588 resultados para tall


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The number of tall buildings is increasing as a result of the advances in construction technologies and the rising land prices. These buildings are characterised by their high energy consumption compared to other building types as they rely intensively on mechanical HVAC systems due to the extreme weather conditions associated with the increase in height. However, they present a great opportunity for energy savings. In recent years, it has been noticed the increasing interest in geometry and form of tall buildings, as a result of the evolution of parametric modelling and 3D visualisation tools, on the expense of the environmental aspect. This paper discusses factors affecting the energy consumption in the tall buildings. Through an extensive analysis of Literature, active and passive energy efficient strategies adopted in tall building at various building stages are identified. In addition, the role of architectural design parameters, such as building form, orientation and envelope on the tall building energy performance are highlighted. Finally, a set of guidelines and environmental design strategies to be considered in different phases in order to achieve energy-efficient tall buildings are proposed. These strategies have been categorised into four stages namely early design, conceptualisation, and documentation and operational. A 3D modelling approach was used to visualise and illustrate the proposed strategies in different stages.


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Tall buildings are wind-sensitive structures and could experience high wind-induced effects. Aerodynamic boundary layer wind tunnel testing has been the most commonly used method for estimating wind effects on tall buildings. Design wind effects on tall buildings are estimated through analytical processing of the data obtained from aerodynamic wind tunnel tests. Even though it is widely agreed that the data obtained from wind tunnel testing is fairly reliable the post-test analytical procedures are still argued to have remarkable uncertainties. This research work attempted to assess the uncertainties occurring at different stages of the post-test analytical procedures in detail and suggest improved techniques for reducing the uncertainties. Results of the study showed that traditionally used simplifying approximations, particularly in the frequency domain approach, could cause significant uncertainties in estimating aerodynamic wind-induced responses. Based on identified shortcomings, a more accurate dual aerodynamic data analysis framework which works in the frequency and time domains was developed. The comprehensive analysis framework allows estimating modal, resultant and peak values of various wind-induced responses of a tall building more accurately. Estimating design wind effects on tall buildings also requires synthesizing the wind tunnel data with local climatological data of the study site. A novel copula based approach was developed for accurately synthesizing aerodynamic and climatological data up on investigating the causes of significant uncertainties in currently used synthesizing techniques. Improvement of the new approach over the existing techniques was also illustrated with a case study on a 50 story building. At last, a practical dynamic optimization approach was suggested for tuning structural properties of tall buildings towards attaining optimum performance against wind loads with less number of design iterations.


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Little information is available on the degree of within-field variability of potential production of Tall wheatgrass (Thinopyrum ponticum) forage under unirrigated conditions. The aim of this study was to characterize the spatial variability of the accumulated biomass (AB) without nutritional limitations through vegetation indexes, and then use this information to determine potential management zones. A 27-×-27-m grid cell size was chosen and 84 biomass sampling areas (BSA), each 2 m(2) in size, were georeferenced. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers were applied after an initial cut at 3 cm height. At 500 °C day, the AB from each sampling area, was collected and evaluated. The spatial variability of AB was estimated more accurately using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), calculated from LANDSAT 8 images obtained on 24 November 2014 (NDVInov) and 10 December 2014 (NDVIdec) because the potential AB was highly associated with NDVInov and NDVIdec (r (2) = 0.85 and 0.83, respectively). These models between the potential AB data and NDVI were evaluated by root mean squared error (RMSE) and relative root mean squared error (RRMSE). This last coefficient was 12 and 15 % for NDVInov and NDVIdec, respectively. Potential AB and NDVI spatial correlation were quantified with semivariograms. The spatial dependence of AB was low. Six classes of NDVI were analyzed for comparison, and two management zones (MZ) were established with them. In order to evaluate if the NDVI method allows us to delimit MZ with different attainable yields, the AB estimated for these MZ were compared through an ANOVA test. The potential AB had significant differences among MZ. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that NDVI obtained from LANDSAT 8 images can be reliably used for creating MZ in soils under permanent pastures dominated by Tall wheatgrass.


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Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) results in both damaging and beneficial health outcomes. Excessive UV exposure has been linked to many skin and eye problems, but moderate exposure induces vitamin D production. It has been reported that humans receive 90-95% of their vitamin D from production that starts after UV exposure. Although it is possible to acquire vitamin D through dietary supplementation, the average person receives very little in this manner. Therefore, since most people acquire their vitamin D from synthesis after exposure to UV from sunlight, it is very important to understand the different environments in which people encounter UV. This project measured UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production in the urban canyon and at a nearby suburban location. The urban canyon is an environment consisting of tall buildings and tropospheric air pollution, which have an attenuating effect on UV. Typically, UV measurements are collected in areas outside the urban canyon, meaning that at times studies and public recommendations do not accurately represent the amount of UV reaching street-level in highly urbanized areas. Understanding of UV exposure in urban canyons becomes increasingly important as the number of people working and living in large cities steadily increases worldwide. This study was conducted in the central business district (CBD) of Brisbane, Australia, which models the urban canyons of large cities around the world in that it boasts a great number of tall buildings, including many skyscrapers, meaning that most areas only see a small amount of direct sunlight each day. During the winter of 2007 measurements of UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production were collected in the CBD and at a suburban site approximately 2.5km outside the CBD. Air pollution data was obtained from a central CBD measurement site. Data analysis showed that urban canyon measurements of both UV radiation and in-vitro vitamin D production were significantly lower than those collected at the suburban site. These results will aid both future researchers and policy makers in better understanding human UV exposure in Brisbane’s CBD and other urban canyons around the world.


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Height is a complex physical trait that displays strong heritability. Adult height is related to length of the long bones, which is determined by growth at the epiphyseal growth plate. Longitudinal bone growth occurs via the process of endochondral ossification, where bone forms over the differentiating cartilage template at the growth plate. Estrogen plays a major role in regulating longitudinal bone growth and is responsible for inducing the pubertal growth spurt and fusion of the epiphyseal growth plate. However, the mechanism by which estrogen promotes epiphyseal fusion is poorly understood. It has been hypothesised that estrogen functions to regulate growth plate fusion by stimulating chondrocyte apoptosis, angiogenesis and bone cell invasion in the growth plate. Another theory has suggested that estrogen exposure exhausts the proliferative capacity of growth plate chondrocytes, which accelerates the process of chondrocyte senescence, leading to growth plate fusion. The overall objective of this study was to gain a greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind estrogen-mediated growth and height attainment by examining gene regulation in chondrocytes and the role of some of these genes in normal height inheritance. With the heritability of height so well established, the initial hypothesis was that genetic variation in candidate genes associated with longitudinal bone growth would be involved in normal adult height variation. The height-related genes FGFR3, CBFA1, ER and CBFA1 were screened for novel polymorphisms using denaturing HPLC and RFLP analysis. In total, 24 polymorphisms were identified. Two SNPs in ER (rs3757323 C>T and rs1801132 G>C) were strongly associated with adult male height and displayed an 8 cm and 9 cm height difference between homozygous genotypes, respectively. The TC haplotype of these SNPs was associated with a 6 cm decrease in height and remarkably, no homozygous carriers of the TC haplotype were identified in tall subjects. No significant associations with height were found for polymorphisms in the FGFR3, CBFA1 or VDR genes. In the epiphyseal growth plate, chondrocyte proliferation, matrix synthesis and chondrocyte hypertrophy are all major contributors to long bone growth. As estrogen plays such a significant role in both growth and final height attainment, another hypothesis of this study was that estrogen exerted its effects in the growth plate by influencing chondrocyte proliferation and mediating the expression of chondrocyte marker genes. The examination of genes regulated by estrogen in chondrocyte-like cells aimed to identify potential regulators of growth plate fusion, which may further elucidate mechanisms involved in the cessation of linear growth. While estrogen did not dramatically alter the proliferation of the SW1353 cell line, gene expression experiments identified several estrogen regulated genes. Sixteen chondrocyte marker genes were examined in response to estrogen concentrations ranging from 10-12 M to 10-8 M over varying time points. Of the genes analysed, IHH, FGFR3, collagen II and collagen X were not readily detectable and PTHrP, GHR, ER, BMP6, SOX9 and TGF1 mRNAs showed no significant response to estrogen treatments. However, the expression of MMP13, CBFA1, BCL-2 and BAX genes were significantly decreased. Interestingly, the majority of estrogen regulated genes in SW1353 cells are expressed in the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate. Estrogen is also known to regulate systemic GH secretion and local GH action. At the molecular level, estrogen functions to inhibit GH action by negatively regulating GH signalling. GH treated SW1353 cells displayed increases in MMP9 mRNA expression (4.4-fold) and MMP13 mRNA expression (64-fold) in SW1353 cells. Increases were also detected in their respective proteins. Treatment with AG490, an established JAK2 inhibitor, blocked the GH mediated stimulation of both MMP9 and MMP13 mRNA expression. The application of estrogen and GH to SW1353 cells attenuated GH-stimulated MMP13 levels, but did not affect MMP9 levels. Investigation of GH signalling revealed that SW1353 cells have high levels of activated JAK2 and exposure to GH, estrogen, AG490 and other signalling inhibitors did not affect JAK2 phosphorylation. Interestingly, AG490 treatment dramatically decreased ERK2 signalling, although GH did stimulate ERK2 phosphorylation above control levels. AG490 also decreased CBFA1 expression, a transcription factor known to activate MMP9 and MMP13. Finally, GH and estrogen treatment increased expression of SOCS3 mRNA, suggesting that SOCS3 may regulate JAK/STAT signalling in SW1353 cells. The modulation of GH-mediated MMP expression by estrogen in SW1353 cells represents a potentially novel mechanism by which estrogen may regulate longitudinal bone growth. However, further investigation is required in order to elucidate the precise mechanisms behind estrogen and GH regulation of MMP13 expression in SW1353 cells. This study has provided additional evidence that estrogen and the ER gene are major factors in the regulation of growth and the determination of adult height. Newly identified polymorphisms in the ER gene not only contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of human height, but may also be useful in association studies examining other complex traits. This study also identified several estrogen regulated genes and indicated that estrogen modifies the expression of genes which are primarily expressed in the hypertrophic region of the epiphyseal growth plate. Furthermore, synergistic studies incorporating GH and estrogen have revealed the ability of estrogen to attenuate the effects of GH on MMP13 expression, revealing potential pathways by which estrogen may modulate growth plate fusion, longitudinal bone growth and even arthritis.


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A method is presented for the development of a regional Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) spectral greenness index, coherent with a six-dimensional index set, based on a single ETM+ spectral image of a reference landscape. The first three indices of the set are determined by a polar transformation of the first three principal components of the reference image and relate to scene brightness, percent foliage projective cover (FPC) and water related features. The remaining three principal components, of diminishing significance with respect to the reference image, complete the set. The reference landscape, a 2200 km2 area containing a mix of cattle pasture, native woodland and forest, is located near Injune in South East Queensland, Australia. The indices developed from the reference image were tested using TM spectral images from 19 regionally dispersed areas in Queensland, representative of dissimilar landscapes containing woody vegetation ranging from tall closed forest to low open woodland. Examples of image transformations and two-dimensional feature space plots are used to demonstrate image interpretations related to the first three indices. Coherent, sensible, interpretations of landscape features in images composed of the first three indices can be made in terms of brightness (red), foliage cover (green) and water (blue). A limited comparison is made with similar existing indices. The proposed greenness index was found to be very strongly related to FPC and insensitive to smoke. A novel Bayesian, bounded space, modelling method, was used to validate the greenness index as a good predictor of FPC. Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) estimates of FPC along transects of the 19 sites provided the training and validation data. Other spectral indices from the set were found to be useful as model covariates that could improve FPC predictions. They act to adjust the greenness/FPC relationship to suit different spectral backgrounds. The inclusion of an external meteorological covariate showed that further improvements to regional-scale predictions of FPC could be gained over those based on spectral indices alone.


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The GuRoo is a 1.2 m tall, 23 degree of freedom humanoid constructed at the University of Queensland for research into humanoid robotics. The key challenge being addressed by the GuRoo project is the development of appropriate learning strategies for control and coordination of the robot's many joints. The development of learning strategies is seen as a way to side-step the inherent intricacy of modeling a multi-DOF biped robot. This paper outlines the approach taken to generate an appropriate control scheme for the joints of the GuRoo. The paper demonstrates the determination of local feedback control parameters using a genetic algorithm. The feedback loop is then augmented by a predictive modulator that learns a form of feed-forward control to overcome the irregular loads experienced at each joint during the gait cycle. The predictive modulator is based on the CMAC architecture. Results from tests on the GuRoo platform show that both systems provide improvements in stability and tracking of joint control.


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Controlling differential axial shortening in vertical load bearing concrete elements is a major concern for new generation tall buildings with complex geometries and mechanisms. Quantification of axial shortening using gauges to verify the pre-estimated numerical values used at the design stage is a well established method. This method makes adequate provision to mitigate the adverse effects during the construction. However, this method is becoming increasingly unusable due to its drawbacks. This highlights the need a novel method to quantify the axial shortening using ambient measurements. This paper will first brief introduce the method and then illustrate its application to a high-rise building with two outrigger and belt systems. Moreover, this procedure can be used as a health or performance monitoring tool of the building structure, both during and after construction.


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The diversity of community voices in the SEQ ‘bellwether region’ has grown from a muted murmur in the mid twentieth century supporting provision of urban services, rural conservation and green belts, to the current clamour against over-development, and in favour of protecting local and regional open space, wetlands and natural habitats. This in turn has often resulted in vigorous campaigns against unpopular roads, dams, dumps and tall buildings. In the last twenty years community issues have played a major part in local government elections throughout the region and have even helped unseat (in 1995-1996) a state government which discounted their authenticity and community resolve.


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Multi-level concrete buildings requrre substantial temporary formwork structures to support the slabs during construction. The primary function of this formwork is to safely disperse the applied loads so that the slab being constructed, or the portion of the permanent structure already constructed, is not overloaded. Multi-level formwork is a procedure in which a limited number of formwork and shoring sets are cycled up the building as construction progresses. In this process, each new slab is supported by a number of lower level slabs. The new slab load is, essentially, distributed to these supporting slabs in direct proportion to their relative stiffness. When a slab is post-tensioned using draped tendons, slab lift occurs as a portion of the slab self-weight is balanced. The formwork and shores supporting that slab are unloaded by an amount equivalent to the load balanced by the post-tensioning. This produces a load distribution inherently different from that of a conventionally reinforced slab. Through , theoretical modelling and extensive on-site shore load measurement, this research examines the effects of post-tensioning on multilevel formwork load distribution. The research demonstrates that the load distribution process for post-tensioned slabs allows for improvements to current construction practice. These enhancements include a shortening of the construction period; an improvement in the safety of multi-level form work operations; and a reduction in the quantity of form work materials required for a project. These enhancements are achieved through the general improvement in safety offered by post-tensioning during the various formwork operations. The research demonstrates that there is generally a significant improvement in the factors of safety over those for conventionally reinforced slabs. This improvement in the factor of safety occurs at all stages of the multi-level formwork operation. The general improvement in the factors of safety with post-tensioned slabs allows for a shortening of the slab construction cycle time. Further, the low level of load redistribution that occurs during the stripping operations makes post-tensioned slabs ideally suited to reshoring procedures. Provided the overall number of interconnected levels remains unaltered, it is possible to increase the number of reshored levels while reducing the number of undisturbed shoring levels without altering the factors of safety, thereby, reducing the overall quantity of formwork and shoring materials.


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This paper describes a process for evolving a stable humanoid walking gait that is based around parameterised loci of motion. The parameters of the loci are chosen by an evolutionary process based on the criteria that the robot's ZMP (zero moment point) follows a desirable path. The paper illustrates the evolution of a straight line walking gait. The gait has been tested on a 1.2 m tall humanoid robot (GuRoo). The results, apart form illustrating a successful walk, illustrate the effectiveness of the ZMP path criterion in not only ensuring a stable walk, but also in achieving efficient use of the actuators.


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Since 1996, ther provision of a refuge floor has been a mandatory feature for all new tall buildings in Hong Kong. These floors are designed to provide for building occupants a fire safe environment that is also free from smoke. However, the desired cross ventilation on these floors to achieve the removal of smoke, assumed by the Building Codes of Hong Kong, is still being questioned so that a further scientific study of the wind-induced ventilation of a refuge fllor is needed. This paper presents an investigation into this issue. The developed computational technique used in this paper was adopted to study the wind-induced natural ventilation on a refuge floor. The aim of the investigation was to establish whether a refuge floor with a cetnral core and having cross ventilation produced by only two open opposite external side walls on the refuge floor would provide the required protection in all situations taking into account behaviour of wind due to different floor heights, wall boundary conditions and turbulence intensity profiles. The results revealed that natural ventilation can be increased by increasng the floor heigh provided the wind angle to the building is less than 90 degrees. The effectiveness of the solution was greatly reduced when the wind was blowing at 90 degrees to the refuge floor opening.