985 resultados para transition metals


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We have measured conductance histograms of atomic point contacts made from the noble-transition-metal alloys CuNi, AgPd, and AuPt for a concentration ratio of 1:1. For all alloys these histograms at low-bias voltage (below 300 mV) resemble those of the noble metals, whereas at high bias (above 300 mV) they resemble those of the transition metals. We interpret this effect as a change in the composition of the point contact with bias voltage. We discuss possible explanations in terms of electromigration and differential diffusion induced by current heating.


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The dissociative adsorption of N-2 has been studied at both monatomic steps and flat regions on the surfaces of the 4d transition metals from Zr to Pd. Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we have determined and analyzed the trends in both straight reactivity and structure sensitivity across the periodic table. With regards to reactivity, we find that the trend in activation energy (Ea) is determined mainly by a charge transfer from the surface metal atoms to the N atoms during transition state formation, namely, the degree of ionicity of the N-surface bond at the transition state. Indeed, we find that the strength of the metal-N bond at the transition state (and therefore the trend in Ea) can be predicted by the difference in Mulliken electronegativity between the metal and N. Structure sensitivity is analyzed in terms of geometric and electronic effects. We find that the lowering of Ea due to steps is more pronounced on the right-hand side of the periodic table. It is found that for the early transition metals the geometric and electronic effects work in opposition when going from terrace to step active site. In the case of the late 4d metals, however, these effects work in combination, producing a more marked reduction in Ea.


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Dissociative adsorption is one of the most important reactions in catalysis. In this communication we propose a model aiming to generalize the important factors that affect dissociation reactions. Specifically, for a dissociation reaction, say AB -->A + B, the model connects the dissociation barrier with the association barrier, the chemisorption energies of A and B at the final state and the bonding energy of AB in the gas phase. To apply this model, we have calculated CO dissociation on Ru(0001), Rh(111), Pd(111) (4d transition metals), Os(0001), Ir(111), and Pt(111) (5d transition metals) using density function theory (DFT). All the barriers are determined. We find that the DFT results can be rationalized within the model. The model can also be used to explain many experimental observations. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Transition metals are often introduced to a catalyst as promoters to improve catalytic performance. In this work, we study the promotion effect of transition metals on Co, the preferred catalytic metal for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis because of its good compromise of activity, selectivity and stability, for ethylene chemisorption using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, aiming to provide some insight into improving the alpha-olefin selectivity. In order to obtain the general trend of influence on ethylene chemisorption, twelve transition metals (Zr, Mn, Re, Ru, Rh, It, Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag and Au) are calculated. We find that the late transition metals (e.g. Pd and Cu) can decrease ethylene chemisorption energy. These results suggest that the addition of the late transition metals may improve alpha-olefin selectivity. Electronic structure analyses (both charge density distributions and density of states) are also performed and the understanding of calculated results is presented. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Les transitions de spin provoquent des changements de propriétés physiques des complexes de métaux du bloc d les subissant, notamment de leur structure et propriétés spectroscopiques. Ce mémoire porte sur la spectroscopie Raman de composés du fer(II) et du fer(III), pour lesquels on induit une transition de spin par variation de la température ou de la pression. Trois complexes de fer(II) de type FeN4(NCS)2 avec des comportements de transition de spin différents ont été étudiés : Fe(Phen)2(NCS)2 (Phen : 1,10-Phénanthroline), Fe(Btz)2(NCS)2 (Btz : 2,2’-bi-4,5-dihydrothiazine) et Fe(pyridine)4(NCS)2. Un décalage de l’ordre de 50 cm-1 est observable pour la fréquence d’étirement C-N du ligand thiocyanate des complexes FeN4(NCS)2, lors de la transition de spin induite par variation de la température ou de la pression. Il est possible d’utiliser cette variation de fréquence afin de tracer un profil de transition. Quatre complexes isomères de type FeL222(CN)2 (L222 : 2,13- diméthyl-6,9-dioxa-3,12,18-triazabicyclo[12.3.1]-octadéca-1(18),2,12,14,16-pentaène) ont également été étudiés. Un taux de décalage de l’ordre d’environ 0,03 cm-1/K est observé pour plusieurs bandes du complexe FeL222(CN)2. La bande à 1415 cm-1 disparaît à plus haute température au profit d’une bande à 1400 cm-1. Pour le complexe de chiralité R,R’, les bandes à 1008 cm-1 et 1140 cm-1 se déplacent vers des fréquences plus élevées à partir de 223 K. Les transitions de spin sont observées dans certains complexes de fer(III). Dans cette famille de composés, le complexe Fe(EtDTC)3 (EtDTC : N,N-diéthyldithiocarbamate) a été étudié . Aucun changement n’a été observé dans l’intensité des bandes d’étirement fer-soufre sur les spectres à température variable. Cependant, la bande Fe-S associée à la forme bas-spin à 530 cm-1 augmente en intensité au profit de la bande associée à la forme haut-spin à 350 cm-1 lors des mesures à haute pression, passant d’un rapport d’amplitude de 50% à pression ambiante à 80% à 21 kbar. Un dédoublement de la bande d’étirement C-N du ligand dithiocarbamate à 1495 cm-1 est également observé à des pressions supérieures à 5 kbar. Une comparaison des changements des fréquences de vibration de tous les complexes est effectuée.


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The present work is concentrated on the studies of two novel semicarbazones, di-2-pyridyl ketone-N4-phenyl-3-semicarbazone (HL1) and quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde-N4-phenyl-3-semicarbazone (HL2). The compositions of these semicarbazones were determined by the CHN analyses. For the characterization of these compounds we have used IR, UV and NMR spectral studies. The molecular structure of quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde-N4-phenyl-3- semicarbazone (HL2) was obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Also, we have synthesized Zn(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) complexes of these semicarbazones, HL1 and HL2. These complexes were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques, magnetic and conductivity studies. We could isolate single crystals of some Zn(II) and Cd(II) compounds suitable for X-ray diffraction studies. For other complexes we could not isolate single crystals of good quality for single crystal X-ray diffraction studies.


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Catalysis is a mature field with extensive practical applications in today's society.indeed,the catalysis of petroleum refining,fine chemical synthesis and emission control demands the production of catalysts in bulk quantities.Future improvement of these well established processes is likely to be incremental.On the other hand,the continuous demand for new products will require additional novel and innovative processes.The need for pollution abatement and prevention also imposes new demands on catalysis, and new processes are periodically advanced for the control of emission of gases as well as for remediation processes such as the cleaning of underground waters. The number of problems where catalysis can have a big impact is constantly growing.In general,science stimulated by the technology has enriched the field of catalysis in a way that has had broad and lasting value.The thesis"Transition metal and rare earth metal modified sol-gel titania: a versatile catalyst for organic transformations" accounts the preparation and characterization studies of both transition metals and rare earth metals modified sol-gel titania and its applications in industrially useful organic reactions.


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The aim of catalysis research is to apply the catalyst successfully in economically important reactions in an environmentally friendly way. The present work focuses on the modification of structural and surface properties of ceria and ceria-zirconia catalysts by the incorporation of transition metals. The applications of these catalysts in industrially important reactions like ethylbenzene oxidation, alkylation of aromatics are also investigated.Sol-gel method is effective for the preparation of transition metal modified ceria and ceria-zirconia mixed oxide since it produces catalyst with highly dispersed incorporated metal. Unlike that of impregnation method plugging of pores is not prominent for sol-gel derived catalyst materials. This prevents loss of surface area on metal modification as evident for BET surface area measurements.The powder X-ray diffraction analysis confirms the cubic structure of transition metal modified ceria and ceria-zirconia catalysts. The thermal stability is evident from TGA/DTA analysis. DR UV-vis spectra provide information on the coordination environment of the incorporated metal. EPR analysis ofCr, Mn and Cu modified ceria and a ceria-zirconia catalyst reveals the presence of different oxidation states of incorporated metal.Temperature programmed desorption of ammonia and thermogravimetric desorption of 2,6-dimethyl pyridine confirms the enhancement of acidity on metal incorporation. High a-methyl styrene selectivity in cumene cracking reaction implies the presence of comparatively more number of Lewis acid sites with some amount of Bronsted acid sites. The formation of cyclohexanone during cyclohexanol decomposition confirms the presence of basic sites on the catalyst surface.Mn and Cr modified catalysts show better activity towards ethylbenzene oxidation. A redox mechanism through oxometal pathway is suggested.All the catalysts were found to be active towards benzylation of toluene and a-xylene. The selectivity towards monoalkylated products remains almost 100%. The catalytic activity is correlated with the Lewis acidity of the prepared systems.The activity of the catalysts towards methylation of phenols depends on the strength acid sites as well as the redox properties of the catalysts. A strong dependence of methylation activity on the total acidity is illustrated.


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In the present work,the chelating behaviour of thiosemicarbazones of a heterocyclic diketone, 2,6-diacetylpyridine is studied,with the aim of investigating the influence coordination exerts on their conformation and /or configuration, in connection with the nature of the metal and of the counter ion.The various possibilities like unsubstitution,ring incorporation at terminal nitrogen and condensation of one of the ketone group alone have been tried for ligand selection.Mainly first row transition metals like manganese,iron,nickel,copper,zinc and cadmium are studied.Metals like cobalt also were studied but could not result in fruitful isolation of the compound due to solubility problems.Different spectroscopic and characterization techniques have been utilized to reveal the nature of the metal and the ligands in coordinated metal complex.


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Chemistry occupies a unique middle position in the scientific arena, between physics and mathematics on the one side and biology, ecology, sociology and economics on the other [1]. Chemistry is the science of matter and of its transformations, and life is its highest expression [2]. According to reductionist thinking biology is reducible into chemistry, chemistry into physics, and ultimately physics into mathematics. Reductionism implies the ease of understanding one level in terms of another.The work presented this thesis comprises synthesis and characterization of suitably substituted thiocarbohydrazone and carbohydrazone ligand building blocks, self-assembled metallosupramolecular square grid complexes as well as some di/multinuclear complexes. The primary aim was the deliberate syntheses of some novel transition metal framework complexes, mainly metallosupramolecular coordination square grids by self-assembly and their physico-chemical characterization. The work presented, however, also include synthesis and characterization of four mononuclear Ni(II) complexes of two thiosemicarbazones, which we carried out as a preliminary and supporting study. Based on the present work we would like to conclude that the carbohydrazones, thiocarbohydrazones and their coordination framework complexes of transition metals are promising systems for wide application in science and technology varied from physics to biotechnology. Novel classes of materials and biologically important potential compounds open up further scope of researches and we hopefully welcome any sort of related research to make this work more valuable.


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The ability of aroylhydrazones to bind with transition metals is a developing area of research interest and the coordinating properties of hydrazones can be tuned by the appropriate choice of parent aldehyde or ketone and the hydrazide. So in the present work we selected four different aroylhydrazones as principal ligands. Introduction of heterocyclic bases like 1,10-phenanthroline, 2,2′-bipyridine, 3-picoline and pyridine leads to the syntheses of mixed ligand metal chelates which can cause different bonding modes, spectral properties and geometries in coordination compounds. The importance of aroylhydrazones and their complexes in various fields and their interesting coordinating properties stimulate our interest in the investigation of transition metal chelates with four different aroylhydrazones. The aroylhydrazones selected are 4-benzyloxy-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde-4-nitrobenzoylhydrazone dimethylformamide monosolvate, 5-bromo-2-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde nicotinoylhydrazone dihydrate methanol monosolvate, 4-diethylamino-2- hydroxybenzaldehyde nicotinoylhydrazone monohydrate and 2-benzoylpyridine- 4-nitrobenzoylhydrazone. The selection of 4-benzyloxy-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde- 4-nitrobenzoylhydrazone was based on the idea of developing ligands having D-π-A general structure, so that the proligand and metal complexes exhibit NLO activity. Hence it is interesting to explore the coordinating capabilities of the synthesized hydrazones and to study the NLO activity of hydrazones and some of the metal complexes.


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English: The present thesis describes the synthesis of 1,1’-ferrocendiyl-based pyridylphosphine ligands, the exploration of their fundamental coordination chemistry and preliminary experiments with selected complexes aimed at potential applications. One main aspect is the synthesis of the bidentate ferrocene-based pyridylphosphine ligands 1-(Pyrid-2-yl)-1’-diphenylphosphinoferrocene, 1-(Pyrid-3-yl)-1’-diphenylphosphinoferrocene and 1-[(Pyrid-2-yl)methyl]-1’-diphenylphosphinoferrocene. A specific feature of these ligands is the ball-bearing like flexibility of the ferrocenebased backbone. An additional flexibility element is the rotation around the C–C single bonds. Consequently, the donor atoms can realise a wide range of positions with respect to each other and are therefore able to adapt to the coordination requirements of different metal centres. The flexibility of the ligand also plays a role in another key aspect of this work, which concerns the coordination mode, i. e. bridging vs. chelating. In addition to the flexibility, also the position of the donor atoms to each other is important. This is largely affected by the position of the pyridyl nitrogen (pyrid-2-yl vs. pyrid-3-yl) and the methylen group in 1-[(Pyrid-2-yl)methyl]-1’-diphenylphosphinoferrocene. Another interesting point is the combination of a soft phosphorus donor atom with a harder nitrogen donor atom, according to the HSAB principle. This combination generates a unique binding profile, since the pi-acceptor character of the P site is able to stabilise a metal centre in a low oxidation state, while the nitrogen sigma-donor ability can make the metal more susceptible to oxidative addition reactions. A P,N-donor combination can afford hemilabile binding profiles, which would be ideal for catalysis. Beyond 1,2-substituted ferrocene derivatives, which are quite successful in catalytic applications, 1,1’-derivatives are rather underrepresented. While a low-yield synthetic pathway to 1-(Pyrid-2-yl)-1’-diphenylphosphinoferrocene was already described in the literature [I. R. Butler, Organometallics 1992, 11, 74.], it was possible to find a new, improved and simplified synthetic pathway. Both other ligands were unknown prior to this work. Satisfactory results in the synthesis of 1-(Pyrid-3-yl)-1’-diphenylphosphinoferrocene could be achieved by working in analogy to the new synthetic procedure for 1-(Pyrid-2-yl)-1’-diphenylphosphinoferrocene. The synthesis of 1-[(Pyrid-2-yl)methyl]-1’-diphenylphosphinoferrocene has been handled by the group of Prof. Petr Stepnicka from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. The synthesis of tridentate ligands with an analogous heterodentate arrangement, was investigated briefly as a sideline of this study. The major part of this thesis deals with the fundamental coordination chemistry towards transition metals of the groups 10, 11 and 12. Due to the well-established catalytic properties of analogous palladium complexes, the coordination chemistry towards palladium (group 10) is of particular interest. The metals zinc and cadmium (group 12) are also of substantial importance because they are redox-inert in their divalent state. This is relevant in view of electrochemical investigations concerning the utilisation of the ligands as molecular redox sensors. Also mercury and the monovalent metals silver and gold (group 11) are included because of their rich coordination chemistry. It is essential to answer questions concerning aspects of the ligands’ coordination mode bearing in mind the HSAB principle.


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The compound bis[1,1'-N,N'-(2-picolyl) aminomethyl] ferrocene, L-1, was synthesized. The protonation constants of this ligand and the stability constants of its complexes with Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ were determined in aqueous solution by potentiometric methods at 25degreesC and at ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. The compound L-1 forms only 1:1 (M:L) complexes with Pb2+ and Cd2+ while with Ni2+ and Cu2+ species of 2:1 ratio were also found. The complexing behaviour of L-1 is regulated by the constraint imposed by the ferrocene in its backbone, leading to lower values of stability constants for complexes of the divalent first row transition metals when compared with related ligands. However, the differences in stability are smaller for the larger metal ions. The structure of the copper complex with L-1 was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and shows that a species of 2:2 ratio is formed. The two copper centres display distorted octahedral geometries and are linked through the two L1 bridges at a long distance of 8.781(10) Angstrom. The electrochemical behaviour of L-1 was studied in the presence of Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+, showing that upon complexation the ferrocene-ferrocenium half-wave potential shifts anodically in relation to that of the free ligand. The maximum electrochemical shift (DeltaE(1/2)) of 268 mV was found in the presence of Pb2+, followed by Cu2+ (218 mV), Ni2+ (152 mV), Zn2+ (111 mV) and Cd2+ (110 mV). Moreover, L-1 is able to electrochemically and selectively sense Cu2+ in the presence of a large excess of the other transition metal cations studied.


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The topic of this work is 3d transition metals deposited on graphite. Spin-polarised density-functional calculations are used to obtain the magnetic moments of deposited adatoms and dimers. Interatomic potentials are also deduced. These are used in molecular dynamics simulations to study cluster formation and to investigate cluster morphology.