869 resultados para traditional cultural expressions
Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689)) is probably the most important individual to directly link the cultures of Sweden and Italy, and thus fascinate scholars over the last four centuries. In the last fifty years, research on and interest in this monarch has been particularly intense. This has led to current international scientific debate concerning all the different cultural expressions in which Queen Cristina was particularly involved. However, until now there has been lacking a comprehensive work to illustrate the development of scientific research in Italian on Queen Christina. This article, therefore, without claiming to be exhaustive, aims to fill this gap by identifying the main direction of current research. The article, after briefly introducing previous works (both Italian and Swedish), demonstrates how the first major renaissance of international studies on Queen Cristina took place in Sweden in the early 1960s. Even more important was the subsequent turning point in 1989, when the tercentenary of the death of Queen Christina was celebrated and the Azzolino Collection at the Biblioteca Comunale in Jesi was opened. The article focuses on the studies in Italian during this latter period. To make the exposition more organic and, importantly, more accessible to those readers interested in only one particular aspect of the scientific studies about Queen Christina, the studies in Italian since 1689 are divided into different subject areas.
As indústrias criativas são hoje um tema de intenso debate na literatura acadêmica internacional e nas organizações públicas e governamentais. Essas indústrias nasceram como um conceito conciliador entre as indústrias culturais tradicionais, as artes criativas e as novas tecnologias de informação. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema e um mapeamento de um core dessas indústrias no país e no Estado de São Paulo. Para a realização deste mapeamento, utilizou-se de informações provenientes de fontes secundárias, como de relatórios de institutos de pesquisa, listas telefônicas e órgãos de classe. Os resultados apontam para um desenvolvimento mais pronunciado das indústrias criativas focadas em produção de bens culturais de massa, como Televisão e rádio, bem como, menos expressivamente porém, em audiovisual. No Estado de São Paulo, apenas 1,0% do PIB está associado às atividades das indústrias criativas, com esperada concentração na capital e região metropolitana. Este relatório aponta ainda algumas linhas de pesquisas futuras sobre o tema.
The internet is a transbordering and potentializing environment for the information, since it makes possible the sheering, distribution and interaction of the contents available in it. However, this information system may generate an opposing move when it produces an avalanche of superficial information which difficult the absorption criticism by the user. This modern-liquid society, which is characterized by short living fashionisms, creates a fluid subject on which its habits do not become concrete, since they are so temporary that they don t shape up. The information also reproduces the same scenario, since the user is inserted into a logic based on supplying information and so it is conditioned to consume, not absorb or transform them into knowledge, since the flow of content production does not allow it. It is in his context that the publishing of cultural expressions come to be questioned, since they follow a liquid society trend. This discussion will take on topics that approach diverse cultural expressions in Sergipe, such as cinema, theater, craftsmanship, events, memory spaces(museums, art galleries, memorials, files, libraries, history institutes, science academies), amongst others and will analyze the content production of the Infonet Portal, from the reports published during April, May and June of 2008, period considered to be of cultural turbulence in the state, due to the June Festivals (Saint john, Saint Joseph and Saint Peter). To do so, Zigmunt Bauman s, Pierre Levy s, Edgar Morin s and Dominique Wolton s ideas were discussed. Besides, were analyzed the characteristics of the internet and its applicability within the portal hereby discussed in order to perceive the way the information is produced in the cyber culture, a movement that allows memorization, potentialization, interaction , besides other criteria inherent to the cyberspace
This study emerges and develops, from a note by Italo Calvino, who in his novel Invisible Cities advised to avoid saying "that sometimes different cities follow on the same site and with the same name, born and die without knowing, without communication among itself ". The research with a transdisciplinary work ( using elements of sociology, anthropology, geography and communication) made a reflection about segregation and tourism: poverty-richness, center-periphery, tradition- spectaclezation , the visitor-visited maping the touristic circuit and discussing about the phenomenon on the real city and touristic place: Natal and the "Sun City" - Rio Grande do Norte, studying videos produced by residents (documentary) and tourists ( posted on the Internet). Doing a comparative analysis between the realities of these two subjects (resident and tourist), the research found few similarities, many differences on the urban experience, with the existence of two distinct realities (tourist region X the periphery region). Based on theory of phenomenology, social representation, and using content analysis of film, it was noted that promotes to the visitor a trip segmented and disintegrated to daily life, culture and contact with the resident. Resident that, in largely part, lives in a unattended area, with no prospect of life (represented by Novo Horizonte Community). The confinement and segregation occurs even in his moments of leisure and cultural expressions (represented by Redinha‟s Beach), because the private an public leisure areas of tourism indirectly prevent access by people who can not contribute to the consumption on this places. This papper concluded that the tourism in Natal is an activity-phenomenon that directs and focuses on public investments for infrastructure tourist region (Ponta Negra Beach), in detriment of the poorest and periphery areas of the city
Natural Conditions and Environmental Impacts in a Coastal Hydrographic Basin in the Brazilian Amazon
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This text’s objective is to present an analysis of Aída, adapted by Han Mi-Ho (2012) and illustrated by Lucia Sforza, from the classic eponymous opera by Giuseppe Verdi. This book is part of the collection Classical music on the scene, published by FTD, which aims to introduce stories of important librettos regarded as classics in the music field to young audiences. More specifically, we intend to verify in this text, with Bakhtinian principles, how the dialogue between Verdi’s work and HanMi-Ho’s is actualized. To achieve these objectives, we will present a reflection of what provides the pleasure in reading. In this text we built the hypothesis that Han-Mi-Ho’s strategy to rescue a classic opera and adapt it in the form of an illustrated narrative for the young reader provides the contact with an attractive and playful text that leads to critical reflection and expands his knowledge through the rescue of the cultural memory. The appropriation of a classic cultural production adapted to the narrative language and targeted to a young audience can act as an appraisal factor in the identity of the reader. Through it, he is able to raise his self-esteem, because he perceives that he is considered as a production receiver, while at the same time he is recognized as the heir of a traditional cultural heritage.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Semi-natural grasslands are widely recognized for their high ecological value. They often count among the most species-rich habitats, especially in traditional cultural landscapes. Maintaining and/or restoring them is a top priority, but nevertheless represents a real conservation challenge, especially regarding their invertebrate assemblages. The main goal of this study was to experimentally investigate the influence of four different mowing regimes on orthopteran communities and populations: (1) control meadow (C-meadow): mowing regime according to the Swiss regulations for extensively managed meadows declared as ecological compensation areas, i.e. first cut not before 15 June; (2) first cut not before 15 July (delayed treatment, D-meadow); (3) first cut not before 15 June and second cut not earlier than 8 weeks from the first cut (8W-meadow); (4) refuges left uncut on 10–20% of the meadow area (R-meadow). Data were collected two years after the introduction of these mowing treatments. Orthopteran densities from spring to early summer were five times higher in D-meadows, compared to C-meadows. In R-meadows, densities were, on average, twice as high as in C-meadows, while mean species richness was 23% higher in R-meadows than in C-meadows. Provided that farmers were given the appropriate financial incentives, the D- and R-meadow regimes could be relatively easy to implement within agri-environment schemes. Such meadows could deliver substantial benefits for functional biodiversity, including sustenance to many secondary consumers dependent on field invertebrates as staple food.
The UNESCO Convention on cultural diversity marks a wilful separation between the issues of trade and culture on the international level. The present article explores this intensified institutional, policy- and decision-making disconnect and exposes its flaws and the considerable drawbacks it brings with it. These drawbacks, the article argues, become particularly pronounced in the digital media environment that has impacted upon both the conditions of trade with cultural products and services and upon the diversity of cultural expressions in local and global contexts. Criticising the strong and now increasingly meaningless path dependencies of the analogue age, the article sketches some possible ways to reconciling trade and culture, most of which lead back to the WTO, rather than to UNESCO.
The relationship between trade and culture can be singled-out and deservedly labelled as unique in the discussion of 'trade and ...' issues. The reasons for this exceptional quality lie in the intensity of the relationship, which is indeed most often framed as 'trade versus culture' and has been a significant stumbling block, especially as audiovisual services are concerned, in the Uruguay Round and in the subsequent developments. The second specificity of the relationship is that the international community has organised its efforts in a rather effective manner to offset the lack of satisfying solutions within the framework of the WTO. The legally binding UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions is a clear sign of the potency of the international endeavour, on the one hand, and of the (almost desperate) desire to contest the existing WTO norms in the field of trade and culture, on the other. A third distinctive characteristic of the pair 'trade and culture', which is rarely mentioned and blissfully ignored in any Geneva or Paris talks, is that while the pro-trade and pro-culture opponents have been digging deeper in their respective trenches, the environment where trade and cultural issues are to be regulated has radically changed. The emergence and spread of digital technologies have modified profoundly the conditions for cultural content creation, distribution and access, and rendered some of the associated market failures obsolete, thus mitigating to a substantial degree the 'clash' nature of trade and culture. Against this backdrop, the present paper analyses in a finer-grained manner the move from 'trade and culture' towards 'trade versus culture'. It argues that both the domain of trade and that of culture have suffered from the aspirations to draw clearer lines between the WTO and other trade-related issues, charging the conflict to an extent that leaves few opportunities for practical solutions, which in an advanced digital setting would have been feasible.
Following the recent UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, the first wave of scholarly work has focused on clarifying the interface between the Convention and the WTO Agreements. Building upon these analyses, the present article takes however a different stance. It seeks a new, rather pragmatic definition of the relationship between trade and culture and argues that such a re-definition is particularly needed in the digital networked environment that has modified the ways markets for cultural content function and the ways in which cultural content is created, distributed and accessed. The article explores first the significance of the UNESCO Convention (or the lack thereof) and subsequently outlines a variety of ways in which the WTO framework can be improved in a ‘neutral’, not necessarily culturally motivated, manner to become more conducive to the pursuit of cultural diversity and taking into account the changed reality of digital media. The article also looks at other facets of the profoundly fragmented culture-related regulatory framework and underscores the critical importance of intellectual property rights and of other domains that appear at first sight peripheral to the trade and culture discussion, such as access to infrastructure, interoperability or net neutrality. It is argued that a number of feasible solutions exist beyond the politically charged confrontation of trade versus culture and that the new digital media landscape may require a readjustment of the priorities and the tools for the achievement of the widely accepted objective of cultural diversity.
El artículo presenta algunas de las principales coordenadas teórico-metodológicas de una investigación doctoral que, sustentada en el enfoque cualitativo ligado al uso de expresiones artístico-culturales, propone al filme como fuente primaria de análisis. Describe, además, las distintas etapas del 'trabajo de campo' sintetizando los recorridos, tareas y actividades realizadas para la conformación del corpus y la delimitación de su modo de abordaje. La puesta en común de estas notas teórico-metodológicas y de la reseña de la práctica investigativa pretende contribuir a la reflexión en torno a la importancia y pertinencia de la incorporación de corpus alternativos y múltiples en la generación de conocimiento científico en el campo de las Ciencias Sociales
El período de la posguerra se ha caracterizado por el vigor del impulso familiarista. En la Argentina éste ha sido estudiado a partir de los discursos, las políticas y las regulaciones, en función de entender las políticas públicas y las especificidades del peronismo. Pero la comprensión de esta dimensión política e institucional del impulso familiarista requiere contar con un conocimiento detallado de los patrones de comportamiento que demarcaban la normatividad social en la vida cotidiana. Justamente, este artículo describe el modelo conyugal a mediados del siglo XX con intenciones de conocer las convenciones sociales, entendidas como las pautas de conducta y los sistemas de significados, que constituían el marco de la experiencia individual. Esta descripción está organizada a partir de tres aspectos concretos del modelo conyugal: la elección matrimonial, la importancia del estado conyugal para la identidad adulta y las expectativas depositadas en el matrimonio. Para este análisis se utilizan expresiones culturales de los medios de comunicación, como las revistas y la radio, fuentes que han sido aún poco explotadas pero que resultan de especial riqueza para aproximarse al universo cultural y las convenciones con las que interpela al público masivo. Estas fuentes se articulan con otras más transitadas como estadísticas, discursos, códigos de comportamientos, memorias, etc.
El artículo presenta algunas de las principales coordenadas teórico-metodológicas de una investigación doctoral que, sustentada en el enfoque cualitativo ligado al uso de expresiones artístico-culturales, propone al filme como fuente primaria de análisis. Describe, además, las distintas etapas del 'trabajo de campo' sintetizando los recorridos, tareas y actividades realizadas para la conformación del corpus y la delimitación de su modo de abordaje. La puesta en común de estas notas teórico-metodológicas y de la reseña de la práctica investigativa pretende contribuir a la reflexión en torno a la importancia y pertinencia de la incorporación de corpus alternativos y múltiples en la generación de conocimiento científico en el campo de las Ciencias Sociales
El período de la posguerra se ha caracterizado por el vigor del impulso familiarista. En la Argentina éste ha sido estudiado a partir de los discursos, las políticas y las regulaciones, en función de entender las políticas públicas y las especificidades del peronismo. Pero la comprensión de esta dimensión política e institucional del impulso familiarista requiere contar con un conocimiento detallado de los patrones de comportamiento que demarcaban la normatividad social en la vida cotidiana. Justamente, este artículo describe el modelo conyugal a mediados del siglo XX con intenciones de conocer las convenciones sociales, entendidas como las pautas de conducta y los sistemas de significados, que constituían el marco de la experiencia individual. Esta descripción está organizada a partir de tres aspectos concretos del modelo conyugal: la elección matrimonial, la importancia del estado conyugal para la identidad adulta y las expectativas depositadas en el matrimonio. Para este análisis se utilizan expresiones culturales de los medios de comunicación, como las revistas y la radio, fuentes que han sido aún poco explotadas pero que resultan de especial riqueza para aproximarse al universo cultural y las convenciones con las que interpela al público masivo. Estas fuentes se articulan con otras más transitadas como estadísticas, discursos, códigos de comportamientos, memorias, etc.