891 resultados para universal preschool


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RESUMO: Introdução: A asma brônquica é uma entidade frequente em idade pediátrica, apresentando uma grande heterogeneidade clínica e significativa morbilidade quando não controlada. A identificação de crianças sintomáticas pode atrasar ou até mesmo diminuir a ocorrência de algumas alterações estruturais. Reconhece-se a necessidade de questionários sobre sintomas respiratórios em língua portuguesa, devidamente validados, que tenham como população-alvo os grupos etários inferiores a 3 anos. Deste modo, será possível não só um conhecimento mais rigoroso da asma e da sibilância infantil mas também a uniformização de metodologias para o desenvolvimento de estratégias a nível nacional. Objetivos: Tradução com adaptação cultural para português e determinação da reprodutibilidade do Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children de Strippoli e colaboradores. Material e métodos: A escolha do questionário obedeceu a vários critérios, entre os quais o grupo etário, o tipo e número de perguntas. O Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children de Strippoli e colaboradores é um questionário de autopreenchimento, dirigido a crianças entre os 12 e os 24 meses de idade e destinado a estudos epidemiológicos ao nível da comunidade. Aborda aspetos referentes a sintomas respiratórios (sibilância, tosse crónica, sintomas das vias aéreas superiores), cuidados médicos, terapêutica, características ambientais, história familiar e situação social. Procedemos à sua tradução, com especial atenção para a adaptação do ponto de vista cultural e linguístico, utilizando o método da tradução / retroversão, amplamente utilizado e descrito na literatura internacional. Seguidamente determinámos a reprodutibilidade da versão final em língua portuguesa – Questionário de sintomas respiratórios em idade pré-escolar – utilizando o teste-reteste. Para tal, incluíram-se crianças entre os 12 e os 36 meses de idade recrutadas num Centro de Saúde e em creches de Lisboa. A distribuição dos questionários decorreu em duas fases: na primeira fase foram entregues pessoalmente nos locais de recrutamento e na segunda fase foram enviados por correio para os domicílios das crianças, respeitando-se um intervalo mínimo de 2 semanas entre ambos. Resultados: Na primeira fase foram distribuídos 180 questionários, com uma taxa de reposta de 41% (n=74). Na segunda fase enviaram-se para os respetivos domicílios 70 questionários,obtendo-se uma taxa de resposta de 66% (n=46). Para a análise de reprodutibilidade foram incluídos apenas os questionários preenchidos em ambos os momentos pelo mesmo indivíduo (mãe, pai ou representante legal) (n=41). A idade média das crianças foi, na primeira fase, de 22,5 meses e, na segunda fase, de 23,7 meses, com um predomínio do sexo feminino (F:M =1:0,6). A mediana do tempo decorrido entre os dois momentos de preenchimento dos questionários foi de 26 dias. Obtivemos valores de concordância globalmente bons a muito bons, à semelhança do sucedido no trabalho original. Conclusões: Procedemos à tradução e avaliação da reprodutibilidade do Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children. Pretende-se que venha a ser uma ferramenta útil para estudos epidemiológicos e programas de rastreio na comunidade, contribuindo deste modo para uma otimização da abordagem da asma / sibilância infantil a nível nacional. -------------ABSTRACT: Background: Asthma is a very common feature in childhood, with important clinical heterogeneity and morbidity if not properly controlled. Identifying symptomatic children may delay or even reduce several structural changes. The development of questionnaires on respiratory symptoms in Portuguese for children under 3 years old will allow not only a more accurate knowledge of infantile asthma and recurrent wheezing but also the standardization of methodologies to develop nationwide strategies. Objectives: The aim of this study was to translate and adapt to the Portuguese culture and to determine the repeatability of the Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children by Strippoli et al. Material and methods: The choice of the questionnaire took in consideration several criteria, among which the target age, the type and the number of questions. The Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children by Strippoli et al is a parent-completed questionnaire for assessment of respiratory symptoms in 1 to 2-year-old children, developed for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. It contains sections on respiratory symptoms (wheezing, chronic cough and upper airways symptoms), healthcare utilization, treatment, environmental exposure, family history and social situation. For the process of translation we used the method of translation and back-translation, with particular concern to cultural and linguistic adaptation. To assess the repeatability of the final Portuguese version - Questionário de sintomas respiratórios em idade pré-escolar - we used the test–retest analyses. The questionnaires were distributed to parents of children between 12 and 36 months old attending nurseries and a Primary Care Center of Lisbon. The distribution took place in two phases: the first questionnaires were delivered in person (phase one) and an identical questionnaire was posted to the families that participated in the first phase, 2 weeks after the first one was returned (phase two). Results: The response rates were 41% (180/74) in the first phase and 66% (70/46) in the second phase. For test–retest analyses, we included the 41 children with the same respondent (mother, father or legal representative) in both occasions. The median age of the children was 22,5 months at the first phase and 23,7 months at the second phase, with a predominance of girls (F:M = 1:0,6). The median time between the fillings of both questionnaires was 26 days. Globally, agreement values were good to excellent, similarly to the original work. Conclusion: In the present study we translated the Questionnaire on respiratory symptoms in preschool children and assessed its repeatability. Overall, we expect it to be a valuable tool for epidemiological studies and community-based screening programs, thus contributing to improve the management of infantile asthma / recurrent wheezing nationwide.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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O Rastreio Universal da Audição Neonatal tem sido um objectivo que várias gerações de audiologistas, otorrinolaringologistas e pediatras tem tentado ao longo dos anos. Os autores fazem uma revisão dos principais métodos utilizados para a avaliação da audição dos recém-nascidos, bem como das dificuldades encontradas e limitações da sua utilização. Desde o inicio da década de noventa vêm a ser implementados verdadeiros métodos de detecção precoce e universal da surdez infantil, utilizando métodos fisiológicos tais como os potenciais evocados auditivos e as otoemissões acústicas (c1ássicos e automáticos). São descritos os artigos mais importantes que fundamentam a necessidade de diagnóstico e intervenção precoces na surdez sensorioneural, com vista a melhorar a aquisição e desenvolvimento da fala e da competência linguística, o que permite uma melhor integração da criança, independentemente do seu grau de surdez. São também enunciadas as directivas do "European Consensus Development on Neonatal Hearing Screening" e do "Joint Comitee on Infant Hearing".


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Com o aparecimento de técnicas de rastreio da audição sensíveis, especificas e de fácil execução, é possível implementar rastreios de audição que abranjam todos os recém-nascidos. O objectivo destes programas e a detecção precoce de todas as crianças com hipoacusia significativa até aos três meses de idade, com vista a iniciar a reabilitação antes dos seis meses. Neste artigo de revisão apontam-se os passos mais importantes da organização e implementação de um Rastreio Universal da Audição Neonatal (RUAN), em três fases, descrevendo-se as opções possíveis de técnicas, equipamento e pessoal a utilizar.


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Food allergy (FA) prevalence data in infants and preschool-age children are sparse, and proposed risk factors lack confirmation. In this study, 19 children’s day care centers (DCC) from 2 main Portuguese cities were selected after stratification and cluster analysis. An ISAAC’s (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) derived health questionnaire was applied to a sample of children attending DCCs. Outcomes were FA parental report and anaphylaxis. Logistic regression was used to explore potential risk factors for reported FA. From the 2228 distributed questionnaires, 1217 were included in the analysis (54.6%). Children’s median age was 3.5 years, and 10.8% were described as ever having had FA. Current FA was reported in 5.7%. Three (0.2%) reports compatible with anaphylaxis were identified. Reported parental history of FA, personal history of atopic dermatitis, and preterm birth increased the odds for reported current FA. A high prevalence of parental-perceived FA in preschool-age children was identified. Risk factor identification may enhance better prevention.


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Influenza surveillance is usually based on nationally organized sentinel networks of physicians and on hospital reports. This study aimed to test a different report system, based on parents' phone contact to the research team and in home collection of samples by a dedicated team. The identification of influenza and other respiratory viruses in children who attended a Hospital Emergency Department was also recorded. Real-time PCR and reverse transcription PCR were performed for influenza A and B, parainfluenza 1-4, adenovirus, human metapneumovirus, respiratory syncytial virus A and B, rhinovirus, enterovirus, group 1 coronaviruses, group 2 coronaviruses, and human bocavirus. One hundred children were included, 64 from the day care centers and 36 from the Hospital. Overall, 79 samples were positive for at least one respiratory virus. Influenza A (H3) was the virus most frequently detected: 25 cases, 20 of these in children under 5 years of age (ten from day care centers and ten who went to the hospital) which was higher than those reported by the National Influenza Surveillance Programme for this age. CONCLUSION: The results obtained in this study suggest that a surveillance system based on parents' reports could complement the implanted system of the National Influenza Surveillance Programme.


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INTRODUCTION: Children are an important high-risk group for helminth and protozoa infections. Daycare centers are environments where children have proven to be more susceptible to acquiring intestinal parasites. Thus, the purpose of this study was to verify the prevalence of intestinal parasites in children who attended the two daycare centers maintained by the local government of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. METHODS: Fecal samples were collected from 133 children (73 children at the Public Preschool for Early Childhood Education, PPECE A, and 60 at the PPECE B) following identification according to sex and age and agreement to participate by parents or guardians who signed the free, informed consent form. The samples were examined by the Lutz method. RESULTS: Coproparasitological tests performed on 133 children showed that 29.3% of them were parasitized for enteroparasites or commensals, 6.7% of the children presented polyparasitism. Among the protozoa, Giardia lamblia were the most prevalent and Hymenolepis nana were the most frequent among the helminths. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, analysis of the results showed that intestinal parasites still represent a public health problem, especially among children and in areas where the socioeconomic and educational conditions are less favorable.


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INTRODUCTION: Whether Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) infections among preschool children in Taipei City had truly declined was investigated. METHODS: A total of 6,661 preschool children from 28 nurseries were randomly selected from 4 major geographic districts in Taipei City to examine the status of pinworm infection by using adhesive thin cellophane tape swab method. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of pinworm infection was 0.5% (30/6,661). Boys (0.6%; 21/3,524) had higher prevalence than girls (0.3%; 9/3,137) (p=0.06). Southern district (0.6%; 10/1,789) showed insignificantly higher prevalence than Western district (0.2%; 1/606) (p=0.22). CONCLUSIONS: Pinworm screening program remains necessary for some parts of Taipei City.


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We investigate the effects of bank control over borrower firms whether by representation on boards of directors or by the holding of shares through bank asset management divisions. Using a large sample of syndicated loans, we find that banks are more likely to act as lead arrangers in loans when they exert some control over the borrower firm. Bank-firm governance links are associated with higher loan spreads during the 2003-2006 credit boom, but lower spreads during the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Additionally, these links mitigate credit rationing effects during the crisis. The results are robust to several methods to correct for the endogeneity of the bank- firm governance link. Our evidence, consistent with intertemporal smoothing of loan rates, suggests there are costs and benefits from banks’ involvement in firm governance.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia - Especialidade em Psicologia Experimental e Ciências Cognitivas


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Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Educação Especial).


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Expanding access to preschool education is a particularly important policy issue in developing countries, where enrollment rates are generally much lower, and where private institutions constitute a much larger share of the formal preschool sector, than in developed countries. This paper examines if an expansion in the supply of public preschool crowds-out private enrollment using rich data for municipalities in Brazil from 2000 to 2006, where federal transfers to local governments change discontinuously with given population thresholds. Results from a regression-discontinuity design reveal that larger federal transfers lead to a significant expansion of local public preschool services, but show no evidence of crowding-out of private enrollment, nor of negative impacts on the quality of private providers. This finding is consistent with a theory in which households differ in willingness-to-pay for preschool services, and private suppliers optimally adjust prices in response to an expansion of lower-quality, free-of-charge public supply. In the context of the model, the absence of crowding-out effects of more public preschool providers can be rationalized by the existence of relatively large differences in willingness-to-pay for preschool services across different demand segments. Our theoretical and empirical findings therefore suggest that in developing country settings characterized by relatively high income inequality, an expansion in public preschool supply will likely significantly increase enrollment among the poorest segments of society, and need not have adverse effects on the quantity or quality of local private supply.


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Tarea (A):(...) Trataremos de extender a Sp(n,1) los resultados conseguidos sobre la imagen del homomorfismo de Lepowsky cuando G es SO(n,1) ó SU(n,1). (...) Tarea (B): (...) Para todo grupo de Lie de rango uno, con rango (G) = rango (K), los elementos del álgebra B son W-invariantes y que este resultado ya ha sido establecido para los grupos SO(2n,1) y SU(n,1); durante el período correspondiente a este subsidio esperamos extender este resultado a todo grupo de Lie de rango uno con rango (G) = rango (K). Tarea (C): Durante este período esperamos también avanzar en la determinación del dual unitario del grupo Spin (2n,C).