739 resultados para temporomandibular disorders (TMD)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT


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Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are related to discomfort in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). These diseases are multifactorial and treatment usually requires a combination of different approaches because each patient presents with different and usually complex needs. It is necessary to know how each expert should plan for a successful treatment.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the orofacial complaints and characteristics of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) compared with controls. Study Design. We evaluated 25 patients diagnosed with FS compared with 25 gender-and age-matched controls by using a detailed clinical protocol for orofacial pain diagnosis and dental examination. Results. FS patients had a higher frequency of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), masticatory complaints, pain with mandibular movements, and pain upon palpation of the head and neck area. There were no significant differences related to the dental exam. Conclusions. Orofacial complaints including TMD may be present either as symptoms of FS or as a comorbidity associated with this condition. A comprehensive evaluation of patients with FS is necessary to identify the need for specific treatments for orofacial complaints. Future studies, especially those with longitudinal design, should clarify whether a cause-effect relationship exists between orofacial complaints and fibromyalgia. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:e29-e34)


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Purentaelimistön toimintahäiriöt (temporomandibular disorders,TMD) ovat kasvojen alueen yleisin kiputila. Sillä tarkoitetaan puremalihasten ja leukanivelten sekä niitä ympäröivien kudosten toimintahäiriöitä ja kiputiloja. TMD:hen liittyy usein samanaikaisia monien eri järjestelmien häiriöitä ja muita kipu- ja terveysongelmia. Purentaelimistön toimintahäiriöt voivat olla luonteeltaan ohimeneviä, mutta pieni osa potilaista kärsii kroonisesta kivusta ja hankalahoitoisesta tilasta. TMD-potilaiden diagnostiikan selkeyttämiseksi on kehitetty diagnostinen järjestelmä, Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD), jonka avulla voidaan selvittää potilaan somaattinen diagnoosi ja psykososiaalinen status. Lisäksi RDC/TMD:tä hyödyntäen voidaan potilaan toimintakyvyn arvioimiseksi laskea haitta-aste, jota voidaan käyttää apuna hoitojen räätälöinnissä. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella Tyksin suu- ja leukasairauksien klinikalle hoitoon lähetettyä potilasmateriaalia haitta-aste luokituksen valossa ja selvittää miten luokittelu ohjasi hoitojen räätälöintiä luokittelun käyttöönoton yhteydessä, ja millaisia tuloksia hoidoilla saavutettiin. Tutkielmassa perehdyttiin potilasaineiston määrään, hoidon vastuuhenkilöihin, potilaiden haitta-astejakaumaan, hoitojen räätälöintiin sekä saavutettuihin hoitotuloksiin. Tutkielman otannassa oli 39 potilasta, jotka oli lähetetty Tyksin suu- ja leukasairauksien poliklinikalle kasvojen alueen kipujen vuoksi 8/2013−4/2014 välisenä aikana. Potilaat täyttivät RDC/TMD:hen pohjautuvan kipukyselykaavakkeen, jonka perusteella hoidot räätälöitiin haitta-asteryhmittäin: ei haittaava TMD, lievästi haittaava TMD ja runsaasti haittaava TMD. Lisäksi potilaille lähetettiin seurantaa varten uusi kipukyselykaavake 2/2016. Alkutilanteessa ei haittaavaa TMD-kipua koki 35 %, lievästi haittaavaa 21 % ja runsaasti haittaavaa TMD-kipua 44 % potilaista. Runsaasti haittavasta TMD-kivusta kärsivät olivat psyykkisesti kuormittuneempia ja heillä oli enemmän muita kipuja kuin muilla potilailla. Tulokset olivat samankaltaisia kuin aiemmin kuvatulla erikoissairaanhoidon potilasmateriaalilla. Seuranta-ajan jälkeen runsaasti haittaavasta TMD:stä kärsivien potilaiden määrä oli vähentynyt merkittävästi, ja osalla potilaista kasvojen alueen kivut olivat kokonaan hävinneet. Terveyspalveluiden käyttö kaikissa potilasryhmissä oli vähentynyt merkittävästi.


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Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is characterized by a combination of symptoms affecting the temporomandibular joint and/or chewing muscles. The two most common clinical TMD symptoms are pain and dysfunction. Pain is usually caused by dysfunction, and emergency therapy has focused on controlling it. Recent investigations into TMD have led to the recommendation of antidepressants as a supporting treatment against constant neuralgic pain. The aim of this double-blind study was to verify the efficiency of antidepressants (amitriptyline) as a support in the treatment of chronic TMD pain. Twelve female volunteers presenting chronic TMD pain were divided into two groups and treated for 14 days: Group 1 with 25 mg/day of amitriptyline and Group 2 with a placebo. The intensity of pain and discomfort was evaluated daily, using a visual analog scale (VAS), over a period of seven days preceding the treatment (baseline), during the 14-day treatment, and for seven days after the treatment. The results revealed a significant reduction of pain and discomfort in Group 1 (75%) compared to Group 2 (28%) during the three weeks beginning at baseline (p< 0.01). Amitriptyline proved to be an efficient alternative treatment for chronic pain in TMD patients. Copyright © 2003 by CHROMA, Inc.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar a confiabilidade, da versão em português, do questionário para o diagnóstico psicológico e psicossocial dos indivíduos com desordens temporomandibulares (RDC/TMD). MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados 109 indivíduos, de ambos sexos, que demandaram atendimento junto à Clínica de Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário de Araraquara, de janeiro a julho de 2006. Os questionários foram aplicados por um único examinador. Após duas semanas, o mesmo foi reaplicado em 36 indivíduos. Para avaliação da consistência interna do método, utilizou-se o Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach; para análise da reprodutibilidade intra-examinador, o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ro) e a estatística Kappa (kapa), respectivamente às variáveis de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. RESULTADOS: A consistência interna para as dimensões intensidade da dor crônica e incapacidade; limitação da função mandibular; sintomas físicos não-específicos, incluindo os itens de dor; sintomas físicos não-específicos, excluindo os itens de dor e depressão foi de 0,8479, 0,8971, 0,8673, 0,8080 e 0,9270 respectivamente, atestando ao método excelente validade interna. Obteve-se excelente concordância intra-examinador para as questões referentes ao tempo de presença da dor e sua gradação, e boa para a questão referente à dor presente. Os menores valores de kapa relacionaram-se aos itens de sintomas físicos e depressão. A percepção de estalos ou rangidos pelos indivíduos apresentou concordância regular bem como a questão referente à procura de profissional para tratamento da dor. As demais questões apresentaram reprodutibilidade boa e ótima, sendo que a maioria dessas apresentou nível máximo de concordância. CONCLUSÃO: A versão adaptada para o português mostrou-se confiável para detecção das alterações psicológicas e psicossociais associadas às desordens temporomandibulares.


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Even nowadays there is in Brasil a large number of edentulous and a precarious financial condition of most of the population. In addition, World Health Organization aims for oral health, which consists on the maintenance of a natural dentition, functional and aesthetic composed of at least 20 teeth, without need of prosthetic intervention throughout life. From this and considering the lack of researches about the permanence of edentulous spaces in the oral cavity, and also avoiding overtreatment, this research has been proposed. Thus, the aim was to evaluate the effect of different lengths of the shortened lower dental arch in the presence or absence of a removable partial denture (RPD) on masticatory function, quality of life and occurrence of temporomandibular dysfunction. To achieve this goal, we compared the masticatory efficiency (colorimetric test), the oral comfort through the analysis of the impact of oral health in quality of life (OHIP-14), the presence of temporomandibular dysfunction (RDC/TMD) and the general quality of life (WHOQOL) of patients with shortened dental arches (SDA) (n=60), which is an arch with a reduction of teeth starting posteriorly, and patients with complete dental arch (Complete DA) (n = 34). The group of patients whit SDA was divided among PPR wears (PPD + SDA) (n = 17) and non-wears (n = 43). The population of this study consisted on patients who received or looked for treatment at the clinics of the Department of Dentistry of UFRN, from clinical analysis and records. The sample was chosen by convenience. For statistical analysis, it was a database in SPSS 17.0, followed by descriptive analysis with frequencies, absolute values, tests of central tendency and variability. The statistical tests used were chi-squared and analysis of variance as well as Tukey s post test, when applicable, all with a 95% confidence level. The results shown a prevalence of TMD of 47,1% among patients using PRP and 69,8% among those who didn t, but this result wasn t statistically significant. The mean of the results of masticatory efficiency, WHOQOL and OHIP didn t show association to the presence or absence of PPR and to the lower number of occlusal units of the patients (0, 1, 2 or more occlusal). The association only occurred among the different groups of SDA and the patients with complete dental arch. Taking into account the results, it could be observed that studied patients with low posterior support using lower PRP didn t have better masticatory efficiency, general quality of life, less impacts of their oral conditions in quality of life or not even less temporomandibular dysfunction or better masticatory efficiency when compared to those who didn t use the prosthesis


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The epidemiology of temporomandibular disorders varies widely in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of TMD in dental students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte assessed by different indexes. The sample consisted of 101 individuals selected by a randomized process, whose general outline was systematic sampling. For evaluation of the signs and symptoms of TMD, an anamnestic index, Fonseca s protocol, and two clinical indexes, the RDC/TMD (Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders), or standard index, and the Helkimo s Clinical Dysfunction Index were applied. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and kappa, besides verifying the sensitivity and specificity (5% significance). The diagnosis of TMD by different indexes showed a variation in the prevalence between 72.3% (Helkimo s Clinical index), 64.4% (Fonseca s anamnestic index) and 35.6% (RDC/TMD). There was no statistical difference between the sexes for the RDC/TMD, although this difference was found for Fonseca s and Helkimo s indexes (p<0.05). The most frequent type of TMD were joint disorders (Groups II and III), and the subtypes disc displacement with reduction (17.8%) and arthralgia (15.8%). Most individuals showed a mild TMD (45.5%) for both indexes, Fonseca and Helkimo. When comparing the types of diagnoses, RDC/TMD with Fonseca and Helkimo, low agreement was found (k=0.17 and k= 0.35, respectively). A moderate correlation between the severity of TMD was obtained (kw= 0.53) for Fonseca s protocol and Helkimo s index. High sensitivity and low specificity were seen for both diagnoses compared to standard, resulting in excessive false positives. Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that the prevalence of TMD can vary widely, depending on the index used for its diagnosis


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Aims: To compare kinematic parameters (ie, amplitude, velocity, cycle frequency) of chewing and pain characteristics in a group of female myofascial temporomandibular disorder (TMD) patients with an age-matched control female group, and to study correlations between psychological variables and kinematic variables of chewing. Methods: Twenty-nine female participants were recruited. All participants were categorized according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) into control (n = 14, mean age 28.9 years, SD 5.0 years) or TMD (n = 15, mean age 31.3 years, SD 10.7) groups. Jaw movements were recorded during free gum chewing and chewing standardized for timing. Patients completed the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales (DASS-42), the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), the Fear of Pain Questionnaire-III (FPQ-III), and the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ). Statistical analyses involved evaluation for group differences, and correlations between kinematic variables and psychological questionnaire scores (eg, depression, anxiety, stress) and pain intensity ratings. Results: Velocity and amplitude of standardized (but not free) chewing were significantly greater (P < .05) in the TMD group than the control group. There were significant (P < .05) positive correlations between pain intensity ratings and velocity and amplitude of standardized chewing but not free chewing. There were significant (P < .05) positive correlations between depression and jaw amplitude and stress and jaw velocity for standardized but not free chewing. Conclusion: This exploratory study has provided data suggesting that psychological factors, manifesting in depression and stress, play a role in influencing the association between pain and motor activity. J OROFAC PAIN 2011;25:56-67


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Loss of function, muscle inflammation, and pain are some of the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Pharmacological strategies to minimize the clinical manifestation of these disorders often focus on blocking or inhibiting the pain-causing symptom. Resources such as muscle-relaxants, anxiety-relief drugs, and splint therapy are often used to reduce muscular hyperactivity related to TMD muscle pain. This study compares the effect of a randomly ordered association of occlusal splint therapy (S), nonsteroid anti-inflammatory with a muscle-relaxant drug (orphenadrine citrate) (O), and an anxiety-relief drug (benzodiazepine) (B), to ease painful TMD muscle symptoms. Clinical and anamnestic analyses were recorded in accordance with the Helkimo TMD index and applied before and after treatments. Twenty-one group two Helkimo TMD adult female patients were treated, all of whom were subjected to the three random therapeutic associations proposed: SBO, BOS, and OSB. The same operator applied the three specific associations over a period of 21 days in the proposed sequence, seven days for each therapy. The results show that all the groups presented the best results in terms of relief from pain after the therapeutic association (28.5% showed a decrease and 47.6% showed an absence of symptoms). No significant difference was observed among association therapeutic protocols. Copyright © 2003 by CHROMA, Inc.