999 resultados para tout-petits
Several large randomized trials showed that tamoxifen alone is no more the standard adjuvant hormonal therapy for menopausal patients. Aromatase inhibitors, given upfront or sequentially after tamoxifen, confirmed their efficacy by improving disease free survival, risk of distant metastasis and overall survival in some situations or subgroups of patients. These drugs are usually well tolerated, but they clearly increase bone mineral density loss as well as the risk of fractures and their long term safety on the cardio-vascular system needs to be followed. Thus, even if the role of the aromatase inhibitors is now evident in the adjuvant therapy of postmenopausal women the benefice/risk ratio should be carefully evaluated for each patient.
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:2 858 000], échelle 10 myriamètres [= 3,5 cm]
Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 8.1786
Charles Quint, roi d'Espagne et empereur d'Allemagne, d'abord archiduc d'Autriche. Le Voyage et Expedition de Charles le quint en Africque contre la ville de Argiere (1542)
Collection : French books before 1601 ; 64.2