992 resultados para vastus lateralis muscle


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This study evaluated the effects of 8 weeks of eccentric endurance training (EET) in male subjects (age range 42-66 years) with coronary artery disease (CAD). EET was compared to concentric endurance training (CET) carried out at the same metabolic exercise intensity, three times per week for half an hour. CET ( n=6) was done on a conventional cycle ergometer and EET ( n=6) on a custom-built motor-driven ergometer. During the first 5 weeks of the training program the metabolic load was progressively increased to 60% of peak oxygen uptake in both groups. At this metabolic load, mechanical work rate achieved was 97 (8) W [mean (SE)] for CET and 338 (34) W for EET, respectively. Leg muscle mass was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, quadriceps strength with an isokinetic dynamometer and muscle fibre composition of the vastus lateralis muscle with morphometry. The leg muscle mass increased significantly in both groups by some 3%. Strength parameters of knee extensors improved in EET only. Significant changes of +11 (4.9)%, +15 (3.2)% and +9 (2.5)% were reached for peak isometric torque and peak concentric torques at 60 degrees s(-1) and 120 degrees s(-1), respectively. Fibre size increased significantly by 19% in CET only. In conclusion, the present investigation showed that EET is feasible in middle-aged CAD patients and has functional advantages over CET by increasing muscle strength. Muscle mass increased similarly in both groups whereas muscle structural composition was differently affected by the respective training protocols. Potential limitations of this study are the cautiously chosen conditioning protocol and the restricted number of subjects.


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OBJECTIVE Proximal femoral osteotomy with stable fixation and sufficient correction. Low complication rates due to exact preoperative planning. INDICATIONS Congenital or traumatic femoral neck pseudarthrosis. Coxa vara. CONTRAINDICATIONS None. In severe deformities, a single femoral osteotomy may not solve the problem; thus, additional correction, e.g., a pelvic osteotomy, is required. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Correct planning of the correction angle. Lateral approach. Subperiosteal detachment of vastus lateralis muscle. Place guide wire on the femoral neck to judge anteversion. Insert positioning wire 5 mm distal to trochanteric physis. Insert 2.8 mm Kirschner wire in the femoral neck. Osteotomy of the femur after marking the rotation by Kirschner wires or oscillating saw. Slide LC plate over Kirschner wires. Replace Kirschner wires with screws. Reduction of the femoral shaft to the plate with bone forceps. Definitive fixation of the plate to the femoral shaft by cortex or locking screws. Readaptation of vastus lateralis muscle over the plate. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Partial weightbearing for 4-6 weeks depending on the age of the patient without any external fixation (e. g. cast) is possible. RESULTS Recent studies support the authors' findings of sufficient correction and stable fixation after proximal femoral osteotomy with the LCP pediatric hip plate. Low complication rates and stable fixation.


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Skeletal muscle displays enormous plasticity to respond to contractile activity with muscle from strength- (ST) and endurance-trained (ET) athletes representing diverse states of the adaptation continuum. Training adaptation can be viewed as the accumulation of specific proteins. Hence, the altered gene expression that allows for changes in protein concentration is of major importance for any training adaptation. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to quantify acute subcellular responses in muscle to habitual and unfamiliar exercise. After 24-h diet/exercise control, 13 male subjects (7 ST and 6 ET) performed a random order of either resistance (8 × 5 maximal leg extensions) or endurance exercise (1 h of cycling at 70% peak O2 uptake). Muscle biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis at rest and 3 h after exercise. Gene expression was analyzed using real-time PCR with changes normalized relative to preexercise values. After cycling exercise, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α (ET ∼8.5-fold, ST ∼10-fold, P < 0.001), pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 (PDK-4; ET ∼26-fold, ST ∼39-fold), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF; ET ∼4.5-fold, ST ∼4-fold), and muscle atrophy F-box protein (MAFbx) (ET ∼2-fold, ST ∼0.4-fold) mRNA increased in both groups, whereas MyoD (∼3-fold), myogenin (∼0.9-fold), and myostatin (∼2-fold) mRNA increased in ET but not in ST (P < 0.05). After resistance exercise PDK-4 (∼7-fold, P < 0.01) and MyoD (∼0.7-fold) increased, whereas MAFbx (∼0.7-fold) and myostatin (∼0.6-fold) decreased in ET but not in ST. We conclude that prior training history can modify the acute gene responses in skeletal muscle to subsequent exercise.


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We investigated the effect of carbohydrate ingestion after maximal lengthening contractions of the knee extensors on circulating concentrations of myocellular proteins and cytokines, and cytokine mRNA expression in muscle. Using a cross-over design, 10 healthy males completed 5 sets of 10 lengthening (eccentric) contractions (unilateral leg press) at 120% 1 repetition-maximum. Subjects were randomized to consume a carbohydrate drink (15% weight per volume; 3 g/kg BM) for 3 h after exercise using one leg, or a placebo drink after exercise using the contralateral leg on another day. Blood samples (10 mL) were collected before exercise and after 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 min of recovery. Muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis) were collected before exercise and after 3 h of recovery. Following carbohydrate ingestion, serum concentrations of glucose (30-90 min and at 150 min) and insulin (30-180 min) increased (P < 0.05) above pre-exercise values. Serum myoglobin concentration increased (similar to 250%; P < 0.05) after both trials. In contrast, serum cytokine concentrations were unchanged throughout recovery in both trials. Muscle mRNA expression for IL-8 (6.4-fold), MCP-1 (4.7-fold), and IL-6 (7.3-fold) increased substantially after carbohydrate ingestion. TNF-alpha mRNA expression did not change after either trial. Carbohydrate ingestion during early recovery from exercise-induced muscle injury may promote proinflammatory reactions within skeletal muscle.


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The aim of this investigation was to elucidate the reductions in muscle, skin and core temperature following exposure to −110°C whole body cryotherapy (WBC), and compare these to 8°C cold water immersion (CWI). Twenty active male subjects were randomly assigned to a 4-min exposure of WBC or CWI. A minimum of 7 days later subjects were exposed to the other treatment. Muscle temperature in the right vastus lateralis (n = 10); thigh skin (average, maximum and minimum) and rectal temperature (n = 10) were recorded before and 60 min after treatment. The greatest reduction (P<0.05) in muscle (mean ± SD; 1 cm: WBC, 1.6±1.2°C; CWI, 2.0±1.0°C; 2 cm: WBC, 1.2±0.7°C; CWI, 1.7±0.9°C; 3 cm: WBC, 1.6±0.6°C; CWI, 1.7±0.5°C) and rectal temperature (WBC, 0.3±0.2°C; CWI, 0.4±0.2°C) were observed 60 min after treatment. The largest reductions in average (WBC, 12.1±1.0°C; CWI, 8.4±0.7°C), minimum (WBC, 13.2±1.4°C; CWI, 8.7±0.7°C) and maximum (WBC, 8.8±2.0°C; CWI, 7.2±1.9°C) skin temperature occurred immediately after both CWI and WBC (P<0.05). Skin temperature was significantly lower (P<0.05) immediately after WBC compared to CWI. The present study demonstrates that a single WBC exposure decreases muscle and core temperature to a similar level of those experienced after CWI. Although both treatments significantly reduced skin temperature, WBC elicited a greater decrease compared to CWI. These data may provide information to clinicians and researchers attempting to optimise WBC and CWI protocols in a clinical or sporting setting.


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The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of carbohydrate (CHO; sucrose) ingestion and environmental heat on the development of fatigue and the distribution of power output during a 16.1-km cycling time trial. Ten male cyclists (Vo(2max) = 61.7 +/- 5.0 ml.kg(-1).min(-1), mean +/- SD) performed four 90-min constant-pace cycling trials at 80% of second ventilatory threshold (220 +/- 12 W). Trials were conducted in temperate (18.1 +/- 0.4 degrees C) or hot (32.2 +/- 0.7 degrees C) conditions during which subjects ingested either CHO (0.96 g.kg(-1).h(-1)) or placebo (PLA) gels. All trials were followed by a 16.1-km time trial. Before and immediately after exercise, percent muscle activation was determined using superimposed electrical stimulation. Power output, integrated electromyography (iEMG) of vastus lateralis, rectal temperature, and skin temperature were recorded throughout the trial. Percent muscle activation significantly declined during the CHO and PLA trials in hot (6.0 and 6.9%, respectively) but not temperate conditions (1.9 and 2.2%, respectively). The decline in power output during the first 6 km was significantly greater during exercise in the heat. iEMG correlated significantly with power output during the CHO trials in hot and temperate conditions (r = 0.93 and 0.73; P < 0.05) but not during either PLA trial. In conclusion, cyclists tended to self-select an aggressive pacing strategy (initial high intensity) in the heat.


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We determined the effect of muscle glycogen concentration and postexercise nutrition on anabolic signaling and rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis after resistance exercise (REX). Sixteen young, healthy men matched for age, body mass, peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and strength (one repetition maximum; 1RM) were randomly assigned to either a nutrient or placebo group. After 48 h diet and exercise control, subjects undertook a glycogen-depletion protocol consisting of one-leg cycling to fatigue (LOW), whereas the other leg rested (NORM). The next morning following an overnight fast, a primed, constant infusion of L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine was commenced and subjects completed 8 sets of 5 unilateral leg press repetitions at 80% 1RM. Immediately after REX and 2 h later, subjects consumed a 500 ml bolus of a protein/CHO (20 g whey + 40 g maltodextrin) or placebo beverage. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis of both legs were taken at rest and 1 and 4 h after REX. Muscle glycogen concentration was higher in the NORM than LOW at all time points in both nutrient and placebo groups (P < 0.05). Postexercise Akt-p70S6K-rpS6 phosphorylation increased in both groups with no differences between legs (P < 0.05). mTORSer2448 phosphorylation in placebo increased 1 h after exercise in NORM (P < 0.05), whereas mTOR increased ?4-fold in LOW (P < 0.01) and ?11 fold in NORM with nutrient (P < 0.01; different between legs P < 0.05). Post-exercise rates of MPS were not different between NORM and LOW in nutrient (0.070 ± 0.022 vs. 0.068 ± 0.018 %/h) or placebo (0.045 ± 0.021 vs. 0.049 ± 0.017 %/h). We conclude that commencing high-intensity REX with low muscle glycogen availability does not compromise the anabolic signal and subsequent rates of MPS, at least during the early (4 h) postexercise recovery period.


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The effect of nutrient availability on the acute molecular responses following repeated sprint exercise is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine skeletal muscle cellular and protein synthetic responses following repeated sprint exercise with nutrient provision. Eight healthy young male subjects undertook two sprint cycling sessions (10 × 6 s, 0.75 N m torque kg -1, 54 s recovery) with either pre-exercise nutrient (24 g whey, 4.8 g leucine, 50 g maltodextrin) or non-caloric placebo ingestion. Muscle biopsies were taken from vastus lateralis at rest, and after 15 and 240 min post-exercise recovery to determine muscle cell signalling responses and protein synthesis by primed constant infusion of L-[ring- 13C 6] phenylalanine. Peak and mean power outputs were similar between nutrient and placebo trials. Post-exercise myofibrillar protein synthetic rate was greater with nutrient ingestion compared with placebo ( ? 48%, P<0.05) but the rate of mitochondrial protein synthesis was similar between treatments. The increased myofibrillar protein synthesis following sprints with nutrient ingestion was associated with coordinated increases in Akt-mTOR-S6KrpS6 phosphorylation 15 min post-exercise (?200-600%, P<0.05), while there was no effect on these signalling molecules when exercise was undertaken in the fasted state. For the first time we report a beneficial effect of nutrient provision on anabolic signalling and muscle myofibrillar protein synthesis following repeated sprint exercise. Ingestion of protein/carbohydrate in close proximity to high-intensity sprint exercise provides an environment that increases cell signalling and protein synthesis.


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We examined acute molecular responses in skeletal muscle to repeated sprint and resistance exercise bouts. Six men [age, 24.7 ± 6.3 yr; body mass, 81.6 ± 7.3 kg; peak oxygen uptake, 47 ± 9.9 ml·kg -1 ·min -1; one repetition maximum (1-RM) leg extension 92.2 ± 12.5 kg; means ± SD] were randomly assigned to trials consisting of either resistance exercise (8 × 5 leg extension, 80% 1-RM) followed by repeated sprints (10 × 6 s, 0.75 N·m torque·kg -1) or vice-versa. Muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis were obtained at rest, 15 min after each exercise bout, and following 3-h recovery to determine early signaling and mRNA responses. There was divergent exercise order-dependent phosphorylation of p70 S6K (S6K). Specifically, initial resistance exercise increased S6K phosphorylation (?75% P < 0.05), but there was no effect when resistance exercise was undertaken after sprints. Exercise decreased IGF-I mRNA following 3-h recovery (?50%, P = 0.06) independent of order, while muscle RING finger mRNA was elevated with a moderate exercise order effect (P < 0.01). When resistance exercise was followed by repeated sprints PGC-1? mRNA was increased (REX1-SPR2; P = 0.02) with a modest distinction between exercise orders. Repeated sprints may promote acute interference on resistance exercise responses by attenuating translation initiation signaling and exacerbating ubiquitin ligase expression. Indeed, repeated sprints appear to generate the overriding acute exercise-induced response when undertaking concurrent repeated sprint and resistance exercise. Accordingly, we suggest that sprint-activities are isolated from resistance training and that adequate recovery time is considered within periodized training plans that incorporate these divergent exercise modes.


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We examined acute molecular responses in skeletal muscle to divergent exercise stimuli by combining consecutive bouts of resistance and endurance exercise. Eight men [22.9 ± 6.3 yr, body mass of 73.2 ± 4.5 kg, peak O2 uptake (V?O2peak) of 54.0 ± 5.7 ml·kg-1·min-1] were randomly assigned to complete trials consisting of either resistance exercise (8 x 5 leg extension, 80% 1 repetition maximum) followed by a bout of endurance exercise (30 min cycling, 70% V?O2peak) or vice versa. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis at rest, 15 min after each exercise bout, and after 3 h of passive recovery to determine early signaling and mRNA responses. Phosphorylation of Akt and Akt1Ser473 were elevated 15 min after resistance exercise compared with cycling, with the greatest increase observed when resistance exercise followed cycling (?55%; P < 0.01). TSC2-mTOR-S6 kinase phosphorylation 15 min after each bout of exercise was similar regardless of the exercise mode. The cumulative effect of combined exercise resulted in disparate mRNA responses. IGF-I mRNA content was reduced when cycling preceded resistance exercise (-42%), whereas muscle ring finger mRNA was elevated when cycling was undertaken after resistance exercise (?52%; P < 0.05). The hexokinase II mRNA level was higher after resistance cycling (?45%; P < 0.05) than after cycling-resistance exercise, whereas modest increases in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1? mRNA did not reveal an order effect. We conclude that acute responses to diverse bouts of contractile activity are modified by the exercise order. Moreover, undertaking divergent exercise in close proximity influences the acute molecular profile and likely exacerbates acute "interference".


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PURPOSE: We used gene microarray analysis to compare the global expression profile of genes involved in adaptation to training in skeletal muscle from chronically strength-trained (ST), endurance-trained (ET), and untrained control subjects (Con). METHODS: Resting skeletal muscle samples were obtained from the vastus lateralis of 20 subjects (Con n = 7, ET n = 7, ST n = 6; trained [TR] groups >8 yr specific training). Total RNA was extracted from tissue for two color microarray analysis and quantative (Q)-PCR. Trained subjects were characterized by performance measures of peak oxygen uptake V?O 2peak) on a cycle ergometer and maximal concentric and eccentric leg strength on an isokinetic dynamometer. RESULTS: Two hundred and sixty-three genes were differentially expressed in trained subjects (ET + ST) compared with Con (P < 0.05), whereas 21 genes were different between ST and ET (P < 0.05). These results were validated by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction for six differentially regulated genes (EIFSJ, LDHB, LMO4, MDH1, SLC16A7, and UTRN. Manual cluster analyses revealed significant regulation of genes involved in muscle structure and development in TR subjects compared with Con (P < 0.05) and expression correlated with measures of performance (P < 0.05). ET had increased whereas ST had decreased expression of gene clusters related to mitochondrial/oxidative capacity (P ?‰Currency sign 0.05). These mitochondrial gene clusters correlated with V?O2peak (P < 0.05). V?O2peak also correlated with expression of gene clusters that regulate fat and carbohydrate oxidation (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that chronic training subtly coregulates numerous genes from important functional groups that may be part of the long-term adaptive process to adapt to repeated training stimuli.


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Skeletal muscle contraction stimulates multiple signaling cascades that govern a variety of metabolic and transcriptional events. Akt/protein kinase B regulates metabolism and growth/muscle hypertrophy, but contraction effects on this target and its substrates are varied and may depend on the mode of the contractile stimulus. Accordingly, we determined the effects of endurance or resistance exercise on phosphorylation of Akt and downstream substrates in six trained cyclists who performed a single bout of endurance or resistance exercise separated by ?7 days. Muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis at rest and immediately after exercise. Akt Ser 473 phosphorylation was increased (1.8-fold; P = 0.011) after endurance but was unchanged after resistance exercise. Conversely, Akt Thr 308 phosphorylation was unaltered after either bout of exercise. Several exercise-responsive phosphoproteins were detected by immunoblot analysis with a phospho-Akt substrate antibody. pp160 and pp300 were identified as AS160 and filamin A, respectively, with increased phosphorylation (2.0- and 4.9-fold, respectively; P < 0.05) after endurance but not resistance exercise. In conclusion, AS160 and filamin A may provide an important link to mediate endurance exercise-induced bioeffects in skeletal muscle.


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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of endurance training on skeletal muscle phospholipid molecular species from high-fat fed rats. Twelve female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a high-fat diet (78.1% energy). The rats were randomly divided into two groups, a sedentary control group and a trained group (125 min of treadmill running at 8 m/min, 4 days/wk for 4 weeks). Forty-eight hours after their last training bout phospholipids were extracted from the red and white vastus lateralis and analyzed by electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry. Exercise training was associated with significant alterations in the relative abundance of a number of phospholipid molecular species. These changes were more prominent in red vastus lateralis than white vastus lateralis. The largest observed change was an increase of similar to 30% in the abundance of 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl phosphatidylcholine ions in oxidative fibers. Reductions in the relative abundance of a number of phospholipids containing long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids were also observed. These data suggest a possible reduction in phospholipid remodeling in the trained animals. This results in a decrease in the phospholipid n-3 to n-6 ratio that may in turn influence endurance capacity.


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Intense resistance exercise causes mechanical loading of skeletal muscle, followed by muscle adaptation. Chemotactic factors likely play an important role in these processes. Purpose We investigated the time course of changes in the expression and tissue localization of several key chemotactic factors in skeletal muscle during the early phase of recovery following resistance exercise. Methods Muscle biopsy samples were obtained from vastus lateralis of eight untrained men (22+-0.5 yrs) before and 2, 4 and 24 h after three sets of leg press, squat and leg extension at 80% 1 RM. Results Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (95×), interleukin-8 (2,300×), IL-6 (317×), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (15×), vascular endothelial growth factor (2×) and fractalkine (2.5×) mRNA was significantly elevated 2 h post-exercise. Interleukin-8 (38×) and interleukin-6 (58×) protein was also significantly elevated 2 h post-exercise, while monocyte chemotactic protein-1 protein was significantly elevated at 2 h (22×) and 4 h (21×) post-exercise. Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and interleukin-8 were expressed by cells residing in the interstitial space between muscle fibers and, in some cases, were co-localized with CD68+ macrophages, PAX7+ satellite cells and blood vessels. However, the patterns of staining were inconclusive and not consistent. Conclusion In conclusion, resistance exercise stimulated a marked increase in the mRNA and protein expression of various chemotactic factors in skeletal muscle. Myofibers were not the dominant source of these factors. These findings suggest that chemotactic factors regulate remodeling/adaptation of skeletal muscle during the early phase of recovery following resistance exercise.


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Purpose: We investigated if oral ingestion of ibuprofen influenced leucocyte recruitment and infiltration following an acute bout of traditional resistance exercise Methods: Sixteen male subjects were divided into two groups that received the maximum over-the-counter dose of ibuprofen (1200mg d−1) or a similarly administered placebo following lower body resistance exercise. Muscle biopsies were taken from m.vastus lateralis and blood serum samples were obtained before and immediately after exercise, and at 3 and 24 h after exercise. Muscle cross-sections were stained with antibodies against neutrophils (CD66b and MPO) and macrophages (CD68). Muscle damage was assessed via creatine kinase and myoglobin in blood serum samples, and muscle soreness was rated on a ten-point pain scale. Results: The resistance exercise protocol stimulated a significant increase in the number of CD66b+ and MPO+ cells when measured 3 h post exercise. Serum creatine kinase, myoglobin and subjective muscle soreness all increased post-exercise. Muscle leucocyte infiltration, creatine kinase, myoglobin and subjective muscle soreness were unaffected by ibuprofen treatment when compared to placebo. There was also no association between increases in inflammatory leucocytes and any other marker of cellular muscle damage. Conclusion: Ibuprofen administration had no effect on the accumulation of neutrophils, markers of muscle damage or muscle soreness during the first 24 h of post-exercise muscle recovery.