992 resultados para tnf-a


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Pathological brain states are known to induce massive production of proinflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). At much lower levels, these cytokines are also present in the healthy brain, where it is increasingly being recognized that they exert regulatory influences. Recent studies suggest that TNFα plays important roles in controlling synaptic transmission and plasticity. Here, we discuss the evidence in support of synaptic regulation by TNFα and the underlying cellular mechanisms, including control of AMPA receptor trafficking and glutamate release from astrocytes. These findings suggest that increases in TNFα levels (caused by nervous system infection, injury, or disease) transform the physiological actions of the cytokine into deleterious ones. This functional switch may contribute to cognitive alterations in several brain pathologies.


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Intraocular inflammation has been recognized as a major factor leading to blindness. Because tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) enhances intraocular cytotoxic events, systemic anti-TNF therapies have been introduced in the treatment of severe intraocular inflammation, but frequent re-injections are needed and are associated with severe side effects. We have devised a local intraocular nonviral gene therapy to deliver effective and sustained anti-TNF therapy in inflamed eyes. In this study, we show that transfection of the ciliary muscle by plasmids encoding for three different variants of the p55 TNF-alpha soluble receptor, using electrotransfer, resulted in sustained intraocular secretion of the encoded proteins, without any detection in the serum. In the eye, even the shorter monomeric variant resulted in efficient neutralization of TNF-alpha in a rat experimental model of endotoxin-induced uveitis, as long as 3 months after transfection. A subsequent downregulation of interleukin (IL)-6 and iNOS and upregulation of IL-10 expression was observed together with a decreased rolling of inflammatory cells in anterior segment vessels and reduced infiltration within the ocular tissues. Our results indicate that using a nonviral gene therapy strategy, the local self-production of monomeric TNF-alpha soluble receptors induces a local immunomodulation enabling the control of intraocular inflammation.


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In this study, we compared the level of TNF-alpha secretion induced in monocytic THP-1 cells after phagocytosis of Mycobacterium leprae, the causative agent of leprosy, and M. bovis BCG, an attenuated strain used as a vaccine against leprosy and tuberculosis. The presence of M. leprae and BCG was observed in more than 80% of the cells after 24 h of exposure. However, BCG but not M. leprae was able to induce TNF-alpha secretion in these cells. Moreover, THP-1 cells treated simultaneously with BCG and M. leprae secreted lower levels of TNF-alpha compared to cells incubated with BCG alone. M. leprae was able, however, to induce TNF-alpha secretion both in blood-derived monocytes as well as in THP-1 cells pretreated with phorbol myristate acetate. The inclusion of streptomycin in our cultures, together with the fact that the use of both gamma-irradiated M. leprae and heat-killed BCG gave similar results, indicate that the differences observed were not due to differences in viability but in intrinsic properties between M. leprae and BCG. These data suggest that the capacity of M. leprae to induce TNF-alpha is dependent on the stage of cell maturation and emphasize the potential of this model to explore differences in the effects triggered by vaccine strain versus pathogenic species of mycobacteria on the host cell physiology and metabolism.


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L’objectiu va ser determinar si la presència de anticossos antinuclears en pacients amb artritis reumatoide (AR) condiciona una pitjor desposta al tractament amb anti-TNF. Es tracta d’un estudi tipus cohorte retrospectiu. Es van incloure 66 malalts amb crtieris ACR per AR que anaven a iniciar tractament amb anti-TNF i tenien una determinación basal de ANA. D’aquests 37 eren ANA positius i 29 ANA negatius. Es va observar una tendencia als 6 mesos de tractament entre els ANA positius a no presentar resposta (19% en els ANA positius enfront a 11% dels ANA negatius), sense poder establir diferencies estadísticamente significatives (p=0,081).


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L’objectiu de la recerca va ésser determinar si la preència de anticossos antinuclears (ANA) en els pacients amb artritis reumatoide (AR), condicionava una pitjor desposta al tractament amb anti-TNFα. Es va dissenyar un estudi observacional (cohorte retrospectiva) de 66 paciente que es disposaven a iniciar tractament amb anti-TNFα., i dels que es disposava d’una determinación basal de ANA. Es disposava en tots ells un index DAS-28 als 0, 3 i 6 mesos, amb el que es va avaluar la desposta segons els criteris EULAR: No s’observaren diferencies estaísticament significatives entre els pacients ANA-negatius i ANA-positius als 3 mesos de tractament. S’observà una tendència als 6 mesos de tractament entre els ANA-negatius a presentar millor resposta respecte als ANA-positius, sense poder establir-se diferències estadísticamente significatives


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Background: Psoriasis is accepted as a multisystemic disease with several important systemic manifestations. Thus, underlying comorbidities have to be taken into account in the choice of treatment. Objective: To explore the role of anti-TNF therapy in the treatment of psoriasis in a patient with acute-on-chronic pancreatitis. Methods: Here, we present the case of a 75-year-old patient with severe psoriasis also suffering from chronic alcohol-induced pancreatitis with recurrent acute flares. A recent life-threatening episode of acute pancreatitis and ischemic liver precluded the reintroduction of methotrexate. Cyclosporine was also excluded as it has been reported to induce acute pancreatitis. Thus, an anti-TNF treatment was initiated in close collaboration with a gastroenterologist. Results: A year after starting anti-TNF therapy the patient continues to show complete clinical remission of his psoriasis. No side effects, particularly no bacterial infections, were reported. No relapses of the patient's underlying chronic pancreatitis were observed throughout the entire treatment with regular clinical and laboratory monitoring, suggesting that chronic pancreatitis is not per se a contraindication for anti-TNF therapy. Conclusion: This case study opens the way for further questioning on the role of TNF in the pathogenesis of chronic and acute pancreatitis and the use of anti-TNF therapy in its treatment. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Infection of C3H/He mice with the Peruvian strain of Trypanosoma cruzi (Biodeme type I, Z2b), a macrophagotropic strain, determined severe parasitism of macrophages, necrosis of the spleen, and high host mortality. In the present study, pentoxifylline (PTX), an inhibitor of TNF-alpha was investigated on its action upon splenic necrosis, parasitemia and host survival. Immunohistochemical data suggested the importance of this cytokine in parasite destruction and decreasing of parasitemia, although paradoxically contributing to the high mortality of infected mice. Necrotic lesions involving several organs, specially the heart, in acute Chagas disease, are important aggravating factors, increasing cardiac morbidity. Advantage of inhibiting TNF-alpha action was herein investigated. Infected mice were divided into two groups: untreated (n = 24), and PTX treated mice (n = 25). PTX was administered in two daily doses of 30 mg/kg/bw, by intraperitoneal route. Normal controls either treated with PTX or saline were also included. Histopathology of the spleen and in situ immunolabeling of TNF-alpha, using anti-TNF-alpha monoclonal antibody, were performed. Necrotic areas were evaluated by morphometry. Mice treated with PTX showed a significant decrease of necrotic areas and diminution of TNF-alpha expression in spleen tissue, suggesting that PTX treatment could control TNF-alpha effects, and thus be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of acute Chagas' disease.


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In Chagas disease, understanding how the immune response controls parasite growth but also leads to heart damage may provide insight into the design of new therapeutic strategies. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) is important for resistance to acute Trypanosoma cruzi infection; however, in patients suffering from chronic T. cruzi infection, plasma TNF-α levels correlate with cardiomyopathy. Recent data suggest that CD8-enriched chagasic myocarditis formation involves CCR1/CCR5-mediated cell migration. Herein, the contribution of TNF-α, especially signaling through the receptor TNFR1/p55, to the pathophysiology of T. cruzi infection was evaluated with a focus on the development of myocarditis and heart dysfunction. Colombian strain-infected C57BL/6 mice had increased frequencies of TNFR1/p55+ and TNF-α+ splenocytes. Although TNFR1-/- mice exhibited reduced myocarditis in the absence of parasite burden, they succumbed to acute infection. Similar to C57BL/6 mice, Benznidazole-treated TNFR1-/- mice survived acute infection. In TNFR1-/- mice, reduced CD8-enriched myocarditis was associated with defective activation of CD44+CD62Llow/- and CCR5+ CD8+ lymphocytes. Also, anti-TNF-α treatment reduced the frequency of CD8+CCR5+ circulating cells and myocarditis, though parasite load was unaltered in infected C3H/HeJ mice. TNFR1-/- and anti-TNF-α-treated infected mice showed regular expression of connexin-43 and reduced fibronectin deposition, respectively. Furthermore, anti-TNF-α treatment resulted in lower levels of CK-MB, a cardiomyocyte lesion marker. Our results suggest that TNF/TNFR1 signaling promotes CD8-enriched myocarditis formation and heart tissue damage, implicating the TNF/TNFR1 signaling pathway as a potential therapeutic target for control of T. cruzi-elicited cardiomyopathy.


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BACKGROUND: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR, CD87) is a widely distributed 55-kD, glycoprotein I-anchored surface receptor. On binding of its ligand uPA, it is known to increase leukocyte adhesion and traffic. Using genetically deficient mice, we explored the role of uPAR in platelet kinetics and TNF-induced platelet consumption. METHODS AND RESULTS: Anti-uPAR antibody stained platelets from normal (+/+) but not from uPAR-/- mice, as seen by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. 51Cr-labeled platelets from uPAR-/- donors survived longer than those from +/+ donors when injected into a +/+ recipient. Intratracheal TNF injection induced thrombocytopenia and a platelet pulmonary localization, pronounced in +/+ but absent in uPAR-/- mice. Aprotinin, a plasmin inhibitor, decreased TNF-induced thrombocytopenia. TNF injection markedly reduced the survival and increased the pulmonary localization of 51Cr-labeled platelets from +/+ but not from uPAR-/- donors, indicating that it is the platelet uPAR that is critical for their response to TNF. As seen by electron microscopy, TNF injection increased the number of platelets and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) in the alveolar capillaries of +/+ mice, whereas in uPAR-/- mice, platelet trapping was insignificant and PMN trapping was slightly reduced. Platelets within alveolar capillaries of TNF-injected mice were activated, as judged from their shape, and this was evident in +/+ but not in uPAR-/- mice. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate for the first time the critical role of platelet uPAR for kinetics as well as for activation and endothelium adhesion associated with inflammation.


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Nowadays, mucosal healing is regarded as a major end point in clinical trials and is increasingly used in clinical practice for the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The definition of mucosal healing varies across studies and validated endoscopic scoring indices are still lacking. The advent of anti-tumor necrosis factor agents has changed the way of treating inflammatory bowel disease and high rates of induction and maintenance of mucosal healing can be achieved with this drug class. Mucosal healing is desirable as it may change the natural course of the disease by decreasing surgery and hospitalization rates in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.


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More than seventy years after their initial characterisation, the aetiology of inflammatory bowel diseases remains elusive. A recent review evaluating the incidence trends of the last 25 years concluded that an increasing incidence has been observed almost worldwide. A north-south gradient is still found in Europe. Genetic associations are variably reproduced worldwide and indicate a strong impact of environmental factors. Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) has been shown to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). TNF-alpha blockers are biological agents that specifically target this key cytokine in the inflammatory process and have become a mainstay in the therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases. This paper reviews the necessary investigations before using such agents, the use of such agents in pregnancy and lactation, the role of co-immunosuppression, how to monitor efficacy and safety, dose-adaptation, and the decision as to when to switch to another TNF-alpha blocker. Finally it gives recommendations for special situations. Currently there are three TNF-alpha blockers available for clinical use in IBD in Switzerland: infliximab (Remicade), adalimumab (Humira) and certolizumab pegol (Cimzia). Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody composed of a human IgG1 constant region and a murine variable region and is administered intravenously. Adalimumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody, with both human IgG1 constant and variable regions. Certolizumab pegol is a pegylated, humanised monoclonal anti-TNF fragment antigen binding fragment. Both adalimumab and certolizumab pegol are administered by subcutaneous injection. The efficacy and safety of TNF-alpha blockers in Crohn's disease has been reviewed. The authors conclude that the three above-mentioned agents are effective in luminal Crohn's disease. In fistulizing Crohn's disease, TNF-alpha blockers other than infliximab require additional investigation.


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BACKGROUND Inflammation has been implicated as an etiological factor in several human cancers, including prostate cancer. Allelic variants of the genes involved in inflammatory pathways are logical candidates as genetic determinants of prostate cancer risk. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether single nucleotide polymorphisms of genes that lead to increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines are associated with an increased prostate cancer risk. METHODS A case-control study design was used to test the association between prostate cancer risk and the polymorphisms TNF-A-308 A/G (rs 1800629), RANTES-403 G/A (rs 2107538), IL1-A-889 C/T (rs 1800587) and MCP-1 2518 G/A (rs 1024611) in 296 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer and in 311 healthy controls from the same area. RESULTS Diagnosis of prostate cancer was significantly associated with TNF-A GA + AA genotype (OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.09-2.64) and RANTES GA + AA genotype (OR, 1.44; 95% CI, 1.09-2.38). A alleles in TNF-A and RANTES influenced prostate cancer susceptibility and acted independently of each other in these subjects. No epistatic effect was found for the combination of different polymorphisms studied. Finally, no overall association was found between prostate cancer risk and IL1-A or MCP-1 polymorphisms. CONCLUSION Our results and previously published findings on genes associated with innate immunity support the hypothesis that polymorphisms in proinflammatory genes may be important in prostate cancer development.


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is mediated by CD4+ Th1 cells that mainly secrete IFN-γ and TNF-α, important cytokines in the pathophysiology of the disease. Spontaneous remission is, in part, attributed to the down regulation of IFN-γ and TNF-α by TGF-β. In the current paper, we compared weight, histopathology and immunological parameters during the acute and recovery phases of EAE to establish the best biomarker for clinical remission. Female Lewis rats were immunised with myelin basic protein (MBP) emulsified with complete Freund's adjuvant. Animals were evaluated daily for clinical score and weight prior to euthanisation. All immunised animals developed the expected characteristics of EAE during the acute phase, including significant weight loss and high clinical scores. Disease remission was associated with a significant reduction in clinical scores, although immunised rats did not regain their initial weight values. Brain inflammatory infiltrates were higher during the acute phase. During the remission phase, anti-myelin antibody levels increased, whereas TNF-α and IFN-γ production by lymph node cells cultured with MBP or concanavalin A, respectively, decreased. The most significant difference observed between the acute and recovery phases was in the induction of TNF-α levels in MBP-stimulated cultures. Therefore, the in vitro production of this cytokine could be used as a biomarker for EAE remission.


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INTRODUCTION No definitive data are available regarding the value of switching to an alternative TNF antagonist in rheumatoid arthritis patients who fail to respond to the first one. The aim of this study was to evaluate treatment response in a clinical setting based on HAQ improvement and EULAR response criteria in RA patients who were switched to a second or a third TNF antagonist due to failure with the first one. METHODS This was an observational, prospective study of a cohort of 417 RA patients treated with TNF antagonists in three university hospitals in Spain between January 1999 and December 2005. A database was created at the participating centres, with well-defined operational instructions. The main outcome variables were analyzed using parametric or non-parametric tests depending on the level of measurement and distribution of each variable. RESULTS Mean (+/- SD) DAS-28 on starting the first, second and third TNF antagonist was 5.9 (+/- 2.0), 5.1 (+/- 1.5) and 6.1 (+/- 1.1). At the end of follow-up, it decreased to 3.3 (+/- 1.6; Delta = -2.6; p > 0.0001), 4.2 (+/- 1.5; Delta = -1.1; p = 0.0001) and 5.4 (+/- 1.7; Delta = -0.7; p = 0.06). For the first TNF antagonist, DAS-28-based EULAR response level was good in 42% and moderate in 33% of patients. The second TNF antagonist yielded a good response in 20% and no response in 53% of patients, while the third one yielded a good response in 28% and no response in 72%. Mean baseline HAQ on starting the first, second and third TNF antagonist was 1.61, 1.52 and 1.87, respectively. At the end of follow-up, it decreased to 1.12 (Delta = -0.49; p < 0.0001), 1.31 (Delta = -0.21, p = 0.004) and 1.75 (Delta = -0.12; p = 0.1), respectively. Sixty four percent of patients had a clinically important improvement in HAQ (defined as > or = -0.22) with the first TNF antagonist and 46% with the second. CONCLUSION A clinically significant effect size was seen in less than half of RA patients cycling to a second TNF antagonist.