992 resultados para water monitoring


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This paper describes the 3D Water Chemistry Atlas - an open source, Web-based system that enables the three-dimensional (3D) sub-surface visualization of ground water monitoring data, overlaid on the local geological model. Following a review of existing technologies, the system adopts Cesium (an open source Web-based 3D mapping and visualization interface) together with a PostGreSQL/PostGIS database, for the technical architecture. In addition a range of the search, filtering, browse and analysis tools were developed that enable users to interactively explore the groundwater monitoring data and interpret it spatially and temporally relative to the local geological formations and aquifers via the Cesium interface. The result is an integrated 3D visualization system that enables environmental managers and regulators to assess groundwater conditions, identify inconsistencies in the data, manage impacts and risks and make more informed decisions about activities such as coal seam gas extraction, waste water extraction and re-use.


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Comments on possible improvements to carp culture in Andhra Pradesh. Aquaculture and environmental issues in the region of Nai Lagoon, Ninh Hai district,Ninh Thuan province, Viet Nam. Climate change impacts on fi sheries and aquaculture. New initiatives in fisheries extension. Selection potential for feed efficiency in farmed salmonids. Freshwater prawn hatcheries in Bangladesh: Concern of broodstock. Production of Cirrhinus molitorella and Labeo chrysophekadion for culture based fisheries development in Lao PDR 2: Nursery culture and grow-out. Mussel farming: alternate water monitoring practice. Benefit-cost analysis for fi ngerling production of kutum Rutilus frisii kutum (Kamensky, 1901)in 2005 in Iran. The effects of feeding frequency on FCR and SGR factors of the fry of rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss. Asia-Pacific Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network Magazine: The use of poultry by-product meals in pelleted feed for humpback grouper. Production update – marine finfish aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. Crustacean parasites and their management in brackishwater finfish culture. NACA Newsletter


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Os diversos tipos de lançamentos de cargas poluidoras podem tornar a qualidade da água inadequada para os usos benéficos previstos. Entre as causas desta queda na qualidade da água, pode-se citar a eutrofização. O grau de trofia pode ser estimado através da utilização de índices, destacando-se o Índice do Estado Trófico desenvolvido por Carlson (1977) e o Índice do Estado Trófico desenvolvido por Carlson, modificado por Toledo et al. (1984). O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo analisar a variação espaço-temporal entre o período de 1980 a 2008, a fim de verificar o estado trófico das águas da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (RJ) e do Complexo Lagunar de Jacarepaguá (RJ), através do uso destes índices. As variáveis utilizadas foram clorofila-a, transparência da água e fósforo total, e para o IETm, foi acrescido a variável ortofosfato dissolvido. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que tanto a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, quanto o Complexo Lagunar de Jacarepaguá estão classificados como ambientes hipereutróficos no índice de Carlson e como eutróficos no índice modificado por Toledo. Entretanto, estes corpos dágua encontram-se em fases distintas. Para a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, foi observada uma melhora na qualidade de suas águas nas últimas décadas, já para o Complexo Lagunar de Jacarepaguá, foi constatado uma piora significativa da qualidade de suas águas, principalmente nesta última década. A aplicação dos índices do estado trófico demonstrou-se uma ferramenta de avaliação do grau de trofia dos corpos dágua bastante prática, de fácil interpretação e divulgação dos dados obtidos a partir de um monitoramento sistemático


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Coastal lagoons are defined as shallow coastal water bodies partially separated from the adjacent sea by a restrictive barrier. Coastal lagoons are protected under Annex I of the European Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Lagoons are also considered to be “transitional water bodies” and are therefore included in the “register of protected areas” under the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). Consequently, EU member states are required to establish monitoring plans and to regularly report on lagoon condition and conservation status. Irish lagoons are considered relatively rare and unusual because of their North Atlantic, macrotidal location on high energy coastlines and have received little attention. This work aimed to assess the physicochemical and ecological status of three lagoons, Cuskinny, Farranamanagh and Toormore, on the southwest coast of Ireland. Baseline salinity, nutrient and biological conditions were determined in order to provide reference conditions to detect perturbations, and to inform future maintenance of ecosystem health. Accumulation of organic matter is an increasing pressure in coastal lagoon habitats worldwide, often compounding existing eutrophication problems. This research also aimed to investigate the in situ decomposition process in a lagoon habitat together with exploring the associated invertebrate assemblages. Re-classification of the lagoons, under the guidelines of the Venice system for the classifications of marine waters according to salinity, was completed by taking spatial and temporal changes in salinity regimes into consideration. Based on the results of this study, Cuskinny, Farranamanagh and Toormore lagoons are now classified as mesohaline (5 ppt – 18 ppt), oligohaline (0.5 ppt – 5 ppt) and polyhaline (18 ppt – 30 ppt), respectively. Varying vertical, longitudinal and transverse salinity patterns were observed in the three lagoons. Strong correlations between salinity and cumulative rainfall highlighted the important role of precipitation in controlling the lagoon environment. Maximum effect of precipitation on the salinity of the lagoon was observed between four and fourteen days later depending on catchment area geology, indicating the uniqueness of each lagoon system. Seasonal nutrient patterns were evident in the lagoons. Nutrient concentrations were found to be reflective of the catchment area and the magnitude of the freshwater inflow. Assessment based on the Redfield molar ratio indicated a trend towards phosphorus, rather than nitrogen, limitation in Irish lagoons. Investigation of the decomposition process in Cuskinny Lagoon revealed that greatest biomass loss occurred in the winter season. Lowest biomass loss occurred in spring, possibly due to the high density of invertebrates feeding on the thick microbial layer rather than the decomposing litter. It has been reported that the decomposition of plant biomass is highest in the preferential distribution area of the plant species; however, no similar trend was observed in this study with the most active zones of decomposition varying spatially throughout the seasons. Macroinvertebrate analysis revealed low species diversity but high abundance, indicating the dominance of a small number of species. Invertebrate assemblages within the lagoon varied significantly from communities in the adjacent freshwater or marine environments. Although carried out in coastal lagoons on the southwest coast of Ireland, it is envisaged that the overall findings of this study have relevance throughout the entire island of Ireland and possibly to many North Atlantic coastal lagoon ecosystems elsewhere.


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PCB congener concentrations in the water column of a highly industrialized river catchment, the Aire/Calder, in N.E. England were determined weekly on a routine basis, and 2 hourly through selected high flow (flood) events. Bed, suspended and floodplain sediment PCB congener concentrations were also determined along transects of the rivers investigated. Weekly monitoring revealed that the sum of 11 quantified (Sigma11) PCBs rose in concentration by two orders of magnitude during late summer compared to their winter minimum values. This rise was concurrent with sustained periods of low flow. SigmaPCB concentrations were rapidly diluted during high flow (flood) events. Suspended sediment was, on average, 13 times more contaminated with PCBs than bed sediment, with means of 4.0 and 53.8 ng/g, respectively, while floodplain samples had an intermediate concentration of 29.8 ng/g. Principle components analysis (PCA) of congener profiles showed that all three sediment types were similar, but that congener profiles differed considerably between sediment and whole-water samples. There was no change in the percentage contribution of individual PCB congeners apparent from weekly whole-water monitoring. However, the congener pattern in whole-waters changed systematically during high flow events. PCA showed that whole-water samples collected during high flow events had progressively more sediment characteristics, and then returned to whole-water characteristics on cessation of the event. The PCA evidence, dilution of PCB concentrations during events, and suspended sediments more contaminated than bed sediments, indicate that the major sources of PCBs in this catchment are current inputs from sewage treatment works, rather than remobilization of bed sediments.


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A surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based inhibition assay method using a polyclonal anti-mouse IgM arrayed Cryptosporidium sensor chip was developed for the real-time detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. The Cryptosporidium sensor chip was fabricated by subsequent immobilization of streptavidin and polyclonal anti-mouse IgM (secondary antibody) onto heterogeneous self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The assay consisted of the immunoreaction step between monoclonal anti-C. parvum oocyst (primary antibody) and oocysts, followed by the binding step of the unbound primary antibody onto the secondary antibody surface. It enhanced not only the immunoreaction yield of the oocysts by batch reaction but also the accessibility of analytes to the chip surface by antibody–antibody interaction. Furthermore, the use of optimum concentration of the primary antibody maximized its binding response on the chip. An inversely linear calibration curve for the oocyst concentration versus SPR signal was obtained in the range of 1×106–1×102 oocysts ml-1. The oocyst detection was also successfully achieved in natural water systems. These results indicate that the SPR-based inhibition assay using the Cryptosporidium sensor chip has high application potential for the real-time analysis of C. parvum oocyst in laboratory and field water monitoring.


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Accurate conceptual models of groundwater systems are essential for correct interpretation of monitoring data in catchment studies. In surface-water dominated hard rock regions, modern ground and surface water monitoring programmes often have very high resolution chemical, meteorological and hydrological observations but lack an equivalent emphasis on the subsurface environment, the properties of which exert a strong control on flow pathways and interactions with surface waters. The reasons for this disparity are the complexity of the system and the difficulty in accurately characterising the subsurface, except locally at outcrops or in boreholes. This is particularly the case in maritime north-western Europe, where a legacy of glacial activity, combined with large areas underlain by heterogeneous igneous and metamorphic bedrock, make the structure and weathering of bedrock difficult to map or model. Traditional approaches which seek to extrapolate information from borehole to field-scale are of limited application in these environments due to the high degree of spatial heterogeneity. Here we apply an integrative and multi-scale approach, optimising and combining standard geophysical techniques to generate a three-dimensional geological conceptual model of the subsurface in a catchment in NE Ireland. Available airborne LiDAR, electromagnetic and magnetic data sets were analysed for the region. At field-scale surface geophysical methods, including electrical resistivity tomography, seismic refraction, ground penetrating radar and magnetic surveys, were used and combined with field mapping of outcrops and borehole testing. The study demonstrates how combined interpretation of multiple methods at a range of scales produces robust three-dimensional conceptual models and a stronger basis for interpreting groundwater and surface water monitoring data.


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A Waste Water monitoring program aiming to help decision making is presented. The program includes traditional and inboard sensor sampling, hydrodynamic and water quality modeling and a GIS based database to help the decision making of manager authorities. The focus is in the quality of waters receiving discharges from Waste Water Treatment Plants. Data was used to feed model simulations and produce hydrodynamic, effluent dispersion and ecological results. The system was then used to run different scenarios of discharge flow, concentration and location. The results enable to access the current water quality state of the lagoon and are being used as a decision making tool by the waste water managers in the evaluation phase of the treatment plant project to decide the location and the level of treatment of the discharge.


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We compared the fish assemblage structure from streams with different intensities of physical habitat degradation and chemical water pollution by domestic sewage in southeastern Brazil. Eight streams (R1-R8) showing less disturbed or more disturbed conditions of chemical water quality and of physical habitat quality were selected. Cumulative abundance and biomass, combined in ABC plots, revealed (i) biomass curves above the abundance curves, represented by the streams R1-R2 (water and habitat less disturbed) and R5-R6 (water more disturbed and habitat less disturbed), and (ii) biomass curves below the abundance curves, represented by the streams R3-R4 (water less disturbed and habitat more disturbed) and R7-R8 (water and habitat more disturbed). The quantitative structure of the ichthyofauna showed significant correspondence with physical habitat condition but not with chemical water quality. The most significant species to cause the dissimilarity between less disturbed and more disturbed physical habitats was the exotic Poecilia reticulata. Such results indicate that in the focused region-with little influence of industrial pollution, noncritical domestic sewage discharge, and soil predominantly used for pasture-streams with high physical habitat integrity possess a differently structured ichthyofauna than streams with relatively low physical habitat integrity, reinforcing the importance of the physical habitat quality and riparian conservation along these water courses, warranting the conservation of these systems. Indeed, our results also reinforce the importance of including biotic descriptors, particularly of the ichthyo-fauna, in water-monitoring programs designed to reveal signs of human interference.


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In areas where human activities, as agriculture, are developed land use contributes to physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water. This study aimed to identify physical and chemical variations of the water monitoring network in 4 first magnitude watersheds with different land use/occupation in the hydrographic basin of the Glori Farm Creek in the city of Taquaritinga, State of Sao Paulo, from February to July, 2005. The methodology consisted of weekly sample water collections to naalyze turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and electric conductivity. The characterization of the hydrological conditions of the watersheds showed that agricultural activities, including the productive system of the sugarcane cultivation, have affected the quality of water resources.


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O manejo de irrigação pode influenciar o comportamento ecofisiológico e a produção da videira. O objetivo desse trabalho, conduzido em 2010 em Petrolina – PE, no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, foi avaliar a influência de diferentes estratégias de manejo de irrigação no potencial de água na folha e em aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos das uvas do primeiro ciclo de produção da videira cv. Syrah/Paulsen 1103. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi gotejamento e a lâmina de água foi estimada com base na evapotranspiração da cultura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em 4 repetições e com 3 tratamentos: irrigação plena, realizada durante todo o ciclo de produção; a irrigação com déficit, onde a aplicação de água foi interrompida na fase fenológica de cacho fechado; e a irrigação com déficit controlado, onde a irrigação, também interrompida na fase de cacho fechado, foi eventualmente realizada após a interrupção, de acordo com o monitoramento da água no solo. A imposição de déficit hídrico às plantas favoreceu uma maior concentração de açúcares e a redução da acidez nos frutos, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade das uvas para vinificação.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA