895 resultados para stp-down uni


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Interactions between turbulent waters and atmosphere may lead to strong air-water mixing. This experimental study is focused on the flow down a staircase channel characterised by very strong flow aeration and turbulence. Interfacial aeration is characterised by strong air-water mixing extending down to the invert. The size of entrained bubbles and droplets extends over several orders of magnitude, and a significant number of bubble/droplet clusters was observed. Velocity and turbulence intensity measurements suggest high levels of turbulence across the entire air-water flow. The increase in turbulence levels, compared to single-phase flow situations, is proportional to the number of entrained particles. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This invited editorial, reflecting on expectations of changing to graduate entry, eg enhanced maturity in the student cohort with greater self-sufficiency and taking of responsibility for learning in the context of adoption of a problem-based learning model, examines experiences of early post-change years and raises questions for contemplation by medical schools considering graduate entry.


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Mental retardation in individuals with Down syndrome (DS) is thought to result from anomalous development and function of the brain; however, the underlying neuropathological processes have yet to be determined. Early implementation of special care programs result in limited, and temporary, cognitive improvements in DS individuals. In the present study, we investigated the possible neural correlates of these limited improvements. More specifically, we studied cortical pyramidal cells in the frontal cortex of Ts65Dn mice, a partial trisomy of murine chromosome 16 (MMU16) model characterized by cognitive deficits, hyperactivity, behavioral disruption and reduced attention levels similar to those observed in DS, and their control littermates. Animals were raised either in a standard or in an enriched environment. Environmental enrichment had a marked effect on pyramidal cell structure in control animals. Pyramidal cells in environmentally enriched control animals were significantly more branched and more spinous than non-enriched controls. However, environmental enrichment had little effect on pyramidal cell structure in Ts65Dn mice. As each dendritic spine receives at least one excitatory input, differences in the number of spines found in the dendritic arbors of pyramidal cells in the two groups reflect differences in the number of excitatory inputs they receive and, consequently, complexity in cortical circuitry. The present results suggest that behavioral deficits demonstrated in the Ts65Dn model could be attributed to abnormal circuit development.


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Despite widespread awareness that children with Down syndrome are particularly susceptible to hearing pathologies, the audiological status of students with Down syndrome in special schools is all too often unknown. Unfortunately, hearing screening for this population is unable to rely on standard, behavioural test batteries. To facilitate future improvements in screening protocols, this study investigated the results of tympanometry and transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) testing for a group of children with Down syndrome. Assessments were not conducted in the artificial context of a clinic or laboratory, but within the school environment. Outcomes are reported for 27 subjects with a mean age of 10 years 5 months (SD = 4;11). Tympanometry testing was failed in at least one ear by 41.7% of subjects, while a failure rate of 81.5% of subjects was observed for TEOAE testing. Therefore, it is concluded that immediate review of hearing screening programs for students with Down syndrome is highly advisable.


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O Sistema de Gest??o de Conv??nios e Contratos de Repasse (Siconv) ?? a iniciativa do Governo Federal respons??vel por todo o ciclo de vida dos conv??nios, contratos de repasse e termos de parceria, no qual s??o registrados os atos, desde a formaliza????o da proposta at?? a presta????o de contas final. O Siconv inova no modelo de gest??o, proporciona celeridade aos procedimentos e desburocratiza as atividades fins, com foco na substitui????o do processo f??sico pelo eletr??nico e no registro de todos os procedimentos, o que permite maior transpar??ncia na execu????o das transfer??ncias volunt??rias da Uni??o. Destaca- se ainda que a disponibiliza????o do sistema aos usu??rios e tamb??m para a sociedade por meio do endere??o eletr??nico www.convenios.gov.br deve ser considerada como grande fator de inova????o, uma vez que, mesmo indiretamente, se apresenta como mais uma ferramenta de controle social.


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Este trabalho pretende tra??ar a evolu????o dos recursos alocados para o pagamento das d??vidas da Administra????o P??blica Federal direta, desde 2010 at?? 2013, bem como identificar a origem desses d??bitos quanto ao Tribunal julgador e a Regi??o geogr??fica. Trata-se de pesquisa quantitativa realizada com base nos dados anualmente encaminhados pelo Poder Judici??rio ao Executivo, e que se destinam a quantificar, na Lei Or??ament??ria Anual do exerc??cio subsequente, a dota????o necess??ria para realizar os pagamentos devidos. Seus principais resultados foram: distinguir o volume de recursos referentes a parcelamentos anteriores ou a novos precat??rios; classificar os Tribunais da Justi??a da Uni??o por precat??rios autuados; esbo??ar um mapa dos Estados brasileiros por precat??rios emitidos; apontar as varia????es anuais dos valores de precat??rios, por Tribunal e por Estado; possibilitar a constru????o de uma metodologia de acompanhamento da emiss??o de precat??rios; e constituir um ponto de partida para pesquisas futuras sobre o tema, notadamente, as que pretendam relacionar os n??meros apresentados ??s causas de expedi????o de precat??rios e aos ??rg??os executados


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O Sistema de Escolas de Governo da Uni??o (SEGU) est?? previsto no Decreto n?? 5.707, de 23 de fevereiro de 2006, que institui a Pol??tica Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pessoal (PNDP). Atualmente, o Sistema ?? composto por 16 Escolas de Governo da Uni??o, tendo a ENAP como coordenadora, atribui????o dada pelo Decreto n?? 5.707/2006. O texto apresenta informa????es detalhadas sobre cada uma das institui????es que integram o SEGU


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Como manter a estrat??gia europ??ia de desenvolvimento atualizada, e ?? luz dos valores europeus, para reagir aos novos desafios decorrentes da globaliza????o, da mudan??a tecnol??gica e do envelhecimento das popula????es? Um novo paradigma emerge, em que o conhecimento e a inova????o s??o as principais fontes de riqueza e tamb??m de diferen??as entre as na????es, as empresas e as pessoas. Era preciso definir a via europ??ia de transi????o para essa economia baseada na inova????o e no conhecimento, com marcas distintas que v??o da salvaguarda da coes??o social e da diversidade cultural ??s pr??prias escolhas tecnol??gicas. Criar uma nova plataforma competitiva ?? fundamental para sustentar o modelo social europeu, que tamb??m dever?? ser renovado. Este artigo nos traz o debate dos pa??ses membros da Uni??o Europ??ia que precedeu a Cimeira de Lisboa (23 e 24 de Mar??o de 2000).