918 resultados para two-temperature model
L’ablation de cibles d’Al nanocristallines (taille moyenne des cristallites d = 3,1 et 6,2 nm) par impulsions laser ultrabrèves (200 fs) a été étudiée par l’entremise de si- mulations combinant la dynamique moléculaire et le modèle à deux températures (two- temperature model, TTM) pour des fluences absorbées allant de 100 à 1300 J/m2. Nos simulations emploient un potentiel d’interaction de type EAM et les propriétés électro- niques des cibles en lien avec le TTM sont représentées par un modèle réaliste possédant une forme distincte dans le solide monocristallin, le solide nanocristallin et le liquide. Nous avons considéré l’effet de la taille moyenne des cristallites de même que celui de la porosité et nous avons procédé à une comparaison directe avec des cibles mono- cristallines. Nous avons pu montrer que le seuil d’ablation des métaux nanocristallins est significativement plus bas, se situant à 400 J/m2 plutôt qu’à 600 J/m2 dans le cas des cibles monocristallines, l’écart étant principalement dû à l’onde mécanique plus im- portante présente lors de l’ablation. Leur seuil de spallation de la face arrière est aussi significativement plus bas de par la résistance à la tension plus faible (5,40 GPa contre 7,24 GPa) des cibles nanocristallines. Il est aussi apparu que les contraintes résiduelles accompagnant généralement l’ablation laser sont absentes lors de l’ablation de cibles d’aluminium nanocristallines puisque la croissance cristalline leur permet d’abaisser leur volume spécifique. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que le seuil de fusion des cibles nano- cristallines est réduit de façon marquée dans ces cibles ce qui s’explique par la plus faible énergie de cohésion inhérente à ces matériaux. Nos simulations permettent de montrer que les propriétés structurelles et électroniques propres aux métaux nanocristallins ont toutes deux un impact important sur l’ablation.
L’ablation laser de verres métalliques de CuxZr1−x (x = 0.33, 0.50 et 0.67) et d’un alliage métallique cristallin de CuZr2 dans la structure C11b a été étudiée par dynamique moléculaire (DM) combinée à un modèle à deux températures (TTM). Le seuil d’ablation (Fth) a été déterminé pour chacun des 4 échantillons et s'est avéré plus bas pour les échantillons plus riches en Cu étant donné que la cohésion du Cu est plus faible que celle du Zr dans tous les échantillons. Pour x=0.33, Fth est plus bas pour le cristal que pour l’amorphe car le couplage électron-phonon est plus faible dans ce dernier, ce qui implique que l’énergie est transférée plus lentement du système électronique vers le système ionique pour le a-CuZr2 que le c-CuZr2. La vitesse de l’onde de pression créée par l’impact du laser croît avec la fluence dans l’échantillon cristallin, contrairement aux échantillons amorphes dans lesquels sa vitesse moyenne est relativement constante avec la fluence. Ceci est expliqué par le fait que le module de cisaillement croît avec la pression pour le cristal, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour les verres métalliques étudiés. Finalement, la zone affectée par la chaleur (HAZ) a été étudiée via la profondeur de fusion et les déformations plastiques. La plus faible température de fusion des échantillons amorphes implique que la profondeur de fusion est plus importante dans ceux-ci que dans l’échantillon cristallin. Dans les verres métalliques, les déformations plastiques ont été identifiées sous forme de zones de transformation par cisaillement (STZ) qui diffusent et fusionnent à plus haute fluence. Aucune déformation plastique importante n’a été identifiée dans le c-CuZr2 mis à part de légères déformations près du front de fusion causées par les contraintes résiduelles. Ce travail a ainsi permis d’améliorer notre compréhension de l’ablation laser sur les verres métalliques et de l’étendue des dommages qu’elle peut entraîner.
In this work, we present an atomistic-continuum model for simulations of ultrafast laser-induced melting processes in semiconductors on the example of silicon. The kinetics of transient non-equilibrium phase transition mechanisms is addressed with MD method on the atomic level, whereas the laser light absorption, strong generated electron-phonon nonequilibrium, fast heat conduction, and photo-excited free carrier diffusion are accounted for with a continuum TTM-like model (called nTTM). First, we independently consider the applications of nTTM and MD for the description of silicon, and then construct the combined MD-nTTM model. Its development and thorough testing is followed by a comprehensive computational study of fast nonequilibrium processes induced in silicon by an ultrashort laser irradiation. The new model allowed to investigate the effect of laser-induced pressure and temperature of the lattice on the melting kinetics. Two competing melting mechanisms, heterogeneous and homogeneous, were identified in our big-scale simulations. Apart from the classical heterogeneous melting mechanism, the nucleation of the liquid phase homogeneously inside the material significantly contributes to the melting process. The simulations showed, that due to the open diamond structure of the crystal, the laser-generated internal compressive stresses reduce the crystal stability against the homogeneous melting. Consequently, the latter can take a massive character within several picoseconds upon the laser heating. Due to the large negative volume of melting of silicon, the material contracts upon the phase transition, relaxes the compressive stresses, and the subsequent melting proceeds heterogeneously until the excess of thermal energy is consumed. A series of simulations for a range of absorbed fluences allowed us to find the threshold fluence value at which homogeneous liquid nucleation starts contributing to the classical heterogeneous propagation of the solid-liquid interface. A series of simulations for a range of the material thicknesses showed that the sample width we chosen in our simulations (800 nm) corresponds to a thick sample. Additionally, in order to support the main conclusions, the results were verified for a different interatomic potential. Possible improvements of the model to account for nonthermal effects are discussed and certain restrictions on the suitable interatomic potentials are found. As a first step towards the inclusion of these effects into MD-nTTM, we performed nanometer-scale MD simulations with a new interatomic potential, designed to reproduce ab initio calculations at the laser-induced electronic temperature of 18946 K. The simulations demonstrated that, similarly to thermal melting, nonthermal phase transition occurs through nucleation. A series of simulations showed that higher (lower) initial pressure reinforces (hinders) the creation and the growth of nonthermal liquid nuclei. For the example of Si, the laser melting kinetics of semiconductors was found to be noticeably different from that of metals with a face-centered cubic crystal structure. The results of this study, therefore, have important implications for interpretation of experimental data on the kinetics of melting process of semiconductors.
Laser material processing is being extensively used in photovoltaic applications for both the fabrication of thin film modules and the enhancement of the crystalline silicon solar cells. The two temperature model for thermal diffusion was numerically solved in this paper. Laser pulses of 1064, 532 or 248 nm with duration of 35, 26 or 10 ns were considered as the thermal source leading to the material ablation. Considering high irradiance levels (108–109 W cm−2), a total absorption of the energy during the ablation process was assumed in the model. The materials analysed in the simulation were aluminium (Al) and silver (Ag), which are commonly used as metallic electrodes in photovoltaic devices. Moreover, thermal diffusion was also simulated for crystalline silicon (c-Si). A similar trend of temperature as a function of depth and time was found for both metals and c-Si regardless of the employed wavelength. For each material, the ablation depth dependence on laser pulse parameters was determined by means of an ablation criterion. Thus, after the laser pulse, the maximum depth for which the total energy stored in the material is equal to the vaporisation enthalpy was considered as the ablation depth. For all cases, the ablation depth increased with the laser pulse fluence and did not exhibit a clear correlation with the radiation wavelength. Finally, the experimental validation of the simulation results was carried out and the ability of the model with the initial hypothesis of total energy absorption to closely fit experimental results was confirmed.
We study an exactly solvable two-dimensional model which mimics the basic features of the standard model. This model combines chiral coupling with an infrared behavior which resembles low energy QCD. This is done by adding a Podolsky higher-order derivative term in the gauge field to the Lagrangian of the usual chiral Schwinger model. We adopt a finite temperature regularization procedure in order to calculate the non-trivial fermionic Jacobian and obtain the photon and fermion propagators, first at zero temperature and then at finite temperature in the imaginary and real time formalisms. Both singular and non-singular cases, corresponding to the choice of the regularization parameter, are treated. In the nonsingular case there is a tachyonic mode as usual in a higher order derivative theory, however in the singular case there is no tachyonic excitation in the spectrum.
The uncertainty associated with how projected climate change will affect global C cycling could have a large impact on predictions of soil C stocks. The purpose of our study was to determine how various soil decomposition and chemistry characteristics relate to soil organic matter (SOM) temperature sensitivity. We accomplished this objective using long-term soil incubations at three temperatures (15, 25, and 35°C) and pyrolysis molecular beam mass spectrometry (py-MBMS) on 12 soils from 6 sites along a mean annual temperature (MAT) gradient (2–25.6°C). The Q10 values calculated from the CO2 respired during a long-term incubation using the Q10-q method showed decomposition of the more resistant fraction to be more temperature sensitive with a Q10-q of 1.95 ± 0.08 for the labile fraction and a Q10-q of 3.33 ± 0.04 for the more resistant fraction. We compared the fit of soil respiration data using a two-pool model (active and slow) with first-order kinetics with a three-pool model and found that the two and three-pool models statistically fit the data equally well. The three-pool model changed the size and rate constant for the more resistant pool. The size of the active pool in these soils, calculated using the two-pool model, increased with incubation temperature and ranged from 0.1 to 14.0% of initial soil organic C. Sites with an intermediate MAT and lowest C/N ratio had the largest active pool. Pyrolysis molecular beam mass spectrometry showed declines in carbohydrates with conversion from grassland to wheat cultivation and a greater amount of protected carbohydrates in allophanic soils which may have lead to differences found between the total amount of CO2 respired, the size of the active pool, and the Q10-q values of the soils.
We design rapidly folding sequences by assigning the strongest couplings to the contacts present in a target native state in a two dimensional model of heteropolymers. The pathways to folding and their dependence on the temperature are illustrated via a mapping of the dynamics into motion within the space of the maximally compact cells.
In this article, we describe and compare two individual-based models constructed to investigate how genetic factors influence the development of phosphine resistance in lesser grain borer (R. dominica). One model is based on the simplifying assumption that resistance is conferred by alleles at a single locus, while the other is based on the more realistic assumption that resistance is conferred by alleles at two separate loci. We simulated the population dynamic of R. dominica in the absence of phosphine fumigation, and under high and low dose phosphine treatments, and found important differences between the predictions of the two models in all three cases. In the absence of fumigation, starting from the same initial frequencies of genotypes, the two models tended to different stable frequencies, although both reached Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The one-locus model exaggerated the equilibrium proportion of strongly resistant beetles by 3.6 times, compared to the aggregated predictions of the two-locus model. Under a low dose treatment the one-locus model overestimated the proportion of strongly resistant individuals within the population and underestimated the total population numbers compared to the two-locus model. These results show the importance of basing resistance evolution models on realistic genetics and that using oversimplified one-locus models to develop pest control strategies runs the risk of not correctly identifying tactics to minimise the incidence of pest infestation.
To a large extent, lakes can be described with a one-dimensional approach, as their main features can be characterized by the vertical temperature profile of the water. The development of the profiles during the year follows the seasonal climate variations. Depending on conditions, lakes become stratified during the warm summer. After cooling, overturn occurs, water cools and an ice cover forms. Typically, water is inversely stratified under the ice, and another overturn occurs in spring after the ice has melted. Features of this circulation have been used in studies to distinguish between lakes in different areas, as basis for observation systems and even as climate indicators. Numerical models can be used to calculate temperature in the lake, on the basis of the meteorological input at the surface. The simple form is to solve the surface temperature. The depth of the lake affects heat transfer, together with other morphological features, the shape and size of the lake. Also the surrounding landscape affects the formation of the meteorological fields over the lake and the energy input. For small lakes the shading by the shores affects both over the lake and inside the water body bringing limitations for the one-dimensional approach. A two-layer model gives an approximation for the basic stratification in the lake. A turbulence model can simulate vertical temperature profile in a more detailed way. If the shape of the temperature profile is very abrupt, vertical transfer is hindered, having many important consequences for lake biology. One-dimensional modelling approach was successfully studied comparing a one-layer model, a two-layer model and a turbulence model. The turbulence model was applied to lakes with different sizes, shapes and locations. Lake models need data from the lakes for model adjustment. The use of the meteorological input data on different scales was analysed, ranging from momentary turbulent changes over the lake to the use of the synoptical data with three hour intervals. Data over about 100 past years were used on the mesoscale at the range of about 100 km and climate change scenarios for future changes. Increasing air temperature typically increases water temperature in epilimnion and decreases ice cover. Lake ice data were used for modelling different kinds of lakes. They were also analyzed statistically in global context. The results were also compared with results of a hydrological watershed model and data from very small lakes for seasonal development.
We present the first direct-numerical-simulation study of the statistical properties of two-dimensional superfluid turbulence in the simplified, Hall-Vinen-Bekharevich-Khalatnikov two-fluid model. We show that both normalfluid and superfluid energy spectra can exhibit two power-law regimes, the first associated with an inverse cascade of energy and the second with the forward cascade of enstrophy. We quantify the mutual-friction-induced alignment of normal and superfluid velocities by obtaining probability distribution functions of the angle between them and the ratio of their moduli.
The present paper studies numerical modelling of near-wall two-phase flows induced by a normal shock wave moving at a constant speed, over a micronsized particles bed. In this two-fluid model, the possibility of particle trajectory intersection is considered and a full Lagrangian formulation of the dispersed phase is introduced. The finiteness of the Reynolds and Mach numbers of the flow around a particle as well as the fineness of the particle sizes are taken into account in describing the interactions between the carrier- and dispersed- phases. For the small mass-loading ratio case, the numerical simulation of flow structure of the two phases is implemented and the profiles of the particle number density are obtained under the constant-flux condition on the wall. The effects of the shock Mach number and the particle size and material density on particle entrainment motion are discussed in detail.The obtained results indicate that interphase non-equilibrium in the velocity and temperature is a common feature for this type of flows and a local particle accumulation zone may form near the envelope of the particle trajectory family.
Time-dependent thermal simulation of ridge-geometry InGaN laser diodes is carried out with a two-dimensional model. A high temperature in the waveguide layer and a large temperature step between the regions under and outside the ridge are generated due to the poor thermal conductivity of the sapphire substrate and the large threshold current and voltage. The temperature step is thought to have a strong influence on the characteristics of the laser diodes. Time-resolved measurements of light-current curves,spectra, and the far-field pattern of the InGaN laser diodes under pulsed operation are performed. The results show that the thermal lensing effect improves the confinement of the higher order modes and leads to a lower threshold current and a higher slope efficiency of the device while the high temperature in the active layer results in a drastic decrease in the slope efficiency.
Tanpura string vibrations have been investigated previously using numerical models based on energy conserving schemes derived from a Hamiltonian description in one-dimensional form. Such time-domain models have the property that, for the lossless case, the numerical Hamiltonian (representing total energy of the system) can be proven to be constant from one time step
to the next, irrespective of any of the system parameters; in practice the Hamiltonian can be shown to be conserved within machine precision. Models of this kind can reproduce a jvari effect, which results from the bridge-string interaction. However the one-dimensional formulation has recently been shown to fail to replicate the jvaris strong dependence on the thread placement. As a first step towards simulations which accurately emulate this sensitivity to the thread placement, a twodimensional model is proposed, incorporating coupling of controllable level between the two string polarisations at the string termination opposite from the barrier. In addition, a friction force acting when the string slides across the bridge in horizontal direction is introduced, thus effecting a further damping mechanism. In this preliminary study, the string is terminated at the position of the thread. As in the one-dimensional model, an implicit scheme has to be used to solve the system, employing Newton's method to calculate the updated positions and momentums of each string segment. The two-dimensional model is proven to be energy conserving when the loss parameters are set to zero, irrespective of the coupling constant. Both frequency-dependent and independent losses are then added to the string, so that the model can be compared to analogous instruments. The influence of coupling and the bridge friction are investigated.
For a greenhouse located at UTAD-University, the methods used to estimate in real-time the parameters of the inside air temperature model will be described. The structure and the parameters of the climate discrete-time dynamic model were previously identified using data acquired during two different periods of the year.
I provide choice-theoretic foundations for a simple two-stage model, called transitive shortlist methods, where choices are made by sequentially by applying a pair of transitive preferences (or rationales) to eliminate inferior alternatives. Despite its simplicity, the model accommodates a wide range of choice phenomena including the status quo bias, framing, homophily, compromise, and limited willpower. I establish that the model can be succinctly characterized in terms of some well-documented context effects in choice. I also show that the underlying rationales are straightforward to determine from readily observable reversals in choice. Finally, I highlight the usefulness of these results in a variety of applications.