968 resultados para ventricular remodeling
Background: ACE inhibitors have shown beneficial results in several studies after myocardial infarction (MI). However, these studies have shown conflicting results about the ideal starting time of the ACE inhibitors administration after MI and the importance of infarct size.Objectives: This study was designed to assess the long-term effects of lisinopril on mortality, cardiac function, and ventricular fibrosis after MI, in rats.Methods: Lisinopril (20 mg/kg/day) was given on day 1 or 21 days after coronary occlusion in small or large infarctions.Results: the mortality rate was reduced by 39% in early treatment and 30% in delayed treatment in comparison to the untreated rats. Early treatment reduced cardiac dysfunction in small MIs; however, delayed treatment did not. No statistical difference was observed among the groups for large MIs. No statistical difference was observed among the groups with large or small MIs on myocardial hydroxyproline concentration.Conclusions: Both early and delayed treatments with lisinopril increased survival. Treatment exerts no marked effects on fibrosis; early treatment has exerted beneficial influences on cardiac function whereas delayed treatment had no consistent effects. The protective effect of lisinopril is detectable only in small (< 40% of LV) MIs.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos do betacaroteno no processo de remodelação ventricular após o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM), em ratos expostos à fumaça do cigarro. MÉTODOS: Após o IAM, os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: 1) grupo C, 24 animais que receberam dieta-padrão; 2) grupo BC, 26 animais que receberam betacaroteno; 3) grupo EFC, 26 animais que receberam dieta-padrão e foram expostos à fumaça de cigarro; e 4) grupo BC+EFC, 20 animais que receberam betacaroteno e foram expostos à fumaça de cigarro. Após seis meses, foi realizado estudo morfofuncional. Utilizou-se significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: em relação às áreas diastólicas (AD) e sistólicas (AS), os valores do grupo BC foram maiores que os do grupo C. Considerando a AD/peso corporal (PC) e AS/PC, os valores do grupo BC+EFC foram maiores que os valores de C. em relação à fração de variação de área, foram observadas diferenças significativas entre EFC (valores menores) e C (valores maiores) e entre BC (valores menores) e C (valores maiores). Não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos em relação ao tamanho do infarto. O grupo EFC apresentou valores maiores da área seccional dos miócitos (ASM) que os animais-controle. em adição, o grupo BC+EFC apresentou maiores valores de ASM que BC, EFC e C. CONCLUSÃO: Após o infarto do miocárdio, o tabagismo e o betacaroteno promoveram intensificação do processo de remodelação cardíaca; houve potencialização dos efeitos deletérios no processo de remodelação com os dois tratamentos em conjunto.
Heart failure is a frequent complication of myocardial infarction. Several factors, such as recurrent myocardial ischemia, infarct size, ventricular remodeling, stunned myocardium, mechanical complications, and hibernating myocardium influence the appearance of left ventricular systolic dysfunction after myocardial infarction. Importantly, its presence increases the risk of death by at least 3- to 4-fold. The knowledge of the mechanisms and clinical features are essential for the diagnosis and treatment of left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure after myocardial infarction. Therefore, this review will focus on the clinical implications and treatment of heart failure after myocardial infarction.
FUNDAMENTO: Os mecanismos envolvidos na maior remodelação causada pelo betacaroteno após o infarto são desconhecidos. OBJETIVO: Analisar o papel da lipoperoxidação na remodelação ventricular após o infarto do miocárdio, em ratos suplementados com betacaroteno. MÉTODOS: Ratos foram infartados e distribuídos em dois grupos: C (controle) e BC (500mg/kg/dieta). Após seis meses, foram realizados ecocardiograma e avaliação bioquímica. Utilizamos o teste t, com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Os animais do grupo BC apresentaram maiores médias das áreas diastólicas (C = 1,57 ± 0,4 mm²/g, BC = 2,09 ± 0,3 mm²/g; p < 0,001) e sistólicas (C = 1,05 ± 0,3 mm²/g, BC = 1,61 ± 0,3 mm²/g; p < 0,001) do VE, ajustadas ao peso corporal do rato. A função sistólica do VE, avaliada pela fração de variação de área, foi menor nos animais suplementados com betacaroteno (C = 31,9 ± 9,3 %, BC = 23,6 ± 5,1 %; p = 0,006). Os animais suplementados com betacaroteno apresentaram valores maiores da relação E/A (C = 2,7 ± 2,5, BC = 5,1 ± 2,8; p = 0,036). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos em relação aos níveis cardíacos de GSH (C = 21 ± 8 nmol/mg de proteína, BC = 37 ±15 nmol/mg de proteína; p = 0,086), GSSG (C = 0,4 (0,3-0,5) nmol/g de proteína, BC = 0,8 (0,4-1,0; p = 0,19) de proteína; p = 0,246) e lipoperóxidos (C = 0,4 ± 0,2 nmol/mg de tecido, BC = 0,2 ± 0,1 nmol/mg de tecido; p = 0,086). CONCLUSÃO: A maior remodelação em animais infartados e suplementados com betacaroteno não depende da lipoperoxidação.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a contribuição relativa da remodelação geométrica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e das alterações morfológicas e funcionais do miocárdio, em ratos com estenose aórtica supravalvar (EAS), na fase de transição da hipertrofia compensada para a insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC). MÉTODOS: Vinte e uma semanas após a indução da EAS os ratos foram classificados como controles (GC,n=13), não portadores (GE,n=11) ou portadores de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (GE-IC,n=12).Todos os grupos foram avaliados com estudo ecocardiográfico, hemodinâmico e morfológico do miocárdio. RESULTADOS: Vinte e uma semanas após EAS: índice de massa (GE-IC>GE>GC,p<0.05); pressão sistólica: (GE-IC = GE>GC, p<0,05); pressão diastólica: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05); estresse meridional sistólico e diastólico: (GE-IC>GE>GC,p<0.05); área de secção dos miócitos: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05) e conteúdo de hidroxiprolina: (GE-IC>GE>GC, p<0,05) do VE. No grupo GE-IC o remodelamento geométrico do VE foi caracterizado por aumento significante das dimensões e espessura relativa da parede normal (remodelamento excêntrico) enquanto que o grupo GE apresentou remodelamento concêntrico. Os índices de desempenho do VE do grupo GE-IC foram significantemente menores que do grupo GE. CONCLUSÃO: Os grupos GE-IC e GE diferiram primariamente no processo de remodelação geométrica do VE e estrutural do miocárdio que estabeleceu um estado cronicamente compensado no grupo GE e precipitou a ICC no grupo GE-IC na vigência de graus equivalentes de comprometimento da contratilidade. Neste modelo experimental a fase de transição da hipertrofia compensada para a ICC está mais estreitamente relacionada com o remodelamento geométrico adverso do VE e estrutural do miocárdio do que com o grau de comprometimento da contratilidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJECTIVE - Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) have gained importance in preventing or attenuating the process of ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. The significance of infarct size in regard to the response to ACEIs, however, is controversial. This study aimed to analyze the effects of lisinopril on mortality rate, cardiac function, degree of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in rats with different infarct sizes. METHODS - Lisinopril (20 mg/kg/day) dissolved in drinking water was administered to rats immediately after coronary artery occlusion. After being sacrificed, the infarcted animals were divided into two groups: one group of animals with small infarcts (< 40% of the left ventricle) and another group of animals with large infarcts (> 40% of the left ventricle). RESULTS - The mortality rate was 31.7% in treated rats and 47% in the untreated rats. There was no statistical difference between the groups with small and large infarcts in regard to myocardial concentration of hydroxyproline. In small infarcts, the treatment attenuated the heart dysfunction characterized by lower levels of blood pressure and lower values of the first derivative of pressure and of the negative derivative of pressure. The degree of hypertrophy was also attenuated in small infarcts. In regard to large infarcts, no differences between the groups were observed. CONCLUSION - Treatment with the ACEIs had no effect on mortality rate and on the amount of fibrosis. The protective effect of lisinopril on heart function and on the degree of hypertrophy could only be detected in small infarcts
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that protein-calorie undernutrition decreases myocardial contractility jeopardizing ventricular function, and that ventricular dysfunction can be detected noninvasively. Five-month-old male Wistar-Kyoto rats were fed with regular rat chow ad libitum for 90 days (Control group, n = 14). A second group of rats received 50% of the amount of diet consumed by de control group (Food restricted group, n = 14). Global LV systolic function was evaluated in vivo, noninvasively, by transthoracic echocardiogram. After echocardiographic study, myocardial contractility was assessed in vitro in the isovolumetrically beating isolated heart in eight animals from each group (Langendorff preparation). The in vivo LV fractional shortening showed that food restriction depressed LV systolic function (p < 0.05). Myocardial contractility was impaired as assessed by the maximal rate of rise of LV pressure (+dP/dt), and developed pressure at diastolic pressure of 25 mmHg (p < 0.05). Furthermore, food restriction induced eccentric ventricular remodeling, and reduced myocardial elasticity and LV compliance (p < 0.05). In conclusion, food restriction causes systolic dysfunction probably due to myocardial contractility impairment and reduction of myocardial elasticity. © 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective - To evaluate plication of the free wall of the left ventricle, which reduces the left ventricular area and volume, as a method to improve the left ventricular systolic function without cardiopulmonary bypass. Animals - 8 mixed-breed adult dogs. Procedure - Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) was induced in each dog by administration of doxorubicin (30 mg/m2, IV, q 21 d for 168 days). Two dogs died during induction of cardiomyopathy. Plication surgery was performed in 4 dogs. Two dogs did not ondergo to surgery (control group). Values for cardiac output (CO), 2-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography, arterial blood pressure, electrocardiography, blood cell counts, and serum biochemical analyses were recorded after induction of DCM (baseline) and 1, 2, 7, 15, 21, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days after plication surgery. Ambulatory ECG (Holter) recordings were conducted for 24 hours on the day of surgery. Results - 1 dog died after plication surgery. The remaining dogs undergoing ventricular plication had a significant improvement in CO, ejection fraction, and fractional shortening and reductions of left ventricular area and volume after surgery. Electrocardiographic and Holter recordings revealed premature ventricular complexes, which resolved without treatment during the first week after surgery. Clinical condition of the control dogs declined, and these 2 dogs died approximately 40 days after induction of cardiomyopathy. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Plication of the free wall of the left ventricle improved left ventricular systolic function in dogs with doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy. Additional studies are needed to evaluate its application in dogs with naturally developing DCM.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of exposure to tobacco smoke (ETS) in rats that were or were not supplemented with dietary β-carotene (BC), on ventricular remodeling and survival after myocardial infarction (Ml). Rats (n = 189) were allocated to 4 groups: the control group, n = 45; group BC administered 500 mg/kg diet, n = 49, BC supplemented rats; group ETS, n - 55, rats exposed to tobacco smoke; and group BC+ETS, n = 40. Wistar rats weighing 10O g were administered one of the treatments until they weighed 200 to 250 g (∼5 wk). The ETS rats were exposed to cigarette smoke for 30 min 4 times/d, in a chamber connected to a smoking device. After reaching a weight of 200-250 g, rats were subjected to experimental MI (coronary artery occlusion) and mortality rates were determined over the next 105 d. In addition, echocardiographic, isolated heart, morphometrical, and biochemical studies were performed. Mortality data were tested using Kaplan-Meyer curves and other data by 2-way ANOVA. Survival rates were greater in the ETS group (58.2%) than in the control (33.3%) (P = 0.001) and BC+ETS rats (30.0%) (P = 0.007). The groups did not differ in the other comparisons. Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter normalized to body weight was greater and maximal systolic pressures were lower in the ETS groups than in non-ETS groups. Previous exposure to tobacco smoke induced a process of cardiac remodeling after MI. There is a paradoxical protector effect with tobacco smoke exposure, characterized by lower mortality, which is offset by BC supplementation. © 2005 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.
Previous studies accomplished by our group suggest that tobacco smoke exposure results in cardiac remodeling, with progressive ventricular dysfunction. However, the mechanisms involved in this process are not known. Therefore, our laboratory has been trying to identify the potentials responsible mechanisms for cardiac remodeling induced by tobacco. The blood pressure increase, the renin-angiotensin system and the oxidative stress can modulate this process. On the other hand, the activation of MMP-2 or MMP-9, as well as lipid peroxidation, don't seem to participate of the morphologic and functional alterations induced by tobacco smoke exposure.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
BACKGROUND Pregnancy and arterial hypertension (AH) have a prohypertrophic effect on the heart. It is suspected that the 2 conditions combined cause disproportionate myocardial hypertrophy. We sought to evaluate myocardial hypertrophy (LVH) and left ventricular function in normotensive and hypertensive women in the presence or absence of pregnancy.METHODS This prospective cross-sectional study included 193 women divided into 4 groups: hypertensive pregnant (HTP; n = 57), normotensive pregnant (NTP; n = 47), hypertensive nonpregnant (HTNP; n = 41), and normotensive nonpregnant (NTNP; n = 48). After clinical and echocardiographic evaluation, the variables were analyzed using 2-way analysis of variance with pregnancy and hypertension as factors. Left ventricular mass (LVM) was compared using nonparametric analysis of variance and Dunn′s test. Predictors of LVH and diastolic dysfunction were analyzed using logistic regression (significance level, P < 0.05).RESULTS Myocardial hypertrophy was independently associated with hypertension (odds ratio (OR) = 11.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 3.2-38.5; P < 0.001) and pregnancy (OR = 6.1, 95% CI = 2.6-14.3; P < 0.001) in a model adjusted for age and body mass index. Nonpregnant women were at greater risk of LVH in the presence of AH (OR = 25.3, 95% CI = 3.15-203.5; P = 0.002). The risk was additionally increased in hypertensive women during pregnancy (OR = 4.3, 95% CI = 1.7-10.9; P = 0.002) in the model adjusted for stroke volume and antihypertensive medication. Although none of the NTNP women presented with diastolic dysfunction, it was observed in 2% of the NTP women, 29% of the HTNP women, and 42% of the HTP women (P < 0.05).CONCLUSIONS Hypertension and pregnancy have a synergistic effect on ventricular remodeling, which elevates a woman's risk of myocardial hypertrophy. © 2013 © American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd 2013. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)