981 resultados para study visit


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BACKGROUND: Fluorescein (FA) and indocyanine-green angiography (ICGA) may offer valuable information concerning disease severity and prognosis in ocular syphilis. The aim of the present study is to describe angiographic patterns encountered in the context of ocular syphilis, and to explore the associations between specific angiographic manifestations and severity of disease presentation, as well as disease evolution after treatment. METHODS: We performed a retrospective institutional study with the inclusion of 23 patients with ocular syphilis presenting to the uveitis clinic of the Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital in a 10-year period. FA and ICGA were performed following a standard protocol for posterior uveitis. Patterns of fluorescence were noted, and statistical associations between each angiographic pattern and any demographic, clinical, or laboratory parameter at baseline and after treatment were sought. RESULTS: The presence of any dark dots in ICGA was significantly associated with anterior uveitis (p = 0.031). The presence of hot spots in ICGA was significantly associated with longer duration of symptoms prior to initial visit (p = 0.032) and with male gender (p = 0.012). Weak non-significant trends were found associating vascular staining in FA with anterior uveitis (p = 0.066), vitritis (p = 0.069), and younger age (p = 0.061), as well as disc hyperfluorescence in FA with seropositivity for HIV (p = 0.089) and macular edema in FA with longer disease duration (p = 0.061). The presence of any dark dots in ICGA exhibited a weak trend of association with anterior uveitis and/or vitritis (p = 0.079). CONCLUSIONS: Out of the several associations identified implicating specific angiographic features, we underline the possible role of the presence of dark dots in ICGA for identifying active inflammation, and the role of hot spots in ICGA as markers of long-standing disease. Vascular staining in FA appears to be more common in patients with severe ocular inflammation with presence of anterior uveitis and/or vitritis.


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The trabecular bone score (TBS) is an index of bone microarchitectural texture calculated from anteroposterior dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans of the lumbar spine (LS) that predicts fracture risk, independent of bone mineral density (BMD). The aim of this study was to compare the effects of yearly intravenous zoledronate (ZOL) versus placebo (PLB) on LS BMD and TBS in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Changes in TBS were assessed in the subset of 107 patients recruited at the Department of Osteoporosis of the University Hospital of Berne, Switzerland, who were included in the HORIZON trial. All subjects received adequate calcium and vitamin D3. In these patients randomly assigned to either ZOL (n = 54) or PLB (n = 53) for 3 years, BMD was measured by DXA and TBS assessed by TBS iNsight (v1.9) at baseline and 6, 12, 24, and 36 months after treatment initiation. Baseline characteristics (mean ± SD) were similar between groups in terms of age, 76.8 ± 5.0 years; body mass index (BMI), 24.5 ± 3.6 kg/m(2) ; TBS, 1.178 ± 0.1 but for LS T-score (ZOL-2.9 ± 1.5 versus PLB-2.1 ± 1.5). Changes in LS BMD were significantly greater with ZOL than with PLB at all time points (p < 0.0001 for all), reaching +9.58% versus +1.38% at month 36. Change in TBS was significantly greater with ZOL than with PLB as of month 24, reaching +1.41 versus-0.49% at month 36; p = 0.031, respectively. LS BMD and TBS were weakly correlated (r = 0.20) and there were no correlations between changes in BMD and TBS from baseline at any visit. In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, once-yearly intravenous ZOL therapy significantly increased LS BMD relative to PLB over 3 years and TBS as of 2 years. © 2013 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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BACKGROUND: We devised a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of an intervention based on case management care for frequent emergency department users. The aim of the intervention is to reduce such patients' emergency department use, to improve their quality of life, and to reduce costs consequent on frequent use. The intervention consists of a combination of comprehensive case management care and standard emergency care. It uses a clinical case management model that is patient-identified, patient-directed, and developed to provide high intensity services. It provides a continuum of hospital- and community-based patient services, which include clinical assessment, outreach referral, and coordination and communication with other service providers. METHODS/DESIGN: We aim to recruit, during the first year of the study, 250 patients who visit the emergency department of the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland. Eligible patients will have visited the emergency department 5 or more times during the previous 12 months. Randomisation of the participants to the intervention or control groups will be computer generated and concealed. The statistician and each patient will be blinded to the patient's allocation. Participants in the intervention group (N = 125), additionally to standard emergency care, will receive case management from a team, 1 (ambulatory care) to 3 (hospitalization) times during their stay and after 1, 3, and 5 months, at their residence, in the hospital or in the ambulatory care setting. In between the consultations provided, the patients will have the opportunity to contact, at any moment, the case management team. Participants in the control group (N = 125) will receive standard emergency care only. Data will be collected at baseline and 2, 5.5, 9, and 12 months later, including: number of emergency department visits, quality of life (EuroQOL and WHOQOL), health services use, and relevant costs. Data on feelings of discrimination and patient's satisfaction will also be collected at the baseline and 12 months later. DISCUSSION: Our study will help to clarify knowledge gaps regarding the positive outcomes (emergency department visits, quality of life, efficiency, and cost-utility) of an intervention based on case management care. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01934322.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work was to assess loss to follow-up (LTFU) in EuroSIDA, an international multicentre observational cohort study. METHODS: LTFU was defined as no follow-up visit, CD4 cell count measurement or viral load measurement after 1 January 2006. Poisson regression was used to describe factors related to LTFU. RESULTS: The incidence of LTFU in 12 304 patients was 3.72 per 100 person-years of follow-up [95% confidence interval (CI) 3.58-3.86; 2712 LTFU] and varied among countries from 0.67 to 13.35. After adjustment, older patients, those with higher CD4 cell counts, and those who had started combination antiretroviral therapy all had lower incidences of LTFU, while injecting drug users had a higher incidence of LTFU. Compared with patients from Southern Europe and Argentina, patients from Eastern Europe had over a twofold increased incidence of LTFU after adjustment (incidence rate ratio 2.16; 95% CI 1.84-2.53; P<0.0001). A total of 2743 patients had a period of >1 year with no CD4 cell count or viral load measured during the year; 743 (27.1%) subsequently returned to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Some patients thought to be LTFU may have died, and efforts should be made to ascertain vital status wherever possible. A significant proportion of patients who have a year with no follow-up visit, CD4 cell count measurement or viral load measurement subsequently return to follow-up.


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Purpose: To compare the efficacy and safety of a slowly resorbable glaucoma implant, Healaflow (HF) and Healon 5 (H5) as spacers injected into failing filtration blebs at the time of bleb needlings, augmented with MMC Methods: Eighty-four glaucoma patients with filtration bleb failure following glaucoma surgery (deep sclerectomy/ trabeculectomy) underwent bleb needling using either HF (n=44) or H5 (n=40) as an intrableb viscoelastic spacer. All needlings were augmented by MMC and performed in the operating room, by a single surgeon. The choice between HF and H5 was randomised. Postoperative data for IOP, number of glaucoma medications (GMs), antimetabolite injections (AMIs), bleb morphology and all complications were recorded at day 1 (D1), weeks 1 (W1), 4 (W4), month 6 (M6) and last visit. Success was defined as IOP≤21mmHg and 20% reduction in IOP from baseline Results: Age was comparable between groups (HF vs H5; 66 vs 72 years; p=0.13*). There were no differences in mean postoperative IOP or GMs at any time point between groups (mean IOP = HF vs H5; prior to needling=19.8mmHg vs 18.7mmHg, p=0.48*; D1=10.4mmHg vs 10.2mmHg, p=0.85*; W1=12.3mmHg vs 13.8mmHg, p=0.33*; W4=15.7mmHg vs 15.1mmHg, p=0.69*; M6=14.3mmHg vs 13.8mmHg, p=0.69*. Mean GMs= HF vs H5; prior to needling=1.7 vs 1.7, p=0.96*; M6=0.9 vs 1.1, p=0.66*). Success rates were comparable between HF and H5 groups (74% vs 71%). Requirements for AMIs were similar between groups; post filtration surgery and prior to needling (mean AMIs 1.54 vs 1.65 p=0.82*) and within the first six months following needling ( 0.77 vs 0.65 p=0.70*). Complication rates were infrequent in both groups (9%, HF; 3%, H5) * two-sample t-test Conclusions: The early to mid-term success rates of needlings using intrableb spacers were high. However there were no differences observed between the use of crosslinked and high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate


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PURPOSE: To examine the reproducibility of carotid artery dimension measurements using 3T MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten healthy volunteers underwent three scans on two occasions for assessment of total vessel wall area (TVWA), total luminal area (TLA), and minimum (MinT) and maximum (MaxT) vessel wall thickness. A double inversion-recovery (IR) fast gradient-echo (FGRE) sequence was used on a commercial 3T system. During the first visit the subjects were scanned twice. The third scan was performed at least four days later. One observer traced all scans, and a second observer retraced the first scan series. RESULTS: For TVWA an interclass correlation (ICC) of 0.994 was calculated with all three scans taken into account. The interobserver ICC was 0.984. The agreement between the scans for TLA showed an ICC of 0.982 with an interobserver ICC of 0.998. For MinT and MaxT an ICC of 0.843 and 0.935 were calculated, with interobserver ICCs of 0.860 and 0.726, respectively. CONCLUSION: With the use of a commercial 3T MR system, TVWA, TLA, and wall thickness measurements of the carotid artery can be assessed with good reproducibility.


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BACKGROUND: The Advisa MRI system is designed to safely undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Its influence on image quality is not well known. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) image quality and to characterize myocardial contraction patterns by using the Advisa MRI system. METHODS: In this international trial with 35 participating centers, an Advisa MRI system was implanted in 263 patients. Of those, 177 were randomized to the MRI group and 150 underwent MRI scans at the 9-12-week visit. Left ventricular (LV) and right ventricular (RV) cine long-axis steady-state free precession MR images were graded for quality. Signal loss along the implantable pulse generator and leads was measured. The tagging CMR data quality was assessed as the percentage of trackable tagging points on complementary spatial modulation of magnetization acquisitions (n=16) and segmental circumferential fiber shortening was quantified. RESULTS: Of all cine long-axis steady-state free precession acquisitions, 95% of LV and 98% of RV acquisitions were of diagnostic quality, with 84% and 93%, respectively, being of good or excellent quality. Tagging points were trackable from systole into early diastole (360-648 ms after the R-wave) in all segments. During RV pacing, tagging demonstrated a dyssynchronous contraction pattern, which was not observed in nonpaced (n = 4) and right atrial-paced (n = 8) patients. CONCLUSIONS: In the Advisa MRI study, high-quality CMR images for the assessment of cardiac anatomy and function were obtained in most patients with an implantable pacing system. In addition, this study demonstrated the feasibility of acquiring tagging data to study the LV function during pacing.


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This report synthesizes the safety corridor programs of 13 states that currently have some type of program: Alaska, California, Florida, Kentucky, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington. This synthesis can help Midwestern states implement their own safety corridor programs and select pilot corridors or enhance existing corridors. Survey and interview information about the states’ programs was gathered from members of each state department of transportation (DOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) division office. Topics discussed included definitions of a safety corridor; length and number of corridors in the program; criteria for selection of a corridor; measures of effectiveness of an implemented safety corridor; organizational structure of the program; funding and legislation issues; and engineering, education, enforcement, and emergency medical service strategies. Safety corridor programs with successful results were then examined in more detail, and field visits were made to Kansas, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington for first-hand observations. With the survey and field visit information, several characteristics of successful safety corridor programs were identified, including multidisciplinary (3E and 4E) efforts; selection, evaluation, and decommissioning strategies; organization structure, champions, and funding; task forces and Corridor Safety Action Plans; road safety audits; and legislation and other safety issues. Based on the synthesis, the report makes recommendations for establishing and maintaining a successful safety corridor program.


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The trabecular bone score (TBS) is an index of bone microarchitectural texture calculated from anteroposterior dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans of the lumbar spine (LS) that predicts fracture risk, independent of bone mineral density (BMD). The aim of this study was to compare the effects of yearly intravenous zoledronate (ZOL) versus placebo (PLB) on LS BMD and TBS in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Changes in TBS were assessed in the subset of 107 patients recruited at the Department of Osteoporosis of the University Hospital of Berne, Switzerland, who were included in the HORIZON trial. All subjects received adequate calcium and vitamin D3. In these patients randomly assigned to either ZOL (n = 54) or PLB (n = 53) for 3 years, BMD was measured by DXA and TBS assessed by TBS iNsight (v1.9) at baseline and 6, 12, 24, and 36 months after treatment initiation. Baseline characteristics (mean ± SD) were similar between groups in terms of age, 76.8 ± 5.0 years; body mass index (BMI), 24.5 ± 3.6 kg/m(2) ; TBS, 1.178 ± 0.1 but for LS T-score (ZOL-2.9 ± 1.5 versus PLB-2.1 ± 1.5). Changes in LS BMD were significantly greater with ZOL than with PLB at all time points (p < 0.0001 for all), reaching +9.58% versus +1.38% at month 36. Change in TBS was significantly greater with ZOL than with PLB as of month 24, reaching +1.41 versus-0.49% at month 36; p = 0.031, respectively. LS BMD and TBS were weakly correlated (r = 0.20) and there were no correlations between changes in BMD and TBS from baseline at any visit. In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, once-yearly intravenous ZOL therapy significantly increased LS BMD relative to PLB over 3 years and TBS as of 2 years. © 2013 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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BACKGROUND: Drug therapy in high-risk individuals has been advocated as an important strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease in low income countries. We determined, in a low-income urban population, the proportion of persons who utilized health services after having been diagnosed as hypertensive and advised to seek health care for further hypertension management. METHODS: A population-based survey of 9254 persons aged 25-64 years was conducted in Dar es Salaam. Among the 540 persons with high blood pressure (defined here as BP >or= 160/95 mmHg) at the initial contact, 253 (47%) had high BP on a 4th visit 45 days later. Among them, 208 were untreated and advised to attend health care in a health center of their choice for further management of their hypertension. One year later, 161 were seen again and asked about their use of health services during the interval. RESULTS: Among the 161 hypertensive persons advised to seek health care, 34% reported to have attended a formal health care provider during the 12-month interval (63% public facility; 30% private; 7% both). Antihypertensive treatment was taken by 34% at some point of time (suggesting poor uptake of health services) and 3% at the end of the 12-month follow-up (suggesting poor long-term compliance). Health services utilization tended to be associated with older age, previous history of high BP, being overweight and non-smoking, but not with education or wealth. Lack of symptoms and cost of treatment were the reasons reported most often for not attending health care. CONCLUSION: Low utilization of health services after hypertension screening suggests a small impact of a patient-centered screen-and-treat strategy in this low-income population. These findings emphasize the need to identify and address barriers to health care utilization for non-communicable diseases in this setting and, indirectly, the importance of public health measures for primary prevention of these diseases.


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OBJECTIVES: Persons from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are increasingly enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). Cohorts from other European countries showed higher rates of viral failure among their SSA participants. We analyzed long-term outcomes of SSA versus North Western European participants. DESIGN: We analyzed data of the SHCS, a nation-wide prospective cohort study of HIV-infected adults at 7 sites in Switzerland. METHODS: SSA and North Western European participants were included if their first treatment combination consisted of at least 3 antiretroviral drugs (cART), if they had at least 1 follow-up visit, did not report active injecting drug use, and did not start cART with CD4 counts >200 cells per microliter during pregnancy. Early viral response, CD4 cell recovery, viral failure, adherence, discontinuation from SHCS, new AIDS-defining events, and survival were analyzed using linear regression and Cox proportional hazard models. RESULTS: The proportion of participants from SSA within the SHCS increased from 2.6% (<1995) to 20.8% (2005-2009). Of 4656 included participants, 808 (17.4%) were from SSA. Early viral response (6 months) and rate of viral failure in an intent-to-stay-on-cART approach were similar. However, SSA participants had a higher risk of viral failure on cART (adjusted hazard ratio: 2.03, 95% confidence interval: 1.50 to 2.75). Self-reported adherence was inferior for SSA. There was no increase of AIDS-defining events or mortality in SSA participants. CONCLUSIONS: Increased attention must be given to factors negatively influencing adherence to cART in participants from SSA to guarantee equal longer-term results on cART.


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Introduction: THC-COOH has been proposed as a criterion to help to distinguish between occasional from regular cannabis users. However, to date this indicator has not been adequately assessed under experimental and real-life conditions. Methods: We carried out a controlled administration study of smoked cannabis with a placebo. Twenty-three heavy smokers and 25 occasional smokers, between 18 and 30 years of age, participated in this study [Battistella G et al., PloS one. 2013;8(1):e52545]. We collected data from a second real case study performed with 146 traffic offenders' cases in which the whole blood cannabinoid concentrations and the frequency of cannabis use were known. Cannabinoid levels were determined in whole blood using tandem mass spectrometry methods. Results: Significantly high differences in THC-COOH concentrations were found between the two groups when measured during the screening visit, prior to the smoking session, and throughout the day of the experiment. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were determined and two threshold criteria were proposed in order to distinguish between these groups: a free THC-COOH concentration below 3 μg/L suggested an occasional consumption (≤ 1 joint/week) while a concentration higher than 40 μg/L corresponded to a heavy use (≥ 10 joints/month). These thresholds were successfully tested with the second real case study. The two thresholds were not challenged by the presence of ethanol (40% of cases) and of other therapeutic and illegal drugs (24%). These thresholds were also found to be consistent with previously published experimental data. Conclusion: We propose the following procedure that can be very useful in the Swiss context but also in other countries with similar traffic policies: If the whole blood THC-COOH concentration is higher than 40 μg/L, traffic offenders must be directed first and foremost toward medical assessment of their fitness to drive. This evaluation is not recommended if the THC-COOH concentration is lower than 3 μg/L. A THC-COOH level between these two thresholds can't be reliably interpreted. In such a case, further medical assessment and follow up of the fitness to drive are also suggested, but with lower priority.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) IgG antibodies and the seroincidence of HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections in pregnant women attending the maternity clinic of the University Hospital Lausanne. STUDY DESIGN: Blood samples from 1030 women were taken at the usual pregnancy visit in the first trimester to assess the prevalence rate of IgG antibodies against HSV-1 and HSV-2 using a type-specific assay. A second blood sample was taken 6-8 weeks postpartum from returning women who were seronegative for HSV-2 or HSV-1 to assess the incidence of seroconversion (primary infection). RESULTS: The seroprevalence rates were 79.4% (95% CI: 76.9-81.9) for HSV-1 and 21.2% (18.7-23.7) for HSV-2 in women 14-46 years old. Type-specific serostatus patterns were as follows: 17.3% HSV-1/-2: +/+, 62.1% HSV-1/-2: +/-, 3.9% HSV-1/-2: -/+, 16.7% HSV-1/-2: -/-. Two hundred and sixty five women (59 of the 212 seronegative for HSV-1 (27.8%) and 265 of the 812 seronegative for HSV-2 (32.6%)) returned to the outpatient clinic for the post-delivery check and a second blood sample was obtained. One HSV-1 seroconversion was detected (HSV-1 seroconversion rate 2.4%/100 patient×year (95% CI: 0.06-13.4)) in a patient who had symptoms compatible with primary genital herpes. No HSV-2 seroconversion was detected (HSV-2 seroconversion rate: 0/100 patient×year (97.5% one-sided CI: 0-2)). CONCLUSION: Compared to a previous population-based study, our study results suggest a rise in the prevalence of HSV-2 among pregnant women in Switzerland. The low incidence of seroconversion detected during pregnancy is consistent with the very low reported incidence of neonatal herpes in Switzerland. CONDENSATION: This study in a public hospital in Western Switzerland suggests an increasing prevalence of HSV-2, but a low incidence of primary infections in women of childbearing age.


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OBJECTIVES: We studied the incidence and prevalence of, and co-factors for depression in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: Depression-specific items were introduced in 2010 and prospectively collected at semiannual cohort visits. Clinical, laboratory and behavioral co-factors of incident depression among participants free of depression at the first two visits in 2010 or thereafter were analyzed with Poisson regression. Cumulative prevalence of depression at the last visit was analyzed with logistic regression. RESULTS: Among 4,422 participants without a history of psychiatric disorders or depression at baseline, 360 developed depression during 9,348 person-years (PY) of follow-up, resulting in an incidence rate of 3.9 per 100 PY (95% confidence interval (CI) 3.5-4.3). Cumulative prevalence of depression during follow-up was recorded for 1,937/6,756 (28.7%) participants. Incidence and cumulative prevalence were higher in injection drug users (IDU) and women. Older age, preserved work ability and higher physical activity were associated with less depression episodes. Mortality (0.96 per 100 PY, 95% CI 0.83-1.11) based upon 193 deaths over 20,102 PY was higher among male IDU (2.34, 1.78-3.09), female IDU (2.33, 1.59-3.39) and white heterosexual men (1.32, 0.94-1.84) compared to white heterosexual women and homosexual men (0.53, 0.29-0.95; and 0.71, 0.55-0.92). Compared to participants free of depression, mortality was slightly elevated among participants with a history of depression (1.17, 0.94-1.45 vs. 0.86, 0.71-1.03, P = 0.033). Suicides (n = 18) did not differ between HIV transmission groups (P = 0.50), but were more frequent among participants with a prior diagnosis of depression (0.18 per 100 PY, 95%CI 0.10-0.31; vs. 0.04, 0.02-0.10; P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Depression is a frequent co-morbidity among HIV-infected persons, and thus an important focus of care.


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BACKGROUND: Our retrospective, international study aimed at evaluating the activity and safety of eribulin mesylate (EM) in pretreated metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in a routine clinical setting. METHODS: Patients treated with EM for a locally advanced or MBC between March 2011 and January 2014 were included in the study. Clinical and biological assessment of toxicity was performed at each visit. Tumour response was assessed every 3 cycles of treatment. A database was created to collect clinical, pathological and treatment data. RESULTS: Two hundred and fifty-eight patients were included in the study. Median age was 59 years old. Tumours were Hormone Receptor (HR)-positive (73.3 %) HER2-positive (10.2 %), and triple negative (TN, 22.5 %). 86.4 % of the patients presented with visceral metastases, mainly in the liver (67.4 %). Median previous metastatic chemotherapies number was 4 [1-9]. Previous treatments included anthracyclines and/or taxanes (100 %) and capecitabine (90.7 %). Median number of EM cycles was 5 [1-19]. The relative dose intensity was 0.917. At the time of analysis (median follow-up of 13.9 months), 42.3 % of the patients were still alive. The objective response rate was 25.2 % (95 %CI: 20-31) with a 36.1 % clinical benefit rate (CBR). Median time to progression (TTP) and overall survival were 3.97 (95 %CI: 3.25-4.3) and 11.2 (95 %CI: 9.3-12.1) months, respectively. One- and 2-year survival rates were 45.5 and 8.5 %, respectively. In multivariate analysis, HER2 positivity (HR = 0.29), the presence of lung metastases (HR = 2.49) and primary taxanes resistance (HR = 2.36) were the only three independent CBR predictive factors, while HR positivity (HR = 0.67), the presence of lung metastases (HR = 1.52) and primary taxanes resistance (HR = 1.50) were the only three TTP independent prognostic factors. Treatment was globally well tolerated. Most common grade 3-4 toxicities were neutropenia (20.9 %), peripheral neuropathy (3.9 %), anaemia (1.6 %), liver dysfunction (0.8 %) and thrombocytopenia (0.4 %). Thirteen patients (5 %) developed febrile neutropenia. CONCLUSION: EM is an effective new option in heavily pretreated MBC, with a favourable efficacy/safety ratio in a clinical practice setting. Our results comfort the use of this new molecule and pledge for the evaluation of EM-trastuzumab combination in this setting. Tumour biology, primary taxanes sensitivity and metastatic sites could represent useful predictive and prognostic factors.