990 resultados para trade size


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We develop and calibrate a model where diferences in factor en-dowments lead countries to trade di¤erent goods, so that the existence of international trade changes the sectorial composition of output from one country to another. Gains from trade re ect in total factor productivity. We perform a development decomposition, to assess the impact of trade and barriers to trade on measured TFP. In our sample, the median size of that e¤ect is about 6.5% of output, with a median of 17% and a maximum of 89%. Also, the model predicts that changes in the terms of trade cause a change of productivity, and that efect has an average elasticity of 0.71.


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This paper investigates the impact of industry concentration on trade policy. Annual panel-databases of Brazilian industries for the years 1988 through 1994 were used. The regressions reported here are robust to openness indicator. concentration index, control variables and sample size, and suggest that the higher the concentration of a given industry the higher its leveI of trade protection. In the period of study the country experienced a major trade liberalization, but the results in the paper show that the reduction in protection was smaller in more concentrated sectors. Assuming that concentration is ;1 gCl()d proX\' for mOllopoh' po\\'er as it reduces the free-rider problem in coordinating a lobby the results in this paper indicates that interest groups with control over specific markets in fact are able to obtain policy advantages that reduce (international) competition.


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This paper develops a theory which investigates the two-way relationship between the internaI organization of the firm and market competition.We introduce heterogenous firms with internal hierarchies in a Knlgman (1980) monopolistic competition model of trade. The model simultanously determines firms' organizational choices anel heterogeneity across firms in size and proeluctivity.Ve show that intenlational trade, market size and the toughness of competition in international markets incluce a power struggle in firms which eventually leads to a reorganization of firms towards more decentralized corporate hierarchies.We show further that trade triggers produetivity growth through inter-firm reallocations towards more produetive firms in whieh CEOs have power in firms. At the same time, however trade- induced organizational changes towards fiattened corporate hierarchies lead to a softening of lnternat.ional competition which may contribute a eountervailing negative effect on seetoral productivity.


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A mudança do perfil demográfico e epidemiológico das populações, com progressivo envelhecimento populacional e aumento de portadores de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, somado a necessidade da ampliação da oferta de serviços de saúde e crescentes custos em saúde, impõe enormes desafios aos sistemas e serviços de saúde. A eficiência organizacional dos serviços de saúde tem papel importante tanto na racionalização dos custos quanto na melhoria da qualidade e segurança assistencial. Tendo papel central nos sistemas de saúde como centros difusores de conhecimento, capacitação profissional, incorporação de tecnologias, prestação de serviços de maior complexidade aos pacientes e, consequentemente, elevados custos destes serviços, aos hospitais é fundamental a busca por essa eficiência. Este estudo buscou analisar se existe trade-off entre eficiência e qualidade em organizações hospitalares e identificar quais determinantes poderiam estar associados com maiores ou menores escores de eficiência. Utilizou-se dois modelos de análise de envelopamento de dados (data envelopment analysis, DEA), sem e com variáveis de qualidade, com retornos variáveis de escala e orientados para resultado. Foram estudados 47 hospitais gerais públicos do estado de São Paulo. No modelo sem variáveis de qualidade 14 deles foram considerados eficientes, enquanto que 33 no modelo com estas variáveis. O coeficiente de correlação de Spearman entre os dois modelos foi de 0,470 (correlação moderada). Não há evidências de que haja trade-off entre eficiência e qualidade nestas organizações hospitalares. Hospitais eficientes no modelo sem variáveis de qualidade, também o foram com variáveis de qualidade, assim como houve hospitais ineficientes no modelo sem variáveis de qualidade que foram eficientes com estas variáveis. Não foram encontradas associações estatisticamente significantes (p<0,05) entre eficiência e as características dos hospitais estudados, como acreditação, modelos de gestão, porte hospitalar e atividades de ensino, apesar de alguns achados de maior ou menor escore de eficiência para alguns determinantes. Desta maneira, concluiu-se que a utilização de variáveis de qualidade é um fator fundamental na determinação da eficiência de organizações de saúde, e não podem estar dissociadas. Gestões eficientes também estão relacionadas à obtenção de melhores resultados assistenciais sem a necessidade que se tenha de optar em alcançar melhores resultados econômico-financeiros ou melhores resultados assistenciais.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Despite its active embrace of trade liberalization and the maintainance of relatively open economies, CARICOM trade performance both within the region and extraregionally has been poor. The nexus between bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), Partial Scope Agreements (PSAs) and preferential trade arrangements, which was intended to assist in compensating for the small size of domestic and regional markets, while providing an additional tier of trade and economic integration, has thus far failed to deliver its intended results. This paper makes this conclusion in assessing the performance of these extraregional trade agreements and sheds light on issues not often discussed.


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; High-resolution grain size analyses of three AMS (14)C-dated cores from the Southeastern Brazilian shelf provide a detailed record of mid- to late-Holocene environmental changes in the Southwestern Atlantic Margin. The cores exhibit millennial variability that we associate with the previously described southward shift of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) average latitudinal position over the South American continent during the Holocene climatic maximum. This generated changes in the wind-driven current system of the SW Atlantic margin and modified the grain size characteristics of the sediments deposited there. Centennial variations in the grain size are associated with a previously described late-Holocene enhancement of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) amplitude, which led to stronger NNE trade winds off eastern Brazil, favouring SW transport of sediments from the Paraiba do Sul River. This is recorded in a core from off Cabo Frio as a coarsening trend from 3000 cal. BP onwards. The ENSO enhancement also caused changes in precipitation and wind pattern in southern Brazil, allowing high discharge events and northward extensions of the low-saline water plume from Rio de la Plata. We propose that this resulted in a net increase in northward alongshore transport of fine sediments, seen as a prominent fine-shift at 2000 cal. BP in a core from similar to 24 degrees S on the Brazilian shelf. Wavelet-and spectral analysis of the sortable silt records show a significant similar to 1000-yr periodicity, which we attribute to solar forcing. If correct, this is one of the first indications of solar forcing of this timescale on the Southwestern Atlantic margin.


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Background Tax policy is considered the most effective strategy to reduce tobacco consumption and prevalence. Tax avoidance and tax evasion therefore undermine the effectiveness of tax policies and result in less revenue for governments, cheaper prices for smokers and increased tobacco use. Tobacco smuggling and illicit tobacco trade have probably always existed, since tobacco's introduction as a valuable product from the New World, but the nature of the trade has changed. Methods This article clarifies definitions, reviews the key issues related to illicit trade, describes the different ways taxes are circumvented and looks at the size of the problem, its changing nature and its causes. The difficulties of data collection and research are discussed. Finally, we look at the policy options to combat illicit trade and the negotiations for a WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) protocol on illicit tobacco trade. Results Twenty years ago the main type of illicit trade was large-scale cigarette smuggling of well known cigarette brands. A change occurred as some major international tobacco companies in Europe and the Americas reviewed their export practices due to tax regulations, investigations and lawsuits by the authorities. Other types of illicit trade emerged such as illegal manufacturing, including counterfeiting and the emergence of new cigarette brands, produced in a rather open manner at well known locations, which are only or mainly intended for the illegal market of another country. Conclusions The global scope and multifaceted nature of the illicit tobacco trade requires a coordinated international response, so a strong protocol to the FCTC is essential. The illicit tobacco trade is a global problem which needs a global solution.


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In a global and increasingly competitive fresh produce market, more attention is being given to fruit quality traits and consumer satisfaction. Kiwifruit occupies a niche position in the worldwide market, when compared to apples, oranges or bananas. It is a fruit with extraordinarily good nutritional traits, and its benefits to human health have been widely described. Until recently, international trade in kiwifruit was restricted to a single cultivar, but different types of kiwifruit are now becoming available in the market. Effective programmes of kiwifruit improvement start by considering the requirements of consumers, and recent surveys indicate that sweeter fruit with better flavour are generally preferred. There is a strong correlation between at-harvest dry matter and starch content, and soluble solid concentration and flavour when fruit are eating ripe. This suggests that carbon accumulation strongly influences the development of kiwifruit taste. The overall aim of the present study was to determine what factors affect carbon accumulation during Actinidia deliciosa berry development. One way of doing this is by comparing kiwifruit genotypes that differ greatly in their ability to accumulate dry matter in their fruit. Starch is the major component of dry matter content. It was hypothesized that genotypes were different in sink strength. Sink strength, by definition, is the effect of sink size and sink activity. Chapter 1 reviews fruit growth, kiwifruit growth and development and carbon metabolism. Chapter 2 describes the materials and methods used. Chapter 3, 4, 5 and 6 describes different types of experimental work. Chapter 7 contains the final discussions and the conclusions Three Actinidia deliciosa breeding populations were analysed in detail to confirm that observed differences in dry matter content were genetically determined. Fruit of the different genotypes differed in dry matter content mainly because of differences in starch concentrations and dry weight accumulation rates, irrespective of fruit size. More detailed experiments were therefore carried out on genotypes which varied most in fruit starch concentrations to determine why sink strengths were so different. The kiwifruit berry comprises three tissues which differ in dry matter content. It was initially hypothesised that observed differences in starch content could be due to a larger proportion of one or other of these tissues, for example, of the central core which is highest in dry matter content. The study results showed that this was not the case. Sink size, intended as cell number or cell size, was then investigated. The outer pericarp makes up about 60% of berry weight in ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit. The outer pericarp contains two types of parenchyma cells: large cells with low starch concentration, and small cells with high starch concentration. Large cell, small cell and total cell densities in the outer pericarp were shown to be not correlated with either dry matter content or fruit size but further investigation of volume proportion among cell types seemed justified. It was then shown that genotypes with fruit having higher dry matter contents also had a higher proportion of small cells. However, the higher proportion of small cell volume could only explain half of the observed differences in starch content. So, sink activity, intended as sucrose to starch metabolism, was investigated. In transiently starch storing sinks, such as tomato fruit and potato tubers, a pivotal role in carbon metabolism has been attributed to sucrose cleaving enzymes (mainly sucrose synthase and cell wall invertase) and to ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (the committed step in starch synthesis). Studies on tomato and potato genotypes differing in starch content or in final fruit soluble solid concentrations have demonstrated a strong link with either sucrose synthase or ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, at both enzyme activity and gene expression levels, depending on the case. Little is known about sucrose cleaving enzyme and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoforms. The HortResearch Actinidia EST database was then screened to identify sequences putatively encoding for sucrose synthase, invertase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoforms and specific primers were designed. Sucrose synthase, invertase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase isoform transcript levels were anlayzed throughout fruit development of a selection of four genotypes (two high dry matter and two low dry matter). High dry matter genotypes showed higher amounts of sucrose synthase transcripts (SUS1, SUS2 or both) and higher ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPL4, large subunit 4) gene expression, mainly early in fruit development. SUS1- like gene expression has been linked with starch biosynthesis in several crop (tomato, potato and maize). An enhancement of its transcript level early in fruit development of high dry matter genotypes means that more activated glucose (UDP-glucose) is available for starch synthesis. This can be then correlated to the higher starch observed since soon after the onset of net starch accumulation. The higher expression level of AGPL4 observed in high dry matter genotypes suggests an involvement of this subunit in drive carbon flux into starch. Changes in both enzymes (SUSY and AGPse) are then responsible of higher starch concentrations. Low dry matter genotypes showed generally higher vacuolar invertase gene expression (and also enzyme activity), early in fruit development. This alternative cleavage strategy can possibly contribute to energy loss, in that invertases’ products are not adenylated, and further reactions and transport are needed to convert carbon into starch. Although these elements match well with observed differences in starch contents, other factors could be involved in carbon metabolism control. From the microarray experiment, in fact, several kinases and transcription factors have been found to be differentially expressed. Sink strength is known to be modified by application of regulators. In ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit, the synthetic cytokinin CPPU (N-(2-Chloro-4-Pyridyl)-N-Phenylurea) promotes a dramatic increase in fruit size, whereas dry matter content decreases. The behaviour of CPPU-treated ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit was similar to that of fruit from low dry matter genotypes: dry matter and starch concentrations were lower. However, the CPPU effect was strongly source limited, whereas in genotype variation it was not. Moreover, CPPU-treated fruit gene expression (at sucrose cleavage and AGPase levels) was similar to that in high dry matter genotypes. It was therefore concluded that CPPU promotes both sink size and sink activity, but at different “speeds” and this ends in the observed decrease in dry matter content and starch concentration. The lower “speed” in sink activity is probably due to a differential partitioning of activated glucose between starch storage and cell wall synthesis to sustain cell expansion. Starch is the main carbohydrate accumulated in growing Actinidia deliciosa fruit. Results obtained in the present study suggest that sucrose synthase and AGPase enzymes contribute to sucrose to starch conversion, and differences in their gene expression levels, mainly early in fruit development, strongly affect the rate at which starch is therefore accumulated. This results are interesting in that starch and Actinidia deliciosa fruit quality are tightly connected.


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Aquatic species can experience different selective pressures on morphology in different flow regimes. Species inhabiting lotic regimes often adapt to these conditions by evolving low-drag (i.e., streamlined) morphologies that reduce the likelihood of dislodgment or displacement. However, hydrodynamic factors are not the only selective pressures influencing organismal morphology and shapes well suited to flow conditions may compromise performance in other roles. We investigated the possibility of morphological trade-offs in the turtle Pseudemys concinna. Individuals living in lotic environments have flatter, more streamlined shells than those living in lentic environments; however, this flatter shape may also make the shells less capable of resisting predator-induced loads. We tested the idea that ‘‘lotic’’ shell shapes are weaker than ‘‘lentic’’ shell shapes, concomitantly examining effects of sex. Geometric morphometric data were used to transform an existing finite element shell model into a series of models corresponding to the shapes of individual turtles. Models were assigned identical material properties and loaded under identical conditions, and the stresses produced by a series of eight loads were extracted to describe the strength of the shells. ‘‘Lotic’’ shell shapes produced significantly higher stresses than ‘‘lentic’’ shell shapes, indicating that the former is weaker than the latter. Females had significantly stronger shell shapes than males, although these differences were less consistent than differences between flow regimes. We conclude that, despite the potential for many-to-one mapping of shell shape onto strength, P. concinna experiences a trade-off in shell shape between hydrodynamic and mechanical performance. This trade-off may be evident in many other turtle species or any other aquatic species that also depend on a shell for defense. However, evolution of body size may provide an avenue of escape from this trade-off in some cases, as changes in size can drastically affect mechanical performance while having little effect on hydrodynamic performance.


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The reconstruction of low-latitude ocean-atmosphere interactions is one of the major issues of (paleo-)environmental studies. The trade winds, extending over 20° to 30° of latitude in both hemispheres, between the subtropical highs and the intertropical convergence zone, are major components of the atmospheric circulation and little is known about their long-term variability on geological time-scales, in particular in the Pacific sector. We present the modern spatial pattern of eolian-derived marine sediments in the eastern equatorial and subtropical Pacific (10°N to 25°S) as a reference data set for the interpretation of SE Pacific paleo-dust records. The terrigenous silt and clay fractions of 75 surface sediment samples have been investigated for their grain-size distribution and clay-mineral compositions, respectively, to identify their provenances and transport agents. Dust delivered to the southeast Pacific from the semi- to hyper-arid areas of Peru and Chile is rather fine-grained (4-8 µm) due to low-level transport within the southeast trade winds. Nevertheless, wind is the dominant transport agent and eolian material is the dominant terrigenous component west of the Peru-Chile Trench south of ~ 5°S. Grain-size distributions alone are insufficient to identify the eolian signal in marine sediments due to authigenic particle formation on the sub-oceanic ridges and abundant volcanic glass around the Galapagos Islands. Together with the clay-mineral compositions of the clay fraction, we have identified the dust lobe extending from the coasts of Peru and Chile onto Galapagos Rise as well as across the equator into the doldrums. Illite is a very useful parameter to identify source areas of dust in this smectite-dominated study area.


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The role of importer access to the finished goods market in intermediate goods trade is examined by estimating the gravity-like equation derived from the NEG model. Importer access to demand for finished goods is calculated by using the estimates in the gravity equation for finished goods trade, and then intermediate goods trade is regressed on the importer access. Results indicate that imports of intermediate goods are sensitive not only to the magnitude of importer demand for finished goods but also to the demand of neighboring countries. Using results of the regression, the impact of US finished goods market expansion on intermediate goods trade in each country is simulated.