999 resultados para voltage improvement


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The improvement and performance of a micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography assay for cefepime in human serum and plasma with a 50 μm id fused-silica capillary elongated from 40 to 60 cm is reported. Sample preparation with dodecylsulfate protein precipitation at pH 4.5, the pH 9.1 separation medium and the applied voltage were as reported previously[16]. The change resulted in a significant lower current, higher resolution and increased detection time intervals. The performance of the assay with multi-level internal calibration was assessed with calibration and control samples. Quality assurance data of a two year period assessed under the new conditions demonstrated the robustness of the assay. In serum samples of patients who received both cefepime and sulfamethoxazole, cefepime could not be detected due to the inseparability of the two compounds. The presence of an interference can be recognized by an increased peak width (width > 0.2 min), the appearance of a shoulder or an unresolved double peak. The patient data gathered during a three year period reveal that introduction of therapeutic drug monitoring led to a 50% reduction of the median drug level. The data suggest that therapeutic drug monitoring can help to minimize the risk of major adverse reactions and to increase drug safety on an individual basis. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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The utilization of solar energy by photovoltaic (PV) systems have received much research and development (R&D) attention across the globe. In the past decades, a large number of PV array have been installed. Since the installed PV arrays often operate in harsh environments, non-uniform aging can occur and impact adversely on the performance of PV systems, especially in the middle and late periods of their service life. Due to the high cost of replacing aged PV modules by new modules, it is appealing to improve energy efficiency of aged PV systems. For this purpose, this paper presents a PV module reconfiguration strategy to achieve the maximum power generation from non-uniformly aged PV arrays without significant investment. The proposed reconfiguration strategy is based on the cell-unit structure of PV modules, the operating voltage limit of gird-connected converter, and the resulted bucket-effect of the maximum short circuit current. The objectives are to analyze all the potential reorganization options of the PV modules, find the maximum power point and express it in a proposition. This proposition is further developed into a novel implementable algorithm to calculate the maximum power generation and the corresponding reconfiguration of the PV modules. The immediate benefits from this reconfiguration are the increased total power output and maximum power point voltage information for global maximum power point tracking (MPPT). A PV array simulation model is used to illustrate the proposed method under three different cases. Furthermore, an experimental rig is built to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The proposed method will open an effective approach for condition-based maintenance of emerging aging PV arrays.


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High efficiency of power converters placed between renewable energy sources and the utility grid is required to maximize the utilization of these sources. Power quality is another aspect that requires large passive elements (inductors, capacitors) to be placed between these sources and the grid. The main objective is to develop higher-level high frequency-based power converter system (HFPCS) that optimizes the use of hybrid renewable power injected into the power grid. The HFPCS provides high efficiency, reduced size of passive components, higher levels of power density realization, lower harmonic distortion, higher reliability, and lower cost. The dynamic modeling for each part in this system is developed, simulated and tested. The steady-state performance of the grid-connected hybrid power system with battery storage is analyzed. Various types of simulations were performed and a number of algorithms were developed and tested to verify the effectiveness of the power conversion topologies. A modified hysteresis-control strategy for the rectifier and the battery charging/discharging system was developed and implemented. A voltage oriented control (VOC) scheme was developed to control the energy injected into the grid. The developed HFPCS was compared experimentally with other currently available power converters. The developed HFPCS was employed inside a microgrid system infrastructure, connecting it to the power grid to verify its power transfer capabilities and grid connectivity. Grid connectivity tests verified these power transfer capabilities of the developed converter in addition to its ability of serving the load in a shared manner. In order to investigate the performance of the developed system, an experimental setup for the HF-based hybrid generation system was constructed. We designed a board containing a digital signal processor chip on which the developed control system was embedded. The board was fabricated and experimentally tested. The system's high precision requirements were verified. Each component of the system was built and tested separately, and then the whole system was connected and tested. The simulation and experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the developed converter system for grid-connected hybrid renewable energy systems as well as for hybrid electric vehicles and other industrial applications.


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Wind generation in highly interconnected power networks creates local and centralised stability issues based on their proximity to conventional synchronous generators and load centres. This paper examines the large disturbance stability issues (i.e. rotor angle and voltage stability) in power networks with geographically distributed wind resources in the context of a number of dispatch scenarios based on profiles of historical wind generation for a real power network. Stability issues have been analysed using novel stability indices developed from dynamic characteristics of wind generation. The results of this study show that localised stability issues worsen when significant penetration of both conventional and wind generation is present due to their non-complementary characteristics. In contrast, network stability improves when either high penetration of wind and synchronous generation is present in the network. Therefore, network regions can be clustered into two distinct stability groups (i.e. superior stability and inferior stability regions). Network stability improves when a voltage control strategy is implemented at wind farms, however both stability clusters remain unchanged irrespective of change in the control strategy. Moreover, this study has shown that the enhanced fault ride-through (FRT) strategy for wind farms can improve both voltage and rotor angle stability locally, but only a marginal improvement is evident in neighbouring regions.


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N-doped activated carbon fibers have been synthesized by using chemically polymerized aniline as source of nitrogen. Commercial activated carbon fibers (A20) were chemically modified with a thin film of polyaniline (PANI) inside the microporosity of the carbon fibers. The modified activated carbon fibers were carbonized at 600 and 800 °C, respectively. In this way, activated carbon fibers modified with surface nitrogen species were prepared in order to analyze their influence in the performance of electrochemical capacitors in organic electrolyte. Symmetric capacitors were made of activated carbon fibers and N-doped activated carbon fibers and tested in a two-electrode cell configuration, using triethylmethylammonium tetrafluoroborate/propylene carbonate (TEMA-BF4/PC) as electrolyte. The effect of nitrogen species in the degradation or stabilization of the capacitor has been analyzed through floating durability tests using a high voltage charging (3.2 V). The results show higher stabilizing effect in carbonized samples (N-ACF) than in non-carbonized samples and pristine activated carbon fibers, which is attributed to the presence of aromatic nitrogen group, especially positively charged N-functional groups.