673 resultados para tetraspore progeny


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An example of the evolution of the interacting behaviours of parents and progeny is studied using iterative equations linking the frequencies of the gametes produced by the progeny to the frequencies of the gametes in the parental generation. This population genetics approach shows that a model in which both behaviours are determined by a single locus can lead to a stable equilibrium in which the two behaviours continue to segregate. A model in which the behaviours are determined by genes at two separate loci leads eventually to fixation of the alleles at both loci but this can take many generations of selection. Models of the type described in this paper will be needed to understand the evolution of complex behaviour when genomic or experimental information is available about the genetic determinants of behaviour and the selective values of different genomes. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An apple rootstock progeny raised from the cross between the very dwarfing ‘M.27’ and the more vigorous ‘M.116’ (‘M.M.106’ × ‘M.27’) was used for the construction of a linkage map comprising a total of 324 loci: 252 previously mapped SSRs, 71 newly characterised or previously unmapped SSR loci (including 36 amplified by 33 out of the 35 novel markers reported here), and the self-incompatibility locus. The map spanned the 17 linkage groups (LG) expected for apple covering a genetic distance of 1,229.5 cM, an estimated 91% of the Malus genome. Linkage groups were well populated and, although marker density ranged from 2.3 to 6.2 cM/SSR, just 15 gaps of more than 15 cM were observed. Moreover, only 17.5% of markers displayed segregation distortion and, unsurprisingly in a semi-compatible backcross, distortion was particularly pronounced surrounding the self-incompatibility locus (S) at the bottom of LG17. DNA sequences of 273 SSR markers and the S locus, representing a total of 314 loci in this investigation, were used to anchor to the ‘Golden Delicious’ genome sequence. More than 260 of these loci were located on the expected pseudo-chromosome on the ‘Golden Delicious’ genome or on its homeologous pseudo-chromosome. In total, 282.4 Mbp of sequence from 142 genome sequence scaffolds of the Malus genome were anchored to the ‘M.27’ × ‘M.116’ map, providing an interface between the marker data and the underlying genome sequence. This will be exploited for the identification of genes responsible for traits of agronomic importance such as dwarfing and water use efficiency.


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Background A whole-genome genotyping array has previously been developed for Malus using SNP data from 28 Malus genotypes. This array offers the prospect of high throughput genotyping and linkage map development for any given Malus progeny. To test the applicability of the array for mapping in diverse Malus genotypes, we applied the array to the construction of a SNPbased linkage map of an apple rootstock progeny. Results Of the 7,867 Malus SNP markers on the array, 1,823 (23.2 %) were heterozygous in one of the two parents of the progeny, 1,007 (12.8 %) were heterozygous in both parental genotypes, whilst just 2.8 % of the 921 Pyrus SNPs were heterozygous. A linkage map spanning 1,282.2 cM was produced comprising 2,272 SNP markers, 306 SSR markers and the S-locus. The length of the M432 linkage map was increased by 52.7 cM with the addition of the SNP markers, whilst marker density increased from 3.8 cM/marker to 0.5 cM/marker. Just three regions in excess of 10 cM remain where no markers were mapped. We compared the positions of the mapped SNP markers on the M432 map with their predicted positions on the ‘Golden Delicious’ genome sequence. A total of 311 markers (13.7 % of all mapped markers) mapped to positions that conflicted with their predicted positions on the ‘Golden Delicious’ pseudo-chromosomes, indicating the presence of paralogous genomic regions or misassignments of genome sequence contigs during the assembly and anchoring of the genome sequence. Conclusions We incorporated data for the 2,272 SNP markers onto the map of the M432 progeny and have presented the most complete and saturated map of the full 17 linkage groups of M. pumila to date. The data were generated rapidly in a high-throughput semi-automated pipeline, permitting significant savings in time and cost over linkage map construction using microsatellites. The application of the array will permit linkage maps to be developed for QTL analyses in a cost-effective manner, and the identification of SNPs that have been assigned erroneous positions on the ‘Golden Delicious’ reference sequence will assist in the continued improvement of the genome sequence assembly for that variety.


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A Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) progeny trial was established in 1990, in the southwestern part of Sweden. The offspring was from 30 plus trees. The trial is located on abandoned agricultural land and has a single tree block design with a variation in spacing. The trial has been damaged by voles. At a tree age of ten years, growth, damages and branch properties were estimated. An analysis of variance on height, diameter and stem volume shows significant difference between spacing and progenies as well as interactions between these factors. As indicated by a better annual height increment and fewer and thinner branches at each whorl the densest spacing has the highest potential to produce quality logs.There were also differences between progenies in growth and quality traits. Some progenies combined good growth and branch characters with low mortality, straight stems and few damages. Other progenies had superior volume production.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Twenty two open-pollinated Hevea progenies from different parental clones of the Asian origin were tested at five sites in the Northwestern São Paulo State Brazil to investigate the progeny girth growth, rubber yield, bark thickness and plant height. Except for the rubber yield, the analysis of variance indicated highly significant (p<0.01) genotype x environment interaction and heterogeneity of regressions among the progenies. However, the regression stability analysis identified only a few interacting progenies which had regression coefficients significantly different from the expected value of one. The linear regressions of the progeny mean performance at each test on an environmental index (mean of all the progenies in each test) showed the general stability and adaptability of most selected Hevea progenies over the test environments. The few progenies which were responsive and high yielding on different test sites could be used to maximize the rubber cultivars productivity and to obtain the best use of the genetically improved stock under different environmental conditions.


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A combined method for evaluating radon (Rn-222) and progeny (Pb-214 and Bi-214) in water was developed by using inexpensive alpha scintillation Counting and gamma ray spectrometry through NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors. A groundwater sample collected at the Pocos de Caldas alkaline massif in Brazil was submitted to the technique in order to assure its applicability by comparing the volumetric activities by different methods. Similar volumetric activity was determined for Pb-214 and Bi-214 in the sample analyzed that is compatible with the expected condition of radioactive equilibrium between these nuclides. The combined method was successfully used to analyze groundwater samples from Guarani aquifer in S (a) over tildeo Paulo State, Brazil, and the results of the measurements indicated that Pb-214 and Bi-214 provide useful information concerning the evaluation of the drinking water quality in terms of radiological aspects. This is because they are directly identified in the water samples, without the need of requiring the assumption of the establishment of the transient equilibrium condition with its parent Rn-222. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Many water-supply systems in South America utilize the waters of the Guarani aquifer at least as part of their networks. However, there is little present knowledge in Brazil of the factors affecting Rn presence in the water supplied for end-users, despite the economic importance of Guarani aquifer. Rn-222 analyzes of 162 water samples were performed at 8 municipalities in São Paulo State, Brazil, with the aim of investigating the major factors affecting its presence in solution. The Rn-222 activity concentration ranged from 0.04 up to 204.9 Bq/L, with three samples exceeding the World Health Organization maximum limit of 100Bq/L. Aeration was confirmed as the most important factor for Rn release, as expected due to its gaseous nature. Accumulation in pipes and stratification in the water column were other significant factors explaining the data obtained in some circumstances. The Rn daughters Ph-214 and Bi-214 were also determined in a set of selected samples and their presence was directly related to the occurrence of Rn dissolved in water. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Genetic gains predicted for selection, based on both individual performance and progeny testing, were compared to provide information to be used in implementation of progeny testing for a Nelore cattle breeding program. The prediction of genetic gain based on progeny testing was obtained from a formula, derived from methodology of Young and weller (J. Genetics 57: 329-338, 1960) for two-stage selection, which allows prediction of genetic gain per generation when the individuals under test have been pre-selected on the basis of their own performance. The application of this formula also allowed determination of the number of progeny per tested bull needed to maximize genetic gain, when the total number of tested progeny is limited.


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A total of 116 goats originating from three heterozygous bucks for rob (5/15) were cytogenetically studied at Botucatu, Brazil. In the mating 59,XY,t(5/15) x 60,XX, the offspring karyotype proportion did not differ significantly from the expected ratio of 1 normal:1 heterozygous. In the mating 59,XY,t(5/15) x 59,XX,t(5/15) the observed proportion was 1 normal:2 heterozygous:1 homozygous, and in the mating 59,XY,t(5/15) X 58,XX,tt(5/15) the observed proportion was 1 heterozygous:1 homozygous. No animals had unbalanced karyotypes and no differences in the weight at birth of normal, heterozygous and homozygous kids were observed (P > 0.10).