497 resultados para tRNA(Lys3)


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The structure of phenylalanine transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA(Phe)) in solution was explored by H-1 NMR spectroscopy to evaluate the effect of lanthanide ion on the structural and conformational change. It was found that La3+ ions possess specific effects on the imino proton region of the H-1 NMR spectra for yeast tRNA(Phe). The dependence of the imino proton spectra of yeast tRNA(Phe) as a function of La3+ concentration was examined, and the results suggest that the tertiary base pair G(15). C-48, which is located in the terminal in the augmented dihydrouridine helix (D-helix), was markedly affected by La3+ (shifted to downfield by as much as 0.35). Base pair U-8. A(14) in yeast tRNA(Phe), which are stacked on G(15). C-48, was also affected by added La3+ when 1 similar to 2 Mg2+ were also present. Another imino proton that may be affected by La3+ in yeast tRNA(Phe) is that of the tertiary base pair G(19). C-56. The assignment of this resonance in yeast tRNA(Phe) is tentative since it is located in the region of highly overlapping resonances beween 12.6 and 12.2. This base pair helps to anchor the D-loop to the T Psi C loop. The binding of La3+ caused conformational change of tRNA, which is responsible for shifts to upfield or downfield in H-1 NMR spectra.


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The effect of lanthanum ions on the structural and conformational change of yeast tRNA(Phe) was studied by H-1 NMR. The results suggest that the tertiary base pair (G-15)(C-48), which was located in the terminal in the augmented dihydrouridine helix (D-helix), was markedly affected by adding La3+ and shifted 0.33 downfield. Based pair (U-8)(A-14), which is associated with a tertiary interaction, links the base of the acceptor stem to the D-stem and anchors the elbow of the L structure, shifted 0.20 upfield. Another imino proton that may be affected by La3+ in tRNA(Phe) is the tertiary base pair (G-19)(C-56). The assignment of this resonance is tentative since it is located in the region of highly overlapping resonances between 12.6 and 12.2. This base pair helps to anchor the D-loop to the T psi C loop.


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采用1HNMR方法研究了镧离子对酵母tRNAPhe分子结构和构象变化的影响 .结果表明位于扩大二氢尿嘧啶螺旋 (D 螺旋 )的端梢三级碱基对 (G_15) (C_4 8)明显受加入La3+ 的影响 ,向低场位移 0 33;与三级相互作用相关 ,连接D 茎和接受茎起固定L结构转折的 (U_8) (A_14)碱基对向高场位移 0 2 0 ;另一可能受La3+影响的亚胺质子碱基对为 (G_19) (C_56 ) ,由于该碱基对位于高度叠加的 12 6和 12 2之间 ,其归属仅供参考 ,该碱基对有助于D 环对TΨC环的连接.


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The complete mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequence was determined for a ridgetail white prawn, Exopalaemon carinicauda Holthuis, 1950 (Crustacea: Decopoda: Palaemonidae). The mt genome is 15,730 bp in length, encoding a standard set of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and 22 transfer RNA genes, which is typical for metazoans. The majority-strand consists of 33.6% A, 23.0% C, 13.4% G, and 30.0% T bases (AT skew = 0.057: GC skew = -0.264). A total of 1045 bp of non-coding nucleotides were observed in 16 intergenic regions,,including a major A+ T rich (79.7%) noncoding region (886 bp). A novel translocation of tRNA(Pro) and tRNA(Thr) was found when comparing this genome with the pancrustacean ground pattern indicating that gene order is not conserved among caridean mitochondria. Furthermore, the rate of Ka/Ks in 13 protein-coding genes between three caridean species is Much less than 1, which indicates a strong Purifying selection within this group. To investigate the phylogenetic relationship within Malacostraca, phylogenetic trees based oil Currently available malacostracan complete mitochondrial sequences were built with the maximum likelihood and Bayesian models. All analyses based oil nucleotide and amino acid data strongly support the monophyly of Decapoda. The Penaeidae, Reptantia, Caridea, and Meiura clades were also recovered as monophyletic groups with Strong Statistical Support. However, the phylogenetic relationships within Pleocyemata are unstable, as represented by the inclusion or exclusion of Caridea. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (ileS) gene was sequenced in toto from 9 and in part from 31 Staphylococcus aureus strains with various degrees of susceptibility to mupirocin. All strains for which the mupirocin MIC was greater than 8 µg/ml contained point mutations affecting the Rossman fold via Val-to-Phe changes at either residue 588 (V588F) or residue 631 (V631F). The importance of the V588F mutation was confirmed by an allele-specific PCR survey of 32 additional strains. Additional mutations of uncertain significance were found in residues clustered on the surface of the IleS protein.


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Le rôle des deux paires de bases universelles inverse Hoogsteen U : A ( RHUAs ) présentent chez les ARNt standards , une dans la boucle T et l'autre dans le noyau de la forme en L , a été étudiée. Pour chacun des RHUAs , un criblage génétique spécialisé in vivo chez les bactéries , le système suppresseur ambre ( pour l'étude de la RHUA dans la boucle T ) et le système d'ARNt de la sélénocystéine ( tRNASec ) ( pour l'étude de la RHUA dans le noyau ) , ont été utilisé pour générer des variants fonctionnels à partir de multiples librairies combinatoires . Ces variants ont ensuite été séquencé et soumis à une analyse systématique qui comprend la modélisation informatique et un type d'analyse phylogénétique. Les résultats du système suppresseur ambre ont montré un ensemble de variants fonctionnels qui ne nécessitent pas le motif RHUA dans la boucle T et qui ont remplacé la méthode standard de l'interaction entre les boucles D et T avec une double hélice interboucle , ILDH . D'autres études ont abouti à la détermination d'un modèle In silico de l'alternative à la norme standard de la boucle T, sous le nom de type III . Les résultats du système tRNASec ont révélé que pour cette ARNt exceptionnel, l'absence de RHUA ( dans le noyau ) assure une flexibilité accrue qui est spécifiquement nécessaire pour la fonction de tRNASec . Ainsi, les ARNt standards , à la différence de tRNASec , avec la présence universelle de RHUA dans le noyau , a été naturellement sélectionnée pour être rigide . Pris ensemble, la RHUA joue un rôle essentiel dans la stabilisation des interactions tertiaires.


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Previous work in yeast has suggested that modification of tRNAs, in particular uridine bases in the anticodon wobble position (U34), is linked to TOR (target of rapamycin) signaling. Hence, U34 modification mutants were found to be hypersensitive to TOR inhibition by rapamycin. To study whether this involves inappropriate TOR signaling, we examined interaction between mutations in TOR pathway genes (tip41Δ, sap190Δ, ppm1Δ, rrd1Δ) and U34 modification defects (elp3Δ, kti12Δ, urm1Δ, ncs2Δ) and found the rapamycin hypersensitivity in the latter is epistatic to drug resistance of the former. Epistasis, however, is abolished in tandem with a gln3Δ deletion, which inactivates transcription factor Gln3 required for TOR-sensitive activation of NCR (nitrogen catabolite repression) genes. In line with nuclear import of Gln3 being under control of TOR and dephosphorylation by the Sit4 phosphatase, we identify novel TOR-sensitive sit4 mutations that confer rapamycin resistance and importantly, mislocalise Gln3 when TOR is inhibited. This is similar to gln3Δ cells, which abolish the rapamycin hypersensitivity of U34 modification mutants, and suggests TOR deregulation due to tRNA undermodification operates through Gln3. In line with this, loss of U34 modifications (elp3Δ, urm1Δ) enhances nuclear import of and NCR gene activation (MEP2, GAP1) by Gln3 when TOR activity is low. Strikingly, this stimulatory effect onto Gln3 is suppressed by overexpression of tRNAs that usually carry the U34 modifications. Collectively, our data suggest that proper TOR signaling requires intact tRNA modifications and that loss of U34 modifications impinges on the TORsensitive NCR branch via Gln3 misregulation.


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The bacterial GatCAB operon for tRNA-dependent amidotransferase (AdT) catalyzes the transamidation of mischarged glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) to glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln). Here we describe the phenotype of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of GTF1, a gene proposed to code for subunit F of mitochondrial AdT in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ts gtf1 mutants accumulate an electrophoretic variant of the mitochondrially encoded Cox2p subunit of cytochrome oxidase and an unstable form of the Atp8p subunit of the F(1)-F(0) ATP synthase that is degraded, thereby preventing assembly of the F(0) sector. Allotopic expression of recoded ATP8 and COX2 did not significantly improve growth of gtf1 mutants on respiratory substrates. However, ts gft1 mutants are partially rescued by overexpression of PET112 and HER2 that code for the yeast homologues of the catalytic subunits of bacterial AdT. Additionally, B66, a her2 point mutant has a phenotype similar to that of gtf1 mutants. These results provide genetic support for the essentiality, in vivo, of the GatF subunit of the heterotrimeric AdT that catalyzes formation of glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln) (Frechin, M., Senger, B., Braye, M., Kern, D., Martin, R. P., and Becker, H. D. (2009) Genes Dev. 23, 1119-1130).


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Syftet med denna studie är att få en inblick i hur pedagoger som arbetar i grundskolans senare år upplever hur det är att arbeta med elever som har svenska som andraspråk, och vilka svårigheter som kan uppstå. Undersökningen genomfördes med kvalitativa intervjuer på en skola i mellersta Sverige. De intervjuade i studien är totalt fyra stycken: en SVA-lärare, en NO-lärare och två SO-lärare. Resultatet visar att samtliga lärare är medvetna om att det är viktigt att arbeta med språket även i ämnesundervisnigen, men olika faktorer gör att det är svårt att genomföra detta i praktiken. Dessa faktorer är: tidsbrist, stora nivåskillnader mellan eleverna och att det saknas kompetens hos ämneslärarna inom området svenska som andraspråk. Slutligen kan man ej förvänta sig att de intervjuade pedagogerna och andraspråkseleverna som de undervisar ska vara representanter för hela Sveriges skolor, då undersökningen endast genomförts på en skola med fyra intervjuer med pedagoger.


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COS-7 cells transfected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA produce virus in which three tRNA species are most abundant in the viral tRNA population. These tRNAs have been identified through RNA sequencing techniques as tRNA(3Lys) the primer tRNA in HIV-1, and members of the tRNA(1,2Lys) isoacceptor family. These RNAs represent 60% of the low-molecular-weight RNA isolated from virus particles, while they represent only 6% of the low-molecular-weight RNA isolated from the COS cell cytoplasm. Thus, tRNA(Lys) is selectively incorporated into HIV-1 particles. We have measured the ratio of tRNA(3Lys) molecules to copies of genomic RNA in viral RNA samples and have calculated that HIV-1 contains approximately eight molecules of tRNA(3Lys) per two copies of genomic RNA. We have also obtained evidence that the Pr160gag-pol precursor is involved in primer tRNA(3Lys) incorporation into virus. First, selective tRNA(Lys) incorporation and wild-type amounts of tRNA(3Lys) were maintained in a protease-negative virus unable to process Pr55gag and Pr160gag-pol precursors, indicating that precursor processing was not required for primer tRNA incorporation. Second, viral particles containing only unprocessed Pr55gag protein did not selectively incorporate tRNA(Lys), while virions containing both unprocessed Pr55gag and Pr160gag-pol proteins demonstrated select tRNA(3Lys) packaging. Third, studies with a proviral mutant containing a deletion of most of the reverse transcriptase sequences and approximately one-third of the integrase sequence in the Pr160gag-pol precursor resulted in the loss of selective tRNA incorporation and an eightfold decrease in the amount of tRNA(3Lys) per two copies of genomic RNA. We have also confirmed herein finding of a previous study which indicated that the primer binding site is not required for the selective incorporation of tRNA(Lys).


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles produced in COS-7 cells transfected with HIV type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA contain 8 molecules of tRNA(3Lys) per 2 molecules of genomic RNA and 12 molecules of tRNA1,2Lys per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. When COS-7 cells are transfected with a plasmid containing both HIV-1 proviral DNA and a human tRNA3Lys gene, there is a large increase in the amount of cytoplasmic tRNA3Lys per microgram of total cellular RNA, and the tRNA3Lys content in the virus increases from 8 to 17 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. However, the total number of tRNALys molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA remains constant at 20; i.e., the viral tRNA1,2Lys content decreases from 12 to 3 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. All detectable tRNA3Lys is aminoacylated in the cytoplasm of infected cells and deacylated in the virus. When COS-7 cells are transfected with a plasmid containing both HIV-1 proviral DNA and a mutant amber suppressor tRNA3Lys gene (in which the anticodon is changed from TTT to CTA), there is also a large increase in the relative concentration of cytoplasmic tRNA3Lys, and the tRNA3Lys content in the virus increases from 8 to 15 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA, with a decrease in viral tRNA1,2Lys from 12 to 5 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. Thus, the total number of molecules of tRNALys in the virion remains at 20. The alteration of the anticodon has little effect on the viral packaging of this mutant tRNA in spite of the fact that it no longer contains the modified base mcm 5s2U at position 34, and its ability to be aminoacylated is significantly impaired compared with that of wild-type tRNA3Lys. Viral particles which have incorporated either excess wild-type tRNA3Lys or mutant suppressor tRNA3Lys show no differences in viral infectivity compared with wild-type HIV-1.