent correlation with the chlorophyll a concentrations in the surface water masses and the biogenic-opal content and increased hydrogen indices of the sediments. The high concentration of these unsaturated fatty acids in shallow water sediments shows the recent deposition of the organic material. In deep-sea sediments, on the other hand, the concentrations are low. This decreased content is typical for phytoplankton material which has been degraded by microorganisms or autoxidation. In general, the alkenone concentrations are very low, suggesting low production rates by prymnesiophytes. Only at one station from the lower continental margin influenced by the inflow of Atlantic water masses, were some higher amounts of alkenones determined. Long-chain n-alkanes as well as high C/N ratios and low hydrogen indices indicate the importance of (fluvial) supply of terrigenous organic matter.