966 resultados para volumetric mass transfer coefficient


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Turbulent flow around a rotating circular cylinder has numerous applications including wall shear stress and mass-transfer measurement related to the corrosion studies. It is also of interest in the context of flow over convex surfaces where standard turbulence models perform poorly. The main purpose of this paper is to elucidate the basic turbulence mechanism around a rotating cylinder at low Reynolds numbers to provide a better understanding of flow fundamentals. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) has been performed in a reference frame rotating at constant angular velocity with the cylinder. The governing equations are discretized by using a finite-volume method. As for fully developed channel, pipe, and boundary layer flows, a laminar sublayer, buffer layer, and logarithmic outer region were observed. The level of mean velocity is lower in the buffer and outer regions but the logarithmic region still has a slope equal to the inverse of the von Karman constant. Instantaneous flow visualization revealed that the turbulence length scale typically decreases as the Reynolds number increases. Wavelet analysis provided some insight into the dependence of structural characteristics on wave number. The budget of the turbulent kinetic energy was computed and found to be similar to that in plane channel flow as well as in pipe and zero pressure gradient boundary layer flows. Coriolis effects show as an equivalent production for the azimuthal and radial velocity fluctuations leading to their ratio being lowered relative to similar nonrotating boundary layer flows.


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Measurements were carried out to determine local coefficients of heat transfer in short lengths of horizontal pipe, and in the region of an discontinuity in pipe diameter. Laminar, transitional and turbulent flow regimes were investigated, and mixtures of propylene glycol and water were used in the experiments to give a range of viscous fluids. Theoretical and empirical analyses were implemented to find how the fundamental mechanism of forced convection was modified by the secondary effects of free convection, temperature dependent viscosity, and viscous dissipation. From experiments with the short tube it was possible to determine simple empirical relationships describing the axial distribution of the local 1usselt number and its dependence on the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. Small corrections were made to account for the secondary effects mentioned above. Two different entrance configurations were investigated to demonstrate how conditions upstream could influence the heat transfer coefficients measured downstream In experiments with a sudden contraction in pipe diameter the distribution of local 1u3se1t number depended on the Prandtl number of the fluid in a complicated way. Graphical data is presented describing this dependence for a range of fluids indicating how the local Nusselt number varied with the diameter-ratio. Ratios up to 3.34:1 were considered. With a sudden divergence in pipe diameter, it was possible to derive the axial distribution of the local Nusse1t number for a range of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers in a similar way to the convergence experiments. Difficulty was encountered in explaining some of the measurements obtained at low Reynolds numbers, and flow visualization techniques wore used to determine the complex flow patterns which could lead to the anomalous results mentioned. Tests were carried out with divergences up to 1:3.34 to find the way in which the local Nusselt number varied with the diameter ratio, and a few experiments were carried out with very large ratios up .to 14.4. A limited amount of theoretical analysis of the 'divergence' system was carried out to substantiate certain explanations of the heat transfer mechanisms postulated.


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A diffusion-controlled electrochemical mass transfer technique has been employed in making local measurements of shell-side coefficients in segmentally baffled shell and tube heat exchangers. Corresponding heat transfer data are predicted through the Chilton and Colburn heat and mass transfer analogy. Mass transfer coefficients were measured for baffle spacing lengths of individual tubes in an internal baffle compartment. Shell-side pressure measurements were also made. Baffle compartment average coefficients derived from individual tube coefficients are shown to be in good agreement with reported experimental bundle average heat transfer data for a heat exchanger model of similar geometry. Mass transfer coefficients of individual tubes compare favourably with those obtained previously by another mass transfer technique. Experimental data are reported for a variety of segmental baffle configurations over the shell-side Reynolds number range 100 to 42 000. Baffles with zero clearances were studied at three baffle cuts and two baffle spacings. Baffle geometry is shown to have a large effect on the distribution of tube coefficients within the baffle compartment. Fluid "jetting" is identified with some baffle configurations. No simple characteristic velocity is found to correlate zonal or baffle compartment average mass transfer data for the effect of both baffle cut and baffle spacing. Experiments with baffle clearances typical of commercial heat exchangers are also reported. The effect of leakage streams associated with these baffles is identified. Investigations were extended to double segmental baffles for which no data had previously been published. The similarity in the shell-side characteristics of this baffle arrangement and two parallel single segmental baffle arrangements is demonstrated. A general relationship between the shell-side mass transfer performance and pressure drop was indicated by the data for all the baffle configurations examined.


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Local shell side coefficient measurements in the end conpartments of a model shell and tube heat exchanger have been made using an electrochemical technique. Limited data are also reported far the second compartment. The end compartment average coefficients have been found to be smaller than reported data for a corresponding internal conpartment. The second compartment data. have been shown to lie between those for the end compartments and the reported internal compartment data. Experimental data are reported fcr two port types and two baffle orientations. with data for the case of an inlet compartment impingement baffle also being given . Port type is shown to have a small effect on compartment coefficients, these being largely unaffected. Likewise, the outlet compartment average coefficients are slightly snaller than those for the inlet compartment, with the distribution of individual tube coefficients being similar. Baffle orientation has been shown to have no effect on average coefficients, but the distribution of the data is substantially affected. The use of an impingement baffle in the inlet compartment lessens the efect of baffle orientation on distribution . Recommendations are made for future work.