80 resultados para warts
O Mesozóico foi marcado por mudanças geológicas significativas, decorrentes de soerguimentos resultante da orogenia Gonduanide, que possibilitou a implantação de sistemas desérticos concomitantemente com expressivos eventos magmáticos. Na Bacia do Parnaíba, Nordeste do Brasil, estes eventos estão registrados nas unidades siliciclásticas do Triássico, os arenitos da Formação Sambaíba, representadas pelos derrames basálticos e arenitos fluviais e eólicos subordinados da Formação Mosquito e pelos arenitos flúvio-eólicos da Formação Corda. O estudo de fácies e estratigráfico realizado em afloramentos e testemunhos de sondagem na região entre Formosa da Serra Negra e Montes Altos, Estado do Maranhão, possibilitou reconstituir o paleoambiente do topo da Formação Mosquito e da Formação Corda, e inferir condições paleoclimáticas para a porção centro-oeste da Bacia do Parnaíba durante o Jurássico. Foram identificadas vinte fácies sedimentares agrupadas em cinco associações de fácies (AF) representativas de uma planície vulcânica com depósitos fluviais esporádicos e arenitos eólicos subordinados (AF1-Formação Mosquito), sucedida pela instalação de um sistema desértico úmido (AF2-AF5; Formação Corda). A planície vulcânica (AF1) constitui derrames basálticos intercalados com arenitos finos a grossos (arenitos intertrap) compostos por grãos arredondados a subangulosos de quartzo, feldspatos e fragmentos de vidro vulcânico. Os arenitos apresentam estratificações plano-paralela e cruzada de baixo ângulo, preenchendo geometria de canal ou em corpos tabulares. Depósitos de canal fluvial entrelaçado (AF2) consistem em conglomerados polimíticos, com grânulos e seixos subarredondados a angulosos de basalto, e arenitos grossos com estratificação cruzada acanalada e acamamento maciço. Os lençóis arenosos (AF3) foram divididos em dois elementos arquiteturais (EA), o primeiro (EA1) consistem em arenitos finos a muitos com geometria tabular e estruturas de deformação, o segundo (EA2) é composto por arenito fino a grosso com estratificação cruzada acanalada e laminação cruzada cavalgante, gutter cast de pequeno porte. O campo de dunas (AF4) foi subdividido em dois conjuntos de fácies (C), o primeiro (CI) é caracterizado por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tabular e tangencial de pequeno a médio porte, estratificação planoparalela e laminação cruzada cavalgante transladante subcrítica. O segundo (CII) consiste de arenitos finos a médios, moderadamente selecionados, laminação ondulada e estruturas de adesão e gretas de contração com rip-up clast, curled mud flakes, forma ciclos de raseamento centimétricos, com topo marcado por horizontes mosqueados, ricos em óxido/hidróxido de ferro, bioturbações e gretas de contração, interpretados como depósitos de interdunas úmidas. Os lobos de suspensão (AF5) consistem em arenitos finos intercalados com pelitos e arenito/pelito com estratificação cruzada complexa. A abundância de esmectita na AF4 aponta para condições de clima semiárido. No Jurássico, a região centro-oeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, foi submetida a movimentos distensivos com recorrência de derrames básicos advindos de fissuras na crosta. Durante os intervalos de aquiescência sedimentos de rios efêmeros preenchiam depressões ou espraiavam-se na planície vulcânica. O final da atividade magmática foi sucedido pela implantação do desérto Corda com campo de dunas e canais fluviais efêmeros (wadi) que retrabalharam parte da planície vulcânica e esporadicamente invadiam os lençóis arenosos. Comparado aos ergs do Permo-Triássico (Formação Sambaíba), o deserto Jurássico da Formação Corda foi mais úmido e menos extenso precedendo os sistemas fluviais e costeiros de clima mais ameno do Cretáceo da Bacia do Parnaíba.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Nail surgery is a special branch of hand and dermatologic surgery. It is not widely performed, and many physicians do not feel at ease to perform it. The objective of this contribution is to give a short overview of the most important surgical procedures in clinical practice. References from the literature and the author's own experiences are condensed to describe what a dermatologic practitioner with knowledge of the nail and some surgical skills can perform. Nail surgery is a precise technique that requires careful administration and attention to details. Proper patient preparation starts with a patient history to identify potential contraindications and to prevent unnecessary complications. The author recommends isopropyl alcohol scrub and chlorhexidine for disinfection and ropivacaine 1% for anesthesia. The technique used for anesthesia depends on the type of surgery. Surgical procedures are described for diagnostic biopsies, nail avulsion in general, onychogryposis, paronychia treatment, hematomas and bone fracture due to trauma, removal of subungual foreign bodies, ingrowing nails, pincer nails, warts, ungual fibrokeratomas, digital myxoid pseudocyst, subungual exostoses, and various tumors. If performed correctly with adequate skills, nail surgery will lead to functionally and aesthetically satisfying results in the majority of instances.
Objective. In June 2006, the first vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) was approved by the FDA and shortly after approval, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend the HPV vaccine for young girls. As a result of ACIP recommendations, state legislators introduced bills to mandate the vaccine. Policies related to public health issues, such as vaccination mandates, are often influenced by news coverage of these issues. News media, particularly in times of controversies, reinforce specific messages and plays an essential role in framing issues for the public. The objective of this study is to examine the quality, content, and scope of policies for the HPV vaccine before and after Texas Governor Rick Perry issued an executive order mandating the vaccine for middle school girls.^ Methods. The Lexis-Nexis database was used to identify 335 articles on HPV vaccination mandate policies that were published in U.S. newspapers from February 1, 2006 to February 2, 2008. The coding instrument captured information about article type, main news story concern, general information about HPV, HPV vaccine mandate policies, arguments for and against HPV vaccination mandates, arguments for and against the HPV vaccine, and sources of information.^ Results. Most news articles (82.4%) occurred after Governor Rick Perry issued an executive order mandating the HPV vaccine. Most articles mentioned that HPV is sexually transmitted (90.7%) and linked HPV infection to cervical cancer (96.1%). Only 63.9% of the articles reported that the HPV vaccine protects against types of HPV that cause cervical cancer and 18.8% of the articles reported that the vaccine protects against genital warts. Only 18.2% of the news articles presented a balanced argument regarding mandatory HPV vaccinations, and only 39.4% of the news articles presented a balanced argument for the HPV vaccine.^ Conclusions. Our study revealed that news coverage regarding mandating the HPV vaccine and issues related to the vaccine itself is biased, unbalanced, and incomplete. Since the public pays a great deal of attention to health in the media, it is essential that news stories are balanced, complete, and accurate. In order to ensure that future vaccination mandates are not covered in the same way the HPV vaccination was, public health officials, health care providers and scientists should work effectively with the media to ensure that balanced information is provided.^
Background. HPV is the underlying cause of cervical cancer, a malignant tumor of the female genital tract. Each year, cervical cancer is newly diagnosed in approximately 10,000 women, and over 3,000 women die from the malignancy. In addition, HPV is implicated as a cause of other cancers involving the genital tract, male and female, and the head and neck. ^ Gardasil, a vaccine against HPV, was licensed by the FDA in June 2006. Early study results have shown Gardasil to be safe and effective at preventing HPV infections that are commonly associated with the development of cervical cancer, as well as other HPV-related cancers and genital warts. The vaccine is most effective when administered in childhood, before initial exposure to HPV, which typically occurs shortly after the onset of sexual activity. Accordingly, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recommended routine vaccination of females aged 11-12 years. ^ Taking the ACIP recommendation one step further, many states have considered school-based mandates of the HPV vaccine in an attempt to reduce the burden of HPV-related illness, in particular to reduce the disparately high incidence of cervical cancer in medically underserved populations. These mandate attempts have sparked heated debate—highlighting public concerns regarding adolescent sexuality, corporate greed, and vaccines in general. ^ Methods. My research focuses on publicly available sources of information such as medical journals, government reports (federal and state), NGO reports, newspapers, and books. I begin with a background discussion of HPV, cervical cancer, and the HPV vaccine. I then discuss public health policy issues related to vaccines, vaccine mandates, and HPV-related illness. Specifically, I discuss the public health benefit of previous vaccine mandates, the legality of vaccine mandates, and the undue corporate influence on the politics of instituting HPV vaccine mandates. In addition, I examine some of the causes behind the anti-vaccine movement and the controversy surrounding adolescent sexuality as it pertains to the HPV vaccine. In the final section, I focus on the recent failed attempt by Governor Rick Perry to mandate the HPV vaccine in Texas. A retrospective analysis of Governor Perry's policy decisions is undertaken and recommendations are made regarding future attempts to mandate the HPV vaccine, or other vaccines under development for similar sexually transmitted viral diseases such as HIV and herpes simplex. ^ Results. In Texas, as in other states across the country, HPV vaccine mandates faced opposition from those who, while they may support mandates of other vaccines, oppose mandates for the HPV vaccine based largely on the idea that HPV is a sexually transmitted disease—they see responsible sexual behavior as the appropriate method for preventing HPV-related illness. A second major group of opposition comes from those who are generally opposed to all vaccine mandates, due to concerns that mandates are intended primarily for the financial benefit of the pharmaceutical industry or due to concerns—largely unfounded—that vaccines pose a greater health threat than the illnesses they are designed to prevent. ^ Conclusion. In order to reduce opposition to vaccine mandates, care must be taken to educate the public regarding the benefits of vaccination by mobilizing the public health sector, avoid the impression that the decision to institute mandates is rash or pressured by allowing time for open debate, and minimize lobbying efforts by vaccine manufacturers. ^
El complejo VIH-SIDA puede desarrollar clínicamente una gran variedad de manifestaciones dermatológicas, 90% de los pacientes presentan alguna manifestación en piel, mucosas o anexos. Las mismas han sido clasificadas en infecciosas y no infecciosas para su mayor comprensión. Se puede observar patología exclusiva asociada a la enfermedad y/o entidades dermatológicas comunes, como la dermatitis seborreica, las verrugas genitales o el herpes zoster pero con presentaciones atípicas, extensas y resistentes al tratamiento. Se comunica una serie de pacientes que presentaron manifestaciones dermatológicas no infecciosas en el contexto de infección por VIH.
The molecular mechanisms that coordinate cell morphogenesis with the cell cycle remain largely unknown. We have investigated this process in fission yeast where changes in polarized cell growth are coupled with cell cycle progression. The orb6 gene is required during interphase to maintain cell polarity and encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase, belonging to the myotonic dystrophy kinase/cot1/warts family. A decrease in Orb6 protein levels leads to loss of polarized cell shape and to mitotic advance, whereas an increase in Orb6 levels maintains polarized growth and delays mitosis by affecting the p34cdc2 mitotic kinase. Thus the Orb6 protein kinase coordinates maintenance of cell polarity during interphase with the onset of mitosis. orb6 interacts genetically with orb2, which encodes the Pak1/Shk1 protein kinase, a component of the Ras1 and Cdc42-dependent signaling pathway. Our results suggest that Orb6 may act downstream of Pak1/Shk1, forming part of a pathway coordinating cell morphogenesis with progression through the cell cycle.
Infection of mucosal epithelium by papillomaviruses is responsible for the induction of genital and oral warts and plays a critical role in the development of human cervical and oropharyngeal cancer. We have employed a canine model to develop a systemic vaccine that completely protects against experimentally induced oral mucosal papillomas. The major capsid protein, L1, of canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) was expressed in Sf9 insect cells in native conformation. L1 protein, which self-assembled into virus-like particles, was purified on CsCl gradients and injected intradermally into the foot pad of beagles. Vaccinated animals developed circulating antibodies against COPV and became completely resistant to experimental challenge with COPV. Successful immunization was strictly dependent upon native L1 protein conformation and L1 type. Partial protection was achieved with as little as 0.125 ng of L1 protein, and adjuvants appeared useful for prolonging the host immune response. Serum immunoglobulins passively transferred from COPV L1-immunized beagles to naive beagles conferred protection from experimental infection with COPV. Our results indicate the feasibility of developing a human vaccine to prevent mucosal papillomas, which can progress to malignancy.
Background: HPV vaccine coverage is far from ideal in Valencia, Spain, and this could be partially related to the low knowledge about the disease and the vaccine, therefore we assessed these, as well as the attitude towards vaccination in adolescent girls, and tried to identify independently associated factors that could potentially be modified by an intervention in order to increase vaccine coverage. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in a random selection of schools of the Spanish region of Valencia. We asked mothers of 1278 girls, who should have been vaccinated in the 2011 campaign, for informed consent. Those that accepted their daughters’ participation, a questionnaire regarding the Knowledge of HPV infection and vaccine was passed to the girls in the school. Results: 833 mothers (65.1%) accepted participation. All their daughters’ responded the questionnaire. Of those, 89.9% had heard about HPV and they associated it to cervical cancer. Only 14% related it to other problems like genital warts. The knowledge score of the girls who had heard about HPV was 6.1/10. Knowledge was unrelated to the number of contacts with the health system (Pediatrician or nurse), and positively correlated with the discussions with classmates about the vaccine. Adolescents Spanish in origin or with an older sister vaccinated, had higher punctuation. 67% of the girls thought that the vaccine prevented cancer, and 22.6% felt that although prevented cancer the vaccine had important safety problems. 6.4% of the girls rejected the vaccine for safety problems or for not considering themselves at risk of infection. 71.5% of the girls had received at least one vaccine dose. Vaccinated girls scored higher knowledge (p = 0.05). Conclusion: Knowledge about HPV infection and vaccine was fair in adolescents of Valencia, and is independent to the number of contacts with the health system, it is however correlated to the conversations about the vaccine with their peers and the vaccination status. An action to improve HPV knowledge through health providers might increase vaccine coverage in the adolescents.
Vaccines to prevent infection with high-risk human papillomaviruses (HPV) will help protect women against cervical cancer, and some are likely to be available within the next year. One vaccine, a quadrivalent vaccine against HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18 and known as Garadsil ©(Merck &Co., Inc), was approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for the prevention of cervical cancer, cervical cancer precursors and vulval and vaginal cancer precursors associated with HPV 16 and 18 in June 2006. In addition, the vaccine has been approved for the prevention of genital warts and low grade cervical lesions e.g. cervical intraepithelial neoplasia1. The main vaccines components are recombinant viral capsid proteins assembled into virus-like particles and alum-based adjuvants. If given before HPV infection, the vaccines, which induce HPV type-specific, virus-neutralizing antibodies, have proven safe and highly effective at preventing HPV infection and its clinical consequences, including high-grade cervical lesions. Their use should not immediately alter existing screening programs for cervical cancer, however. Because they incorporate only the 2 HPV types most commonly associated with cervical cancer (HPV-16 and HPV-18), they can only prevent about 70% of cervical cancers. Vaccines to treat existing HPV infection are under development but are unlikely to become clinically available in the near future.