989 resultados para traduzione, terminologia, documentazione, normazione, gost, gost r, iso, uni, additivi alimentari, coloranti azoici, sicurezza alimentare, ue, russo, italiano, uee, import export, etichettatura, regolamento, norma


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We present a mathematically rigorous Quality-of-Service (QoS) metric which relates the achievable quality of service metric (QoS) for a real-time analytics service to the server energy cost of offering the service. Using a new iso-QoS evaluation methodology, we scale server resources to meet QoS targets and directly rank the servers in terms of their energy-efficiency and by extension cost of ownership. Our metric and method are platform-independent and enable fair comparison of datacenter compute servers with significant architectural diversity, including micro-servers. We deploy our metric and methodology to compare three servers running financial option pricing workloads on real-life market data. We find that server ranking is sensitive to data inputs and desired QoS level and that although scale-out micro-servers can be up to two times more energy-efficient than conventional heavyweight servers for the same target QoS, they are still six times less energy efficient than high-performance computational accelerators.


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The research work which was carried out to study the impact of ISO 9001: 2000, in selected organisations in Kerala, spread over various types of activities, such as fabrication of aero space hardware, glass ware, construction industries, health care units etc, encompassing, government and private enterprises, public sector undertakings, small and medium scale industries and research and development establishments. The ambience, work culture and collaboration prevalent in these organisations were varying on account of the environment in which they have been working. Fifty percent of the organizations selected for the study had obtained the ISO 900 I: 2000-certification since seven years or more. The process of study undertaken could invoke interest in the respondents, when a brief explanation on the purpose and need of the study was given to them prior to conducting the survey. There has been total cooperation from the management and the employees of all the organisations for the conduct of the study. Personal discussions were held with the senior management to draw their total support and involvement for the study.


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Se presentan las principales fases del proyecto de implantación de un sistema de gestión ambiental de acuerdo con al normativa española, en el IES Ramón y Cajal de Valladolid. En una primera fase se procede al diagnóstico ambiental inicial y a la formación por objetivos y áreas de trabajo de los grupos establecidos. A continuación, se procede a la elaboración de la documentación necesaria, entre ella, la política ambiental del IES, y la implantación del sistema. La fase de seguimiento del sistema se realiza a través de auditorías internas y revisiones por parte de la dirección. Finalmente, se obtiene la certificación de la norma por parte de SGS.


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Background: A protein isolate from white lupin (Lupinus albus; L-ISO) has potential as a novel human food ingredient, but its nutritional effects are unknown.

: We evaluated protein quality and effects on body composition in rats of isoenergic diets of L-ISO, lactalbumin, or casein with both restricted (10-day) and ad libitum (28-day)intake. The diets were equivalent in protein per se, but supplementation was used to balance essential amino acid levels.

Results: In both studies, the rats consumed similar amounts of each diet, and no effect of diet on the gain:feed ratio was observed--though gain:N ratio and net protein utilization were slightly lower for the L-ISO diet. Lower large intestinal weights after the L-ISO than after the lactalbumin diet were observed in both studies. The L-ISO diet resulted in lowered body fat percentage in the 10-day study but in an elevated level in the 28-day study. Liver composition (DNA, RNA, glycogen, and fat) and plasma levels of some amino acids (His, Thr, Ala, Pro, Tyr, Val and Met) were affected by diet, but no effects on plasma lipid, glucose, or uric acid were observed.

: The L-ISO diet did not affect feed intake and has adequate nutritional quality in rats whilst modifying large intestinal weight in a potentially beneficial manner--suggesting potential for this protein in human nutrition.


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© 2015, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. For decades, the microalgae Isochrysis spp. have been widely utilised as a live feed in aquaculture practices. This species possesses a number of favourable characteristics, notably its long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC n-3 PUFA) content; primarily docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3). This article describes the lipid class content and composition of this microalga grown in batch culture, covering the entirety of lag, log and stationary growth phases. The total lipid was highest in the lag phase (27 pg/cell). Total lipid significantly decreased in the exponential growth (7 pg/cell), then steadily increasing for the remainder of growth. The increase in total lipid was due to the accumulation of neutral lipid in the form of triacylglycerides. The DHA content (pg/cell) of the neutral lipid remained relatively unchanged for the duration of growth, with the influx of fatty acids being primarily myristic and palmitic acids. DHA (pg/cell) was found at relatively uniform amounts across all lipid classes. However, the DHA content as a percentage differed greatly between classes. The polar lipid class had a significantly higher DHA content, which peaked at 38 % of all polar lipid in log growth. The primary PUFA species present in the glycolipid class was stearidonic acid (18:4n-3). This work gives an overview of the lipid content and composition of Isochrysis sp. (T-Iso) over the entirety of its growth under batch culture. The lipid profile for this species at different stages of culture provides a basal data set that is useful for comparative studies using this organism.


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Considering the constant technological developments in the aeronautical, space, automotive, shipbuilding, nuclear and petrochemical fields, among others, the use of materials with high strength mechanical capabilities at high temperatures has been increasingly used. Among the materials that meet the mechanical strength and corrosion properties at temperatures around 815 degrees C one can find the nickel base alloy Pyromet 31V (SAE HEV8). This alloy is commonly applied in the manufacturing of high power diesel engines exhaust valves where it is required high resistance to sulphide, corrosion and good resistance to creep. However, due to its high mechanical strength and low thermal conductivity its machinability is made difficult, creating major challenges in the analysis of the best combinations among machining parameters and cutting tools to be used. Its low thermal conductivity results in a concentration of heat at high temperatures in the interfaces of workpiece-tool and tool-chip, consequently accelerating the tools wearing and increasing production costs. This work aimed to study the machinability, using the carbide coated and uncoated tools, of the hot-rolled Pyromet 31V alloy with hardness between 41.5 and 42.5 HRC. The nickel base alloy used consists essentially of the following components: 56.5% Ni, 22.5% Cr, 2,2% Ti, 0,04% C, 1,2% Al, 0.85% Nb and the rest of iron. Through the turning of this alloy we able to analyze the working mechanisms of wear on tools and evaluate the roughness provided on the cutting parameters used. The tests were performed on a CNC lathe machine using the coated carbide tool TNMG 160408-23 Class 1005 (ISO S15) and uncoated tools TNMG 160408-23 Class H13A (ISO S15). Cutting fluid was used so abundantly and cutting speeds were fixed in 75 and 90 m/min. to feed rates that ranged from 0.12, 0.15, 0.18 and 0.21 mm/rev, and cutting depth of 0.8mm. The results of the comparison between uncoated tools and coated ones presented a machined length of just 30% to the first in relation to the performance of the second. The coated tools has obtained its best result for both 75 and 90 m/min. with feed rate of 0.15 mm/rev, unlike the uncoated tool which obtained its better results to 0.12 mm/rev.


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The Measurement System Analysis (MSA - Measurement System Analysis) is a statistical methodology developed to study and analyze the behavior of the measurement systems, and, therefore, allow the increased of the confidence readings performed by measuring instruments. It’s widely used in the automotive industry since the 90’s and is a mandatory requirement for the approval of the parts according to ISO Standard of the automotive sector. However, the aerospace industry doesn’t require this type of Study, once which the vast majority of aeronautics parts have characteristics (dimensions) with very tight tolerances, closed, ie, at the home of microns. This work aims to create lists of recommendations for definitions of measuring instruments in developing of control plans, which correlates tolerances fields of characteristics for different settings and acceptance of the instrument, classified as optimum, recommended and not recommended, through of the study of R&R (Repeatability and Reproducibility) in aeronautics parts. Every methodology of the experimental part was based on modern strategy of continuous improvement, the DMAIC (Define Measure Analyze Implant Control), in order to achieve better measurement method used in the control of milling aeronautics parts, identifying and reducing the variations of the measurement process. The results of the R&R Study in large part of measuring instrument manuals were considered acceptable and/or recommended, ie with values of %P/T and %RR lower than 30%, providing statistical data which have enabled the elaboration of tables of recommendations, which, from this work, have turned into very important documents and aid for Process Engineering, having in their hands a technical study able to identify which is the most appropriate instrument to get a more robust dimensional... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This study presents the standardization of the R-2 Non Verbal Intelligence Test for Children conducted at the city of Assis – SP, Brazil, and compares it with the São Paulo city standardization. The sample was composed by 559 children, between 5 and 11 years old, half of each sex, students from Assis city, randomly selected according to their proportion in private and public schools. Results indicate differences between ages and school types, but not between sexes. Percentile norms were established for the total sample at each age. The comparison of Assis and São Paulo city children reveals significant differences and Assis' results slightly higher. The conclusion is that R-2 Test is appropriate to cognitive assessment of Assis children, suggesting the use of new norms for this region.


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Diottix(r) was calibrated at 25 Hz to achieve the frequency indicated in literature as being effective to mobilize the airways secretions. However, the amplitude and frequency of the waves generated by the equipment in different regions of the chest still need to be investigated. The objective of this study was to analyze the frequency and amplitude of waves generated by Diottix(r) in chests of healthy subjects. Diottix(r) was used in the anterior and posterior regions of the chest. The mechanical waves were captured using stethoscopes connected to electret microphones, which were connected to a digital oscilloscope. Frequency and amplitude data were recorded by the stethoscope, positioned in six points in the anterior region and six in the posterior region of the chest, following the positions commonly used in pulmonary auscultation. Signals were recorded and transferred to a computer with software for their analysis. The frequency of waves did not present a significant change (from 24.9 to 26.4 Hz). The wave amplitude in the anterior versus the posterior region in each area of the lung, the upper, middle and lower, had differences. Diottix(r) produces frequencies in the chest according to the calibrated; thus, it can be a complementary resource to bronchial hygiene maneuvers. The amplitudes of waves seem to be affected by other structures like bone parts and heart.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Muitos termos da área de Atenção Primária à Saúde não são utilizados adequadamente. É importante resgatar a origem desses termos, a fim de entender porque são usados de maneiras diferentes por trabalhadores da saúde e pela população leiga. OBJETIVO: Pesquisar e discutir os significados e usos de termos ligados àAtenção Primária à Saúde. MÉTODO: Revisão, em diferentes fontes, de significados de termos como Atenção Primária à Saúde, medicina de família, clínica geral, medicina interna, Programa Saúde da Família. RESULTADOS: Referências diferentes geralmente têm o mesmo significado para termos similares. Alguns termos, como, por exemplo, "clínica médica", que na prática significa "medicina interna", não têmorigem clara. DISCUSSÃO: Muitos termos são usados indevidamente por causa de diferentes interesses e motivos históricos. Este trabalho não pretende esgotar a discussão sobre a importância da terminologia na Atenção Primária. É um campo relevante de investigação, porque pode ajudar a comunicação entre pacientes, profissionais da saúde e políticos e, em especial, colaborar para o adequado entendimento pelos estudantes deste cenário de prática.


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This study aims to the elaboration of juridical and administrative terminology in Ladin language, actually on the Ladin idiom spoken in Val Badia. The necessity of this study is strictly connected to the fact that in South Tyrol the Ladin language is not just safeguarded, but the editing of administrative and normative text is guaranteed by law. This means that there is a need for a unique terminology in order to support translators and editors of specialised texts. The starting point of this study are, on one side the need of a unique terminology, and on the other side the translation work done till now from the employees of the public administration in Ladin language. In order to document their efforts a corpus made up of digitalized administrative and normative documents was build. The first two chapters focuses on the state of the art of projects on terminology and corpus linguistics for lesser used languages. The information were collected thanks to the help of institutes, universities and researchers dealing with lesser used languages. The third chapter focuses on the development of administrative language in Ladin language and the fourth chapter focuses on the creation of the trilingual Italian – German – Ladin corpus made up of administrative and normative documents. The last chapter deals with the methodologies applied in order to elaborate the terminology entries in Ladin language though the use of the trilingual corpus. Starting from the terminology entry all steps are described, from term extraction, to the extraction of equivalents, contexts and definitions and of course also of the elaboration of translation proposals for not found equivalences. Finally the problems referring to the elaboration of terminology in Ladin language are illustrated.