910 resultados para test case generation


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This paper describes the use of the Euler equations for the generation and testing of tabular aerodynamic models for flight dynamics analysis. Maneuvers for the AGARD Standard Dynamics Model sharp leading-edge wind-tunnel geometry are considered as a test case. Wind-tunnel data is first used to validate the prediction of static and dynamic coefficients at both low and high angles, featuring complex vortical flow, with good agreement obtained at low to moderate angles of attack. Then the generation of aerodynamic tables is described based on a data fusion approach. Time-optimal maneuvers are generated based on these tables, including level flight trim, pull-ups at constant and varying incidence, and level and 90 degrees turns. The maneuver definition includes the aircraft states and also the control deflections to achieve the motion. The main point of the paper is then to assess the validity of the aerodynamic tables which were used to define the maneuvers. This is done by replaying them, including the control surface motions, through the time accurate computational fluid dynamics code. The resulting forces and moments are compared with the tabular values to assess the presence of inadequately modeled dynamic or unsteady effects. The agreement between the tables and the replay is demonstrated for slow maneuvers. Increasing rate maneuvers show discrepancies which are ascribed to vortical flow hysteresis at the higher rate motions. The framework is suitable for application to more complex viscous flow models, and is powerful for the assessment of the validity of aerodynamics models of the type currently used for studies of flight dynamics.


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Background: Many deep-sea benthic animals occur in patchy distributions separated by thousands of kilometres, yet because deep-sea habitats are remote, little is known about their larval dispersal. Our novel method simulates dispersal by combining data from the Argo array of autonomous oceanographic probes, deep-sea ecological surveys, and comparative invertebrate physiology. The predicted particle tracks allow quantitative, testable predictions about the dispersal of benthic invertebrate larvae in the south-west Pacific. Principal Findings: In a test case presented here, using non-feeding, non-swimming (lecithotrophic trochophore) larvae of polyplacophoran molluscs (chitons), we show that the likely dispersal pathways in a single generation are significantly shorter than the distances between the three known population centres in our study region. The large-scale density of chiton populations throughout our study region is potentially much greater than present survey data suggest, with intermediate ‘stepping stone’ populations yet to be discovered. Conclusions/Significance: We present a new method that is broadly applicable to studies of the dispersal of deep-sea organisms. This test case demonstrates the power and potential applications of our new method, in generating quantitative, testable hypotheses at multiple levels to solve the mismatch between observed and expected distributions: probabilistic predictions of locations of intermediate populations, potential alternative dispersal mechanisms, and expected population genetic structure. The global Argo data have never previously been used to address benthic biology, and our method can be applied to any non-swimming larvae of the deep-sea, giving information upon dispersal corridors and population densities in habitats that remain intrinsically difficult to assess.


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Power Systems (PS), have been affected by substantial penetration of Distributed Generation (DG) and the operation in competitive environments. The future PS will have to deal with large-scale integration of DG and other distributed energy resources (DER), such as storage means, and provide to market agents the means to ensure a flexible and secure operation. Virtual power players (VPP) can aggregate a diversity of players, namely generators and consumers, and a diversity of energy resources, including electricity generation based on several technologies, storage and demand response. This paper proposes an artificial neural network (ANN) based methodology to support VPP resource schedule. The trained network is able to achieve good schedule results requiring modest computational means. A real data test case is presented.


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This paper presents a Unit Commitment model with reactive power compensation that has been solved by Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization techniques. The GA has been developed a computational tools programmed/coded in MATLAB. The main objective is to find the best generations scheduling whose active power losses are minimal and the reactive power to be compensated, subjected to the power system technical constraints. Those are: full AC power flow equations, active and reactive power generation constraints. All constraints that have been represented in the objective function are weighted with a penalty factors. The IEEE 14-bus system has been used as test case to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Results and conclusions are dully drawn.


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This thesis addresses the problem of categorizing natural objects. To provide a criteria for categorization we propose that the purpose of a categorization is to support the inference of unobserved properties of objects from the observed properties. Because no such set of categories can be constructed in an arbitrary world, we present the Principle of Natural Modes as a claim about the structure of the world. We first define an evaluation function that measures how well a set of categories supports the inference goals of the observer. Entropy measures for property uncertainty and category uncertainty are combined through a free parameter that reflects the goals of the observer. Natural categorizations are shown to be those that are stable with respect to this free parameter. The evaluation function is tested in the domain of leaves and is found to be sensitive to the structure of the natural categories corresponding to the different species. We next develop a categorization paradigm that utilizes the categorization evaluation function in recovering natural categories. A statistical hypothesis generation algorithm is presented that is shown to be an effective categorization procedure. Examples drawn from several natural domains are presented, including data known to be a difficult test case for numerical categorization techniques. We next extend the categorization paradigm such that multiple levels of natural categories are recovered; by means of recursively invoking the categorization procedure both the genera and species are recovered in a population of anaerobic bacteria. Finally, a method is presented for evaluating the utility of features in recovering natural categories. This method also provides a mechanism for determining which features are constrained by the different processes present in a multiple modal world.


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Accurate knowledge of species’ habitat associations is important for conservation planning and policy. Assessing habitat associations is a vital precursor to selecting appropriate indicator species for prioritising sites for conservation or assessing trends in habitat quality. However, much existing knowledge is based on qualitative expert opinion or local scale studies, and may not remain accurate across different spatial scales or geographic locations. Data from biological recording schemes have the potential to provide objective measures of habitat association, with the ability to account for spatial variation. We used data on 50 British butterfly species as a test case to investigate the correspondence of data-derived measures of habitat association with expert opinion, from two different butterfly recording schemes. One scheme collected large quantities of occurrence data (c. 3 million records) and the other, lower quantities of standardised monitoring data (c. 1400 sites). We used general linear mixed effects models to derive scores of association with broad-leaf woodland for both datasets and compared them with scores canvassed from experts. Scores derived from occurrence and abundance data both showed strongly positive correlations with expert opinion. However, only for occurrence data did these fell within the range of correlations between experts. Data-derived scores showed regional spatial variation in the strength of butterfly associations with broad-leaf woodland, with a significant latitudinal trend in 26% of species. Sub-sampling of the data suggested a mean sample size of 5000 occurrence records per species to gain an accurate estimation of habitat association, although habitat specialists are likely to be readily detected using several hundred records. Occurrence data from recording schemes can thus provide easily obtained, objective, quantitative measures of habitat association.


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Mutation testing has been used to assess the quality of test case suites by analyzing the ability in distinguishing the artifact under testing from a set of alternative artifacts, the so-called mutants. The mutants are generated from the artifact under testing by applying a set of mutant operators, which produce artifacts with simple syntactical differences. The mutant operators are usually based on typical errors that occur during the software development and can be related to a fault model. In this paper, we propose a language-named MuDeL (MUtant DEfinition Language)-for the definition of mutant operators, aiming not only at automating the mutant generation, but also at providing precision and formality to the operator definition. The proposed language is based on concepts from transformational and logical programming paradigms, as well as from context-free grammar theory. Denotational semantics formal framework is employed to define the semantics of the MuDeL language. We also describe a system-named mudelgen-developed to support the use of this language. An executable representation of the denotational semantics of the language is used to check the correctness of the implementation of mudelgen. At the very end, a mutant generator module is produced, which can be incorporated into a specific mutant tool/environment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Test is an area in system development. Test can be performed manually or automated. Test activities can be supported by Word documents and Excel sheets for documenting and executing test cases and as well for follow up, but there are also new test tools designed to support and facilitate the testing process and the activities of the test. This study has described manual test and identified strengths and weaknesses of manual testing with a testing tool called Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) and of manual testing using test cases and test log templates developed by the testers at Sogeti. The result that emerged from the problem and strength analysis and the analysis of literature studies and firsthand experiences (in terms of creating, documenting and executing test cases) addresses the issue of the following weaknesses and strengths. Strengths of the test tool is that it contains needed functionality all in one place and it is available when needed without having to open up other programs which saves many steps of activity. Strengths with test without the support of test tools is mainly that it is easy to learn and gives a good overview, easy to format text as desired and flexible to changes during execution of a test case. Weaknesses in test with the support of test tools include that it is difficult to get a good overview of the entire test case, that it is not possible to format the text in the test steps. It is as well not possible to modify the test steps during execution. It is also difficult to use some of the test design techniques of TMap, for example a checklist, when using the test tool MTM. Weaknesses with test without the support of the testing tool MTM is that the tester gets many more steps of activities to do compared to doing the same activities with the support of the testing tool MTM. There is more to remember because the documents the tester use are not directly linked. Altogether the strengths of the test tool stands out when it comes to supporting the testing process.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Entwicklung und Test einesneuartigen Interferometers mit zwei örtlich separierten,phasenkorrelierten Röntgenquellen zur Messung des Realteilsdes komplexen Brechungsindex von dünnen, freitragendenFolien beschrieben. Die Röntgenquellen sind zwei Folien, indenen relativistische Elektronen der Energie 855 MeVÜbergangsstrahlung erzeugen. Das am Mainzer Mikrotron MAMIrealisierte Interferometer besteht aus einer Berylliumfolieeiner Dicke von 10 Mikrometer und einer Nickel-Probefolieeiner Dicke von 2.1 Mikrometer. Die räumlichenInterferenzstrukturen werden als Funktion desFolienabstandes in einer ortsauflösenden pn-CCD nach derFourier-Analyse des Strahlungsimpulses mittels einesSilizium-Einkristallspektrometers gemessen. Die Phase derIntensitätsoszillationen enthält Informationen über dieDispersion, die die in der strahlaufwärtigen Folie erzeugteWelle in der strahlabwärtigen Probefolie erfährt. AlsFallstudie wurde die Dispersion von Nickel im Bereich um dieK-Absorptionskane bei 8333 eV, sowie bei Photonenenergien um9930 eV gemessen. Bei beiden Energien wurden deutlicheInterferenzstrukturen nachgewiesen, wobei die Kohärenz wegenWinkelmischungen mit steigendem Folienabstand bzw.Beobachtungswinkel abnimmt. Es wurden Anpassungen vonSimulationsrechnungen an die Messdaten durchgeführt, die diekohärenzvermindernden Effekte berücksichtigen. Aus diesenAnpassungen konnte bei beiden untersuchten Energien dieDispersion der Nickelprobe mit einer relativen Genauigkeitvon kleiner gleich 1.5 % in guter Übereinstimmung mit derLiteratur bestimmt werden.


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Pressure measurements on the surface of a 1:230 scale model of Bolund Island are presented. The model is smooth and no boundary layer generation has been considered since the experiment is designed as the simplest possible reference case. Measurement have been taken for a range of Reynolds numbers based on the average undisturbed wind speed U∞ and the maximum height of the island, h [1.7×104, 8.5×104], and for a range of wind directions. Four minutes time series of pressure in more than 400 points have been acquired and analysed to obtain the spatial distribution of both the time average and the variance of the pressure signal. The horizontal extension of the detachment bubble for the different Reynolds numbers and wind directions is identified by isobars and curves of constant value of pressure variance. The applicability of this technique for evaluating the horizontal topology of high turbulence regions associated to detachment bubbles after escarpments in potential wind farm sites is analysed. The results obtained shows that the behaviour of the mean pressure coefficient, Cp, the std. pressure coefficient, Cp, and the skewness of the pressure, Sp can be used to study the bubble over the island to a certain extent. This experiment is part of the set of different analysis on the Bolund test case that is being undertaken within WAUDIT project by the different scientific groups.


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Pressure measurements on the surface of a 1:230 scale model of Bolund Island are presented. The model is smooth and no boundary layer generation has been considered since the experiment is designed as the simplest possible reference case. Measurement have been taken for a range of Reynolds numbers based on the average undisturbed wind speed U? and the maximum height of the island, h [1.7×104 , 8.5×104], and for a range of wind directions. Four minutes time series of pressure in more than 400 points have been acquired and analysed to obtain the spatial distribution of both the time average and the variance of the pressure signal. The horizontal extension of the detachment bubble for the different Reynolds numbers and wind directions is identified by isobars and curves of constant value of pressure variance. The applicability of this technique for evaluating the horizontal topology of high turbulence regions associated to detachment bubbles after escarpments in potential wind farm sites is analysed. The results obtained shows that the behaviour of the mean pressure coefficient, Cp, the std. pressure coefficient, C?p, and the skewness of the pressure, Sp can be used to study the bubble over the island to a certain extent. This experiment is part of the set of different analysis on the Bolund test case that is being undertaken within WAUDIT project by the different scientific groups.


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Este trabalho propõe dois métodos para teste de sistemas de software: o primeiro extrai ideias de teste de um modelo desenvolvido em rede de Petri hierárquica e o segundo valida os resultados após a realização dos testes utilizando um modelo em OWL-S. Estes processos aumentam a qualidade do sistema desenvolvido ao reduzir o risco de uma cobertura insuficiente ou teste incompleto de uma funcionalidade. A primeira técnica apresentada consiste de cinco etapas: i) avaliação do sistema e identificação dos módulos e entidades separáveis, ii) levantamento dos estados e transições, iii) modelagem do sistema (bottom-up), iv) validação do modelo criado avaliando o fluxo de cada funcionalidade e v) extração dos casos de teste usando uma das três coberturas de teste apresentada. O segundo método deve ser aplicado após a realização dos testes e possui cinco passos: i) primeiro constrói-se um modelo em OWL (Web Ontology Language) do sistema contendo todas as informações significativas sobre as regras de negócio da aplicação, identificando as classes, propriedades e axiomas que o regem; ii) em seguida o status inicial antes da execução é representado no modelo através da inserção das instâncias (indivíduos) presentes; iii) após a execução dos casos de testes, a situação do modelo deve ser atualizada inserindo (sem apagar as instâncias já existentes) as instâncias que representam a nova situação da aplicação; iv) próximo passo consiste em utilizar um reasoner para fazer as inferências do modelo OWL verificando se o modelo mantém a consistência, ou seja, se não existem erros na aplicação; v) finalmente, as instâncias do status inicial são comparadas com as instâncias do status final, verificando se os elementos foram alterados, criados ou apagados corretamente. O processo proposto é indicado principalmente para testes funcionais de caixa-preta, mas pode ser facilmente adaptado para testes em caixa branca. Obtiveram-se casos de testes semelhantes aos que seriam obtidos em uma análise manual mantendo a mesma cobertura do sistema. A validação provou-se condizente com os resultados esperados, bem como o modelo ontológico mostrouse bem fácil e intuitivo para aplicar manutenções.


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Usually, data mining projects that are based on decision trees for classifying test cases will use the probabilities provided by these decision trees for ranking classified test cases. We have a need for a better method for ranking test cases that have already been classified by a binary decision tree because these probabilities are not always accurate and reliable enough. A reason for this is that the probability estimates computed by existing decision tree algorithms are always the same for all the different cases in a particular leaf of the decision tree. This is only one reason why the probability estimates given by decision tree algorithms can not be used as an accurate means of deciding if a test case has been correctly classified. Isabelle Alvarez has proposed a new method that could be used to rank the test cases that were classified by a binary decision tree [Alvarez, 2004]. In this paper we will give the results of a comparison of different ranking methods that are based on the probability estimate, the sensitivity of a particular case or both.


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Красимир Манев, Антон Желязков, Станимир Бойчев - В статията е представена имплементацията на последната фаза на автоматичен генератор на тестови данни за структурно тестване на софтуер, написан на обектно-ориентиран език за програмиране – генерирането на изходен код на тестващия модул. Някои детайли от имплементацията на останалите фази, които са важни за имплементацията на последната фаза, са представени първо. След това е описан и алгоритъмът за генериране на кода на тестващия модул.


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In this thesis, tool support is addressed for the combined disciplines of Model-based testing and performance testing. Model-based testing (MBT) utilizes abstract behavioral models to automate test generation, thus decreasing time and cost of test creation. MBT is a functional testing technique, thereby focusing on output, behavior, and functionality. Performance testing, however, is non-functional and is concerned with responsiveness and stability under various load conditions. MBPeT (Model-Based Performance evaluation Tool) is one such tool which utilizes probabilistic models, representing dynamic real-world user behavior patterns, to generate synthetic workload against a System Under Test and in turn carry out performance analysis based on key performance indicators (KPI). Developed at Åbo Akademi University, the MBPeT tool is currently comprised of a downloadable command-line based tool as well as a graphical user interface. The goal of this thesis project is two-fold: 1) to extend the existing MBPeT tool by deploying it as a web-based application, thereby removing the requirement of local installation, and 2) to design a user interface for this web application which will add new user interaction paradigms to the existing feature set of the tool. All phases of the MBPeT process will be realized via this single web deployment location including probabilistic model creation, test configurations, test session execution against a SUT with real-time monitoring of user configurable metric, and final test report generation and display. This web application (MBPeT Dashboard) is implemented with the Java programming language on top of the Vaadin framework for rich internet application development. The Vaadin framework handles the complicated web communications processes and front-end technologies, freeing developers to implement the business logic as well as the user interface in pure Java. A number of experiments are run in a case study environment to validate the functionality of the newly developed Dashboard application as well as the scalability of the solution implemented in handling multiple concurrent users. The results support a successful solution with regards to the functional and performance criteria defined, while improvements and optimizations are suggested to increase both of these factors.