168 resultados para suburb


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One of the most evident casualties of a natural disaster is the property market. The private and social costs from such events run into millions of dollars. In this paper, we use a unique dataset to examine the impact on residential house prices affected by natural disasters using a hedonic property (HP) values approach. For this purpose, we use data before and after a wildfire and floods from Rockhampton in central Queensland, Australia. The data is unique because one suburb was affected by wildfires and another was affected by floods. For the analysis, three suburbs namely Frenchville, Park Avenue and Norman Gardens are used. Frenchville was significantly affected by wildfires in the latter part of 2009 and to a lesser extent in 2012, while Park Avenue was affected by floods at the end of 2010, January 2011–2013. Norman Gardens, which was relatively unaffected, is used as a control site. This enables us to examine the before and after effects on property values in the three suburbs. The results confirm that soon after a natural disaster property prices in affected areas decrease even though the large majority of individual houses remain unaffected. Furthermore, the results indicate that the largely unaffected suburb may gain immediately after a natural disaster but this gain may disappear if natural disasters continue to occur in the area/region due to the stigma created. The results have several important policy decision and welfare implications which are briefly discussed in the paper.


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Puu-Käpylä (“Wooden Käpylä”), a neighbourhood of Helsinki, is the earliest example of the Garden City Movement in Finland. The suburb of valuable wooden architecture was built between 1920 and 1925, with the aim to provide a healthy housing area for working-class families with many children. The houses were erected by a co-operative (Käpylän kansanasunnot, “People?s Dwellings”) and they are protected by the city plan since 1960?s. However, the historical value of the sheltered courtyards has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to survey the garden flora of Puu-Käpylä and to evaluate the authenticity of the courtyard gardens. The survey covered the area of one residential quarter (1.2 ha) with twelve 2-storey semi-detached timber houses arranged around a common yard, which was originally appointed for the tenants? vegetable gardens. The houses are still rented, and each flat is allowed a small lot of the courtyard for cultivation. A complete list was made of all perennial, ornamental plant taxa present in the quarter. Spring bulbs were missed due to the timing of the survey. Generally, the plants were recorded on species level, with the exception of common lilacs, shrub roses, irises and peonies that were thoroughly studied for cultivar identification. It was assumed that plants initially grown in the courtyard could be distinguished by studying Finnish garden magazines, books and nursery catalogues published in the 1920?s and by comparing the present vegetation to surviving documents from the quarter. The total number of ornamental plant taxa identified was 172, of which 17 were trees, 47 shrubs, 7 climbers and 101 herbaceous perennials. The results indicated that a major part of the shrubs, climbers and perennials presumably originated from the 1970?s or later, whereas ca. 70 % of the tree specimens were deemed as original. The survey disclosed a heritage variety of common lilac, resembling cultivar „Prince Notger?, a specific peony taxon, Paeonia humilis Retz., cultivated in Nordic countries since long ago, and a few historic iris varieties. Well-preserved design elements included front gardens on one side of the quarter, a maple alley on another side as well as trees at the garden gates. Old garden books and magazines did not shed much light on the Finnish garden flora commonly used in the period when Puu-Käpylä was built. However, they gave a valuable picture of contemporary planting design. Nursery catalogues offered insight into the assortment of ornamental plants traded in the 1920?s. Conclusions on the authenticity of the current flora were mainly drawn on the basis of old photographs and a vegetation survey map drawn in the 1970?s. This study revealed a need for standardization of syrvey methods applied when investigating garden floras. Uniform survey techniques would make the results comparable and enable a future compilation of data from e.g. historic gardens.


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There is considerable evidence that children in modern society are losing
their contact with nature and, more precisely, with green plants. Is this also the case in Finland, a northern country famous for its forests and wild nature? This study examines the relationship of 9- to 10-year-old Finnish schoolchildren with the green environment and plants. The data were gathered by a questionnaire
comprising structured and open-ended questions. The focus of the research was on two comparisons: first, on the nature and child relationship in rural and urban neighborhoods and, second, among boys and girls. Participants in the study amounted to a total of 76 children, 42 in the Helsinki suburb area and 34 in Paltamo. The results suggested that the children in rural surroundings had closer contact with nature than their urban associates. For example, the children of Paltamo reported to know the trees better, and considered human beings to be part of nature more often (100% vs. 76% of the pupils in Helsinki, P = 0,003). Similarly, the results showed that girls in the study (N = 48) were more interested in plants than boys (N = 28). For the girls, the beauty and joy of plants was important, whereas the boys appreciated plants as the source of life. After the pre-questioning, the children of Helsinki participated in an in-class horticultural intervention and 10 days later, answered a similar questionnaire again. The results of the open-ended questions revealed that equally to children in other Western countries, Finnish children may also be in danger of losing their direct contact with the natural environment. It was common to pass free time in organized sports such as hockey or football (boys), or by just walking and talking with friends (girls). Rural children told that they still built huts, pick berries, and climb trees, whereas urban children played in parks and city groves. The results suggest that it is essential to research
further the children’s own experiences if we are to understand, and subsequently, to enhance, the crucial role of the green environment in their lives. Horticultural interventions can be effective starting points to add to children’s knowledge, affection, and interest toward greenery, but it is highly recommended that they take place outdoors rather than indoors.


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There is considerable evidence that children in modern society are losing
their contact with nature and, more precisely, with green plants. Is this also the case in Finland, a northern country famous for its forests and wild nature? This study examines the relationship of 9- to 10-year-old Finnish schoolchildren with the green environment and plants. The data were gathered by a questionnaire
comprising structured and open-ended questions. The focus of the research was on two comparisons: first, on the nature and child relationship in rural and urban neighborhoods and, second, among boys and girls. Participants in the study amounted to a total of 76 children, 42 in the Helsinki suburb area and 34 in Paltamo. The results suggested that the children in rural surroundings had closer contact with nature than their urban associates. For example, the children of Paltamo reported to know the trees better, and considered human beings to be part of nature more often (100% vs. 76% of the pupils in Helsinki, P = 0,003). Similarly, the results showed that girls in the study (N = 48) were more interested in plants than boys (N = 28). For the girls, the beauty and joy of plants was important, whereas the boys appreciated plants as the source of life. After the pre-questioning, the children of Helsinki participated in an in-class horticultural intervention and 10 days later, answered a similar questionnaire again. The results of the open-ended questions revealed that equally to children in other Western countries, Finnish children may also be in danger of losing their direct contact with the natural environment. It was common to pass free time in organized sports such as hockey or football (boys), or by just walking and talking with friends (girls). Rural children told that they still built huts, pick berries, and climb trees, whereas urban children played in parks and city groves. The results suggest that it is essential to research
further the children’s own experiences if we are to understand, and subsequently, to enhance, the crucial role of the green environment in their lives. Horticultural interventions can be effective starting points to add to children’s knowledge, affection, and interest toward greenery, but it is highly recommended that they take place outdoors rather than indoors.


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There is considerable evidence that children in modern society are losing
their contact with nature and, more precisely, with green plants. Is this also the case in Finland, a northern country famous for its forests and wild nature? This study examines the relationship of 9- to 10-year-old Finnish schoolchildren with the green environment and plants. The data were gathered by a questionnaire
comprising structured and open-ended questions. The focus of the research was on two comparisons: first, on the nature and child relationship in rural and urban neighborhoods and, second, among boys and girls. Participants in the study amounted to a total of 76 children, 42 in the Helsinki suburb area and 34 in Paltamo. The results suggested that the children in rural surroundings had closer contact with nature than their urban associates. For example, the children of Paltamo reported to know the trees better, and considered human beings to be part of nature more often (100% vs. 76% of the pupils in Helsinki, P = 0,003). Similarly, the results showed that girls in the study (N = 48) were more interested in plants than boys (N = 28). For the girls, the beauty and joy of plants was important, whereas the boys appreciated plants as the source of life. After the pre-questioning, the children of Helsinki participated in an in-class horticultural intervention and 10 days later, answered a similar questionnaire again. The results of the open-ended questions revealed that equally to children in other Western countries, Finnish children may also be in danger of losing their direct contact with the natural environment. It was common to pass free time in organized sports such as hockey or football (boys), or by just walking and talking with friends (girls). Rural children told that they still built huts, pick berries, and climb trees, whereas urban children played in parks and city groves. The results suggest that it is essential to research
further the children’s own experiences if we are to understand, and subsequently, to enhance, the crucial role of the green environment in their lives. Horticultural interventions can be effective starting points to add to children’s knowledge, affection, and interest toward greenery, but it is highly recommended that they take place outdoors rather than indoors.


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Accidental spills and improper disposal of industrial effluent/sludge containing heavy metals onto the open land or into subsurface result in soil and water contamination. Detailed investigations are carried out to identify the source of contamination of heavy metals in an industrial suburb near Bangalore in India. Detailed investigation of ground water and subsurface soil analysis for various heavy metals has been carried out. Ground water samples were collected in the entire area through the cluster of borewells. Subsurface soil samples were collected from near borewells which were found to contain heavy metals. Water samples and soils samples (after acid digestion) were analysed as per APHO-standard method of analysis. While the results of Zn, Ni and Cd showed that they are within allowable limits in the soil, the ground water and soils in the site have concentration of Cr+6 far exceeding the allowable limits (up to 832 mg/kg). Considering the topography of the area, ground water movement and results of chromium concentration in the borewells and subsurface it was possible to identify the origin, zone of contamination and the migration path of Cr+6. The results indicated that the predominant mechanism of migration of Cr+6 is by diffusion.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo averiguar os efeitos de sentido produzidos por músicas de hip hop (movimento cultural cultivado nos guetos fluminenses), com base na análise de sua expressão verbal (rap) e em uma consideração experimental de capas de disco. Objetiva-se também investigar, no material artístico de Marcelo D2 e MV Bill, relações sociais engendradas por sujeitos da periferia, em espaços sociais antagônicos (centro e periferia). Para isso, exploramos uma Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, enfatizando o conceito de etos discursivo, além de noções vinculadas à problemática da alteridade discursiva, a fim de que se analise o posicionamento de entes subjugados perante o descaso a que estão submetidos, e suas impressões sobre as imagens discursivas de marginalizadores. Buscamos apreender etos produzidos por sujeitos do rap, considerando a presença do Outro que fala nele/por ele (alteridade). Nossos procedimentos metodológicos apontam o que levou a considerar o hip hop, além da trajetória seguida na delimitação do corpus. Além disso, expõem-se os motivos que nos fizeram priorizar etos e alteridade discursiva. As análises buscam avaliações sobre a materialidade discursiva, que almejam extrair sentidos produzidos nos guetos. Como resultados, refletimos sobre aspectos inerentes ao contexto social fluminense, ao relacionamento entre sujeitos, lugares e práticas, para que se alarguem considerações sobre essas afinidades, inclusive na escola. Desse modo, ambicionamos que se aprimorem os debates sobre práticas de afirmação social de classes e, através de novas discussões, se intensifiquem as iniciativas sociopolíticas


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Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta a festa do divino espírito santo açoriana, realizada em uma Devoção Particular (Irmandade) localizada no bairro do Encantado, zona norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A Festa do Divino é uma festa popular, católica e originária da Península Ibérica que vem sendo realizada, há alguns séculos, em várias partes do mundo, entre elas o Brasil. O objetivo principal do estudo é apresentar, a partir do relato compartilhado com a própria comunidade açoriana, nossos nativos, as várias dimensões constituintes da festa, especificamente, de como ela vem sendo elaborada de forma original no subúrbio do Rio de Janeiro. Sendo a festa uma forma de reafirmação étnica em contextos transnacionais, como definido através da categoria açorianidade criada na década de 30, seus significados (da tradição) vão sendo extrapolados quando diluídos em contextos culturais transnacionais. No Rio de Janeiro tanto a cultura, como a religiosidade popular (evidenciadas através da festa), tornaram-se acessos importantes para o contato social entre açorianos e brasileiros. A irmandade açoriana do Encantado estabeleceu um diálogo ao longo de oito décadas com os moradores locais através da festa, bem marcada no calendário entre os meses de maio e junho. Constituindo-se como um verdadeiro sistema de prestações totais, um espaço privilegiado e complexo de trocas sociais, possibilitou-nos através dos dados etnográficos da pesquisa empírica uma janela para análise de temas importantes das Ciências Sociais como devoção religiosa, trabalho, cultura, tradição e espaço.


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As últimas décadas evidenciaram profundas transformações na estrutura do trabalho e emprego no cenário global. Esse movimento trouxe implicações sociais de diversas dimensões para a experiência cotidiana dos trabalhadores nas cidades industriais. A pesquisa buscou investigar se as expressões daquelas transformações socioeconômicas numa região particular da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, o Complexo do Alemão, teriam resultados sobre a configuração das identidades dos trabalhadores e o curso de um novo etos do trabalho. O Complexo do Alemão se transformou numa região de investimentos industriais até os anos 1980, quando então começa a declinar-se. As transformações ali operadas e a forma urbana assumida naquele contexto expressam mudanças sociais mais amplas que ocorreram nas últimas décadas na cidade e no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Trabalhou-se com a hipótese de que a alocação de grandes empreendimentos industriais e uma rede de médias e pequenas empresas naquela área calcadas no trabalho assalariado protegido, ora teria contribuído na construção de identidades dos trabalhadores e, de outro lado, a descentramento e esvaziamento daquele padrão teriam impactado a forma como os sujeitos constituem essas identidades mediadas pelo trabalho. Outra hipótese colocada referiu-se a possibilidade da emergência de novas concepções e aspirações profissionais e de trabalho a cimentar novos modos de organização de identidades individuais e coletivas naquela região. Foi colocado em discussão o modelo de modernidade industrial instalado no Brasil bem como o modo como o zoneamento industrial se deu na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa dialogou com os temas do trabalho, industrialização, reestruturação produtiva e identidades. Afora os aportes teóricos, a pesquisa lançou mão de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com trabalhadores de diversas idades que trabalharam ou ainda trabalham na região do Complexo do Alemão. Diante do ordenamento atual no mundo do trabalho, a pesquisa discutiu que mecanismos de exploração são reeditados e que em meio a isso, num jogo contraditório e dialético, os trabalhadores constroem representações sobre si e sobre a coletividade. O horizonte de um trabalho livre e protegido, em nossa modernização periférica, foi importante elemento para a construção de um imaginário operário, tendo o salário e a fábrica como uma porta de acesso para a cidadania. Por fim, mostrou-se que atualmente são postas novas institucionalidades para a questão da identidade do trabalhador; a fábrica, que antes ocupou importante lugar na região em estudo e no imaginário da população daquele território, se reveste de novas conotações.


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Lima Barreto aborda o intelectual do seu tempo a partir do seu ideal de arte social, e dentro deste ideal de arte o intelectual é aquele que mantém articulação com o saber, e faz disto um benefício para a coletividade (OAKLEY, 2011). Portanto, este trabalho aborda as figurações da intelectualidade no Brasil utilizando a idealização de arte e intelectual de Lima Barreto em nossas análises sobre a figura do intelectual. Inevitavelmente ao tratar da temática do intelectual não poderíamos deixar de abordar a própria figura de Lima Barreto como intelectual em seu tempo. Assim sendo, busca-se compreender Lima Barreto como intelectual preterido por seus contemporâneos, bem como não engajado em lutas de classes sociais, distante de qualquer categoria de intelectual orgânico de Gramsci. Com isto infere-se que Lima Barreto não fazia parte da elite intelectual da Belle Époque, e nem era porta-voz do subúrbio. Ele foi um escritor e intelectual militante somente de uma causa: a arte como ferramenta para comunhão entre os homens. Escolhemos o gênero crônica por ela ser algo diário, escrita de observador e gênero onde Lima pode explorar a sua escrita irônica e sarcástica sobre diversos temas, em especial o intelectual (SÁ, 2005). Portanto, as crônicas de Lima Barreto podem nos oferecer uma melhor representação dessas figurações do intelectual, seja na política, imprensa ou literatura. Lima Barreto vai construir seu ideal de arte e intelectual dentro da sociedade Belle Époque, sociedade essa que abrigava um trabalho de elaboração da literatura em que a forma era mais importante do que o conteúdo e fomentava a política de modernização do país numa clara imitação dos modos e costumes europeus em nossa literatura. Ao contrário disto, Lima Barreto defendia que o importante, para o intelectual, era o trato com o conteúdo, ser contemporâneo, uma relação verdadeira com a inteligência e que sua escrita estivesse a serviço do bem comum. Evidente que a literatura idealizada por Lima Barreto era utópica, mas militante, e é por isso que ele, Lima Barreto, é um intelectual de resistência


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Com o objetivo de investigar as relações da comunicação com o espaço urbano, a presente dissertação se debruça sobre o bairro de Marechal Hermes, localizado na zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Parte da abordagem da história cultural para refletir sobre as cidades, como propõe Sandra Pesavento, buscando perceber a urbe em suas três dimensões: materialidade, sociabilidade e sensibilidade. O primeiro aspecto atribui relevância ao fato de Marechal Hermes ser um bairro centenário, com uma morfologia singular boa parte do seu traçado e arquitetura originais são ainda mantidos, a despeito das interferências dos usuários. Assim, o bairro acumula diferentes registros, guardando uma memória de múltiplas temporalidades e possibilidades narrativas. A sociabilidade no bairro se manifesta nas práticas de ocupação do espaço e numa convivência cotidiana que se estabelece em relações diretas laços familiares, de amizade, vizinhança mas também em interações que se dão pelas redes de tecnologia e comunicação. Há uma tessitura de vozes consonantes e dissonantes, que não excluem divergências e tensões, mas focalizam sempre o sentido do comum. Tais redes de relações se complementam com as imagens construídas pelo cinema e pela TV, uma vez que o bairro tem sido cenário frequente de inúmeras produções da indústria audiovisual, como filmes, novelas e seriados. Veiculadas na grande mídia e consumidas de maneira peculiar pelos moradores, essas imagens se integram a um imaginário partilhado que legitima o valor do lugar distinguindo sua materialidade e seu espírito. Com um olhar de dentro, buscando sempre a perspectiva dos moradores, manifesta-se neste trabalho passado e presente, num instantâneo de Marechal Hermes que perscruta o futuro em novos sonhos para o lugar


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随着城市化进程的快速推进,大量蔬菜等食物由农村向城市输送,因此促进了城郊结合部蔬菜基地的发展。然而,城市化发展却导致越来越严重的城市和城郊土壤和大气污染,加上现代化生产中化肥和农用化学品的大量使用等,使得重金属在菜园土中大量积累,并可能通过食物链进入人体,威胁人类身体健康。因此,对重金属在土壤-蔬菜体系间迁移的生物地球化学行为的研究是我们了解和防治蔬菜重金属污染、促进绿色作物生产和保护人类健康的关键。 本文选择世界典型喀斯特地区的贵阳市市郊的菜园土-蔬菜体系为主要研究对象,通过系统地对土壤、主要蔬菜和大气沉降物质的元素分析以及铅同位素分析,对研究区域菜园土的主要理化性质、土壤(以及剖面)和蔬菜样品中重金属Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd的含量变化、菜园土以及土壤剖面重金属的形态分布等特征进行了研究。利用微量元素地球化学以及同位素地球化学理论,并结合土壤学研究理论和方法探讨了重金属在菜园土(石灰土和黄壤)和蔬菜体系间的赋存形态、重金属元素的来源、迁移与转化规律及其中的主要控制因素。 主要研究结果认为:贵阳市郊菜园土重金属元素含量变化与土壤母质显著相关,黄壤类型菜园土处于中度污染水平,石灰土类型菜园土处于轻度污染水平。菜园土中重金属形态以残余态为主,其次为有机结合态,再次为铁锰氧化物结合态和酸可提取态。土壤剖面中,菜园土表层大多数重金属含量高于背景剖面,其余各层吻合度较高。土壤剖面中重金属的形态分布仍以残余态为主,菜园土剖面上各元素的生物可利用态即酸可提取态、氧化物结合态和有机结合态则均要高于背景剖面,Pb和Zn主要受到有机结合态的影响,而Cd则三种形态的含量均高于背景剖面,种种迹象表明人为活动增加了菜园土重金属的活性和生物有效性,且以有机结合态的改变最为显著。 蔬菜中红薯可食部位的各项重金属富集系数均大于其他蔬菜,最容易受到土壤中重金属的影响;在土壤-蔬菜体系中,重金属元素含量的分布总体特征为菜园土>根>茎叶>果实,体系内元素的迁移在土壤/蔬菜根界面上最为关键,起着控制作用,此界面上各元素的迁移系数顺序为Cd>>Cu,Zn>Pb,大多数重金属元素在黄壤类型的菜园土中的迁移系数要小于石灰土类型的;在土壤-红薯和土壤-辣椒体系中,Cd的迁移系数随土壤pH的增加而降低,而其余元素的迁移系数则随土壤pH的增加而增加;土壤主成分与土壤理化性质对重金属形态分布有显著影响,但BCR连续提取法得到的土壤中重金属元素的各生物可利用态的含量与蔬菜根部的含量相关性不大;覆膜种植方式使土壤pH由4.5降低到3.8,并改变了其它物化参数,从而影响重金属的形态分布及其在蔬菜体内的含量分布特征,极可能增加农业系统中重金属的环境风险;铅稳定同位素分析表明,土壤中的铅主要来自于母岩的风化,蔬菜中放射成因铅明显略低于菜园土,菜园土和蔬菜中铅同位素组成在208Pb/206Pb对207Pb/206Pb的分布图上呈直线分布(在菜园土-蔬菜体系中,土壤样品、蔬菜不同部位的样品、以及雨水样品的铅同位素组成的分布也形成了极好的直线),显示明显的两端元混合体系;根据各端元物质铅同位素组成计算,土壤铅对蔬菜根部、茎叶的贡献值由71.8%~77.7%降低到16.0%~45.4%之间,大气铅的贡献则沿根向茎叶和果实逐渐增加,研究结果显示大气污染对蔬菜重金属Pb的贡献不可忽视。


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Dermot Bolger's The Journey Home (1990) narrates an often hyperbolic and overblown diatribe against a litany of social and political ills, which elicited frequently critical responses to the novel from reviewers. Yet Bolger's seminal work remains both popular and controversial because of its capacity to shock and upbraid the false morality of Irish society--a society that the author considered to be riven by class inequalities and official abuses. Bolger employs sexual abuse as a metonym for political corruption in the novel, and this essay explores The Journey Home's surreal story of youth in a working-class Dublin suburb in light of more recent revelations of Ireland's legacy of institutional sexual abuse.


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Background: There are no firm data on drug shortages in Irish community pharmacy. This prospective observational study aimed to characterise the drug shortage problem in an Irish community pharmacy.
Aims: The primary aim was to determine numbers and durations of drug shortages. Secondary aims included comparing these shortages with Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) drug shortage lists and determining the frequency with which notifications were received prior to shortages. Further secondary aims were to examine relationships between causes of drug shortages and drug costs and between causes of drug shortages and shortage durations.
Methods: The study took place in a community pharmacy in a Limerick City suburb between October 2012 and February 2013. Data were collected daily regarding drugs that were dispensed, but unavailable to purchase. Suppliers/manufacturers provided data on the reasons for shortages.
Results: 65/1,232 dispensed drugs (5.3 %) were in short supply over the study period. Median shortage duration was 13 days (interquartile range 4–32 days) and median cost was €8.10. Numbers of unavailable drugs by month varied from 13 to 38. Monthly IPU drug shortage lists identified between six and eight of these shortages depending on the month. Two notifications were received from suppliers/manufacturers regarding shortages. Parallel exports had the highest mean costs (mean €38.05) and manufacturing problems were associated with the longest durations (mean 57.44 days).
Conclusions: This study highlights the drug shortage problem in an Irish community pharmacy. We propose that enhanced communication between all stakeholders is the most worthwhile solution. Further studies are needed.


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Post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety symptoms are common outcomes following earthquakes, and may persist for months and years. This study systematically examined the impact of neighbourhood damage exposure and average household income on psychological distress and functioning in 600 residents of Christchurch, New Zealand, 4–6 months after the fatal February, 2011 earthquake. Participants were from highly affected and relatively unaffected suburbs in low, medium and high average household income areas. The assessment battery included the Acute Stress Disorder Scale, the depression module of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7), along with single item measures of substance use, earthquake damage and impact, and disruptions in daily life and relationship functioning. Controlling for age, gender and social isolation, participants from low income areas were more likely to meet diagnostic cut-offs for depression and anxiety, and have more severe anxiety symptoms. Higher probabilities of acute stress, depression and anxiety diagnoses were evident in affected versus unaffected areas, and those in affected areas had more severe acute stress, depression and anxiety symptoms. An interaction between income and earthquake effect was found for depression, with those from the low and medium income affected suburbs more depressed. Those from low income areas were more likely, post-earthquake, to start psychiatric medication and increase smoking. There was a uniform increase in alcohol use across participants. Those from the low income affected suburb had greater general and relationship disruption post-quake. Average household income and damage exposure made unique contributions to earthquake-related distress and dysfunction.