976 resultados para syyskatsaus - 1997
INTRODUÇÃO: Esta revisão sistemática de literatura se propõe a verificar os índices de prevalência dos transtornos mentais na população adulta brasileira. MÉTODOS: Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados Medline e Lilacs, no período de 1997 a 2009, utilizando os seguintes descritores: "transtornos mentais", "estudos de prevalência", "Brasil" e seus correspondentes em inglês "mental disorders", "cross-sectional studies", "Brazil". Foram excluídos os artigos: sem resumo/abstract, sem descrição de estudo tipo transversal, sem descrição ou referência a estimativas que verificassem a prevalência de transtornos mentais, estudos com populações específicas, estudos com crianças, adolescentes e idosos e, ainda, os estudos escritos em outros idiomas diferentes do português, inglês e espanhol. Esses critérios resultaram na seleção de 25 artigos. RESULTADOS: Nos estudos analisados foram encontrados altos índices de prevalência geral de transtornos mentais na população adulta. Esses índices variaram entre 20% e 56%, acometendo principalmente mulheres e trabalhadores. DISCUSSÃO: Os estudos analisados nesta revisão mostraram um panorama geral dos transtornos mentais na população adulta brasileira, descrevendo como se dá a sua distribuição nessa população, apontando para taxas elevadas, muitas vezes associadas a sexo, idade, condições socioeconômicas, condições de trabalho e estilos de vida dos indivíduos.
OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados das intervenções coronárias percutâneas, no Brasil, no biênio 1996-97, comparando-os com os do biênio 1992-93. MÉTODOS: Foram coletados dados relativos a angioplastia com balão (ATC), aterectomia direcionada (AD), aterectomia rotacional (AR), angioplastia com laser (L) e stents coronários (ST). Estes dados foram comparados aos equivalentes, do Registro 1992-93. RESULTADOS: Participaram do registro atual 79% dos sócios titulares da SBHCI, de 127 hospitais, em 1996-97. Foram incluídos 22.025 pacientes, sendo 60,67% submetidos à ATC; 36,57% a ST; 2,3% a AR; 0,06% à AD e 0,4% ao L. A ATC foi o procedimento mais executado, observando-se um aumento relativo do implante de ST, de 1996 para 1997 de 35% (31,1 para 42,1%, p= 0,0001), com concomitante queda na utilização do balão (65,7% para 55,8%, p= 0,0001). A despeito da população de coronarianos tratados, em 1996-97 ser de maior complexidade clínica e anatômica, que a de 1992-93, verificaram-se maiores índices de sucesso do procedimento (89,7% x 92,8%, p= 0,000001), com menor lesão residual (22% x 19%, p= 0,001). Além disto, houve menores índices de complicações maiores: infarto agudo (2,5% x 1,2%, p<0,01), cirurgia de emergência (0,8% x 0,5%, p= 0,002) e óbito (1,8% x 1,4%, p= 0,0003). CONCLUSÃO: Os procedimentos mais executados no último biênio foram: o balão (60,67%) e os stents coronários (36,57%); verificam-se elevados índices de sucesso (92,3%) e baixas taxas de complicações maiores, confirmando o desempenho de excelência da Cardiologia Intervencionista brasileira.
OBJETIVO: Realizar levantamento de fatores de risco para aterosclerose na população > ou = 20 anos de São José do Rio Preto, e comparar os dados obtidos com os coletados, em levantamento similar, em 1991. MÉDOTOS: Pesquisa quantitativa com amostragem estratificada por sexo e idade. Os entrevistados (646 indivíduos, 303 homens) foram abordados em Postos de Saúde e outros pontos de afluxo da população, distribuídos por zona geográfica e por classe social dos bairros. A margem de erro foi de 4%, e o intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. RESULTADOS: A) Níveis médios de HDL-colesterol (apenas em 1997): homens 43,7±15mg/dL, mulheres 49,6±13,5mg/dL (p<0,001, 95% IC 3,7 a 8,1); B) níveis médios de colesterol total em 1991 vs 1997: população global 192,5±48,9mg/dL vs 190,5±42,5mg/dL (p=NS); homens 187,6±53,3 vs 190,5±42,5mg/dL (p=NS); mulheres 196,8±40mg/dL vs 187,6±37,8mg/dL (p=0,008, 95% IC 2,4 a 15,9). C) Em análise de regressão, as variáveis que se correlacionaram significativamente com níveis de colesterol, em ambas as pesquisas, foram: idade (p<0,001), pressão arterial sistólica (p<0,001) e diastólica (p<0,001), dieta (p<0,001). Sexo feminino correlacionou-se apenas em 1991 (p=0,011) e sedentarismo apenas em 1997 (p=0,014). CONCLUSÃO: Os níveis de colesterol na população adulta de São José do Rio Preto são bastante aceitáveis, sendo que no sexo feminino diminuíram, de maneira significativa, na pesquisa atual, em relação à realizada em 1991.
PURPOSE: The authors analyzed the 30-day and 6-month outcomes of 1,126 consecutive patients who underwent coronary stent implantation in 1996 and 1997. METHODS: The 30-day results and 6-month angiographic follow-up were analyzed in patients treated with coronary stents in 1996 and 1997. All patients underwent coronary stenting with high-pressure implantation (>12 atm) and antiplatelet drug regimen (aspirin plus ticlopidine). RESULTS: During the study period, 1,390 coronary stents were implanted in 1,200 vessels of 1,126 patients; 477 patients were treated in the year 1996 and 649 in 1997. The number of percutaneous procedures performed using stents increased significantly in 1997 compared to 1996 (64 % vs 48%, p=0.0001). The 30-day results were similar in both years; the success and stent thrombosis rates were equal (97% and 0.8%, respectively). The occurrence of new Q wave MI (1.3% vs 1.1%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS), emergency coronary bypass surgery (1% vs 0.6%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS) and 30-day death rates (0.2% vs 0.5%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS) were similar. The 6-month restenosis rate was 25% in 1996 and 27% in 1997 (p= NS); the target vessel revascularization rate was 15% in 1996 and 16% in 1997 (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Intracoronary stenting showed a high success rate and a low incidence of 30-day occurrence of new major coronary events in both periods, despite the greater angiographic complexity of the patients treated with in 1997. These adverse variables did not have a negative influence at the 6-month clinical and angiographic follow-up, with similar rates of restenosis and ischemia-driven target lesion revascularization rates.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical aspects causes and evolution of infectious endocarditis. METHODS: The patients analyzed were treated at the University Hospital of the Faculdade de Medicina of Ribeirão Preto-USP and had a diagnosis of infectious endocarditis defined by Duke's criteria, which classifies infectious endocarditis as native, prosthetic valve or that occurring in intravenous drug users. RESULTS: One hundred and eighty episodes of infectious endocarditis in 168 patients were observed. Echocardiograms in 132 (73.3%) provided a diagnosis of infectious endocarditis in 111 (84%) patients; mitral valves were affected in 55 (30.5%), tricuspid valves in 30 (16.6%) and the aortic valve in 28 (15.5%) patients. Hemocultures were performed in 148 (93.8%) episodes of IE. The most commonly isolated infectious organisms were Staphylococcus aureus in 46 (27.2%) patients and Streptococcus viridans in 27 (15.9%). Complications occurred in 116 (64.4%) patients and 73 (40.5%) of the patients died. CONCLUSION: The general profile of the observed infectious endocarditis was similar to that reported in studies performed in other countries and included users of intravenous drugs. The high degree of mortality observed is not compatible with progress in diagnosis and treatment of infectious endocarditis and is probably due to the absence of diagnostic suspicion. The high frequency of fatal cases of septicemia (45.1% of deaths) in the patients studied indicates that unnoticed cases of infectious endocarditis had only been diagnosed at necropsy.
OBJECTIVE: To identify characteristics of the hospitalizations due to ischemic heart disease (IHD) made by the Single Health System -- "Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) in Brazil from 1993 to 1997. METHODS: The information used came from records of permissions for hospitalization due to IHD (diseases codified from 410 to 414 by the International Disease Classification -- 9th Revision) furnished by the data bank DATASUS. The material studied was classified according to age, sex and length of hospitalization of the patients, and expenses to the system for IHD. RESULTS: IHD represents 1.0% of total hospitalizations. Angina pectoris was the most frequent type, occurring in 53.3% of the cases, followed by acute myocardial infarct (26.6%). This later was more frequent in men and angina in women . The majority of patients with IHD stayed hospitalized from 5 to 8 days. In the years of 1997 the expenses due to hospital treatment for IHD reach to 0.01% of Brazil's Gross Internal Product. In the studied period (1993-1997), IHD was responsible by 1.0% of hospitalizations, however it was 3.3% of the expenses of SUS. CONCLUSION: IHD is an important cause of hospitalization by the SUS; it has a rather high cost, indicating the need for preventive measures aimed at reducing exposure to risk factors and to decrease the incidence of this group of diseases in the nation.
A principis dels anys 80 es va implementar a Espanya un sistema de regulació pel sector elèctric conegut com a Marco Legal Estable, que pretenia donar una solució a la situació de precarietat econòmica i financera per la que passava la indústria en aquests moments. Aquest marc legal es basava en un sitema multiproducte, en el que es retribuïa a les empreses no pels costos efectivaments 'incurridos', sino per uns costos estàndards calculats pel regulador d'igual manera per a totes les empreses. En aquest treball s'analitzan les conseqüències que va tenir l'aplicació d'aquest sistema de regulació en l'activitat de distribució elèctrica.
En los últimos 30 años la proliferación de modelos cuantitativos de predicción de la insolvencia empresarial en la literatura contable y financiera ha despertado un gran interés entre los especialistas e investigadores de la materia. Lo que en un principio fueron unos modelos elaborados con un único objetivo, han derivado en una fuente de investigación constante En este documento se formula un modelo de predicción de la insolvencia a través de la combinación de diferentes variables cuantitativas extraídas de los estados contables de una muestra de empresas para los años 1994-1997. A través de un procedimiento por etapas se selecciona e interpreta cuáles son las más relevantes en cuanto a aportación de información. Así mismo se comparan dos procedimientos estadísticos que se uitilizan en este tipo de investigaciones: la regresión logística y el análisis discriminante múltiple. Llegados a este punto, se compara qué tipo de selección de variables alcanza mejores resultados.
The prevalence of undernutrition was prospectively studied in 143 patients before liver transplantation between 1997 and 2005. Nutritional assessment is a particularly tricky problem in cirrhosis and mid-arm muscle circumference is considered as the best reliable anthropometric tool. In this prospective study, prevalence rate is very high (61%) and undernutrition is more frequent in alcoholic cirrhotic patients. In conclusion, these patients should benefit from an early dietician intervention before liver transplantation.
Although therapeutic advancements have made Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) a largely curable disease, trends in HL mortality have been variable across countries. To provide updated information on HL mortality in the Americas, overall and 20-44 years age-standardized (world population) mortality rates from HL were derived for the 12 Latin American countries providing valid data to the World Health Organization database and with more than two million of inhabitants. For comparative purpose, data for the United States and Canada were also presented. Trends in mortality over the 1997 to 2008 period are based on joinpoint regression analysis. Declines in HL mortality were registered in all Latin American countries except in Venezuela. In most recent years, HL mortality had fallen to about 0.3/100,000 men and 0.2/100,000 women in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Guatemala, that is, to values similar to North America. Despite some declines, rates remained high in Cuba (1/100,000 men and 0.7/100,000 women), Costa Rica and Mexico as well as in Venezuela (between 0.5 and 0.6/100,000 men and between 0.3 and 0.5/100,000 women). In young adults, trends were more favorable in all Latin American countries except Cuba, whose rates remained exceedingly high (0.8/100,000 men and 0.6/100,000 women). Thus, appreciable declines in HL mortality were observed in most Latin America over the last decade, and several major countries reached values comparable to North America. Substantial excess mortality was still observed in Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico and Venezuela, calling for urgent interventions to improve HL management in these countries.
This paper examines the performance of monetary policy under the new framework established in 1997 up to the end of the Labour government in May 2010. Performance was relatively good in the years before the crisis, but much weaker from 2008. The new framework largely neglected open economy issues, while the Treasury’s EMU assessment in 2003 can be interpreted in different ways. inflation targeting in the UK and elsewhere may have contributed in some way to the eruption and depth of the financial crisis from 2008, but UK monetary policy responded in a bold and innovative way. Overall, the design and operation of monetary policy were much better than in earlier periods, but there remains scope for significant further evolution.