977 resultados para tastiera virtuale Android Arduino Due virtual keyboard


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Retinal blurring resulting from the human eye's depth of focus has been shown to assist visual perception. Infinite focal depth within stereoscopically displayed virtual environments may cause undesirable effects, for instance, objects positioned at a distance in front of or behind the observer's fixation point will be perceived in sharp focus with large disparities thereby causing diplopia. Although published research on incorporation of synthetically generated Depth of Field (DoF) suggests that this might act as an enhancement to perceived image quality, no quantitative testimonies of perceptional performance gains exist. This may be due to the difficulty of dynamic generation of synthetic DoF where focal distance is actively linked to fixation distance. In this paper, such a system is described. A desktop stereographic display is used to project a virtual scene in which synthetically generated DoF is actively controlled from vergence-derived distance. A performance evaluation experiment on this system which involved subjects carrying out observations in a spatially complex virtual environment was undertaken. The virtual environment consisted of components interconnected by pipes on a distractive background. The subject was tasked with making an observation based on the connectivity of the components. The effects of focal depth variation in static and actively controlled focal distance conditions were investigated. The results and analysis are presented which show that performance gains may be achieved by addition of synthetic DoF. The merits of the application of synthetic DoF are discussed.


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Research to date has tended to concentrate on bandwidth considerations to increase scalability in distributed interactive simulation and virtual reality systems. This paper proposes that the major concern for latency in user interaction is that of the fundamental limit of communication rate due to the speed of light. Causal volumes and surfaces are introduced as a model of the limitations of causality caused by this fundamental delay. The concept of virtual world critical speed is introduced, which can be determined from the causal surface. The implications of the critical speed are discussed, and relativistic dynamics are used to constrain the object speed, in the same way speeds are bounded in the real world.


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Dynamic multi-user interactions in a single networked virtual environment suffer from abrupt state transition problems due to communication delays arising from network latency--an action by one user only becoming apparent to another user after the communication delay. This results in a temporal suspension of the environment for the duration of the delay--the virtual world `hangs'--followed by an abrupt jump to make up for the time lost due to the delay so that the current state of the virtual world is displayed. These discontinuities appear unnatural and disconcerting to the users. This paper proposes a novel method of warping times associated with users to ensure that each user views a continuous version of the virtual world, such that no hangs or jumps occur despite other user interactions. Objects passed between users within the environment are parameterized, not by real time, but by a virtual local time, generated by continuously warping real time. This virtual time periodically realigns itself with real time as the virtual environment evolves. The concept of a local user dynamically warping the local time is also introduced. As a result, the users are shielded from viewing discontinuities within their virtual worlds, consequently enhancing the realism of the virtual environment.


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Cooperative spontaneous emission of a single photon from a cloud of N atoms modifies substantially the radiation pressure exerted by a far-detuned laser beam exciting the atoms. On one hand, the force induced by photon absorption depends on the collective decay rate of the excited atomic state. On the other hand, directional spontaneous emission counteracts the recoil induced by the absorption. We derive an analytical expression for the radiation pressure in steady-state. For a smooth extended atomic distribution we show that the radiation pressure depends on the atom number via cooperative scattering and that, for certain atom numbers, it can be suppressed or enhanced. Cooperative scattering of light by extended atomic clouds can become important in the presence of quasi-resonant light and could be addressed in many cold atoms experiments.


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Det mobila operativsystemet Android är idag ett ganska dominerande operativsystem på den mobila marknaden dels på grund av sin öppenhet men också på grund av att tillgängligheten är stor i och med både billiga och dyra telefoner finns att tillgå. Men idag har Android inget fördefinierat designmönster vilket leder till att varje utvecklare får bestämma själv vad som ska användas, vilket ibland kan leda till onödigt komplex kod i applikationerna som sen blir svårtestad och svårhanterlig. Detta arbete ämnar jämföra två designmönster, Passive Model View Controller (PMVC) och Model View View-Model (MVVM), för att se vilket designmönster som blir minst komplext med hjälp av att räkna fram mätvärden med hjälp av Cyclomatic Complexity Number (CCN). Studien är gjord utifrån arbetssättet Design & Creation och ämnar bidra med: kunskap om vilket mönster man bör välja, samt om CCN kan peka ut vilka delar i en applikation som kommer att ta mer eller mindre lång tid att testa. Under studiens gång tog vi även fram skillnader på om man anväder sig av den så kallade Single Responsibilyt Principle (SRP) eller inte. Detta för att se om separerade vyer gör någon skillnad i applikationernas komplexitet. I slutändan så visar studien på att komplexiteten i små applikationer är väldigt likvärdig, men att man även på små applikationer kan se skillnad på hur komplex koden är men också att kodkomplexitet på metodnivå kan ge riktlinjer för testfall.


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In recent times, Virtual Worlds such as Second Life have generated substantial publicity due to the participation of Fortune 500 companies, and other public and private organisations. As practitioners continue to discuss how organisations could derive business value from Virtual Worlds, new security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds have emerged to challenge Virtual World users and stakeholders. This paper discusses privacy, intellectual property and a host of other security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds. It contributes to practice and research by (i) providing insight into emerging security and ethical issues in Virtual Worlds, (ii) analysing the implication of these issues, within and beyond Virtual Worlds, and (iii) raising awareness on security and ethics among Virtual World users and stakeholders.


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Desktop computers based virtual training systems are attracting paramount attention from manufacturing industries due to their potential advantages over the conventional training practices. Significant cost savings can be realized due to the shorter training-scenarios development times and reuse of existing engineering models. In addition, by using computer based virtual reality (VR) training systems, the time span from the product design to commercial production can be shortened due to non-reliance on hardware parts. Within the aforementioned conceptual framework, a haptically enabled interactive and immersive virtual reality (HIIVR) system is presented. Unlike existing VR systems, the presented idea tries to imitate real physical training scenarios by providing comprehensive user interaction, constrained within the physical limitations of the real world imposed by the haptics devices within the virtual environment. As a result, in contrast to the existing VR systems, capable of providing knowledge generally about assembly sequences only, the proposed system helps in procedural learning and procedural skill development as well, due to its high physically interactive nature.


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Virtual training systems are attracting paramount attention from the manufacturing industries due to their potential advantages over the conventional training practices such as general assembly. Within this virtual training realm for general assembly, a haptically enabled interactive and immersive virtual reality (HIVEx) system is presented. The idea is to imitate real assembly training scenarios by providing comprehensive user interaction as well as by enforcing physical constraints within the virtual environment through the use of haptics technology. The developed system employs a modular system approach providing flexibility of reconfiguration and scalability as well as better utilization of the current multi-core computer architecture. The user interacts with the system using haptics device and data glove while fully immersed into the virtual environment with depth perception. An evaluation module, incorporated into the system, automatically logs and evaluates the information through the simulation providing user performance and improvements over time. A ruggedized portable version of the system is also developed and presented with full system capabilities allowing easy relocation with different factory environments. A number of training scenarios has been developed with varying degree of complexity to exploit the potential of the presented system. The presented system can be employed for teaching and training of existing assembly processes as well as the design of new optimised assembly operations. Furthermore, the presented system can assist in optimizing existing practices by evaluating the effectiveness and the level of knowledge transfer involved in the process. Within the aforementioned conceptual. framework, a working prototype is developed.


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Virtual training systems are attracting paramount attention from the manufacturing industries due to their potential advantages over the conventional training practices. Significant cost savings can be realized due to the shorter times for the development of different training-scenarios as well as reuse of existing designed engineering (math) models. In addition, use of computer based virtual reality (VR) training systems can shorten the time span from computer aided product design to commercial production due to non-reliance on the hardware parts for training. Within the aforementioned conceptual framework, a haptically enabled interactive and immersive virtual reality (HIVEx) system is presented. Unlike existing VR systems, the presented idea tries to imitate real physical training scenarios by providing comprehensive user interaction, constrained within the physical limitations of the real world. These physical constrains are imposed by the haptics devices in the virtual environment. As a result, in contrast to the existing VR systems that are capable of providing knowledge generally about assembly sequences only, the proposed system helps in cognitive learning and procedural skill development as well, due to its high physically interactive nature.


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Product assembly is one of the most studied processes in modern manufacturing. In recent years a number of computer-based virtual reality systems have been proposed, developed and adopted by the manufacturing industries. Such systems have major advantages over conventional training practices for product assembly. Significant cost savings can be realized due to shorter training-scenario development times and reuse of existing engineering math models. In addition, the time span from the product design to full production can be shortened due to non-reliance on actual components and subsystems for training. Such training systems are effective if the knowledge required to be transferred is just process sequence such as assembly sequence. However, knowledge transfer for procedural and cognitive learning as well as skills development is very limited, due to the lack of user interactivity and immersion.

This talk will focus on a research technology platform where haptics and virtual reality are integrated to create an effective environment for production assembly operators’ training. In this system virtual reality provides the grounds for realistic visualization, as well as immersion, whereas haptics enforces physical constraints within the virtual world generating the feelings of realistic interaction, making it accessible for formal learning and better understanding during task performance.

The developed research technology platform imitates real physical training scenarios by providing comprehensive user interaction, constrained within the physical limitations of the real world. Through the utilization of a haptics device, providing realistic force feedback, users are able to engage in product assembly training with a stronger sense of ‘reality’.


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Multimedia applications today make use of virtual humans. Generating realistic virtual humans is a challenging problem owing to a number of factors, one being the simulation of realistic hair. The difficulty in simulating hair is due to the physical properties of hair. The average human head holds thousands of hairs, with the width of each hair often smaller than the size of a pixel. There are also complex lighting effects that occur within hair. This paper presents a LightWave 3D plug-in for modeling thousands of individual hairs on virtual humans. The plug-in allows the user to specify the length, thickness and distribution of the hair, as well as the number of segments a hair is made up of. The plug-in is able to add hairs to a head model, which the user then modifies to define a hairstyle. The hairs are then multiplied by the plug-in to produce many hairs. By providing a plug-in that does most of the work and produces realistic results, the user is able to produce a hairstyle without modeling each individual strand of hair. This greatly reduces the time spent on hair modeling, and makes the possibility of adding realistic long hair to virtual humans reasonable.


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We hypothesised that strict inactivity (bed rest) would lead to regional differences in fat deposition. Twenty-four male subjects underwent 60 d bed rest and remained inactive (n = 9), performed resistance exercise plus whole-body vibration (RVE; n = 7) or resistance exercise only (RE; n = 8). Fat mass was assessed via dual X-ray absorptiometry. In the inactive subjects, fat deposition differed between body regions (P = 0.0005) with android region visceral adipose tissue increasing the most (+29% at the end of bed rest), followed by remainder of the trunk (from chin to the iliac crest; +10%) and the arms and legs (both +7%). Insulin sensitivity reduced in the inactive subjects at the end of bed rest (P = 0.036). RE did not have a significant impact on regional fat mass changes (P ⩾ 0.055). In RVE, increases in visceral adipose tissue (-14%; P = 0.028 vs inactive subjects) and in the arms (arms -8%, P = 0.011 vs inactive) were not seen. We conclude that inactivity leads to a preferential increase in visceral adipose tissue.


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We hypothesised that strict inactivity (bed rest) would lead to regional differences in fat deposition. Twenty-four male subjects underwent 60d bed rest and remained inactive (n = 9), performed resistance exercise plus whole-body vibration (RVE; n = 7) or resistance exercise only (RE; n = 8). Fat mass was assessed via dual X-ray absorptiometry. In the inactive subjects, fat deposition differed between body regions (P = 0.0005) with android region visceral adipose tissue increasing the most (+29% at the end of bed rest), followed by remainder of the trunk (from chin to the iliac crest; +10%) and the arms and legs (both +7%). Insulin sensitivity reduced in the inactive subjects at the end of bed rest (P = 0.036). RE did not have a significant impact on regional fat mass changes (P ≥ 0.055). In RVE, increases in visceral adipose tissue (-14%; P = 0.028 vs inactive subjects) and in the arms (arms -8%, P = 0.011 vs inactive) were not seen. We conclude that inactivity leads to a preferential increase in visceral adipose tissue.


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Mobile virtualization has emerged fairly recently and is considered a valuable way to mitigate security risks on Android devices. However, major challenges in mobile virtualization include runtime, hardware, resource overhead, and compatibility. In this paper, we propose a lightweight Android virtualization solution named Condroid, which is based on container technology. Condroid utilizes resource isolation based on namespaces feature and resource control based on cgroups feature. By leveraging them, Condroid can host multiple independent Android virtual machines on a single kernel to support mutilple Android containers. Furthermore, our implementation presents both a system service sharing mechanism to reduce memory utilization and a filesystem sharing mechanism to reduce storage usage. The evaluation results on Google Nexus 5 demonstrate that Condroid is feasible in terms of runtime, hardware resource overhead, and compatibility. Therefore, we find that Condroid has a higher performance than other virtualization solutions.