990 resultados para water mapping
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents the results of electrical resistivity methods in the area delineation that was potentially contaminated by liquefaction products, which are also called putrefactive liquids in Vila Rezende municipal cemetery, Piracicaba, So Paulo, Brazil. The results indicate a depth of water table between 3.1 and 5.1 m, with two groundwater direction flows, one to the SW and another to the SE. Due to the contamination plumes, which have the same groundwater direction flow, as well the conductive anomalies observed in the geoelectric sections, the contamination suspicions in the area were confirmed. The probable plume to the SE extends beyond the limits of the cemetery. The location of the conductive anomalies and the probable contamination plumes showed that the contamination is linked with the depth of the water table and the burial time. Mapping using the geostatistical method of ordinary kriging applied to the work drew structural characteristics of the regional phenomenon and spatial behavior of the electrical resistivity data, resulting in continued surfaces. Thus, this method has proved to be an important tool for mapping contamination plumes in cemeteries.
Microsatellites are well-known DNA markers used in a variety of studies such as genome mapping, genetic diversity analysis, genetic conservation and phylogenetic studies. Although microsatellites are important markers, their development and characterization demands extensive time and high cost. Thus, before new markers are developed for a particular species, it is worthwhile to test the available markers from related species. In the present study, we evaluate cattle-derived microsatellite markers for genetic studies of water buffalo. Eighty-five percents of a total of 120 microsatellite markers were optimized using buffalo DNA (Bubalus bubalis). The results showed in this paper were also deposited in the National Center for Biological Information database (NCBI) (ProbeDB and UniSTS) for use in population genetic studies of buffalo by the scientific community. The use of heterologous primers significantly reduces the cost of developing specific markers for buffalo, providing a useful short cut for the genetic population analysis and gene mapping studies.
This paper presents the results of electrical resistivity methods in the area delineation that was potentially contaminated by liquefaction products, which are also called putrefactive liquids in Vila Rezende municipal cemetery, Piracicaba, So Paulo, Brazil. The results indicate a depth of water table between 3.1 and 5.1 m, with two groundwater direction flows, one to the SW and another to the SE. Due to the contamination plumes, which have the same groundwater direction flow, as well the conductive anomalies observed in the geoelectric sections, the contamination suspicions in the area were confirmed. The probable plume to the SE extends beyond the limits of the cemetery. The location of the conductive anomalies and the probable contamination plumes showed that the contamination is linked with the depth of the water table and the burial time. Mapping using the geostatistical method of ordinary kriging applied to the work drew structural characteristics of the regional phenomenon and spatial behavior of the electrical resistivity data, resulting in continued surfaces. Thus, this method has proved to be an important tool for mapping contamination plumes in cemeteries.
This article presents TDEM results from an area with recent induced shallow seismicity. The purpose was to do a geoelectrical mapping of sedimentary and fractured basaltic aquifers for better understanding of the hydrogeologic setting. The study area is in the Parana basin where flood basalts are overlain by sedimentary units near the city of Bebedouro, northern Sao Paulo State, Brazil. 86 TDEM soundings were acquired in an area of 90 km(2) in the Andes and Botafogo study areas. The soundings were chosen next to wells for calibration, and also along profiles crossing the seismically active areas. 1-D interpretation results showed the general geoelectrical stratigraphy of this part of the Parana basin. The upper geoelectrical layer is the shallow sedimentary aquifer (Adamantina formation) with less than 80 m thickness. The second geoelectrical layer contains the upper basalts of the Serra Geral formation at about 60-80 m depths. A saturated fractured basalt zone between 100 and 300 m depths was identifiable on various TDEM soundings. This depth range corresponds to the range of hypocentral depths for more than 3000 micro-earthquakes in this area. The lower basalt layer was estimated to lie between 400 and 650 m depth. The deepest geoelectrical layer detected by various TDEM soundings corresponds to the Botucatu sandstone (Guarani aquifer). Results suggest that the high-discharge wells are located in the fractured zone in the middle basalt of the Serra Geral formation. There is a good correlation between seismically active areas, high discharge wells (>190 m(3)/h), and fracture zones in the middle basalt. The results reinforce the hypothesis that the shallow seismic activity in the Bebedouro region is being triggered by high rates of groundwater withdrawal. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The rapid industrial development and disorganized population growth in huge cities bring about various urban problems due to intense use of physical space on and below the surface. Subsurface problems in metropolitan areas are caused by subway line construction, which often follows the routes of utility networks, such as electric and telephone cables, water and gas pipes, storm sewers, etc. Usually, the main problems are related to damage or destruction of preexisting utilities, often putting human lives at risk. With the purpose of minimizing risks. GPR-profiling with 200 MHz antennae was done at two sites, both located in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil. The objectives of this work were to map utilities or existing infrastructure in the subsurface in order to orient the construction of the Line 4 (yellow) subway tunnel in Sao Paulo. GPR profiles can detect water pipes, utility networks in the subsurface, and concrete foundation columns or pilings in subsoil up to 2 m depth. In addition. the GPR profiles also provided details of the target shapes in the subsurface. GPR interpretations combined with lithological information from boreholes and trenches opened in the study areas were extremely important in mapping of the correct spatial distribution of buried utilities at these two sites in Sao Paulo. This information improves and updates maps of utility placement, serves as a basis for planning of the geotechnical excavation of the Line 4 (yellow) subway tunnel in Sao Paulo, helps minimize problems related to destruction of preexisting utilities in the subsoil, and avoids risk of dangerous accidents. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In order to fill existing knowledge gaps in the temporal and spatial distribution of soil erosion, its sources and causes, as well as in relation to its off-site impacts, erosion damage mapping of all visible erosion features was carried out at three study sites in Switzerland. The data illustrate that about one-quarter of the cultivated land was affected by water erosion. Observed mean annual soil loss rates are considered rather low (0.7–2.3 t/ha/y) compared to other European countries. However, substantial losses of >70 t/ha were recorded on individual plots. This paper focuses on the spatial aspects of soil erosion, by observing and comparing the study areas in a 1-year period from October 2005 to October 2006. The analyses illustrate that the sites differ considerably in average soil loss rates, but show similar patterns of off-site effects. In about one-third of the damaged plots an external source of surface runoff upslope contributed to the damage (run-on). Similarly, more than 50 per cent of the soil eroded on arable land deposited downslope on adjacent plots, roads, public/private infrastructure, etc., and 20 per cent of it reached open water bodies. Large amounts of eroded soil which deposit off-site, often related to slope depressions, are considered muddy floods and were frequently observed in Switzerland. Mapping, in conclusion, helps to sheds light on some of the important challenges of today, in particular: to comprehensively assess socioeconomic and ecological off-site effects of soil erosion, to attribute off-site impacts to on-site causes, and to raise awareness of all stakeholders involved, in order to improve ongoing discussions on policy formulation and implementation at the national and international levels.
INTRODUCTION: Ultra-high-field whole-body systems (7.0 T) have a high potential for future human in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In musculoskeletal MRI, biochemical imaging of articular cartilage may benefit, in particular. Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and T2 mapping have shown potential at 3.0 T. Although dGEMRIC, allows the determination of the glycosaminoglycan content of articular cartilage, T2 mapping is a promising tool for the evaluation of water and collagen content. In addition, the evaluation of zonal variation, based on tissue anisotropy, provides an indicator of the nature of cartilage ie, hyaline or hyaline-like articular cartilage.Thus, the aim of our study was to show the feasibility of in vivo dGEMRIC, and T2 and T2* relaxation measurements, at 7.0 T MRI; and to evaluate the potential of T2 and T2* measurements in an initial patient study after matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) in the knee. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI was performed on a whole-body 7.0 T MR scanner using a dedicated circular polarization knee coil. The protocol consisted of an inversion recovery sequence for dGEMRIC, a multiecho spin-echo sequence for standard T2 mapping, a gradient-echo sequence for T2* mapping and a morphologic PD SPACE sequence. Twelve healthy volunteers (mean age, 26.7 +/- 3.4 years) and 4 patients (mean age, 38.0 +/- 14.0 years) were enrolled 29.5 +/- 15.1 months after MACT. For dGEMRIC, 5 healthy volunteers (mean age, 32.4 +/- 11.2 years) were included. T1 maps were calculated using a nonlinear, 2-parameter, least squares fit analysis. Using a region-of-interest analysis, mean cartilage relaxation rate was determined as T1 (0) for precontrast measurements and T1 (Gd) for postcontrast gadopentate dimeglumine [Gd-DTPA(2-)] measurements. T2 and T2* maps were obtained using a pixelwise, monoexponential, non-negative least squares fit analysis; region-of-interest analysis was carried out for deep and superficial cartilage aspects. Statistical evaluation was performed by analyses of variance. RESULTS: Mean T1 (dGEMRIC) values for healthy volunteers showed slightly different results for femoral [T1 (0): 1259 +/- 277 ms; T1 (Gd): 683 +/- 141 ms] compared with tibial cartilage [T1 (0): 1093 +/- 281 ms; T1 (Gd): 769 +/- 150 ms]. Global mean T2 relaxation for healthy volunteers showed comparable results for femoral (T2: 56.3 +/- 15.2 ms; T2*: 19.7 +/- 6.4 ms) and patellar (T2: 54.6 +/- 13.0 ms; T2*: 19.6 +/- 5.2 ms) cartilage, but lower values for tibial cartilage (T2: 43.6 +/- 8.5 ms; T2*: 16.6 +/- 5.6 ms). All healthy cartilage sites showed a significant increase from deep to superficial cartilage (P < 0.001). Within healthy cartilage sites in MACT patients, adequate values could be found for T2 (56.6 +/- 13.2 ms) and T2* (18.6 +/- 5.3 ms), which also showed a significant stratification. Within cartilage repair tissue, global mean values showed no difference, with 55.9 +/- 4.9 ms for T2 and 16.2 +/- 6.3 ms for T2*. However, zonal assessment showed only a slight and not significant increase from deep to superficial cartilage (T2: P = 0.174; T2*: P = 0.150). CONCLUSION: In vivo T1 dGEMRIC assessment in healthy cartilage, and T2 and T2* mapping in healthy and reparative articular cartilage, seems to be possible at 7.0 T MRI. For T2 and T2*, zonal variation of articular cartilage could also be evaluated at 7.0 T. This zonal assessment of deep and superficial cartilage aspects shows promising results for the differentiation of healthy and affected articular cartilage. In future studies, optimized protocol selection, and sophisticated coil technology, together with increased signal at ultra-high-field MRI, may lead to advanced biochemical cartilage imaging.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the ability of delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) and T2 mapping to evaluate the quality of repair tissue after microfracture. DESIGN: Twelve knees from 12 goats were studied. An osteochondral defect (diameter, 6mm; depth, 3mm) with microfracture was created in the weight-bearing aspect of both the medial and lateral femoral condyles. Goats were euthanized at 24 weeks (n=6) and 48 weeks (n=6) postsurgery. Pre-contrast R1 (R1pre) and post-contrast R1 (R1post) measurements for dGEMRIC and a pre-contrast T2 measurement for T2 mapping were performed with a 3T MR imaging system. MR imaging findings were compared with histological and biochemical assessments. RESULTS: In native cartilage, significant correlations were observed between the R1post and the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) concentration, as well as DeltaR1 (difference between the R1pre and R1post) and the GAG concentration (P<0.05). In repair tissue, a significant correlation was observed between DeltaR1 and the GAG concentration (P<0.05), but not between the R1post and the GAG concentration. In both repair tissue and native cartilage, no correlation was observed between T2 and the water concentration or between T2 and the hydroxyproline (HP) concentration. A zonal variation of T2 and a clear dependence of T2 on the angles relative to B0 were observed in native cartilage, but not in repair tissue. CONCLUSION: dGEMRIC with DeltaR1 measurement might be useful for the evaluation of the GAG concentration in repair tissue after microfracture. T2 mapping might be useful for the differentiation of repair tissue after microfracture from native cartilage; however, its potential to assess the specific biochemical markers in native cartilage as well as repair tissue may be limited.
Within the scope of a comprehensive assessment of the degree of soil erosion in Switzerland, common methods have been used in the past including test plot measurements, artificial rainfall simulation, and erosion modelling. In addition, mapping guidelines for all visible erosion features have been developed since the 1970s and are being successfully applied in many research and soil conservation projects. Erosion damage has been continuously mapped over a period of 9 years in a test region in the central Bernese plateau. In 2005, two additional study areas were added. The present paper assesses the data gathered and provides a comparison of the three study areas within a period of one year (from October 2005 to October 2006), focusing on the on-site impacts of soil erosion. During this period, about 11 erosive rainfall events occurred. Average soil loss rates mapped at each study site amounted to 0.7 t ha-1, 1.2 t ha-1 and 2.3 t ha-1, respectively. About one fourth of the total arable land showed visible erosion damage. Maximum soil losses of about 70 t ha-1 occurred on individual farm plots. Average soil erosion patterns are widely used to underline the severity of an erosion problem (e.g. impacts on water bodies). But since severe rainfall events, wheel tracks, headlands, and other “singularities” often cause high erosion rates, analysis of extreme erosion patterns such as maximum values led to a more differentiated understanding and appropriate conclusions for planning and design of soil protection measures. The study contains an assessment of soil erosion in Switzerland, emphasizing questions about extent, frequency and severity. At the same time, the effects of different types of land management are investigated in the field, aiming at the development of meaningful impact indicators of (un-)sustainable agriculture/soil erosion risk as well as the validation of erosion models. The results illustrate that conservation agriculture including no-till, strip tillage and in-mulch seeding plays an essential role in reducing soil loss as compared to conventional tillage.
We use various data sets, including images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRISE), to examine the ejecta of the generally fresh-looking Hale crater that occurs in the rugged mountain terrain of Nereidum Montes in the northern rim materials of the Argyre impact structure on Mars. Our investigation reveals that the distal parts of the Hale crater ejecta and other basin deposits behave like viscous flows, which we attribute to the secondary flow of ejecta mixed with water–ice-rich basin materials. Consistent with water-enrichment of the basin materials, our mapping further reveals occasionally deformed surfaces, including highly conspicuous features such as mounds and fractured plateaus that we interpret to be a result of periglacial modification, subsequent (including possibly present-day) to the transient localized melting and fluvial erosion caused by Hale-impact-generated heating. In particular, our morphometric analysis of a well-defined valley system west of Hale crater suggests that it may have been formed through hydrologic/glacial activity prior to the Hale impact, with additional modification resulting from the impact and subsequent geologic and hydrologic phenomena including glacial and periglacial activity.
Water flow and solute transport through soils are strongly influenced by the spatial arrangement of soil materials with different hydraulic and chemical properties. Knowing the specific or statistical arrangement of these materials is considered as a key toward improved predictions of solute transport. Our aim was to obtain two-dimensional material maps from photographs of exposed profiles. We developed a segmentation and classification procedure and applied it to the images of a very heterogeneous sand tank, which was used for a series of flow and transport experiments. The segmentation was based on thresholds of soil color, estimated from local median gray values, and of soil texture, estimated from local coefficients of variation of gray values. Important steps were the correction of inhomogeneous illumination and reflection, and the incorporation of prior knowledge in filters used to extract the image features and to smooth the results morphologically. We could check and confirm the success of our mapping by comparing the estimated with the designed sand distribution in the tank. The resulting material map was used later as input to model flow and transport through the sand tank. Similar segmentation procedures may be applied to any high-density raster data, including photographs or spectral scans of field profiles.
Introduction. Lake Houston serves as a reservoir for both recreational and drinking water for residents of Houston, Texas, and the metropolitan area. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) expressed concerns about the water quality and increasing amounts of pathogenic bacteria in Lake Houston (3). The objective of this investigation is to evaluate water quality for the presence of bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, carbon, phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids, and chlorine in Cypress Creek. The aims of this project are to analyze samples of water from Cypress Creek and to render a quantitative and graphical representation of the results. The collected information will allow for a better understanding of the aqueous environment in Cypress Creek.^ Methods. Water samples were collected in August 2009 and analyzed in the field and at UTSPH laboratory by spectrophotometry and other methods. Mapping software was utilized to develop novel maps of the sample sites using coordinates attained with the Global Positioning System (GPS). Sample sites and concentrations were mapped using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and correlated with permitted outfalls and other land use characteristic.^ Results. All areas sampled were positive for the presence of total coliform and Escherichia coli (E. coli). The presences of other water contaminants varied at each location in Cypress Creek but were under the maximum allowable limits designated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. However, dissolved oxygen concentrations were elevated above the TCEQ limit of 5.0 mg/L at majority of the sites. One site had near-limit concentration of nitrates at 9.8 mg/L. Land use above this site included farm land, agricultural land, golf course, parks, residential neighborhoods, and nine permitted TCEQ effluent discharge sites within 0.5 miles upstream.^ Significance. Lake Houston and its tributary, Cypress Creek, are used as recreational waters where individuals may become exposed to microbial contamination. Lake Houston also is the source of drinking water for much of Houston/Harris and Galveston Counties. This research identified the presence of microbial contaminates in Cypress Creek above TCEQ regulatory requirements. Other water quality variables measured were in line with TCEQ regulations except for near-limit for nitrate at sample site #10, at Jarvis and Timberlake in Cypress Texas.^