988 resultados para tract infection
BACKGROUND: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is an important cause of viral respiratory tract infection in children. In contrast to other confirmed risk factors that predispose to a higher morbidity and mortality, the particular risk of a preexisting neuromuscular impairment (NMI) in hospitalized children with RSV infection has not been prospectively studied in a multicenter trial. METHODS: The DMS RSV Paed database was designed for the prospective multicenter documentation and analysis of all clinically relevant aspects of the management of inpatients with RSV infection. Patients with clinically relevant NMI were identified according to the specific comments of the attending physicians and compared with those without NMI. RESULTS: This study covers 6 consecutive seasons; the surveillance took place in 14 pediatric hospitals in Germany from 1999 to 2005. In total, 1568 RSV infections were prospectively documented in 1541 pediatric patients. Of these, 73 (4.7%) patients displayed a clinically relevant NMI; 41 (56%) NMI patients had at least 1 additional risk factor for a severe course of the infection (multiple risk factors in some patients; prematurity in 30, congenital heart disease in 19, chronic lung disease 6 and immunodeficiency in 8). Median age at diagnosis was higher in NMI patients (14 vs. 5 months); NMI patients had a greater risk of seizures (15.1% vs. 1.6%), and a higher proportion in the NMI group had to be mechanically ventilated (9.6% vs. 1.9%). Eventually, the attributable mortality was significantly higher in the NMI group (5.5% vs. 0.2%; P < 0.001 for all). Multivariate logistic regression confirmed that NMI was independently associated with pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission (OR, 4.94; 95% CI, 2.69-8.94; P < 0.001] and mechanical ventilation (OR, 3.85; 95% CI, 1.28-10.22; P = 0.017). CONCLUSION: This is the first prospective multicenter study confirming the hypothesis that children with clinically relevant NMI face an increased risk for severe RSV-disease. It seems reasonable to include NMI as a cofactor into the decision algorithm of passive immunization.
Antimicrobial resistance among respiratory tract pathogens has become an increasing problem worldwide during the last 10-20 years. The wide use of antimicrobial agents in ambulatory practice has contributed to the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the community, namely Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis. The pneumococcus has developed resistance to most antibiotics used for its treatment. Classes with important resistance problems include the beta-lactams, the macrolides, the lincosamides, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and the tetracyclines. Unfortunately, resistance to more than one class of antibiotics is common. In Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis, resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics is the main concern currently. It is important to know the local resistance pattern of the most common respiratory tract pathogens in order to make reasonable recommendations for an empirical therapy for respiratory tract infection, when antibiotic therapy is indeed indicated.
Background Molecular methods based on phylogenetic differences in the 16S rRNA gene are able to characterise the microbiota of the respiratory tract in health and disease. Objectives Our goals were (1) to characterise bacterial communities in lower and upper airways of patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) and (2) to compare the results with the microbiota of patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and normal controls. Methods We examined the upper and lower respiratory tract of 18 patients with ILD of whom 5, 6, and 7 had idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP), non-IIP and sarcoidosis, respectively. In addition, six immune-compromised patients with PCP and nine healthy subjects were included as controls. Exclusion criteria were recent bacterial/viral respiratory tract infection, HIV-positivity and subjects receiving antibiotic therapy. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and oropharyngeal swabs were simultaneously collected, and microbiota was characterised by ultra-deep 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Results The microbiota in lower airways of the majority of patients (30; 90%) primarily consisted of Prevotellaceae, Streptococcaceae and Acidaminococcaceae. α and β diversity measurements revealed no significant differences in airway microbiota composition between the five different groups of patients. Comparison of bacterial populations in upper and lower respiratory tract showed significant topographical discontinuities for 7 (23%) individuals. Conclusions IIP, non-IIP and sarcoidosis are not associated with disordered airway microbiota and a pathogenic role of commensals in the disease process is therefore unlikely. Nevertheless, molecular analysis of the topographical microbiota continuity along the respiratory tract may provide additional information to assist management of individual patients.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the etiology and treatment of bilateral hydronephrosis not responding to bladder substitute drainage after ileal bladder substitution using an afferent isoperistaltic tubular segment. MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective analysis was performed of a consecutive series of 739 patients who had undergone bladder substitution from April 1985 to August 2012. RESULTS Of the 739 ileal bladder substitute patients, 10 (1.4%) developed bilateral hydronephrosis unresponsive to complete bladder substitute drainage. The etiology was stenosis of the afferent isoperistaltic tubular segment. The median interval to presentation was 131 months (range 45-192). The incidence of afferent tubular segment stenosis was significantly higher in the 61 ileal bladder substitute patients with recurrent urinary tract infection (9 [15%]) than in the 678 without recurrent urinary tract infection (1 [0.15%]; P <.001). Urine cultures revealed mixed infections (34%), Escherichia coli (18%), Staphylococcus aureus (13%), enterococci (11%), Candida (8%), Klebsiella (8%), and others (8%). Seven patients underwent 10 endourologic interventions, only 1 of which was successful (10%). After failed endourologic treatment, 7 open surgical revisions with resection of the stricture were performed, with all 7 (100%) successful. CONCLUSION Bilateral dilation of the upper urinary tract after ileal orthotopic bladder substitution unresponsive to complete bladder substitute drainage is likely to be caused by stenosis of the afferent isoperistaltic tubular segment. The stenosis occurs almost exclusively in patients with long-lasting, recurrent urinary tract infection and can develop many years after the ileal bladder substitution. Minimally invasive endourologic treatment is usually unsuccessful; however, open surgical revision offers excellent results.
Antibiotic prophylaxis for urinary tract infections after removal of urinary catheter: meta-analysis
Abstract Objective To determine whether antibiotic prophylaxis at the time of removal of a urinary catheter reduces the risk of subsequent symptomatic urinary tract infection. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of studies published before November 2012 identified through PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library; conference abstracts for 2006-12 were also reviewed. Inclusion criteria Studies were included if they examined antibiotic prophylaxis administered to prevent symptomatic urinary tract infection after removal of a short term (≤14 days) urinary catheter. Results Seven controlled studies had symptomatic urinary tract infection after catheter removal as an endpoint; six were randomized controlled trials (five published; one in abstract form) and one was a non-randomized controlled intervention study. Five of these seven studies were in surgical patients. Studies were heterogeneous in the type and duration of antimicrobial prophylaxis and the period of observation. Overall, antibiotic prophylaxis was associated with benefit to the patient, with an absolute reduction in risk of urinary tract infection of 5.8% between intervention and control groups. The risk ratio was 0.45 (95% confidence interval 0.28 to 0.72). The number needed to treat to prevent one urinary tract infection was 17 (12 to 30). Conclusions Patients admitted to hospital who undergo short term urinary catheterization might benefit from antimicrobial prophylaxis when the catheter is removed as they experience fewer subsequent urinary tract infections. Potential disadvantages of more widespread antimicrobial prophylaxis (side effects and cost of antibiotics, development of antimicrobial resistance) might be mitigated by the identification of which patients are most likely to benefit from this approach.
Giardia lamblia is one of the most common causes of gastrointestinal tract infection among young children worldwide. Yet host protection against this parasite and the effect of infection with Giardia on infant growth are poorly understood. It was hypothesized that among young children, protection against infection with Giardia is afforded by breastfeeding and previous infection with the parasite and further, that infection with Giardia decreases growth velocity. From 4/88 to 4/90, 197 infants in a poor area of Mexico City were followed from 0 to 18 months of age, with stool specimens, symptoms and feeding status data collected weekly. A total of 6,031 stool specimens were tested for Giardia antigen by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. There were 1.0 Giardia infections per child-year; 25% were symptomatic and 54% lasted more than 1 month; 94 infants had 1, and 33 had 2 or more infections. Breastfeeding status was coded and analyzed for each child-week of follow up. 91% of study infants were breastfed from birth, 57% at 6 months and 38% at 12 months of age. Rate ratios for non-breastfeeding adjusted for confounding factors were calculated from stratified analyses and the Cox proportional hazards model. Not breastfeeding was a significant risk factor for first infection with Giardia vs. any breastfeeding (adjusted RR = 1.8; 1.1, 2.8) at all ages; a dose response was demonstrated by degree of breastfeeding. The adjusted rate ratio for non-breastfeeding vs. partial breastfeeding was 1.6 (1.03, 2.6) and for non-breastfeeding vs. complete breastfeeding was 4.7 (1.4, 15.9). Among Giardia infected infants, breastfeeding did not protect against diarrheal symptoms or shorten the duration of carriage. First and repeat infections with Giardia did not differ in duration or the percent symptomatic. The analysis of growth and Giardia infection was inconclusive but suggested that a history of Giardia infection might be associated with decreased weight velocity, while an immediate chronic infection might be associated with increased weight velocity. In summary, these data indicate that breastfeeding protects infants against infection with Giardia; provide no evidence of protection against repeat infections resulting from a prior infection and suggest but do not establish that a history of Giardia infection might be associated with decreased growth in young children. ^
Type 1 fimbriae are adhesion organelles expressed by many Gram-negative bacteria. They facilitate adherence to mucosal surfaces and inflammatory cells in vitro, but their contribution to virulence has not been defined. This study presents evidence that type 1 fimbriae increase the virulence of Escherichia coli for the urinary tract by promoting bacterial persistence and enhancing the inflammatory response to infection. In a clinical study, we observed that disease severity was greater in children infected with E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates expressing type 1 fimbriae than in those infected with type 1 negative isolates of the same serotype. The E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates had the same electrophoretic type, were hemolysin-negative, expressed P fimbriae, and carried the fim DNA sequences. When tested in a mouse urinary tract infection model, the type 1-positive E. coli O1:K1:H7 isolates survived in higher numbers, and induced a greater neutrophil influx into the urine, than O1:K1:H7 type 1-negative isolates. To confirm a role of type 1 fimbriae, a fimH null mutant (CN1016) was constructed from an O1:K1:H7 type 1-positive parent. E. coli CN1016 had reduced survival and inflammatogenicity in the mouse urinary tract infection model. E. coli CN1016 reconstituted with type 1 fimbriae (E. coli CN1018) had restored virulence similar to that of the wild-type parent strain. These results show that type 1 fimbriae in the genetic background of a uropathogenic strain contribute to the pathogenesis of E. coli in the urinary tract.
Viruses are the major cause of pediatric acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI) and yet many suspected cases of infection remain uncharacterized. We employed 17 PCR assays and retrospectively screened 315 specimens selected by season from a predominantly pediatric hospital-based population. Before the Brisbane respiratory virus research study commenced, one or more predominantly viral pathogens had been detected in 15.2% (n = 48) of all specimens. The Brisbane study made an additional 206 viral detections, resulting in the identification of a microbe in 67.0% of specimens. After our study, the majority of microbes detected were RNA viruses (89.9%). Overall, human rhinoviruses (HRVs) were the most frequently identified target (n=140) followed by human adenoviruses (HAdVs; n = 25), human metapneumovirus (HMPV; n=18), human bocavirus (HBoV; n = 15), human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV; n = 12), human coronaviruses (HCoVs; n = 11), and human herpesvirus-6 (n = 11). HRVs were the sole microbe detected in 37.8% (n = 31) of patients with suspected lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Genotyping of the HRV VP4/VP2 region resulted in a proposed subdivision of HRV type A into sublineages A1 and A2. Most of the genotyped HAdV strains were found to be type C. This study describes the high microbial burden imposed by HRVs, HMPV, HRSV, HCoVs, and the newly identified virus, HBoV on a predominantly paediatric hospital population with suspected acute respiratory tract infections and proposes a new formulation of viral targets for future diagnostic research studies.
Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a recently discovered pathogen first identified in respiratory specimens from young children suffering from clinical respiratory syndromes ranging from mild to severe lower respiratory tract illness. HMPV has worldwide prevalence, and is a leading cause of respiratory tract infection in the first years of life, with a spectrum of disease similar to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The disease burden associated with HMPV infection has not been fully elucidated; however, studies indicate that HMPV may cause upper or lower respiratory tract illness in patients between ages 2 months and 87 years, may co-circulate with RSV, and HMPV infection may be associated with asthma exacerbation. The mechanisms and effector pathways contributing to immunity or disease pathogenesis following infection are not fully understood; however, given the clinical significance of HMPV, there is a need for a fundamental understanding of the immune and pathophysiological processes that occur following infection to provide the foundation necessary for the development of effective vaccine or therapeutic intervention strategies. This review provides a current perspective on the processes associated with HMPV infection, immunity, and disease pathogenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Background. Antibiotics are over-prescribed for respiratory tract infections in Australia. Objectives. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical predictors of GPs' prescribing of antibiotics. Methods. We used Clinical Judgment Analysis to study the responses of GPs to hypothetical paper-based vignettes of a 20-year-old with a respiratory tract infection. The nature of four symptoms and signs (colour of nasal mucous discharge; soreness of the throat; presence of fever; and whether any cough was productive of sputum) was varied and their effect on prescribing measured using logistic regression. Results. Twenty GPs participated. The nature of each symptom and sign significantly predicted prescribing of an antibiotic. Cough productive of yellow sputum; presence of sore throat; fever; and coloured nasal mucus increased the probability of an antibiotic being prescribed. Conclusions. GPs are influenced by clinical signs and symptoms to use antibiotics for respiratory infections for which there is poor evidence of efficacy from the literature.
Objetivou-se identificar fatores de risco para nascimentos pré-termo por meio de estudo caso-controle populacional que envolve nascidos vivos hospitalares de mães residentes em Londrina, Paraná, Brasil. Os casos foram os 328 nascimentos pré-termo e os controles, uma amostra proporcional de 369 nascimentos com 37 semanas ou mais. Realizou-se análise de regressão logística múltipla hierarquizada. Verificou-se associação (p < 0,05) para as variáveis: sócio-econômicas - moradia em favela e baixa idade do chefe familiar; características maternas: IMC < 19 e > 30kg/m², com filho anterior pré-termo, com tratamento para engravidar; características maternas durante a gestação: com companheiro há no máximo dois anos, preocupações, bebida alcoólica semanal, pré-natal inadequado, prática de caminhada como proteção; agravos na gestação - sangramento, infecção do trato genital, volume alterado do líquido amniótico, hipertensão arterial e internação; gestação múltipla. A identificação de fatores de risco e a melhoria da qualidade da atenção pré-concepcional e pré-natal podem reduzir a prematuridade.
Background: Population antimicrobial use may influence resistance emergence. Resistance is an ecological phenomenon due to potential transmissibility. We investigated spatial and temporal patterns of ciprofloxacin (CIP) population consumption related to E. coli resistance emergence and dissemination in a major Brazilian city. A total of 4,372 urinary tract infection E. coli cases, with 723 CIP resistant, were identified in 2002 from two outpatient centres. Cases were address geocoded in a digital map. Raw CIP consumption data was transformed into usage density in DDDs by CIP selling points influence zones determination. A stochastic model coupled with a Geographical Information System was applied for relating resistance and usage density and for detecting city areas of high/low resistance risk. Results: E. coli CIP resistant cluster emergence was detected and significantly related to usage density at a level of 5 to 9 CIP DDDs. There were clustered hot-spots and a significant global spatial variation in the residual resistance risk after allowing for usage density. Conclusions: There were clustered hot-spots and a significant global spatial variation in the residual resistance risk after allowing for usage density. The usage density of 5-9 CIP DDDs per 1,000 inhabitants within the same influence zone was the resistance triggering level. This level led to E. coli resistance clustering, proving that individual resistance emergence and dissemination was affected by antimicrobial population consumption.
Background and Purpose: A nonfunctioning inflammatory kidney is a challenging surgical condition for urologists. Some investigators recommend open surgery because of the surgical difficulties caused by the inflammatory process, whereas others try to apply the advantages of a ""simple"" non-hand-assisted laparoscopic approach. We report our experience with simple laparoscopic nephrectomy for inflammatory kidney management. Patients and Methods: From July 2002 through December 2006, 50 pure laparoscopic nephrectomies were performed for inflammatory kidney ( 43 because of pyelonephritis, 5 for xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP), and 2 for pyonephrosis). Histopathologic analysis was the criterion used for inflammatory kidney diagnosis. Pain or recurrent urinary tract infection associated with a nonfunctioning excluded kidney was the eligibility criterion for the procedure. Preoperatively, all patients underwent complete image and functional renal assessment. Morcellation was used to remove surgical specimens. Conversion index, surgical difficulties, operative time, and postoperative complications were evaluated. Results: Conversion was performed in 14 of 50 (28%) patients, including two with XGP and one with pyonephrosis. Adhesions, vascular (two inferior vena cava) lesions, and intestinal lesions (two colon) were the main causes of conversion. Acute pancreatitis developed in one patient, and one patient had a wound infection. Reoperations were unnecessary, and no deaths occurred. Conclusion: Pure laparoscopic nephrectomy was successful in 72% of patients with inflammatory kidneys. The laparoscopic dissection was useful even in those cases converted to open surgery. This is a high-risk procedure, however, and both surgeon and patient must be aware of that before the decision is made for this approach.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) in a community sample from the city of Sao Paulo. METHODS: This epidemiological survey was conducted at a family health program in Sao Paulo, Brazil, using randomized sampling. Data were collected by interviewing residents and were analyzed by Pearson`s correlation coefficients, chi-square tests, and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Seventy (10.7%) of the 657 subjects currently presented UI, including 50.7% with sporadic UI and 74.3% with UI upon moderate efforts. Ninety-three percent woke up during the night, 43.7% maintained continence until the bathroom, 63.4% had a sensation of wetness, and 77.5% reported no use of any continence aids. Female gender, advanced age, gynecologic or urologic surgery, dysuria, and urinary tract infection were correlated with UI (P < .001; r(2) = 0.572). CONCLUSION: The overall prevalence of UI was found to be high and was comparable to results from multiple countries.