1000 resultados para stratégies
D'une certaine manière, la rhétorique est un art cognitif. L'art de discourir en situation concrète dans l'espoir de faire adhérer l'auditoire à une thèse suppose une forte aptitude cognitive: celle de se représenter la façon dont l'auditoire lui-même se représente une situation rhétorique. Or, à partir du moment où agir sur les représentations d'autrui est facilité par des techniques rhétoriques ou sophistiques, la question de la tromperie verbale s'est immiscée dans des affaires de régulation sociale et, avec elle, des enjeux tant de crédibilité que de crédulité. Dans le cadre démocratique rendant encore plus aiguë une forme de dépendance à l'information d'autrui, la nécessité de croire tout comme la possibilité d'être leurré mettent à l'épreuve tant le fonctionnement social de la Cité que l'évaluation des informations et de leurs auteurs. Le but des contributions de cet ouvrage n'est pas de dénoncer les effets de certains schèmes argumentatifs que d'aucuns jugeraient fallacieux ni d'ajouter une couche nouvelle aux critiques des sophismes, mais d'étudier leur fonctionnement et leurs effets cognitifs hic et nunc. Quels sont les mécanismes langagiers et cognitifs qui expliquent la «performance» des arguments réputés fallacieux? Comment fonctionnent les stratégies rhétoriques à l'intersection entre cognition, sciences du langage et société? Cet ouvrage, issu du colloque Communication et Cognition: manipulation, persuasion et biais dans le langage, tenu à Neuchâtel du 26 au 28 janvier 2011, propose plusieurs propositions originales ou hypothèses stimulantes dans l'espoir qu'elles inspireront tant les chercheurs spécialisés en rhétorique et sciences du langage à aller voir du côté de la psychologie cognitive que les spécialistes de ce domaine à mettre en évidence la rhétoricité de leurs recherches. English version: In a way, rhetoric is a cognitive art. The art of speaking in concrete situations in the hope of gaining the audience's consent on a given issue requires the operation of a cognitive ability: that of being able to represent the way an audience represents itself a rhetorical situation. Nonetheless, once we consider that rhetorical or sophistic techniques influence people's representations, verbal deception becomes a matter of social regulation, together with issues of credibility and credulity. In a democratic context fostering a form of dependence towards other people's information, the necessity of believing everything and the possibility of being duped are challenges for both the social management of the City and the evaluation of information and of its sources. The contribution of the chapters of this volume is neither to be found in the condemnation of the fallacious effects of specific argument schemes nor in the addition of yet another layer to fallacy criticism, but in the study of how fallacies work, hic et nunc. What are the linguistic and cognitive mechanisms at play behind the "performance" of fallacious arguments? How do rhetorical strategies work at the interface of cognition, language science and society? This book gathers papers that were presented during the international conference Communication & Cognition: manipulation, persuasion and biases in language, held at the University of Neuchâtel in January 2011. A number of original proposals and stimulating hypotheses emerge from them: we hope that these will inspire researchers in the language sciences who specialise in rhetoric to take on board cognitive scientific insights but also researchers in cognitive science to engage with the rhetoricity of their own research.
The interest in sexuality of adolescents in medical practice is often mainly focussed on the onset of sexual intercourse and on the emergence of contraceptive needs, though the beginning of adolescence takes place much earlier with the first signs of puberty followed by the menarche. At the issue of this profound metamorphosis the adolescent needs to adapt herself to a modified, sexual body. Adolescence is also a time of identity development and of changes in relationships, which are influenced by gender role in family and perception related to gender during childhood. This article shows epidemiological data to consider and the main issues of gynaecologic consultation with the adolescent. The different stages of development depend on biological and environmental factors which either favour resilience or weaken the individual due to a lack of affection or to abusive relationships. Medical consultation for a gynaecological problem, questions on puberty and development or on contraception give medical professionals and especially gynaecologists a chance to address sexual issues naturally, to anticipate questions as well as contraceptive needs. The consultation with the adolescent includes also the screening for behaviour related to a lack of information or a personal or relational difficulty.
En quoi et comment l'étude des stratégies représente-t-elle un intérêt pour la prévention des troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS) ? Qu'en est-il des retombées d'une telle étude pour l'entreprise et pour les travailleurs ? Cet article se propose d'évaluer les diverses stratégies utilisées par les travailleurs pour gérer leur douleur face aux TMS. Résultats d'une étude qui s'est déroulée au sein de deux usines de transformation du crabe.
UKPDS and DCCT studies have demonstrated the critical role of tight glycaemic control to reduce the micro- and macro-vascular damage linked to diabetes. Unfortunately, the insulin requirement of type 2 diabetic patients remains elevated since 5 to 7% of these patients will required, yearly, a change from oral antidiabetic drug to insulin treatment to maintain a good glycaemic control. This manuscript is intended to review the currently available oral antidiabetic drugs, their benefits as well as potential arms and to propose a simplified therapeutic strategy in presence of type 2 diabetes.
The management of gliomas remains challenging and requires a multidisciplinary approach that involves neurosurgeons, radiation therapists and oncologists. For patients with glioblastomas, progress has been made in recent years with the introduction of a combined modality treatment associating radiation therapy and concomitant chemotherapy with the novel alkylating agent temozolomide. This combination resulted in a significant prolongation of survival and increase in the number of patients with survival well beyond two years. Since then, interest in developing new agents in this disease has dramatically increased. In parallel, molecular markers, such as methylation status of MGMT or identification of the translocation of 1p and 19q in oligodendrogliomas have allowed to identify distinct subtypes with exquisite response to treatment or different prognosis. These developments have implications for the development of clinical trials of new potential drug treatments. In this article, we provide a review of the current management of low- and high-grade gliomas, including astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and glioblastomas and provide an outlook into future potential therapies.
Antibiotics are widely used in critical care and adequate empirical treatments has a significant impact on the outcome of many patients. Most nosocomial infections may be due to multidrug-resistant pathogens and requires empirical borad spectrum coverage before identification of the etiologic agents. This is associated with overuse of antibiotics which contributes to the further increase in multidrug-resistances. In this context, new strategies targeted at antibiotic control, such as guidelines and de-escalation are needed to control this evolution.
Au carrefour du divertissement et de l'information, l'émission télévisuelle, Les Guignols de l'info, parodie le monde culturel, politique et médiatique français par le biais des personnalités qui le composent. Créée dans une optique humoristique, l'émission pointe certains dysfonctionnements émergeant dans l'espace public. Elle dénonce ainsi une instrumentalisation du discours par les politiques à l'exemple des stratégies d'évitement déployées par Nicolas Sarkozy dans l'entretien analysé. Plus largement, cette dénonciation tend à révéler la présence d'un nouveau type de populisme dans les pratiques de communication médiatique actuelles. L'émission participe de ce fait à un commentaire citoyen sur l'espace public.
Guidelines for the treatment of hypertension recommend reducing blood pressure to below 140/90 mmHg. However, there is little to guide the clinician on which pharmacological strategy to pursue: monotherapy with stepped-care, sequential monotherapy, or the initial use of combination therapy. The STRATHE study was designed to clarify this issue by comparing the three strategies. A low-dose combination of perindopril/indapamide was significantly superior to either stepped-care or sequential monotherapy in terms of reducing systolic blood pressure and in the percentage of patients achieving normalisation without adverse effects. Pulse pressure showed a trend to greater reductions with the low-dose combination. Although there must be caution about extrapolating these results to other combinations, which may not have the same pharmacological properties, the STRATHE study has shown that initiating antihypertensive therapy with a low-dose combination has advantages over the two other classical therapeutic strategies.