996 resultados para tooth pulp disease


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Purpose: To evaluate the pullout strength of a glass fiber-reinforced composite post (glass FRC) cemented with three different adhesive systems and one resin cement. The null hypothesis was that pullout strengths yielded by the adhesive systems are similar. Materials and Methods: Thirty bovine teeth were selected. The size of the specimens was standardized at 16 mm by sectioning off the coronal portion and part of the root. The specimens were divided into three groups, according to the adhesive system, which were applied following the manufacturers' instructions: G1, ScotchBond Multi-Purpose Plus; G2, Single Bond; G3, Tyrian SPE/One-Step Plus. The glass FRCs (Reforpost) were etched with 37% H3PO4 for 1 min and silanized (Porcelain Primer). Thereafter, they were cemented with the dual resin cement En-Force. The specimens were stored for 24 h, attached to an adapted device, and submitted to the pullout test in a universal testing machine (1 mm/min). The data were submitted to the one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Results: G1 (30.2 ± 5.8 Kgf) displayed the highest pullout strength (p < 0.001) when compared to G2 (18.6 ± 5.8 Kgf) and G3 (14.3 ± 5.8 Kgf), which were statistically similar. Analysis of the specimens revealed that all failures occurred between the adhesive system and the root dentin (pullout of the post cement), regardless of group. Conclusion: The multiple-bottle, total-etch adhesive system provided higher pullout strength of the glass FRC when compared to the single-bottle, total-etch, and single-step self-etching adhesive systems. The null hypothesis was rejected (p < 0.001).


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This study aimed at evaluating the antisepsis of the root canal system (RCS) and periapical region (PR) provided by rotary instrumentation associated with chlorhexidine + calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicament. Chronic periapical lesions were induced in 26 pre-molar roots in two dogs. After microbiological sampling, automatic instrumentation using the Profile system and irrigation with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, with a final rinse of 14.3% EDTA followed by profuse irrigation with physiological saline were carried out in 18 root canals. After drying the canals, a paste based on calcium hydroxide associated with a 2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution was placed inside them. After 21 days, the medication was removed, leaving the root canals empty and coronally sealed. After 96 hours, a final microbiological sample was obtained, followed by histomicrobiological processing by the Brown & Brenn method. Eight untreated root canals represented the control group (C-G). Based on the Mann-Whitney test at a confidence level of 5% (p < 0.05), the procedures of antisepsis used offered significant efficacy (p < 0.05) resulting in 100.0% of the canals free of microorganisms. In the C-G, an elevated incidence of various microbial morphotypes was confirmed in all sites of the RCS, with the presence of microbial colonies in the periapical region. In contrast, the experimental group showed a similar pattern of infection in the RCS, although less intense and a reduced level of periapical infection (p < 0.05). It was concluded that adequate instrumentation followed by the application of calcium hydroxide + chlorhexidine offered significant elimination of microorganisms.


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This study utilized clinical and radiographic examinations to compare the effectiveness of calcium hydroxide paste and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) for pulpotomies of primary molars in children. Ninety primary molars that showed clinical and radiographic indications for pulpotomy treatment were selected. The pulpotomies were performed in two sessions, using a corticosteroid/ antibiotic solution as therapeutic dressing. The sample was divided into two groups of 45 teeth, in which the pulpal remains were protected with either calcium hydroxide paste (Group 1) or MTA (Group 2). Radiographs were taken immediately and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up appointments. Three teeth in Group 1 failed after three months, while two cases failed after six months and one more failed at one year. Two failures were found in Group 2 at the 12-month follow-up. These results indicate that both materials may be utilized for pulpotomies in primary teeth.


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This study aimed to evaluate the influence of cement thickness on the bond strength of a fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) post system to the root dentin. Eighteen single-rooted human teeth were decoronated (length: 16 mm), the canals were prepared, and the specimens were randomly allocated to 2 groups (n = 9): group 1 (low cement thickness), in which size 3 FRC posts were cemented using adhesive plus resin cement; and group 2 (high cement thickness), in which size 1 FRC posts were cemented as in group 1. Specimens were sectioned, producing 5 samples (thickness: 1.5 mm). For cement thickness evaluation, photographs of the samples were taken using an optical microscope, and the images were analyzed. Each sample was tested in push-out, and data were statistically analyzed. Bond strengths of groups 1 and 2 did not show significant differences (P = .558), but the cement thicknesses for these groups were significantly different (P < .0001). The increase in cement thickness did not significantly affect the bond strength (r2 = 0.1389, P = .936). Increased cement thickness surrounding the FRC post did not impair the bond strength.


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Background: Since only a few data have been published concerning the effects of resinous dental materials on the pulp-dentin complex, the aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of resin-based materials applied as liners in deep cavities prepared in duman teeth. Methods: After preparing class V cavities, the following dental materials were applied on the axial walls: group 1, Vitrebond™ (VIT; 3M ESPE); group 2, Ultra-Blend® Plus™ (UBP; Untradent); and group 3, Clearfil™ SE Bond (CSEB; Kuraray). In group 4 (control), the hard-setting calcium hydroxide cement Dycal (CH; Caulk/Dentsply) was used. The teeth extracted at 7 days or between 30 and 85 days after the clinical procedures were processed for histological evaluation. Results: For all the experimental and control groups, most of specimens exhibited no pulpal response or slight inflammatory reaction associated with slight tissue disorganization at 7-day period. Moderate inflammatory pulpal response occurred only in one tooth (RDT = 262 μm) of group 3 in which transdentinal diffusion of resin components was observed. Conclusion: The resin-based dental cements VIT and UBP as well as the bonding agent CSEB presented acceptable biocompatibility when applied in deep cavities prepared in sound human teeth. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper describes the clinical courses of three cases with extra-oral sinus tract formation, from diagnosis and treatment to short-term follow-up and evaluation. All teeth involved had periradicular radiolucent areas noted on radiographic examination and extra-oral sinus tracts appearing on the chin with exudation and unpleasant aesthetic appearance. The adopted treatment protocol included treating the sinus tract surface simultaneously with the root canal therapy. After root canal shaping using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, calcium hydroxide-based pastes associated with different vehicles were inserted into the root canal for 4 months, and were changed monthly. All the sinus tracts healed in 7 to 10 days. The apical lesions were completely repaired in a maximum period of 24 months. The treatment adopted provided a complete healing of the periapical lesions in a short follow-up period. Surgical repair of the cutaneous sinus tract was therefore unnecessary. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 Australian Society of Endodontology.


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Purpose: To evaluate the influence of the brush type as a earner of priming adhesive solutions and the use of paper points as a remover of the excess of these solutions on the push-out bond strength of resin cement to bovine root dentin. The null hypotheses were that brush type and the use of paper points do not affect the bond strength. Materials and Methods: The canals of 80 single-root bovine roots (16 mm in length) were prepared at 12 mm using the preparation drill (FRC Postec Plus, Ivoclar). Half of each root was embedded in acrylic resin and the specimens were divided into 8 groups, considering the factors brush type (4 levels) and paper point (2 levels) (n = 10): Gr 1: small microbrush (Cavi-Tip, SDI); Gr 2: Microbrush (Dentsply); Gr 3: Endobrush (Bisco); Gr 4: conventional brush (Bisco); Gr 5: Cavi-Tip (SDI) + paper points; Gr 6: Microbrush (Dentsply) + paper points; Gr 7: Endobrush (Bisco) + paper points; Gr 8: conventional brush (Bisco) + paper points. The root dentin was treated with a multistep total-etch adhesive system (All Bond 2). The adhesive system was applied using each microbrush, with and without using paper points. One fiber post was molded with addition silicon and 80 posts were made of resin cement (Duolink), The resin posts were luted (Duolink resin cement), and the specimens were stored for 24 h in water at 37°C. Each specimen was cut into 4 disk-shaped samples (1.8 mm in thickness), which were submitted to the push-out test. Results: The brush type (p < 0.0001) (small microbrush > microbrush = endobrush = conventional brush) and the use of paper points (p = 0.0001) (with > without) influenced the bond strength significantly (two-way ANOVA). The null hypotheses were rejected. Conclusion: The smallest brush (Cavi-Tip) and the use of paper points significantly improved the resin bond to bovine root dentin.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the shape of dental cavities made with the CVDentus® system using different ultrasound power levels. One standard cavity was made on the buccal aspect of 15 bovine incisors with a CVDentus® cylindrical bur (82142). The sample was divided into three groups: G1 - ultrasound with power II; G2 - ultrasound with power III; and G3 - ultrasound with power IV. A standardizing device was used to obtain standardized preparations and ultrasound was applied during one minute in each dental preparation. The cavities were sectioned in the middle, allowing observation of the cavity's profile with a magnifying glass, and width and depth measurement using the Leica Qwin program. The Kruskal-Wallis (p < 0.05) and Dunn statistical analyses demonstrated differences between the dental cavity shapes when powers III and IV were used. However, the cavities that were made with power III presented dimensions similar to those of the bur used for preparation. We concluded that the power recommended by the manufacturer (III) is the most adequate for use with the CVDentus® system.


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Aim: Based on the hypothesis the application of a low-viscosity hydrophobic resin coating improves the bond of all-in-one adhesive, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the bond strength of four adhesive systems to bovine root dentin using the push-out test method. Methods and Materials: The root canals of 32 bovine roots (16 mm) were prepared to a length of 12 mm using a FRC Postec Plus preparation drill. The specimens were allocated into four groups according to the adhesive system used: (Group 1) All-in-one Xeno III; (Group 2) All-in-one Xeno III+ScotchBond Multi-Purpose Plus Adhesive; (Group 3) Simplified Etch & Rinse One Step Plus; and (Group 4) Multi-Bottle Etch & Rinse All-Bond 2. A fiber-reinforced composite retention post was reproduced using an additional silicon impression and fabricated with DuoLink resin cement. The root specimens were treated with the selected adhesive systems, and the resin posts were luted in the canals with DuoLink resin cement. Each root specimen was cross sectioned into four samples (±1.8 mm in thickness), and the post sections were pushed-out to determine the bond strength to dentin. Results: Group 2 (2.9±1.2) was statistically higher than Group 1 (1.1±0.5) and Group 3 (1.1±0.5). Groups 1 and 3 showed no statistically significant difference while Group 4 (2.0±0.7) presented similar values (p>0.05) to Groups 1, 2, and 3 [(one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)] and Tukey test, α=0.05). Conclusion: The hypothesis was accepted since the application of the additional layer of a low-viscosity bonding resin improved the bond of the all-in-one adhesive. Further studies must be conducted to evaluate the long-term bond.


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Regional odontodysplasia (RO) is a rare disorder of dental development. The affected teeth are clinically hypoplastic and hypocalcified, presenting a ghost-like appearance radiographically. The aim of this work was to report a clinical case of a child with both primary and permanent dentition affected by RO. The conducted therapy was based on a conservative approach, which consisted of follow-up clinical evaluations of the anomalous teeth. However, the endodontic treatment of the primary incisors failed. Then, the chosen option for patient rehabilitation became extraction followed by removable of prosthesis confection. The extracted teeth were processed for histological analysis. In spite of the uncertain prognosis, but taking into account the psychological aspects of the patient, a conservative approach in an attempt to maintain those viable teeth in the oral cavity should be established.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the trans-enamel and trans-dentinal effects of a 35% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) bleaching gel on odontoblast-like cells. Enamel/dentin discs obtained from bovine incisors were mounted in artificial pulp chambers (APCs). Three groups were formed: G1- 35% H2O2; G2- 35% H2O2 + halogen light application; G3- control. The treatments were repeated 5 times and the APCs were incubated for 12 h. Then, the extract was collected and applied for 24 h on the cells. Cell metabolism, total protein dosage and cell morphology were evaluated. Cell metabolism decreased by 62.09% and 61.83% in G1 and G2, respectively. The depression of cell metabolism was statistically significant when G1 and G2 were compared to G3. Total protein dosage decreased by 93.13% and 91.80% in G1 and G2, respectively. The cells in G1 and G2 exhibited significant morphological alterations after contact with the extracts. Regardless of halogen light application, the extracts caused significantly more intense cytopathic effects compared to the control group. After 5 consecutive applications of a 35% H2O2 bleaching agent, either catalyzed or not by halogen light, products of gel degradation were capable to diffuse through enamel and dentin causing toxic effects to the cells.


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The present study evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) the apical canal transportation and centralizing ability of different automated systems after root canal preparation. The mesiobuccal canals of maxillary first molars (n=10 per group) were prepared with: GI - reciprocating system with K-Flexofile; GII - reciprocating system with NiTiFlex files; GIII - rotary system with K3 instruments; GIV - rotary system with RaCe instruments. CBCT scans were taken before and after biomechanical preparation up to a #40.02 diameter. Canal transportation was determined by measuring the smallest distance between the inner canal walls and the mesial and distal sides of the root. The centralization ability corresponded to the difference between the measurements from transportation evaluation, using the linear voxel to voxel method of analysis. The mean transportation was 0.06 ± 0.14 mm, with a tendency to deviate to the mesial side of the root (n=22), with no statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.4153). The mean centralization index was 0.15 ± 0.65 also without statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.0881). It may be concluded that apical canal transportation and centralization ability were not influenced by the type of mechanical movement and instruments used.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate periapical repair after root canal filling with different endodontic sealers. Sixty four root canals from dog ́s teeth were filled, divided into 4 groups (n=16). Root canals were instrumented with K-type files and irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. Root canals were filled in the same session by active lateral condensation of the cones and sealers: Intrafill, AH Plus, Roeko Seal and Resilon/Epiphany System. After 90 days, the animals were euthanized and the tissues to be evaluated were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. For histopathological analysis, the following parameters were evaluated: inflammatory process, mineralized tissue resorption, and apical mineralized tissue deposition. Histopathological analysis demonstrated that Intrafill had less favorable results in terms of apical and periapical repair, compared to the other sealers (p<0.05). AH Plus, Roeko Seal, and Epiphany sealers had similar and satisfactory results (p>0.05). In conclusion, AH Plus and the materials Roeko Seal and Epiphany are good options for clinical use in Endodontics.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of 2% chlorhexidine gel (CLX) associated with various intracanal medicaments against Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis inoculated in root canals. Thirty six human single-rooted teeth were contaminated with C.albicans and E.faecalis. The canals were instrumented using 2% CLX gel and were divided into three groups according to the intracanal medicaments (ICM) used. Group 1: calcium hydroxide paste [Ca(OH)], Group 2: 2% chlorhexidine gel (CLX) and Group 3: 2% CLX gel + Ca(OH). The root canal collections were performed after 21 days of contamination (control collection), after instrumentation (1st collection), after 14 days of intracanal medicament (2nd collection) and 7 days after medicament removal (3rd collection). The microbiological samples were plated in culture media and incubated for 48 hours. The results were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test (P ≤ 0.05). It was verified that the instrumentation with CLX reduced the number of CFU/ml significantly when compared with the confirmation collection (control). However, the use of the ICM was only capable to eliminate completely the microorganisms in the root canals without difference statistics between them. Although the use of 2% chlorherixidine gel reduces the number of microorganisms significantly, only the ICM calcium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide associated with chlorhexidine are able to eliminate these microorganisms completely.