688 resultados para vena cava
Background: Treatment of bulky retroperitoneal malignancy may require en bloc resection of the infrarenal inferior vena cava. A number of reconstructive options are available to the surgeon but objective haemodynamic assessment of the peripheral venous system following resection without replacement is lacking. The aim of the present paper was thus to determine the symptomatic and haemodynamic effects of not reconstructing the resected infrarenal inferior vena cava. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Queensland. Five patients underwent resection of the thrombosed infrarenal inferior vena cava as part of retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for testicular cancer (n = 3), radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma (n = 1) and thrombosed inferior vena cava aneurysm (n = 1). Clinical effects were determined via the modified venous clinical severity score and venous disability score. Haemodynamic data were obtained postoperatively using venous duplex ultrasound and air plethysmography. Results: None of the present patients scored >2 (out of 30) on the modified venous clinical severity score or >1 (out of 3) on the venous disability score. Haemodynamic studies showed only minor abnormalities. Conclusions: Not reconstructing the resected thrombosed infrarenal inferior vena cava results in minor signs and symptoms of peripheral venous hypertension and only minor abnormalities on haemodynamic assessment.
We report a rare case of a 50 year old man with renal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) who first came to our attention with renal colic and fever not responding to antibiotic or analgesic treatment. He had a long history of kidney stones, but had not undergone any imaging in the last 5 years. Physical examination revealed tenderness and a palpable mass in the right flank and lumbar region. A whole body CT scan was performed, revealing an 11 cm mass in the right kidney infiltrating the inferior vena cava. There were areas of calcification within the mass and multiple stones within the renal pelvis. The tumor was considered unsuitable for resection according to radiological and clinical criteria. The mass was biopsied percutaneously under CT guidance and histological examination revealed squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis. The patient was treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and embolization of the renal artery. He died one month after diagnosis. To our knowledge this is the second reported case in the world of renal SCC infiltrating the inferior vena cava and with kidney stones.
Apresentam-se seis casos de síndrome da veia cava superior causado por neoplasia do pulmão e que foram tratados por endopróteses colocadas por via percutânea. Descreve-se a técnica e avaliam-se os resultados. Num caso ocorreu trombose aguda da endoprótese que foi tratada por uroquinase. Não se registaram outras complicações. Um doente faleceu 1 mês depois por progressão da doença. Os restantes mantinham-se sem queixas de síndrome da veia cava superior durante mais do que 6 meses. Conclui-se que a colocação de endopróteses é uma técnica pouco invasiva, eficaz e com melhoria imediata no síndrome da veia cava superior.
RESUMO:Desde a declaração de Bethesda em 1983, a transplantação hepática é considerada um processo válido e aceite na prática clínica para muitos doentes com doença hepática terminal, relativamente aos quais não houvesse outra alternativa terapêutica. Em 1991, por proposta de Holmgren, professor de genética, o cirurgião sueco Bo Ericzon realizou em Huntingdon (Estocolmo) o primeiro transplante hepático num doente PAF (Polineuropatia Amilloidótica Familiar), esperando que a substituição do fígado pudesse frenar a evolução da doença. Nesta doença hereditária autossómica dominante, o fígado, apesar de estrutural e funcionalmente normal, produz uma proteína anormal (TTR Met30) responsável pela doença. A partir de então, a transplantação hepática passou a ser a única terapêutica eficaz para estes doentes. Portugal é o país do mundo com mais doentes PAF, tendo sido o médico neurologista português Corino de Andrade quem, em 1951, identificou e descreveu este tipo particular de polineuropatia hereditária, também conhecida por doença de Andrade. Com o início da transplantação hepática programada em Setembro de 1992, o primeiro doente transplantado hepático em Portugal, no Hospital Curry Cabral, foi um doente PAF. Desde logo se percebeu que a competição nas listas de espera em Portugal, entre doentes hepáticos crónicos e doentes PAF viria a ser um problema clínico e ético difícil de compatibilizar. Em 1995, Linhares Furtado, em Coimbra, realizou o primeiro transplante dum fígado dum doente PAF num doente com doença hepática metastática, ficando este tipo de transplante conhecido como transplante sequencial ou “em dominó”. Fê-lo no pressuposto de que o fígado PAF, funcional e estruturalmente normal, apesar de produzir a proteína mutada causadora da doença neurológica, pudesse garantir ao receptor um período razoável de vida livre de sintomas, tal como acontece na história natural desta doença congénita, cujas manifestações clínicas apenas se observam na idade adulta. A técnica cirúrgica mais adequada para transplantar o doente PAF é a técnica de “piggyback”, na qual a hepatectomia é feita mantendo a veia cava do doente, podendo o transplante ser feito sem recorrer a bypass extracorporal. Antes de 2001, para fazerem o transplante sequencial, os diferentes centros alteraram a técnica de hepatectomia no doente PAF, ressecando a cava com o fígado conforme a técnica clássica, recorrendo ao bypass extracorporal. No nosso centro imaginámos e concebemos uma técnica original, com recurso a enxertos venosos, que permitisse ao doente PAF submeter-se à mesma técnica de hepatectomia no transplante, quer ele viesse a ser ou não dador. Essa técnica, por nós utilizada pela primeira vez a nível mundial em 2001, ficou conhecida por Transplante Sequencial em Duplo Piggyback. Este trabalho teve como objectivo procurar saber se a técnica por nós imaginada, concebida e utilizada era reprodutível, se não prejudicava o doente PAF dador e se oferecia ao receptor hepático as mesmas garantias do fígado de cadáver. A nossa série de transplantes realizados em doentes PAF é a maior a nível mundial, assim como o é o número de transplantes sequenciais de fígado. Recorrendo à nossa base de dados desde Setembro de 1992 até Novembro de 2008 procedeu-se à verificação das hipóteses anteriormente enunciadas. Com base na experiência por nós introduzida, a técnica foi reproduzida com êxito em vários centros internacionais de referência, que por si provaram a sua reprodutibilidade. Este sucesso encontra-se publicado por diversos grupos de transplantação hepática a nível mundial. Observámos na nossa série que a sobrevivência dos doentes PAF que foram dadores é ligeiramente superior àqueles que o não foram, embora sem atingir significância estatística. Contudo, quando se analisaram, apenas, estes doentes após a introdução do transplante sequencial no nosso centro, observa-se que existe uma melhor sobrevida nos doentes PAF dadores (sobrevida aos 5 anos de 87% versus 71%, p=0,047).Relativamente aos receptores observámos que existe um benefício a curto prazo em termos de morbi-mortalidade (menor hemorragia peri-operatória) e a longo prazo alguns grupos de doentes apresentaram diferenças de sobrevida, embora sem atingir significância estatística, facto este que pode estar relacionado com a dimensão das amostras parcelares analisadas. Estes grupos são os doentes com cirrose a vírus da hepatite C e os doentes com doença hepática maligna primitiva dentro dos critérios de Milão. Fora do âmbito deste trabalho ficou um aspecto relevante que é a recidiva da doença PAF nos receptores de fígado sequencial e o seu impacto no longo prazo. Em conclusão, o presente trabalho permite afirmar que a técnica por nós introduzida pela primeira vez a nível mundial é exequível e reprodutível e é segura para os doentes dadores de fígado PAF, que não vêem a sua técnica cirúrgica alterada pelo facto de o serem. Os receptores não são, por sua vez, prejudicados por receberem um fígado PAF, havendo mesmo benefícios no pós-operatório imediato e, eventualmente, alguns grupos específicos de doentes podem mesmo ser beneficiados.---------ABSTRACT: Ever since Bethesda statement in 1983, Liver Transplantation has been accepted as a clinical therapeutic procedure for many patients with advanced hepatic failure Holmgren, professor of genetics, suggested that one could expect that transplanting a new liver could lead to improve progressive neurological symptoms of Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (PAF). Bo Ericzon, the transplant surgeon at Huddinge Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, did in 1991 the first Liver Transplant on a FAP patient. FAP is an inherited autosomal dominant neurologic disease in which the liver, otherwise structural an functionally normal, produces more than 90% of an abnormal protein (TTR Met30) whose deposits are responsible for symptoms. Liver Transplantation is currently the only efficient therapy available for FAP patients. Portugal is the country in the world where FAP is most prevalent. The Portuguese neurologist Corino de Andrade was the first to recognize in 1951 this particular form of inherited polyneuropathy, which is also known by the name of Andrade disease. Liver Transplantation started as a program in Portugal in September 1992. The first patient transplanted in Lisbon, Hospital Curry Cabral, was a FAP patient. From the beginning we did realize that competition among waiting lists of FAP and Hepatic patients would come to be a complex problem we had to deal with, on clinical and ethical grounds. There was one possible way-out. FAP livers could be of some utility themselves as liver grafts. Anatomically and functionally normal, except for the inherited abnormal trace, those livers could possibly be transplanted in selected hepatic patients. Nevertheless the FAP liver carried with it the ability to produce the mutant TTR protein. One could expect, considering the natural history of the disease that several decades would lapse before the recipient could suffer symptomatic neurologic disease, if at all. In Coimbra, Portugal, Linhares Furtado performed in 1995 the first transplant of a FAP liver to a patient with metastatic malignant disease, as a sequential or “domino” transplant. FAP Liver Transplant patients, because of some dysautonomic labiality and unexpected reactions when they are subjected to surgery, take special advantage when piggyback technique is used for hepatectomy. This technique leaves the vena cava of the patient undisturbed, so that return of blood to the heart is affected minimally, so that veno-venous extracorporeal bypass will not be necessary. The advantages of piggyback technique could not be afforded to FAP patients who became donors for sequential liver transplantation, before we did introduce our liver reconstruction technique in 2001. The hepatectomy took the vena cava together with the liver, which is the classical technique, and the use of extracorporeal veno-venous bypass was of necessity in most cases. The reconstruction technique we developed in our center and used for the first time in the world in 2001 consists in applying venous grafts to the supra-hepatic ostia of piggyback resected FAP livers so that the organ could be grafted to a hepatic patient whose liver was itself resected with preservation of the vena cava. This is the double piggyback sequential transplant of the liver. It is the objective of this thesis to evaluate the results of this technique that we did introduce, first of all that it is reliable and reproducible, secondly that the FAP donor is not subjected to any additional harm during the procedure, and finally that the recipient has the same prospects of a successful transplant as if the liver was collected from a cadaver donor. Our series of liver transplantation on FAP patients and sequential liver transplants represent both the largest experience in the world. To achieve the analysis of the questions mentioned above, we did refer to our data-base from September 1992 to November 2008. The reconstructive technique that we did introduce is feasible: it could be done with success in every case ion our series. It is also reproducible. It has been adopted by many international centers of reference that did mention it in their own publications. We do refer to our data-base in what concerns the safety for the FAP donor.Five years survival of FAP transplanted patients that have been donors (n=190) has been slightly superior to those who were not (n=77), with no statistical significance. However, if we consider five year survival of FAP transplanted patients after the beginning of sequential transplant program in our center, survival is better among those patients whose liver was used as a transplant (87% survival versus 71%, p=0.047). In what concerns recipients of FAP livers: Some short-term benefit of less perioperative morbi-mortality mainly less hemorrhage. In some groups of particular pathologies, there is a strong suggestion of better survival, however the scarcity of numbers make the differences not statistically significant. Patients with cirrhosis HVC (83% versus73%) and patients with primitive hepatic cancer within Milan criteria (survival of 70% versus 58%) are good examples. There is one relevant problem we left beyond discussion in the present work: this is the long-term impact of possible recurrence of FAP symptoms among recipients of sequential transplants. In Conclusion: The reconstruction technique that we did develop and introduce is consistently workable and reproducible. It is safe for FAP donors with the advantage that removal of vena cava can be avoided. Hepatic patients transplanted with those livers suffer no disadvantages and have the benefit of less hemorrhage. There is also a suggestion that survival could be better in cirrhosis HVC and primary liver cancer patients.
Objectivos: A atresia do esófago está associada a uma variedade de malformações congénitas de outros órgãos. A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda e uma das malformações venosas torácicas mais comuns, ocorrendo em 0,3% da população. O objectivo deste estudo é caracterizar a persistência da veia cava superior esquerda nos doentes com atresia do esófago tratados no Hospital Dona Estefânia. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos doentes admitidos por atresia do esófago desde Janeiro 2002 a Dezembro 2013. As seguintes variáveis foram estudadas, considerando, idade gestacional, o peso à nascença, o sexo, tipo de atresia do esófago, ecocardiograma no pré-operatório, malformações associadas, abordagem cirúrgica, eventual ecocardiograma no pós-operatório e angioressonância. Resultados: De um total de 107 doentes, em cinco casos foi diagnosticada persistência da veia cava superior esquerda. Destes, apenas um tinha diagnostico pré-natal. A restante investigação revelou um doente com atresia duodenal e outro com malformação do aparelho urinário, coloboma e malformação bilateral dos pavilhões auriculares. Todos os cinco doentes foram submetidos a toracotomia, esofagoesofagostomia primária após laqueação da fístula traqueo-esofágica e angio-ressonância para caracterizar a malformação vascular. Não houve registo de complicações, quer intra-operatórias quer pós-operatórias. Conclusão: Apesar do estudo pré-operatório, apenas se diagnosticou persistência da veia cava superior esquerda num dos doentes. O diagnóstico é geralmente feito de forma incidental durante a colocação rotineira de catéteres venosos centrais à esquerda. É importante identificar estes doentes e caracterizar o seu padrão de retorno venoso cardíaco, pelo risco de complicações embó1icas paradoxais para o sistema arterial.
BACKGROUND: Liver vascular isolation is essential for the treatment of the retrohepatic vena cava and hepatic veins. Triple vessel occlusion (TVO - occlusion of the portal triad, the inferior vena cava above the renal veins and within the pericardium) is the easiest isolation method for the surgeon. Unfortunately, this technique cannot be applied to hypovolemic and/or shock (cardiac arrest) patients as it compromises venous return. OBJECTIVES: Our objective is to demonstrate that in the above mentioned patients, establishing a previous hypervolemic state allows the safe use of TVO. METHODS: The method includes efficient injury tamponade with aggressive fluid replacement until normal blood volume is reached (resuscitation). Normal blood volume is recognized by a return of arterial blood pressure to normal levels, inferior vena cava filling and an increase in aortic wall tension. Following this procedure, hypervolemia is obtained by the rapid additional infusion of 1.500 to 2.000 ml of fluids. TVO in this situation does not alter the heart rhythm and maintains a clear operative field which is essential for hepatotomy, venorrhaphy and or venous ligation. RESULTS: Three patients were successfully operated.
One of the most difficult challenges to surgeons is the treatment of wounds on the retro hepatic vena cava. The anatomic particularities of this venous segment make its approach and treatment difficult, contributing to a high morbidity and mortality. Several techniques have been described for the treatment of these types of lesions. In this particular case, authors have chosen the introduction of a fastened provisory intra caval prothesis, without primary suturing of the wounds. The provisory intra caval prothesis can be an option for the treatment of retro hepatic vena cava lesions.
The authors describe a case of benign superior vena cava syndrome post phlebotomy in childhood, including exams for diagnosis and possible treatment.
We present a case of a 56-year-old woman with abdominal pain, normal laboratorial exams, normal carcinoembryonary antigen (CEA) and abdominal tomography exam with tumor formation in hepatic region. A tumor lesion was identified in a surgery in the medial segment of the inferior vena cava. A surgical resection was done, respecting the security limits, and reconstruction of the inferior vein with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft was performed. The histological examination showed differentiated leiomyossarcoma of the inferior vena cava. This report points to the necessity of differential diagnoses with leiomyossarcoma in the presence of abdominal mass, supra-mesocolic, and non-specific abdominal symptoms, since its pre-surgical diagnoses occurs in only 5% to 10% of the cases.
Juxtahepatic veins, retrohepatic vena cava or major hepatic veins injuries carry a very high mortality rate regardless the technique used for its repair. Isolated survivor reports have for the most part been managed by vascular isolation techniques, usually with atriocaval shunt. We report one case with a unique management technique in a patient who sustained gunshot wound to the retrohepatic vena cava. Hemorrhage control had been obtained by intrahepatic balloon tamponade after others maneuvers have failed. The balloon was left in situ for two days as damaged control laparotomy principles and planned reoperation has been chosen.
Large vessel tumors diagnosis is usually difficult. Benign metastasizing leiomyoma is a rare condition occurring inside peripheral vessels. There are few publications about this tumor inside inferior vena cava. A 54 years old female patient is presented with a previous hysterectomy for myomas. She complained of no specific symptoms 18 months after surgery. Computer tomography revealed a 7.5 x 3.5 x 4.0 cm mass at inferior vena cava and right psoas muscle. After surgical management and immunohistochemical screening biopsy, the diagnosis was benign metastasizing leiomyoma of inferior vena cava. The patient recovery was uneventful. Benign metastasizing leiomyoma of inferior vena cava is a very rare condition, and must be suspected in patients with primary leiomyosarcoma, especially in women previously submitted to hysterectomy for leiomyomatosis.
Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava is an extremely rare tumor, and it is reported to have a poor prognosis. The clinical findings are nonspecific and may precede the diagnosis by several years. Symptoms depend on the location and extension of the tumor. A complete surgical resection is the only proven therapeutic modality that prolongs the survival in patients with this lesion. We report a case of a 50 year-old patient with inferior vena cava leiomyosarcoma, who was submitted to a surgical treatment.
Veia cava inferior dupla é uma variação anatômica rara cuja prevalência é de 0,2-3%. O implante de filtro de veia cava, quando indicado em casos com duplicidade da veia cava inferior, pode ser realizado de diferentes formas: em ambas as veias cavas; em uma delas, embolizando a anastomose entre ambas; em somente uma delas; ou por implante supra-renal. Relatamos um caso de trombose venosa profunda no pós-operatório de implante de prótese de quadril com contra-indicação para tratamento anticoagulante e cuja cavografia evidenciou duplicidade de veia cava inferior. O implante de filtro de veia cava inferior realizado em posição supra-renal mostrou-se opção adequada e segura.