367 resultados para subsistence


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En este trabajo se exploran los condicionantes sociológicos e institucionales del mercado del servicio doméstico en Europa. Para ello se trabajó, básicamente, en tres líneas de investigación que aun están en curso. La primera, consiste en una exploración filosófica republicana, histórica y jurídica de la familia y la empresa capitalistas como instituciones que tienen una raigambre histórica común –la antigua domus, donde se desarrollaban todas las actividades productivas y reproductivas y que se caracterizaba constitutivamente por relaciones de dominación entre el propietario de los medios de producción y todos aquéllos que dependían de éste para subsistir-. Bajo el capitalismo, la familia –entendida ya como el hombre, su mujer e hijos legítimos- se constituyó en una institución eminentemente privada y las actividades desarrolladas en su seno quedaron fuera de lo que se consideró trabajo susceptible de reconocimiento económico. En este sentido, la normativa que regula al servicio doméstico como una relación laboral de carácter “especial” es un reflejo de la desvalorización socioeconómica de que ha sido objeto el trabajo reproductivo y la asociación conceptual entre la “improductividad” del ama de casa y la empleada doméstica. En la segunda línea del trabajo se exploraron las variaciones cuantitativas del mercado del servicio doméstico en Europa, cuya trayectoria presenta una forma de U entre la década de 1880 y mediados de la década de 1990. También mediante el análisis de fuentes secundarias de datos se pudieron establecer las profundas diferencias regionales que ha comportado este resurgimiento del empleo en servicios domésticos y su peso dentro de la estructura de empleo de cada sociedad. Por último, en la tercera se indagó la fluctuación histórica y geográfica de la oferta de trabajadoras domésticas en Europa, que pasó de las migraciones internas a las internacionales, coincidiendo con periodos de fuerte desigualdad económica entre las zonas expulsoras y receptoras.


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Report to Secretary General on: Travel associated with Management – Union Partnership Activities, and in which Department officials participated, and Funding for Management -Union Partnership activities other than SKILL Download this document as a PDF 58KB Also… Subsistence Allowances PDF 1.19MB Extracts from the Health Service National Partnership Forum’s Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2000 PDF 338KB Foreign Travel claims relating to Skills & Partnership PDF 13KB Details of Funding Provided to Nursing Unions from 12/6/2000 – 5/11/2004 PDF 360KB Partnership Investigation PDF 428KB


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Because of the relationship with subsistence, dental caries is a central issue in paleopathological research. Usually, comparisons between caries prevalence exhibited in different skeletal series are made. Dietary variation is the most common explanation for cavities prevalence. The aim of this paper is to verify if it is possible to compare caries prevalence reported on papers for archaeological skeletal series. Another goal is to determine if other factors besides diet are implicated in dental cavity prevalence explanation. Twenty six papers about dental health with caries prevalences published from 1999 to 2004 were analyzed for completeness. This assessment includes carious lesion diagnosis and characteristics, age, sex and size characteristics of samples, and prevalence calculation method. The majority of the analyzed papers do not provide adequate information in the topics listed above. Only very few implicated factors other than diet as a contributor to caries lesions development.


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A través de l'anàlisi de dos sèries de diferents llibres de comptabilitat de Barcelona, els procedents de la gestió dels molins reals i els redactats per una institució eclesiàstica, la Pia Almoina, vam començar a estudiar el mercat del blat a Barcelona durant l'edat mitjana. Hem analitzat anteriorment el valor de les mesures a Barcelona i, per poder qualificar el preu real del pa, també hem estudiat els diferents processos industrials per fer pa de blat. Després, hem analitzat el conjunt d'impostos que pesaven sobre la comercialització de cereals. A través de l'estudi de l'evolució dels preus, hem tractat de fer una primera aproximació de la primera etapa de la crisi baixmedieval, concretament entre 1283 i 1345, tenint en compte els contrastos amb els treballs ja coneguts sobre la base de les fonts on la noció de quantitat no va ser considerada. Finalment, hem comparat els nostres resultats amb alguns treballs referents a la Corona d'Aragó i el món mediterrani, a fi d'obtenir una idea més precisa de la cronologia de les crisis de subsistència


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Fatty acids distribution and stable isotope ratios (bulk delta(13)C. delta(15)N and delta(13)C of individual fatty acids) of organic residues from 30 potsherds have been used to get further insights into the diet at the Late Neolithic (3384-3370 BC) site of Arbon Bleiche 3. Switzerland. The results are compared with modern equivalents of animal and vegetable fats, which may have been consumed ill a mixed ecology community having agrarian, breeding, shepherd, gathering, hunting, and fishing activities. The used combined chemical and isotopic approach provides valuable information to complement archaeological indirect evidence about the dietary trends obtained from the analysis of faunal and plant remains. The small variations of the delta(13)C and delta(15)N values within the range expected for degraded animal and plant tissues, is consistent with the archaeological evidence of animals, whose subsistence was mainly based on C(3) plants. The overall fatty acid composition and the stable carbon isotopic compositions of palmitic, stearic and oleic acids of the organic residues indicate that the studied Arbon Bleiche 3 sherds contain fat residues of plant and animal origin, most likely ruminant (bovine and ovine). In several vessels the presence of milk residues provides direct evidence for dairying during the late Neolithic in central Europe. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) has been introduced in many places of Central and Western Europe due to commercial trades with Eastern Europe, and is rapidly replacing the native pool frog (P. lessonae). A large number of Pelophylax species are distributed in Eastern Europe and the strong phenotypic similarity between these species is rendering their identification hazardous. Consequently, alien populations of Pelophylax might not strictly be composed of P. ridibundus as previously suspected. In the present study, we analyzed the cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 genes of introduced and native Pelophylax from Switzerland (299 individuals), in order to properly identify the source populations of the invaders and the genetic status of the native species. Our study highlighted the occurrence of several genetic lineages of invasive frogs in western Switzerland. Unexpectedly, we also showed that several populations of the native pool frog (P. lessonae) cluster with the Italian pool frog P. bergeri from central Italy (considered by some authors as a subspecies of P. lessonae) Hence, these populations are probably also the result of introductions, meaning that the number of native P. lessonae populations is less important than expected in Switzerland. These findings have important implications concerning the conservation of the endemic pool frog populations, as the presence of multiple alien species could strongly affect their long-term subsistence.


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How did Europe overtake China? We construct a simple Malthusian model with two sectors, and use it to explain how European per capita incomes and urbanization rates could surge ahead of Chinese ones. That living standards could exceed subsistence levels at all in a Malthusian setting should be surprising. Rising fertility and falling mortality ought to have reversed any gains. We show that productivity growth in Europe can only explain a small fraction of rising living standards. Population dynamics - changes of the birth and death schedules - were far more important drivers of the longrun Malthusian equilibrium. The Black Death raised wages substantially, creating important knock-on effects. Because of Engel's Law, demand for urban products increased, raising urban wages and attracting migrants from rural areas. European cities were unhealthy, especially compared to Far Eastern ones. Urbanization pushed up aggregate death rates. This effect was reinforced by more frequent wars (fed by city wealth) and disease spread by trade. Thus, higher wages themselves reduced population pressure. Without technological change, our model can account for the sharp rise in European urbanization as well as permanently higher per capita incomes. We complement our calibration exercise with a detailed analysis of intra-European growth in the early modern period. Using a panel of European states in the period 1300-1700, we show that war frequency can explain a good share of the divergent fortunes within Europe.


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Cape Verde, off the coast of Senegal in western Africa, is a volcanic archipelago where soil and water conservation techniques play an important role in the overall subsistence of half a million inhabitants. In fact, the step slopes in the more agricultural islands due to it's volcanic origin, together with semi-arid and arid environments (the country is located in the Sahelian region), characterized by a very irregular wet season, with high intensity rainfall events, make life tough. The hard conditions lead during the first half of the XX century to frequent cycles of drought with severe implications on the local populations, with impressive numbers of deaths by famine, and a decrease of the number of local inhabitants by more than halve in some islands. Maintain the soil in place and the water inside the soil was there after a mater of survival, and the CapeVerdians implemented over the last half century a number of soil and water conservation techniques that cover all the landscape. In this work, we monitored a number of slope soil and water conservation techniques, such as terraces, half moons, live barriers, etc, together with two cultural strategies, used to plant corn and beans on one side and peanuts on the other, with a semi-quantitative methodology, to evaluate their effectiveness. A discussion is given on the costs and effectiveness of the techniques to reduce overland flow production and therefore erosion, and to promote rainfall infiltration.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca. Fishery has always been of great social economic importance for the coastal communities of Cape Verde, offering means of subsistence and employment opportunities due to their maritime vocation. Fish are important food component for the population, playing a decisive role in food safety. Since fishery is a source of low-cost animal protein, its exploration must be sustainable in order to be permanently available for the community. Fishing is one of the main economic activities of the coastal zone of island, besides being an important subsistence activity for the three fishing communities of the island. Aiming to discuss ways for sustainable activity, we will reflect on the sustainability of the handmade fishing in the community of Palmeira Sal Island, Cape Verde. In a community like Palmeira, where fishing is typically handmade, we find many elements that ensure the sustainability of the activity, such as the predominant use of renewable natural resources and the diversity of species caught. Meet and develop new mechanisms to educate, create sustainable policies for the activity and resource management, is important for the new environment in which we live. Education and organization of fishermen, as well as decentralization and participatory management of fishery resources, are fundamental to the sustainability of fisheries.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca.


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Rural Cape Verdeans employ a number of mutual-help practices to mitigate the uncertainties surrounding activities fundamental to their subsistence. One of these practices is djunta mon (‘to work together’), a loosely planned, non-monetized system of allocating labor at peak intervals during the growing season. By means of djunta mon, neighbors or family members work in each other’s fields until the tasks of every landowning participant are complete. Alongside djunta mon in rural Cape Verde exist a number of other non-remunerated mutual-help practices, such as djuda mutua (‘mutual help’) and laja kaza (‘to add concrete to one’s house’). While less visible than djunta mon, they are nonetheless important in completing tasks essential to rural life in the islands. In this thesis, I will attempt to show how Cape Verdean immigrants in Lisbon have adapted the mutual-help practices of rural Cape Verde to a new, transnational context. The iterations of these practices in Lisbon differ from their rural counterparts in that they involve fewer people, occur on a year-round basis, and are concerned primarily with domestic work. They also help people find employment, access childcare, secure interest-free credit, and construct or repair houses. I will argue that extensive mutual-help ties ensure Cape Verdean migrants in Lisbon a sufficient pool of family and friends upon which they can rely for support and assistance. An additional element I will explore is the perception among Cape Verdean immigrants that these mutual-help practices seem to be occurring with less frequency. While this shift is in part due to the availability of other means of support, I will contend that the changing attitude of Cape Verdeans towards mutual help is also due to their encountering neoliberal notions of ‘self-accountability.’ Thus, Cape Verdeans perceive that their mutual-help practices are in decline, while simultaneously needing the material support that they provide.


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Dryland agriculture in Cabo Verde copes with steep slopes, inadequate practices, irregular intense rain, recurrent droughts, high runoff rates, severe soil erosion and declining fertility, leading to the inefficient use of rainwater. Maize and beans occupy N80% of the arable land in low-input, low-yielding subsistence farming. Three collaborative field trialswere conducted in different agroecological zones to evaluate the effects ofwater-conservation techniques (mulching of crop residue, a soil surfactant and pigeon-pea hedges) combinedwith organic amendments (compost and animal or green manure) on runoff and soil loss. During the 2011 and 2012 rainy seasons, three treatments and one control (traditional practice) were applied to 44- and 24-m2 field plots. A local maize variety and two types of beanswere planted. Runoff and suspended sedimentswere collected and quantified after each daily erosive rainfall. Runoff occurred for rainfalls≥50mm(slope b10%, loamy Kastanozem),≥60mm(slope≤23%, silt–clay–loam Regosol) and≥40mm(slope≤37%, sandy loam Cambisol). Runoffwas significantly reduced only with themulch treatment on the slope N10% and in the treatment of surfactant with organic amendment on the slope b10%. Soil loss reached 16.6, 5.1, 6.6 and 0.4 Mg ha−1 on the Regosol (≤23% slope) for the control, surfactant, pigeon-pea and mulch/pigeon-pea (with organic amendment) treatments, respectively; 3.2, 0.9, 1.3 and 0.1 Mg ha−1 on the Cambisol (≤37% slope) and b0. 2Mg ha−1 for all treatments and control on the Kastanozem(b10% slope). Erosion was highly positively correlated with runoff. Mulch with pigeon-pea combinedwith an organic amendment significantly reduced runoff and erosion fromagricultural fields on steep slopes, contributing to improved use of rainwater at the plot level. Sustainable land management techniques, such as mulching with pigeon-pea hedges and an organic amendment, should be advocated and promoted for the semiarid hillsides of Cabo Verde prone to erosion to increase rainwater-use and to prevent further soil degradation.


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A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população e, por ser fonte de proteína e um animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. Este trabalho apresenta o estudo das perceções dos pescadores sobre a sustentabilidade da exploração dos recursos haliêuticos pesqueiros e a pesca artesanal dominante na ilha. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades haliêuticas da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, reflete-se sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como a Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar e criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca. Este trabalho tenta responder à escassez de estudos sobre as comunidades piscatórias em Cabo Verde de modo a favorecer o conhecimento ambiental que potenciará a criação de estratégias-chave para a sustentabilidade, a análise dos projetos criados até à data e a respetiva implementação, permitindo a identificação das causas do insucesso total ou parcial, bem como a identificação das causas para o fraco envolvimento da comunidade piscatória na implementação dos projetos. Fishery has always been of great social economic importance for the coastal communities of Cape Verde, offering means of subsistence and employment opportunities due to their maritime vocation. Fish is an important food component for the population. Since fishery is a source of low-cost animal protein, its exploration must be sustainable in order to be permanently available for the community. This paper presents a study on the perception of fishermen on the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in a symbiosis with the dominant artesanal fishing practiced on the island. Fishing is one of the main economic activities of the coastal zone of Sal island, besides being an important subsistence activity for the three fishing communities of the island. Aiming to discuss ways for sustainable activity, we will reflect on the sustainability of the traditional fishing in the community of Palmeira, Sal Island, Cape Verde. In a community like Palmeira, where fishing is typically artesanal, we find many elements that ensure the sustainability of the activity, such as the predominant use of renewable natural resources and the diversity of species caught. in Sal Inland knowing and developing new mechanisms to educate, create sustainable policies for the activity and resource management are important to the environment. Education and organization of fishermen, as well as decentralization and participatory management of fishery resources, are fundamental to the sustainability of fisheries. This work tries to answer the scarcity of studies on fishing communities in order to promote environmental knowledge that will enhance the creation of key strategies for sustainability, the analysis of projects created to date and the respective implementation, allowing the identification of the causes of the total or partial failure, as well as the identification of the causes for the poor involvement of the fishing community in the implementation of projects.


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External morphology of the immature stages of Neotropical heliconians: IX. Dione glycera (C. Felder & R. Felder) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae). The biology of the Andean silverspot butterfly Dione glycera (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861) is still poorly known. This species is restricted to high elevations in the Andes, where the immature stages are found in close association with species of Passiflora belonging to the section Tacsonia (Juss.) Harms, especially P. tripartida var. mollissima (Kunth), which is grown for subsistence by villagers. Herein we describe and illustrate the external features of the egg, larva and pupa of D. glycera, based on light and scanning electron microscopy.