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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) stimulates glucose-induced insulin secretion by binding to a specific G protein-coupled receptor linked to activation of the adenylyl cyclase pathway. Here, using insulinoma cell lines, we studied homologous and heterologous desensitization of GLP-1-induced cAMP production. Preexposure of the cells to GLP-1 induced a decrease in GLP-1-mediated cAMP production, as assessed by a 3- to 5-fold rightward shift of the dose-response curve and an approximately 20 percent decrease in the maximal production of cAMP. Activation of protein kinase C by the phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) also induced desensitization of the GLP-1-mediated response, leading to a 6- to 9-fold shift in the EC50 and a 30% decrease in the maximal production of cAMP. Both forms of desensitization were additive, and the protein kinase C inhibitor RO-318220 inhibited PMA-induced desensitization, but not agonist-induced desensitization. GLP-1- and PMA-dependent desensitization correlated with receptor phosphorylation, and the levels of phosphorylation induced by the two agents were additive. Furthermore, PMA-induced, but not GLP-1-induced, phosphorylation was totally inhibited by RO-318220. Internalization of the GLP-1 receptor did not participate in the desensitization induced by PMA, as a mutant GLP-1 receptor lacking the last 20 amino acids of the cytoplasmic tail was found to be totally resistant to the internalization process, but was still desensitized after PMA preexposure. PMA and GLP-1 were not able to induce the phosphorylation of a receptor deletion mutant lacking the last 33 amino acids of the cytoplasmic tail, indicating that the phosphorylation sites were located within the deleted region. The cAMP production mediated by this deletion mutant was not desensitized by PMA and was only poorly desensitized by GLP-1. Together, our results indicate that the production of cAMP and, hence, the stimulation of insulin secretion induced by GLP-1 can be negatively modulated by homologous and heterologous desensitization, mechanisms that involve receptor phosphorylation.


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Growing Green Communities is strongly committed to improving the quality of Camp Creek and its watershed by reducing soil loss, which will benefit landowners by preserving their topsoil and improve the water quality of Camp Creek by reducing sediment loading of the creek. To accomplish the goal of reducing soil loss and improving water quality, Growing Green Communities has worked with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to identify areas of concentrated flow paths (CFPs) within the Camp Creek Watershed using LiDAR topographic mapping technology. A goal of this project is to identify sites expected to have the greatest impact in reducing soil loss and to install Best Management Practices (BMPs) at these sites. Landowners and other project partners will work to develop the most effective BMPs for each site. After the BMPs are designed and constructed, a conservation easement will be recorded to protect the BMPs. GGC plans to record 40 acres as easements. The easements will be purchased by Growing Green Communities and donated to a qualified conservation organization for long term management and maintenance.


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We have recently reported that the inhibition of endothelial cell COX-2 by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs suppresses alpha(V)beta(3)- (but not alpha(5)beta(1)-) dependent Rac activation, endothelial cell spreading, migration, and angiogenesis (Dormond, O., Foletti, A., Paroz, C., and Ruegg, C. (2001) Nat. Med. 7, 1041-1047). Here we investigated the role of the COX-2 metabolites PGE(2) and TXA2 in regulating human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) adhesion and spreading. We report that PGE(2) accelerated alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated HUVEC adhesion and promoted Rac activation and cell spreading, whereas the TXA2 agonist retarded adhesion and inhibited spreading. We show that the cAMP level and the cAMP-regulated protein kinase A (PKA) activity are critical mediators of these PGE(2) effects. alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated adhesion induced a transient COX-2-dependent rise in cAMP levels, whereas the cell-permeable cAMP analogue 8-brcAMP accelerated adhesion, promoted Rac activation, and cell spreading in the presence of the COX-2 inhibitor NS-398. Pharmacological inhibition of PKA completely blocked alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated adhesion. A constitutively active Rac mutant (L61Rac) rescued alpha(V)beta(3)-dependent spreading in the presence of NS398 or, but did not accelerate adhesion, whereas a dominant negative Rac mutant (N17Rac) suppressed spreading without affecting adhesion. alpha(5)beta(1)-mediated HUVEC adhesion, Rac activation, and spreading were not affected by PGE(2), 8-brcAMP, or the inhibition of PKA. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that PGE(2) accelerates alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated endothelial cell adhesion through cAMP-dependent PKA activation and induces alpha(V)beta(3)-dependent spreading via cAMP- and PKA-dependent Rac activation and may contribute to the further understanding of the regulation of vascular integrins alpha(V)beta(3) by COX-2/PGE(2) during tumor angiogenesis and inflammation.


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Angiogenesis, the development of new blood vessels from preexisting vessels, is a key step in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis formation. Inhibition of tumor angiogenesis is considered as an attractive approach to suppress cancer progression and spreading. Adhesion receptors of the integrin family promote tumor angiogenesis by mediating cell migration, proliferation and survival of angiogenic endothelial cells. Integrins up regulated and highly expressed on neovascular endothelial cells, such as alphaVbeta3 and alpha5beta1, have been considered as relevant targets for anti-angiogenic therapies. Small molecular integrin antagonists or blocking antibodies suppress angiogenesis and tumor progression in many animal models, and some of them are currently being tested in cancer clinical trials as anti-angiogenic agents. COX-2 inhibitors exert anti-cancer effects, at least in part, by inhibiting tumor angiogenesis. We have recently shown that COX-2 inhibitors suppress endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis by preventing alphaVbeta3-mediated and cAMP/PKA-dependent activation of the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42. Here we will review the evidence for the involvement of vascular integrins in mediating angiogenesis and the role of COX-2 metabolites in modulating the cAMP/Protein Kinase A pathway and alphaVbeta3-dependent Rac activation in endothelial cells.


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Le diabète est une maladie chronique caractérisée par une élévation du taux de sucre dans le sang aussi appelé « glycémie » reflétant un état pathologique. L'élévation de la glycémie au long cours a des répercussions délétères sur nombreux de nos tissus et organes d'où l'apparition de complications sévères chez les sujets diabétiques pouvant atteindre les yeux, les reins, le système nerveux, le système cardiovasculaire et les membres inférieurs. La carence en une hormone essentielle à notre organisme, l'insuline, est au coeur du développement de la maladie. L'insuline induit la captation du glucose circulant dans le sang en excès suite à une prise alimentaire riche en glucides et favorise son utilisation et éventuellement son stockage dans les tissus tels que le foie, le tissu adipeux et les muscles. Ainsi, l'insuline est vitale pour réguler et maintenir stable notre niveau de glycémie. Les cellules bêta du pancréas sont les seules entités de notre corps capables de produire de l'insuline et une perte de fonctionnalité associée à leur destruction ont été mises en cause dans le processus pathologique du diabète de type 2. Cependant la pleine fonctionnalité et la maturation des cellules bêta n'apparaissent qu'après la naissance lorsque le pancréas en développement a atteint sa masse adulte définitive. Enfin, une fois la masse des cellules bêta définitive établie, leur nombre et volume restent relativement constants au cours de la vie adulte chez un sujet sain. Néanmoins, au cours de périodes critiques les besoins en insuline sont augmentés tel qu'observé chez les femmes enceintes et les personnes obèses qui ont une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline qui se traduit par la nécessité de sécréter plus d'insuline afin de maintenir une glycémie normale. Dans l'hypothèse où la compensation n'a pas lieu ou n'est pas aboutie, le diabète se développe. Le processus de maturation postnatale ainsi que les événements compensatoires sont donc des étapes essentielles et de nombreuses questions sont encore non résolues concernant l'identification des mécanismes les régulant. Parmi les acteurs potentiels figurent de petites molécules d'ARN découvertes récemment appelées microARNs et qui ont été rapidement suggérées très prometteuses dans l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques dans le cadre du diabète et d'autres pathologies. Les microARNs vont réguler l'expression de notre génome sans en modifier la séquence, phénomène également appelé épigénétique, ce qui résulte en des différences de comportement et de fonction cellulaires. Les microARNs sont donc susceptibles de jouer un rôle clé dans l'ensemble des processus biologiques et notre environnement associé à nos prédispositions génétiques peuvent grandement modifier leur niveau et donc leur action, qui à son tour se répercutera sur notre état physiologique. En effet nous avons identifié des changements de microARNs dans les cellules d'îlots pancréatiques de modèles animaux (rats et souris) associés à un état de résistance à l'insuline (grossesse et obésité). Par le biais d'expériences in vitro sur des cellules bêta extraites de rats et conservées en culture, nous avons pu analyser de plus près l'implication des microARNs dans la capacité des cellules bêta à sécréter de l'insuline mais aussi à se multiplier et à survivre au sein d'un environnement toxique. Ainsi, nous avons identifié des microARNs qui participent positivement à la compensation des cellules bêta, sous la direction d'hormones telles les estrogènes ou d'une hormone libérée par l'intestin au cours de la digestion (l'inerétine GLP1) et qui est largement utilisée comme agent thérapeutique dans la médication contre le diabète. Dans un second temps nous avons utilisé une stratégie similaire afin de déterminer le rôle de microARNs préalablement détectés comme étant changés au cours du développement postnatal des cellules bêta chez le rat. Cette étude a également mené à l'identification de microARNs participant à la maturation et à l'expansion de la masse des cellules bêta sous l'influence de la composition du régime alimentaire et des besoins en insuline adéquats qui en dépendent. Ces études apportent la vision de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires impliquant les microARNs et démontrant leur importance pour le bon fonctionnement des cellules bêta et leur capacité d'adaptation à l'environnement. -- Les cellules bêta sont une composante des îlots pancréatiques de Langerhans et sont des cellules hautement différenciées qui ont l'unique capacité de sécréter de l'insuline sous l'influence des nutriments suite à une prise alimentaire. L'insuline facilite l'incorporation de glucose dans ses tissus cibles tels le foie, le tissu adipeux et les muscles. Bien que les besoins en insuline soient relativement constants au cours de la vie d'un individu sain, certaines conditions associées à un état de résistance à l'insuline, telles la grossesse ou l'obésité, requièrent une libération d'insuline majorée. En cas de résistance à l'insuline, une dysfonction des cellules bêta plus ou moins associée à leur mort cellulaire, conduisent à une sécrétion d'insuline insuffisante et au développement d'une hyperglycémie chronique, caractéristique du diabète de type 2. Jusqu'à présent, les mécanismes moléculaires sous- jacents à la compensation des cellules bêta ou encore menant à leur dysfonction restent peu connus. Découverts récemment, les petits ARNs non-codant appelés microARNs (miARNs), suscitent un intérêt grandissant de par leur potentiel thérapeutique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du diabète. Les miARNs sont de puissants régulateurs de l'expression génique qui lient directement le 3'UTR de leurs ARN messagers cibles afin d'inhiber leur traduction ou d'induire leur dégradation, ce qui leur permet de contrôler des fonctions biologiques multiples. Ainsi, nous avons pris pour hypothèse que les miARNs pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel en maintenant la fonction des cellules bêta et des processus compensatoires afin de prévenir le développement du diabète. Lors d'une première étude, une analyse transcriptomique a permis l'identification de miARNs différemment exprimés au sein d'îlots pancréatiques de rattes gestantes. Parmi eux, le miR-338-3p a démontré la capacité de promouvoir la prolifération et la survie des cellules bêta exposées à des acides gras saturés et des cytokines pro-inflammatoires, sans altérer leur propriété sécrétrice d'insuline. Nous avons également identifié deux hormones reconnues pour leurs propriétés bénéfiques pour la physiologie de la cellule bêta, l'estradiol et l'incrétine GLP1, qui régulent les niveaux du miR-338-3p. Ce miARN intègre parfaitement les voies de signalisation de ces deux hormones dépendantes de l'AMP cyclique, afin de contrôler l'expression de nombreux gènes conduisant à son action biologique. Dans un projet ultérieur, notre objectif était de déterminer la contribution de miARNs dans l'acquisition de l'identité fonctionnelle des cellules bêta en période postnatale. En effet, directement après la naissance les cellules bêta sont reconnues pour être encore immatures et incapables de sécréter de l'insuline spécifiquement en réponse à l'élévation de la glycémie. Au contraire, la réponse insulinique induite par les acides aminés ainsi que la biosynthèse d'insuline sont déjà fonctionnelles. Nos recherches ont permis de montrer que les changements de miARNs corrélés avec l'apparition du phénotype sécrétoire en réponse au glucose, sont régis par la composition nutritionnelle du régime alimentaire et des besoins en insuline qui en découlent. En parallèle, le taux de prolifération des cellules bêta est considérablement réduit. Les miARNs que nous avons étudiés coordonnent des changements d'expression de gènes clés impliqués dans l'acquisition de propriétés vitales de la cellule bêta et dans la maintenancé de son identité propre. Enfin, ces études ont permis de clairement démontrer l'importance des miARNs dans la régulation de la fonction des cellules bêta pancréatiques. -- Beta-cells are highly differentiated cells localized in the pancreatic islets and are characterized by the unique property of secreting insulin in response to nutrient stimulation after meal intake. Insulin is then in charge of facilitating glucose uptake by insulin target tissues such as liver, adipose tissue and muscles. Despite insulin needs stay more or less constant throughout life of healthy individuals, there are circumstances such as during pregnancy or obesity which are associated to insulin resistance, where insulin needs are increased. In this context, defects in beta-cell function, sometimes associated with beta-cell loss, may result in the release of inappropriate amounts of insulin leading to chronic hyperglycemia, properly defined as type 2 diabetes mellitus. So far, the mechanisms underlying beta- cell compensation as well as beta-cell failure remain to be established. The recently discovered small non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) are emerging as interesting therapeutic targets and are bringing new hope for the treatment of diabetes. miRNAs display a massive potential in regulating gene expression by directly binding to the 3'UTR of messenger RNAs and by inhibiting their translation and/or stability, enabling them to modify a wide range of biological functions. In view of this, we hypothesized that miRNAs may play an essential role in preserving the functional beta-cell mass and permitting to fight against beta-cell exhaustion and decompensation that can lead to diabetes development. In a first study, global profiling in pancreatic islets of pregnant rats, a model of insulin resistance, led to the identification of a set of differentially expressed miRNAs. Among them, miR-338- 3p was found to promote beta-cell proliferation and survival upon exposure of islet cells to pro- apoptotic stimuli such as saturated fatty acids or pro-inflammatory cytokines, without impairment in their capacity to release insulin. We also discovered that miR-338-3p changes are driven by two hormones, the estradiol and the incretin GLP1, both well known for their beneficial impact on beta- cell physiology. Consistently, we found that miR-338-3p integrates the cAMP-dependent signaling pathways regulated by these two hormones in order to control the expression of numerous genes and execute its biological functions. In a second project, we aimed at determining whether miRNAs contribute to the acquisition of beta-cell identity. Indeed, we confirmed that right after birth beta-cells are still immature and are unable to secrete insulin specifically in response to elevated concentrations of glucose. In contrast, amino acid-stimulated insulin release as well as insulin biosynthesis are already fully functional. In parallel, newborn beta-cells are proliferating intensively within the expanding pancreas. Interestingly, we demonstrated that the miRNA changes and the subsequent acquisition of glucose responsiveness is influenced by the diet composition and the resulting insulin needs. At the same time, beta-cell proliferation declines. The miRNAs that we have identified orchestrate expression changes of essential genes involved in the acquisition of specific beta-cell properties and in the maintenance of a mature beta-cell identity. Altogether, these studies clearly demonstrate that miRNAs play important roles in the regulation of beta-cell function.


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In response to stress or injury the heart undergoes a pathological remodeling process, associated with hypertrophy, cardiomyocyte death and fibrosis, that ultimately causes cardiac dysfunction and heart failure. It has become increasingly clear that signaling events associated with these pathological cardiac remodeling events are regulated by scaffolding and anchoring proteins, which allow coordination of pathological signals in space and time. A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) constitute a family of functionally related proteins that organize multiprotein signaling complexes that tether the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) as well as other signaling enzymes to ensure integration and processing of multiple signaling pathways. This review will discuss the role of AKAPs in the cardiac response to stress. Particular emphasis will be given to the adaptative process associated with cardiac hypoxia as well as the remodeling events linked to cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cardiomyocyte Biology: Cardiac Pathways of Differentiation, Metabolism and Contraction.


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This project consists of a study of the settlement of population during the Late Republican period in the Camp de Tarragona, an extensive agricultural plain in the shape of a crescent moon opening out towards the sea which constitutes the area of land in closest proximity to the capital, Tarraco. It does not therefore include the entirety of the ager Tarraconensis, which covered a considerably larger area. After reviewing the preceding Iberian presence in the area, the study focuses on the archaeological evidence corroborating the settlement of population referred to above and its evolution during the course of the two centuries prior to the rule of Augustus. Attention is also given to certain speciic themes, such as the centuriation of certain sectors, the presence of military checkpoints, the production of ceramics during the Republican period (at Fontscaldes and Valls) and the appearance of the irst Roman villas (El Moro and El Mas d’en Gras).


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RÉSUMÉ Les protéines d'ancrage de la protéine kinase A (AKAPs) constituent une grande famille de protéines qui ciblent la protéine kinase A (PKA) à proximité de ses substrats physiologiques pour assurer leur régulation. Une nouvelle protéine de cette famille, appelée AKAP-Lbc, a été récemment caractérisée et fonctionne comme un facteur d'échange de nucléotides guanine (GEF) pour la petite GTPase Rho. AKAP-Lbc est régulée par différents signaux qui activent et désactivent son activité Rho-GEF. Son activation est assurée par la sous-unité alpha de la protéine G hétérotrimérique G12, tandis que son inhibition dépend de son interaction avec la PKA et 14-3-3. AKAP-Lbc est principalement exprimée dans le coeur et pourrait réguler des processus importants tels que l'hypertrophie et la différenciation des cardiomyocytes. Ainsi, il est crucial d'élucider les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation de son activité Rho-GEF. Le but général de ce travail de thèse est la caractérisation de deux nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de l'activité de AKAP-Lbc. Le premier mécanisme consiste en la régulation de l'activité de AKAP-Lbc par son homo-oligomérisation. Mes travaux montrent que l'homo-oligomérisation maintient AKAP-Lbc inactive, dans une conformation permettant à la PKA ancrée et à 14-3-3 d'exercer leur effet inhibiteur sur l'activité de AKAP-Lbc. Le second mécanisme concerne la régulation de l'activité de AKAP-Lbc via une nouvelle interaction entre AKAP-Lbc et la protéine LC3. LC3 joue un rôle crucial dans l'autophagie, un processus cellulaire qui adresse les protéines cytoplasmiques au lysosome pour leur dégradation. Ce mécanisme est particulièrement important pour le survie des cardiomyocytes durant les périodes d'absence de nutriments. Mes travaux mettent en évidence que LC3 inhibe l'activité Rho-GEF de AKAP-Lbc, ce qui suggère que, au-delà son rôle bien établi dans l'autophagie, LC3 participerait à la régulation de la signalisation de Rho. Prises ensembles, ces études contribuent à comprendre comment le complexe de signalisation formé par AKAP-Lbc régule la signalisation de Rho dans les cellules. Au-delà de leur intérêt au niveau biochimique, ces travaux pourraient aussi contribuer à élucider les réseaux de signalisation qui régulent des phénomènes physiologiques dans le coeur. ABSTRACT A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) are a group of functionally related proteins, which target the cAMP dependent protein kinase A (PKA) in close proximity to its physiological substrates for ensuring their regulation. A novel PKA anchoring protein, termed AKAP-Lbc, has been recently characterized, which also functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the small GTPase Rho. AKAP-Lbc is regulated in a bi-directional manner by signals which activate or deactivate its Rho-GEF activity. Activation is mediated by the alpha subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein G12, whereas inhibition occurs following its interaction with PKA and 14-3-3. AKAP-Lbc is predominantly expressed in the heart and might regulate important processes such as hypertrophy and differentiation of cardiomyocytes. Therefore ít is crucial to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of the Rho-GEF activity of AKAP-Lbc. The general aim of the present thesis work is the characterization of two novel molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of the Rho-GEF activity of AKAP-Lbc. The first mechanism consists of the. regulation of AKAP-Lbc activity through its homooligomerization. I report here that homo-oligomerization maintains AKAP-Lbc inactive, under a conformation suitable for ensuring the inhibitory effect of anchored PKA and 14-33 on AKAP-Lbc activity. The second mechanism concerns the regulation of AKAP-Lbc activity through a novel interaction between AKAP-Lbc and ubiquitin-like protein LC3. LC3 is a key mediator of autophagy, which is a cellular process that targets cytosolic proteins to the lysosome for degradation. This process is particularly important for cardiomyocyte survival during conditions of nutrient starvation. Here, I show that LC3 is a negative regulator of the Rho-GEF activity of AKAP-Lbc, which suggests that, beyond its well established role in autophagy, LC3 can participate in the regulation of Rho signaling in cells. Overall, these findings contribute to understand how the AKAP-Lbc signaling complex can regulate the Rho signaling in cells. Beyond its interest at the biochemical level, this work might also contribute to elucidate the signaling network that regulate physiological events in the heart.


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CREB is a cAMP-responsive nuclear DNA-binding protein that binds to cAMP response elements and stimulates gene transcription upon activation of the cAMP signalling pathway. The protein consists of an amino-terminal transcriptional transactivation domain and a carboxyl-terminal DNA-binding domain (bZIP domain) comprised of a basic region and a leucine zipper involved in DNA recognition and dimerization, respectively. Recently, we discovered a testis-specific transcript of CREB that contains an alternatively spliced exon encoding multiple stop codons. CREB encoded by this transcript is a truncated protein lacking the bZIP domain. We postulated that the antigen detected by CREB antiserum in the cytoplasm of germinal cells is the truncated CREB that must also lack its nuclear translocation signal (NTS). To test this hypothesis we prepared multiple expression plasmids encoding carboxyl-terminal deletions of CREB and transiently expressed them in COS-1 cells. By Western immunoblot analysis as well as immunocytochemistry of transfected cells, we show that CREB proteins truncated to amino acid 286 or shorter are sequestered in the cytoplasm, whereas a CREB of 295 amino acids is translocated into the nucleus. Chimeric CREBs containing a heterologous NTS fused to the first 248 or 261 amino acids of CREB are able to drive the translocation of the protein into the nucleus. Thus, the nine amino acids in the basic region involved in DNA recognition between positions 287 and 295 (RRKKKEYVK) of CREB contain the NTS. Further, mutation of the lysine at position 290 in CREB to an asparagine diminishes nuclear translocation of the protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) target the cAMP-regulated protein kinase (PKA) to its physiological substrates. We recently identified a novel anchoring protein, called AKAP-Lbc, which functions as a PKA-targeting protein as well as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for RhoA. We demonstrated that AKAP-Lbc Rho-GEF activity is stimulated by the alpha subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein G12. Here, we identified 14-3-3 as a novel regulatory protein interacting with AKAP-Lbc. Elevation of the cellular concentration of cAMP activates the PKA holoenzyme anchored to AKAP-Lbc, which phosphorylates the anchoring protein on the serine 1565. This phosphorylation event induces the recruitment of 14-3-3, which inhibits the Rho-GEF activity of AKAP-Lbc. AKAP-Lbc mutants that fail to interact with PKA or with 14-3-3 show a higher basal Rho-GEF activity as compared to the wild-type protein. This suggests that, under basal conditions, 14-3-3 maintains AKAP-Lbc in an inactive state. Therefore, while it is known that AKAP-Lbc activity can be stimulated by Galpha12, in this study we demonstrated that it is inhibited by the anchoring of both PKA and 14-3-3.


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Cells couple their growth and division rate in response to nutrient availability to maintain a constant size. This co-ordination happens either at the G1-S or the G2-M transition of the cell cycle. In the rod-shaped fission yeast, size regulation happens at the G2-M transition prior to mitotic commitment. Recent studies have focused on the role of the DYRK-family protein kinase Pom1, which forms gradients emanating from cell poles and inhibits the mitotic activator kinase Cdr2, present at the cell middle. Pom1 was proposed to inhibit Cdr2 until cells reached a critical size before division. However when and where Pom1 inhibits Cdr2 is not clear as medial Pom1 levels do not change during cell elongation. Here I show that Pom1 gradients are susceptible to environmental changes in glucose. Specifically, upon glucose limitation, Pom1 re-localizes from the poles to the cell sides where it delays mitosis through regulating Cdr2. This re-localization occurs due to microtubule de- stabilization and lateral catastrophes leading to transient deposition of the Pom1 gradient nucleator Tea4 along the cell cortex. As Tea4 localization to cell sides is sufficient to recruit Pom1, this explains the mechanism of Pom1 re-localization. Microtubule destabilization and consequently Tea4 and Pom1 spread depends on the activity of the cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase A (PKA/Pka1), as pka1 mutant cells have stable microtubules and retain polar Tea4 and Pom1 under limited glucose. PKA signaling negatively regulates the microtubule rescue factor CLASP/Cls1, thus reducing its ability to stabilize microtubules. Thus PKA signaling tunes CLASP activity to promote microtubule de-stabilization and Pom1 re-localization upon glucose limitation. I show that the side-localized Pom1 delays mitosis and balances the role of the mitosis promoting, mitogen-associated protein kinase (MAPK) protein Sty1. Thus Pom1 re-localization may serve to buffer cell size upon glucose limitation. -- Afin de maintenir une taille constante, les cellules régulent leur croissance ainsi que leur taux de division selon les nutriments disponibles dans le milieu. Dans la levure fissipare, cette régulation de la taille précède l'engagement mitotique et se fait à la transition entre les phases G2 à M du cycle cellulaire. Des études récentes se sont focalisées sur le rôle de la protéine Pom1, membre de la famille des DYRK kinase. Celle-ci forme un gradient provenant des pôles de la cellule et inhibe l'activateur mitotique Cdr2 présent au centre de la cellule. Le model propose que Pom1 inhibe Cdr2 jusqu'à atteindre une taille critique avant la division. Cependant quand et à quel endroit dans la cellulle Pom1 inhibe Cdr2 n'était pas clair car les niveaux médians de Pom1 ne changent pas au cours de la l'élongation des cellules. Dans cette étude, je montre que les gradients de Pom1 sont sensibles aux changements environnementaux du taux de glucose. Plus spécifiquement, en conditions limitantes de glucose, Pom1 se relocalise des pôles de la cellule pour se distribuer sur les côtés de celle-ci. Par conséquent, un délai d'entrée en mitose est observé dû à l'inhibition Cdr2 par Pom1. Cette délocalisation est due à la déstabilisation des microtubules qui va conduire à une déposition transitoire de Tea4, le nucléateur du gradient de Pom1, tout au long du cortex de la cellule. Comme la localisation de Tea4 sur les côtés de la cellule est suffisante pour recruter la protéine Pom1, ceci explique le mécanisme de relocalisation de celle-ci. La déstabilisation des microtubules et par conséquent la diffusion de Tea4 et Pom1 dépendent de l'activité de la protéine kinase A dépendante de l'AMP cyclique (PKA/Pka1). En absence de pka1, la stabilité des microtubules n'est pas affectée ce qui permet la rétention de Tea4 et Pom1 aux pôles de la cellule même en conditions limitantes de glucose. La signalisation via PKA régule négativement le facteur de sauvetage des microtubules CLASP/Cls1 et permet donc de réduire sa fonction de déstabilisation des microtubules. Ainsi la signalisation via PKA affine l'activité des CLASP pour promouvoir la déstabilisation des microtubules et la relocalisation de Pom1 en conditions limitantes de glucose. Je montre que la localisation sur les côtés retarde l'entrée en mitose et compense l'action de la protéine Sty1, connue pour être une MAPK qui induit l'entrée en mitose. Ainsi, la relocalisation de Pom1 pourrait servir à tamponner la taille de la cellule en condition limitantes de glucose. -- Various cell types in the environment such as bacterial, plant or animal cells have a distinct cellular size. Maintaining a constant cell size is important for fitness in unicellular organisms and for diverse functions in multicellular organisms. Cells regulate their size by coordinating their growth rate to their division rate. This coupling is important otherwise cells would get progressively smaller or larger after each successive cell cycle. In their natural environment cells may face fluctuations in the available nutrient supply. Thus cells have to coordinate their division rate to the variable growth rates shown under different nutrient conditions. During my PhD, I worked with a single-celled rod shaped yeast called the fission yeast. These cells are longer when the nutrient supply is abundant and shorter when the nutrient supply is scarce. A protein that senses changes in the external carbon source (glucose) is called Protein Kinase A (PKA). The rod shape of fission yeast cells is maintained thanks to a structural backbone called the cytoskeleton. One of the components of this backbone is called microtubules, which are small tube like structures spanning the length of the cell. They transport a protein called Tea4, which in turn is important for the proper localization of another protein Pom1 to the cell ends. Pom1 helps to maintain proper shape and size of these rod shaped yeast cells. My thesis work showed that upon reduction in the external nutrient (glucose) levels, microtubules become less stable and show an alteration in their organization. A significant percentage of the microtubules contact the side of the cell instead of touching only the cell tip. This leads to the spreading of the protein Pom1 away from the tips all around the cell periphery. This helps fission yeast cells to maintain the proper size required under these conditions of limited glucose supply. I further showed that the protein PKA regulates microtubule stability and organization and thus Pom1 spreading and maintenance of proper cell size. Thus my work led to the discovery of a novel pathway by which fission yeast cells maintain their size under limited supply of glucose. -- Divers types cellulaires dans l'environnement tels que les bactéries, les plantes ou les cellules animales ont une taille précise. Le maintien d'une taille cellulaire constante est importante pour le fitness des organismes unicellulaire ainsi que pour multiples fonctions dans les organismes multicellulaires. Les cellules régulent leur taille en coordonnant le taux de croissance avec le taux de division. Ce couplage est essentiel sinon les cellules deviendraient progressivement plus petites ou plus grandes après chaque cycle cellulaire. Dans leur habitat naturels les cellules peuvent faire face a des fluctuations dans le taux de nutriment disponible. Les cellules doivent donc coordonner leur taux de division aux taux variables de croissances perçus dans les différentes conditions nutritionnels. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai travaillée sur une levure unicellulaire, en forme de bâtonnet, nommé levure fissipare ou levure de fission. La taille de ces cellules est plus grande quand le taux de nutriments est grand et plus courte quand celui-ci est plus faible. Une protéine qui perçoit les changements dans le taux externe de la source de carbone (glucose) est nommée PKA pour protéine kinase A. La forme en bâtonnet de la cellule est due aux caractères structuraux du cytosquelette. Une composante importante de ce cytosquelette sont les microtubules, dont la structures ressemble à des petit tubes qui vont d'un bout à l'autre de la cellule. Ces microtubules transportent une protéine importante nommée Tea4 qui à leur tour importante pour la bonne localisation d'une autre protéine Pom1 aux extrémités de la cellule. La protéine Pom1 aide à maintenir la taille appropriée des levures fissipares. Mon travail de thèse a montré qu'en présence de taux faible de nutriments (glucose) les microtubules deviennent de moins en moins stables et montrent une désorganisation globale. Un pourcentage significatif des microtubules touche les côtés de la cellule aux lieu d'atteindre uniquement les extrémités. Ceci a pour conséquence une diffusion de Pom1 tout au long du cortex de la cellule. Ceci aide les levures fissipares à maintenir la taille appropriée pendant ce stress nutritionnel. De plus, je montre que PKA régule la stabilité et l'organisation des microtubules et par conséquent la diffusion de Pom1 et le maintien d'une taille constante. En conclusion, mon travail a conduit à la découverte d'un nouveau mécanisme par lequel la levure fissipare maintient sa taille dans des conditions limitantes en glucose.


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To determine if radiocontrast impairs vascular relaxation of the renal artery, segments (4-5 mm in length) of canine renal artery were suspended in vitro in organ chambers to measure isometric force (95% O2/5% CO2, at 37ºC). Arterial segments with and without endothelium were placed at the optimal point of their length-tension relation and incubated with 10 µM indomethacin to prevent synthesis of endogenous prostanoids. The presence of nonionic radiocontrast (iohexol, Omnipaque 350, 1 ml in 25 ml control solution, 4% (v/v)) did not alter endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine in rings precontracted with both norepinephrine and prostaglandin F2alpha (N = 6). When the rings were precontracted with prostaglandin F2alpha, the presence of ionic contrast did not inhibit the relaxation of the arteries. However, in canine renal arteries contracted with norepinephrine, the presence of ionic radiocontrast (diatrizoate meglumine and diatrizoate sodium, MD-76, 1 ml in 25 ml control solution, 4% (v/v)) inhibited relaxation in response to acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside (N = 6 in each group), and isoproterenol (N = 5; P < 0.05). Rings were relaxed less than 50% of norepinephrine contraction. Following removal of the contrast, vascular relaxation in response to the agonists returned to normal. These results indicate that ionic radiocontrast nonspecifically inhibits vasodilation (both cAMP-mediated and cGMP-mediated) of canine renal arteries contracted with norepinephrine. This reversible impairment of vasodilation could inhibit normal renal perfusion and act as a mechanism of renal failure following radiocontrast infusion. In the adopted experimental protocol the isoproterenol-induced relaxation of renal arteries precontracted with norepinephrine was more affected, suggesting a pivotal role of the cAMP system.


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The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the inclusion process at a Project Rainbow affiliated camp. Project Rainbow is a non-profit organization which promotes inclusion into children's camps in Ontario. This study was completed in order to provide stakeholders of the camping industry insight on how inclusive techniques can be implemented in residential camps. The researcher observed one camp's inclusion techniques for six days. The researcher observed three campers with disabilities and the camp staff and campers that interacted with them on a daily basis. While the researcher was at the camp, she interviewed nine staff members. The staff members consisted of the camp director, the inclusion coordinator, four camp counsellors, and three inclusion counsellors. An additional interview was conducted after arriving home from camp with the manager from Project Rainbow. The qualitative analysis program NVivo was used to help organize the analyzed data. The researcher found that in attempting to build a culture of inclusion, two important concepts are necessary. First, mutual leadership involved the camp director and Project Rainbow working together as a team to facilitate the inclusion process. Second, power of supportive relationships focused on inclusion being the responsibility of everyone, teamwork, and creating a welcoming environment. Hints at some potentially serious problems related to staff training, teamwork, and attitudes of non-disabled campers pointed to future research and policies which focus on the Ontario and Canadian Camping Associations' role in inclusion, in addition to camp in this study and Project Rainbow.


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A photograph of the female campers of July 1946 at Glen Bernard Camp on Lake Bernard. The group includes a wide range of ages and the girls are outside among the trees. The camp was started in the 1920s and became very popular. The photograph includes Anne McCordick, daughter of E.F. McCordick.


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Camp Niagara, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, was used as summer training grounds for the Second Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force at the start of World War I in 1914. In 1917, the Camp was used to train a group of expatriate Poles and Polish Americans who were recruited to serve in the war. Over 22, 000 volunteers of the Polish diaspora from across Canada and the United States trained at Camp Niagara, known to them as Camp Kosciuszko.