951 resultados para volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient


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This paper considers the effect of the rotor tip on the casing heat load of a transonic axial flow turbine. The aim of the research is to understand the dominant causes of casing heat-transfer. Experimental measurements were conducted at engine-representative Mach number, Reynolds number and stage inlet to casing wall temperature ratio. Time-resolved heat-transfer coefficient and gas recovery temperature on the casing were measured using an array of heat-transfer gauges. Time-resolved static pressure on the casing wall was measured using Kulite pressure transducers. Time-resolved numerical simulations were undertaken to aid understanding of the mechanism responsible for casing heat load. The results show that between 35% and 60% axial chord the rotor tip-leakage flow is responsible for more than 50% of casing heat transfer. The effects of both gas recovery temperature and heat transfer coefficient were investigated separately and it is shown that an increased stagnation temperature in the rotor tip gap dominates casing heat-transfer. In the tip gap the stagnation temperature is shown to rise above that found at stage inlet (combustor exit) by as much as 35% of stage total temperature drop. The rise in stagnation temperature is caused by an isentropic work input to the tip-leakage fluid by the rotor. The size of this mechanism is investigated by computationally tracking fluid path-lines through the rotor tip gap to understand the unsteady work processes that occur. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.


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α-(Yb1-xErx)2Si2O7 thin films on Si substrates were synthesized by magnetron co-sputtering. The optical emission from Er3+ ions has been extensively investigated, evidencing the very efficient role of Yb-Er coupling. The energy-transfer coefficient was evaluated for an extended range of Er content (between 0.2 and 16.5 at.%) reaching a maximum value of 2 × 10⁻¹⁶ cm⁻³s⁻¹. The highest photoluminescence emission at 1535 nm is obtained as a result of the best compromise between the number of Yb donors (16.4 at.%) and Er acceptors (1.6 at.%), for which a high population of the first excited state is reached. These results are very promising for the realization of 1.54 μm optical amplifiers on a Si platform.


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In this paper, high and low speed tip flows are investigated for a high-pressure turbine blade. Previous experimental data are used to validate a CFD code, which is then used to study the tip heat transfer in high and low speed cascades. The results show that at engine representative Mach numbers the tip flow is predominantly transonic. Thus, compared to the low speed tip flow, the heat transfer is affected by reductions in both the heat transfer coefficient and the recovery temperature. The high Mach numbers in the tip region (M>1.5) lead to large local variations in recovery temperature. Significant changes in the heat transfer coefficient are also observed. These are due to changes in the structure of the tip flow at high speed. At high speeds, the pressure side corner separation bubble reattachment occurs through supersonic acceleration which halves the length of the bubble when the tip gap exit Mach number is increased from 0.1 to 1.0. In addition, shock/boundary-layer interactions within the tip gap lead to large changes in the tip boundary-layer thickness. These effects give rise to significant differences in the heat-transfer coefficient within the tip region compared to the low-speed tip flow. Compared to the low speed tip flow, the high speed tip flow is much less dominated by turbulent dissipation and is thus less sensitive to the choice of turbulence model. These results clearly demonstrate that blade tip heat transfer is a strong function of Mach number, an important implication when considering the use of low speed experimental testing and associated CFD validation in engine blade tip design. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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The creep rate of polycrystalline Fe3O4 has been measured as a fonction of stress and oxygen partial pressure in the temperature range 480-1100°C. A regime of power law creep is found at high stress, with a stress exponent of ≈- 3.1 and an activation energy of 264 kJ/mol. A regime of diffusional flow is found at lower stresses and is interpreted as Nabarro-Herring creep. The data for the two regimes are combined to deduce an oxygen diffusion coefficient of ≈-10-5 exp(-264 kJ/mol/RT) m2s-1, with oxygen vacancies suggested as the mobile species. © 1990.


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This article presents a framework that describes formally the underlying unsteady and conjugate heat transfer processes that are undergone in thermodynamic systems, along with results from its application to the characterization of thermodynamic losses due to irreversible heat transfer during reciprocating compression and expansion processes in a gas spring. Specifically, a heat transfer model is proposed that solves the one-dimensional unsteady heat conduction equation in the solid simultaneously with the first law in the gas phase, with an imposed heat transfer coefficient taken from suitable experiments in gas springs. Even at low volumetric compression ratios (of 2.5), notable effects of unsteady heat transfer to the solid walls are revealed, with thermally induced thermodynamic cycle (work) losses of up to 14% (relative to the work input/output in equivalent adiabatic and reversible compression/expansion processes) at intermediate Péclet numbers (i.e., normalized frequencies) when unfavorable solid and gas materials are selected, and closer to 10-12% for more common material choices. The contribution of the solid toward these values, through the conjugate variations attributed to the thickness of the cylinder wall, is about 8% and 2% points, respectively, showing a maximum at intermediate thicknesses. At higher compression ratios (of 6) a 19% worst-case loss is reported for common materials. These results suggest strongly that in designing high-efficiency reciprocating machines the full conjugate and unsteady problem must be considered and that the role of the solid in determining performance cannot, in general, be neglected. © 2014 Richard Mathie, Christos N. Markides, and Alexander J. White. Published with License by Taylor & Francis.


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The not only lower but also uniform MEMS chip temperatures can he reached by selecting suitable boiling number range that ensures the nucleate boiling heat transfer. In this article, boiling heat transfer experiments in 10 silicon triangular microchannels with the hydraulic diameter of 55.4 mu m were performed using acetone as the working fluid, having the inlet liquid temperatures of 24-40 degrees C, mass fluxes of 96-360 kg/m(2)s, heat fluxes of 140-420 kW/m(2), and exit vapor mass qualities of 0.28-0.70. The above data range correspond to the boiling number from 1.574 x 10(-3) to 3.219 x 10(-3) and ensure the perfect nucleate boiling heat transfer region, providing a very uniform chip temperature distribution in both streamline and transverse directions. The boiling heat transfer coefficients determined by the infrared radiator image system were found to he dependent on the heat Axes only, not dependent on the mass Axes and the vapor mass qualities covering the above data range. The high-speed flow visualization shows that the periodic flow patterns take place inside the microchannel in the time scale of milliseconds, consisting of liquid refilling stage, bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence stage, and transient liquid film evaporation stage in a full cycle. The paired or triplet bubble nucleation sites can occur in the microchannel corners anywhere along the flow direction, accounting for the nucleate boiling heat transfer mode. The periodic boiling process is similar to a series of bubble nucleation, growth, and departure followed by the liquid refilling in a single cavity for the pool boiling situation. The chip temperature difference across the whole two-phase area is found to he small in a couple of degrees, providing a better thermal management scheme for the high heat flux electronic components. Chen's [11 widely accepted correlation for macrochannels and Bao et al.'s [21 correlation obtained in a copper capillary tube with the inside diameter of 1.95 mm using R11 and HCFC123 as working fluids can predict the present experimental data with accepted accuracy. Other correlations fail to predict the correct heat transfer coefficient trends. New heat transfer correlations are also recommended.


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The typical MEMS fabrication of micro evaporators ensures the perfect smooth wall surface that is lack of nucleation sites, significantly decreasing the heat transfer coefficients compared with miniature evaporators fabricated using copper or stainless steel. In the present paper, we performed the boiling heat transfer experiment in silicon triangular microchannel heat sink over a wide parameter range for 102 runs. Acetone was used as the working fluid. The measured boiling heat transfer coefficients versus the local vapor mass qualities are compared with the classical Chen’s correlation and other correlations for macro and miniature capillary tubes. It is found that most of these correlations significantly over-predict the measured heat transfer coefficients. New correlations are given. There are many reasons for such deviations. The major reason is coming from the perfect smooth silicon surface that lowers the heat transfer performances. New theory is recommended for the silicon microchannel heat sink that should be different from metallic capillary tubes.


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The kinetics of facilitated ion-transfer (FIT) reactions at high driving force across the water/1,2-dichloroethane (W/DCE) interface is investigated by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). The transfers of lithium and sodium ions facilitated by dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) across the polarized W/DCE interface are chosen as model systems because they have the largest potential range that can be controlled externally. By selecting the appropriate ratios of the reactant concentrations (Kr c(M)+/c(DB18C6)) and using nanopipets as the SECM tips, we obtained a series of rate constants (k(f)) at various driving forces (Delta(O)(W) phi(ML+)(0') - Es, Delta(O)(W) phi(ML+)(0') is the formal potential of facilitated ion transfer and Es is the potential applied externally at the substrate interface) based on a three-electrode system. The FIT rate constants k(f) are found to be dependent upon the driving force. When the driving force is low, the dependence of 1n k(f) on the driving force is linear with a transfer coefficient of about 0.3. It follows the classical Butler-Volmer theory and then reaches a maximum before it decreases again when we further increase the driving forces. This indicates that there exists an inverted region, and these behaviors have been explained by Marcus theory.


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The influence of swelling and stripping acidity on the mass transfer coefficient based on water phase and the inner diameters of membranes were studied with P507-HCl-Sm as working system in the two different kinds of hollow fiber membranes. Effects of extractant concentration, H+ concentration in aqueous phase and Sm3+ concentration on extraction rate were discussed and the corresponding reaction series were obtained. According to the investigations on the interfacial kinetics, the reaction kinetics equation and reaction rate constant were obtained.


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Facilitated proton transfer across the water/1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) interface supported on the tips of micro- and nano-pipets by o-phenanthroline (Phen) was studied by using cyclic voltammetry. The formed micro- and nano-liquid/liquid interfaces functioned as micro- and nano-electrodes under certain experimental conditions. The dependence of the half-wave potentials on the aqueous solutions acidities was studied and the ratio of association constants between Phen and proton in the aqueous and DCE phases was calculated by the method proposed by Matsuda et al.. The standard rate constant (k(0)) and the transfer coefficient (alpha) evaluated by using nano-pipets were equal to 0.183 +/- 0.054 cm/s and 0.70 +/- 0.09, respectively.


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The membranes of polyvinylidene fluoride, which were synthesized by our laboratory, were used to study the transfer and extraction performances of Nd(III) and Sm(III) with the extraction system of HEH/EHP-kerosene. The results show that the membrane material was suitable to the study on membrane extraction, and could offer a good transfer performance in the membrane construction parameters selected, The extraction reaction in the membrane module was the same as that in liquid-liquid process, HEH/EHP ammoniated for increasing the mass transfer coefficient was almost the same with increasing the concentration of HEH/EHP, and H+ was still transferred first at higher pH range of feed solution when HEH/EHP was ammoniated, The controlling model of the membrane extraction process was the diffusion model accompanied by interfacial reaction, The controlling function of interfacial reaction would increase gradually with the increasing of the membrane pore size. The mass transfer coefficient increased when extraction and stripping were carried out simultaneously.


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The rapid scan spectrometer was used to determine the heterogeneous electron transfer rate parameters for the oxidation of Biliverdin in DMF by single potential step thin layer spectroelectrochemical techniques and yielded an average formal heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant K(s, h)0' = 2.45 (+/-0.12) x 10(-4) cm s-1, electrochemical transfer coefficient alpha = 0.694+/-0.008. The oxidation process of Biliverdin was also studied and the formal potential E0 = 0.637 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) was obtained.


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Shipboard measurements of eddy covariance dimethylsulfide (DMS) air–sea fluxes and seawater concentration were carried out in the North Atlantic bloom region in June/July 2011. Gas transfer coefficients (k660) show a linear dependence on mean horizontal wind speed at wind speeds up to 11 m s−1. At higher wind speeds the relationship between k660 and wind speed weakens. At high winds, measured DMS fluxes were lower than predicted based on the linear relationship between wind speed and interfacial stress extrapolated from low to intermediate wind speeds. In contrast, the transfer coefficient for sensible heat did not exhibit this effect. The apparent suppression of air–sea gas flux at higher wind speeds appears to be related to sea state, as determined from shipboard wave measurements. These observations are consistent with the idea that long waves suppress near-surface water-side turbulence, and decrease interfacial gas transfer. This effect may be more easily observed for DMS than for less soluble gases, such as CO2, because the air–sea exchange of DMS is controlled by interfacial rather than bubble-mediated gas transfer under high wind speed conditions.


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This paper describes an experimental investigation into the surface heat transfer coefficient of finned metal cylinders in a free air stream. Ten cylinders were tested with four different fin pitches and five different fin lengths. The cylinders and their fins were designed to be representative of those found on a motorcycle engine with an external cylinder diameter of 100 mm and fin lengths of 10 to 50 mm. The fins of each cylinder were gravity die cast in aluminum allow. Each cylinder was electrically heated and mounted in a wind tunnel which subjected it to a range of air speeds between 2 and 20 m/s. The surface heat transfer coefficient, h, was found primarily to be a function of the air speed and the fin separation, with fin length having a lesser effect. In addition to the determination of an overall heat transfer coefficient, the distribution of cooling around the circumference of each cylinder was also studied. Not surprisingly, the cooling was found to be greatest on the front of the cylinder, which was the side first impinged by the air stream. The cooling of the rear of the cylinder was better than might have been expected and this is quantified.


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Colloidal gas aphrons (CGAs) are micron-sized bubbles, which are produced by stirring a dilute surfactant solution at a high speed. In this work, CGAs have been used to clarify oily wastewater by flotation technique. The CGAs sparging rate was a critical factor that governed the efficiency of the process. A model for the determination of the mass transfer coefficient is also developed for the purpose of process design.