921 resultados para waste heat recovery system


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Heat recovery devices are important in the optimization of thermal systems, since they can be used to reduce thermal losses to the environment. The use of heat pipes in these types of equipment can provide heat recoveries of higher efficiency, since both fluid flows are external and there are less contamination risks between the hot and cold fluids. The objective of this work is to study a heat recovery unit constructed with heat pipes and mainly, to analyze the influence of the inclination of the heat pipes on the performance of the equipment. For this analysis, a heat recovery unit was constructed which possesses 48 finned heat pipes in triangular geometry, the evaporator and condenser being of the same length. This unit was tested in an air-air system simulating a heat recovery process in which heat was supplied to the hot fluid by electrical resistances. The results have shown that there exists an inclination at which the system has a better performance, but for higher inclinations there is no significant increase of the efficiency of the system. This paper also presents the influence of inclination of heat pipes on effectiveness and NTU parameters which are important in heat exchanger design.


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In this paper, a methodology for the study of a molten carbonate fuel cell cogeneration system and applied to a computer center building is developed. This system permits the recovery of waste heat, available between 600°C and 700°C, which can be used to the production of steam, hot and cold water, hot and cold air, depending on the recuperation equipment associated. Initially, some technical information about the most diffusing types of the fuel cell demonstration in the world are presented. In conclusion, the fuel cell cogeneration system may have an excellent opportunity to strengthen the decentralized energy production in the Brazilian tertiary sector.


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The increase in environmental and healthy concerns, combined with the possibility to exploit waste as a valuable energy resource, has led to explore alternative methods for waste final disposal. In this context, the energy conversion of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Waste-To-Energy (WTE) power plant is increasing throughout Europe, both in terms of plants number and capacity, furthered by legislative directives. Due to the heterogeneous nature of waste, some differences with respect to a conventional fossil fuel power plant have to be considered in the energy conversion process. In fact, as a consequence of the well-known corrosion problems, the thermodynamic efficiency of WTE power plants typically ranging in the interval 25% ÷ 30%. The new Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC promotes production of energy from waste introducing an energy efficiency criteria (the so-called “R1 formula”) to evaluate plant recovery status. The aim of the Directive is to drive WTE facilities to maximize energy recovery and utilization of waste heat, in order to substitute energy produced with conventional fossil fuels fired power plants. This calls for novel approaches and possibilities to maximize the conversion of MSW into energy. In particular, the idea of an integrated configuration made up of a WTE and a Gas Turbine (GT) originates, driven by the desire to eliminate or, at least, mitigate limitations affecting the WTE conversion process bounding the thermodynamic efficiency of the cycle. The aim of this Ph.D thesis is to investigate, from a thermodynamic point of view, the integrated WTE-GT system sharing the steam cycle, sharing the flue gas paths or combining both ways. The carried out analysis investigates and defines the logic governing plants match in terms of steam production and steam turbine power output as function of the thermal powers introduced.


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Heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular, but poor electricity generating efficiency limits the potential energy savings of electrically powered units. Thus the work reported in this thesis concerns the development of a range of gas engine driven heat pumps for industrial and commercial heating applications, which recover heat from the prime mover, normally rejected to waste. Despite the convenience of using proprietary engine heat recovery packages, investigations have highlighted the necessity to ensure the engine and the heat recovery equipment are compatible. A problem common •to all air source heat pumps is the formation of frost on the evaporator, which must be removed periodically, with the expenditure of energy, to ensure the continued operation of the plant. An original fluidised bed defrosting mechanism is proposed, which prevents the build-up of this frost, and also improves system performance. Criticisms have been levelled against the rotary sliding vane compressor, in particular the effects of lubrication, which is essential. This thesis compares the rotary sliding vane compressor with other machines, and concludes that many of these criticisms are unfounded. A confidential market survey indicates an increasing demand for heat pumps up to and including 1990, and the technical support needed to penetrate this market is presented. Such support includes the development of a range of modular gas engine driven heat pumps, and a computer aided design for the selection of the optimum units. A case study of a gas engine driven heat pump for a swimming pool application which provided valuable experience is included.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre Em Engenharia Química e Biológica Ramo de processos Químicos


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A composting Heat Extraction Unit (HEU) was designed to utilise waste heat from decaying organic matter for a variety of heating application The aim was to construct an insulated small scale, sealed, organic matter filled container. In this vessel a process fluid within embedded pipes would absorb thermal energy from the hot compost and transport it to an external heat exchanger. Experiments were conducted on the constituent parts and the final design comprised of a 2046 litre container insulated with polyurethane foam and kingspan with two arrays of qualpex piping embedded in the compost to extract heat. The thermal energy was used in horticultural trials by heating polytunnels using a radiator system during a winter/spring period. The compost derived energy was compared with conventional and renewable energy in the form of an electric fan heater and solar panel. The compost derived energy was able to raise polytunnel temperatures to 2-3°C above the control, with the solar panel contributing no thermal energy during the winter trial and the electric heater the most efficient maintaining temperature at its preset temperature of 10°C. Plants that were cultivated as performance indicators showed no significant difference in growth rates between the heat sources. A follow on experiment conducted using special growing mats for distributing compost thermal energy directly under the plants (Radish, Cabbage, Spinach and Lettuce) displayed more successful growth patterns than those in the control. The compost HEU was also used for more traditional space heating and hot water heating applications. A test space was successfully heated over two trials with varying insulation levels. Maximum internal temperature increases of 7°C and 13°C were recorded for building U-values of 1.6 and 0.53 W/m2K respectively using the HEU. The HEU successfully heated a 60 litre hot water cylinder for 32 days with maximum water temperature increases of 36.5°C recorded. Total energy recovered from the 435 Kg of compost within the HEU during the polytunnel growth trial was 76 kWh which is 3 kWh/day for the 25 days when the HEU was activated. With a mean coefficient of performance level of 6.8 calculated for the HEU the technology is energy efficient. Therefore the compost HEU developed here could be a useful renewable energy technology particularly for small scale rural dwellers and growers with access to significant quantities of organic matter


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The optimal design of a heat exchanger system is based on given model parameters together with given standard ranges for machine design variables. The goals set for minimizing the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) function which represents the price of the saved energy, for maximizing the momentary heat recovery output with given constraints satisfied and taking into account the uncertainty in the models were successfully done. Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) for the design optimization of a system is presented and implemented inMatlab environment. Markov ChainMonte Carlo (MCMC) methods are also used to take into account the uncertainty in themodels. Results show that the price of saved energy can be optimized. A wet heat exchanger is found to be more efficient and beneficial than a dry heat exchanger even though its construction is expensive (160 EUR/m2) compared to the construction of a dry heat exchanger (50 EUR/m2). It has been found that the longer lifetime weights higher CAPEX and lower OPEX and vice versa, and the effect of the uncertainty in the models has been identified in a simplified case of minimizing the area of a dry heat exchanger.


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Global warming is one of the most alarming problems of this century. Initial scepticism concerning its validity is currently dwarfed by the intensification of extreme weather events whilst the gradual arising level of anthropogenic CO2 is pointed out as its main driver. Most of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from large point sources (heat and power production and industrial processes) and the continued use of fossil fuels requires quick and effective measures to meet the world’s energy demand whilst (at least) stabilizing CO2 atmospheric levels. The framework known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) – or Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – comprises a portfolio of technologies applicable to large‐scale GHG sources for preventing CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Amongst them, CO2 capture and mineralisation (CCM) presents the highest potential for CO2 sequestration as the predicted carbon storage capacity (as mineral carbonates) far exceeds the estimated levels of the worldwide identified fossil fuel reserves. The work presented in this thesis aims at taking a step forward to the deployment of an energy/cost effective process for simultaneous capture and storage of CO2 in the form of thermodynamically stable and environmentally friendly solid carbonates. R&D work on the process considered here began in 2007 at Åbo Akademi University in Finland. It involves the processing of magnesium silicate minerals with recyclable ammonium salts for extraction of magnesium at ambient pressure and 400‐440⁰C, followed by aqueous precipitation of magnesium in the form of hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, and finally Mg(OH)2 carbonation in a pressurised fluidized bed reactor at ~510⁰C and ~20 bar PCO2 to produce high purity MgCO3. Rock material taken from the Hitura nickel mine, Finland, and serpentinite collected from Bragança, Portugal, were tested for magnesium extraction with both ammonium sulphate and bisulphate (AS and ABS) for determination of optimal operation parameters, primarily: reaction time, reactor type and presence of moisture. Typical efficiencies range from 50 to 80% of magnesium extraction at 350‐450⁰C. In general ABS performs better than AS showing comparable efficiencies at lower temperature and reaction times. The best experimental results so far obtained include 80% magnesium extraction with ABS at 450⁰C in a laboratory scale rotary kiln and 70% Mg(OH)2 carbonation in the PFB at 500⁰C, 20 bar CO2 pressure for 15 minutes. The extraction reaction with ammonium salts is not at all selective towards magnesium. Other elements like iron, nickel, chromium, copper, etc., are also co‐extracted. Their separation, recovery and valorisation are addressed as well and found to be of great importance. The assessment of the exergetic performance of the process was carried out using Aspen Plus® software and pinch analysis technology. The choice of fluxing agent and its recovery method have a decisive sway in the performance of the process: AS is recovered by crystallisation and in general the whole process requires more exergy (2.48–5.09 GJ/tCO2sequestered) than ABS (2.48–4.47 GJ/tCO2sequestered) when ABS is recovered by thermal decomposition. However, the corrosive nature of molten ABS and operational problems inherent to thermal regeneration of ABS prohibit this route. Regeneration of ABS through addition of H2SO4 to AS (followed by crystallisation) results in an overall negative exergy balance (mainly at the expense of low grade heat) but will flood the system with sulphates. Although the ÅA route is still energy intensive, its performance is comparable to conventional CO2 capture methods using alkanolamine solvents. An energy‐neutral process is dependent on the availability and quality of nearby waste heat and economic viability might be achieved with: magnesium extraction and carbonation levels ≥ 90%, the processing of CO2‐containing flue gases (eliminating the expensive capture step) and production of marketable products.


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The fuel cell is an emerging cogeneration technology that has been applied successfully in Japan, the USA and some countries in the European Union. This system performs direct conversion of the chemical energy of the oxidation of hydrogen from fuel with atmospheric oxygen into direct current electricity and waste heat via an electrochemical process relying on the use of different electrolytes (phosphoric acid, molten carbonate and solid oxide, depending on operating temperature). This technology permits the recovery of waste heat, available from 200 degreesC up to 1000 degreesC depending on the electrolyte technology, which can be used in the production of steam, hot or cold water, or hot or cold air, depending on the associated recuperation equipment. In this paper, an energy, exergy and economic analysis of a fuel cell cogeneration system (FCCS) is presented. The FCCS is applied in a segment of the tertiary sector to show that it is a feasible alternative for rational decentralized energy production under Brazilian conditions. The technoeconomic analysis shows a global efficiency or fuel utilization efficiency of 86%. Analysis shows that the exergy losses in the fuel cell unit and the absorption refrigeration system are significant. Furthermore, the payback period estimated is about 3 and 5 years for investments in fuel cells of 1000 and 1500 US$/kW, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a thermoeconomic functional analysis method based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics and applied to analyze four cogeneration systems is presented. The objective of the developed technique is to minimize the operating costs of the cogeneration plant, namely exergetic production cost (EPC), assuming fixed rates of electricity production and process steam in exergy base. In this study a comparison is made between the same four configurations of part I. The cogeneration system consisting of a gas turbine with a heat recovery steam generator, without supplementary firing, has the lowest EPC. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper presents a methodology for the study of a molten carbonate fuel cell co-generation system. This system is applied to a dairy industry of medium size that typically demands 2100 kW of electricity, 8500 kg/h of saturated steam (P = 1.08 MPa) and 2725 kW of cold water production. Depending on the associated recuperation equipment, the co-generation system permits the recovery of waste heat, which can be used for the production of steam, hot and cold water, hot and cold air. In this study, a comparison is made between two configurations of fuel cell co-generation systems (FCCS). The plant performance has been evaluated on the basis of fuel utilisation efficiency and each system component evaluated on the basis of second law efficiency. The energy analysis presented shows a fuel utilisation efficiency of about 87% and exergy analysis shows that the irreversibilities in the combustion chamber of the plant are significant. Further, the payback period estimated for the fuel cell investment between US$ 1000 and US$ 1500/k-W is about 3 and 6 years, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Urban centers have a huge demand for electricity and the growing problem of the solid waste management generated by their population, a relevant social and administrative problem. The correct disposal of the municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in cities is one of the most complex engineering problems that involves logistics, safety, environmental and energetic aspects for its adequate management. Due to a national policy of solid wastes recently promulgated, Brazilian cities are evaluating the technical and economic feasibility of incinerating the non-recyclable waste. São José dos Campos, a São Paulo State industrialized city, is considering the composting of organic waste for biogas production and mass incineration of non-recyclable waste. This paper presents a waste-to-energy system based on the integration of gas turbines to a MSW incinerator for producing thermal and electric energy as an alternative solution for the solid waste disposal in São José dos Campos, SP. A technical and economic feasibility study for the hybrid combined cycle plant is presented and revealed to be attractive when carbon credit and waste tax are included in the project income. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG