795 resultados para stoichiometry


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In layered silicate-epoxy nanocomposites organic modification of the silicates makes them compatible with the epoxy which intercalates into the clay galleries. The effect of clay dispersion on epoxies of high Tg is not clear. Decreases of the epoxy Tg have been frequently reported. The presence of clay may cause stoichiometry imbalances that conduces to the formation of imperfect networks


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An asymptotic analysîs of the Eberstein-Glassman kinetic mechanlsm for the thermal décomposition of hydrazine is carried out. It is shown that at températures near 800°K and near 1000°K,and for hydrazine molar fractions of the order of unity, 10-2 the entire kinetics reduces to a single, overall reaction. Characteristic times for the chemical relaxation of ail active, intermediate species produced in the décomposition, and for the overall reaction, are obtained. Explicit expressions for the overall reaction rate and stoichiometry are given as functions of température, total molar concentration (or pressure)and hydrazine molar fraction. Approximate, patched expressions can then be obtained for values of température and hydrazine molar fraction between 750 and 1000°K, and 1 and 10-3 respectively.


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This paper focuses on examples of educational tools concerning the learning of chemistry for engineering students through different daily life cases. These tools were developed during the past few years for enhancing the active role of students. They refer to cases about mineral water, medicaments, dentifrices and informative panels about solar power, where an adequate quantitative treatment through stoichiometry calculations allows the interpretation of data and values announced by manufacturers. These cases were developed in the context of an inquiry-guided instruction model. By bringing tangible chemistry examples into the classroom we provide an opportunity for engineering students to apply this science to familiar products in hopes that they will appreciate chemistry more, will be motivated to study concepts in greater detail, and will connect the relevance of chemistry to everyday life.


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Native cylic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are composed of α and β subunits. Olfactory CNG channels were expressed from rat cDNA clones in Xenopus oocytes and studied in inside-out patches. Using tandem dimers composed of linked subunits, we investigated the stoichiometry and arrangement of the α and β subunits. Dimers contained three subunit types: αwt, βwt, and αm. The αm subunit lacks an amino-terminal domain that greatly influences gating, decreasing the apparent affinity of the channel for ligand by 9-fold, making it a reporter for inclusion in the tetramer. Homomeric channels from injection of αwtαwt dimers and from αwt monomers were indistinguishable. Channels from injection of αwtαm dimers had apparent affinities 3-fold lower than αwt homomultimers, suggesting a channel with two αwt and two αm subunits. Channels from coinjection of αwtαwt and ββ dimers were indistinguishable from those composed of α and β monomers and shared all of the characteristics of the α+β phenotype of heteromeric channels. Coinjection of αwtαm and ββ dimers yielded channels also of the α+β phenotype but with an apparent affinity 3-fold lower, indicating the presence of αm in the tetramer and that α+β channels have adjacent α-subunits. To distinguish between an α-α-α-β and an α-α-β-β arrangement, we compared apparent affinities for channels from coinjection of αwtαwt and βαwt or αwtαwt and βαm dimers. These channels were indistinguishable. To further argue against an α-α-α-β arrangement, we quantitatively compared dose–response data for channels from coinjection of αwtαm and ββ dimers to those from α and β monomers. Taken together, our results are most consistent with an α-α-β-β arrangement for the heteromeric olfactory CNG channel.


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The NUP98 gene encodes precursor proteins that generate two nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, NUP98 and NUP96. By using gene targeting, we have selectively disrupted the murine NUP98 protein, leaving intact the expression and localization of NUP96. We show that NUP98 is essential for mouse gastrulation, a developmental stage that is associated with rapid cell proliferation, but dispensable for basal cell growth. NUP98−/− cells had an intact nuclear envelope with a normal number of embedded nuclear pore complexes. Typically, NUP98-deficient cells contained on average approximately 5-fold more cytoplasmic annulate lamellae than control cells. We found that a set of cytoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP358, NUP214, NUP88, and p62, assembled inefficiently into nuclear pores of NUP98−/− cells. Instead, these nucleoporins were prominently associated with the annulate lamellae. By contrast, a group of nucleoplasmically oriented nucleoporins, including NUP153, NUP50, NUP96, and NUP93, had no affinity for annulate lamellae and assembled normally into nuclear pores. Mutant pores were significantly impaired in transport receptor-mediated docking of proteins with a nuclear localization signal or M9 import signal and showed weak nuclear import of such substrates. In contrast, the ability of mutant pores to import ribosomal protein L23a and spliceosome protein U1A appeared intact. These observations show that NUP98 disruption selectively impairs discrete protein import pathways and support the idea that transport of distinct import complexes through the nuclear pore complex is mediated by specific subsets of nucleoporins.


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The stoichiometry of c subunits in the H+-transporting Fo rotary motor of ATP synthase is uncertain, the most recent suggestions varying from 10 to 14. The stoichiometry will determine the number of H+ transported per ATP synthesized and will directly relate to the P/O ratio of oxidative phosphorylation. The experiments described here show that the number of c subunits in functional complexes of FoF1 ATP synthase from Escherichia coli can be manipulated, but that the preferred number is 10. Mixtures of genetically fused cysteine-substituted trimers (c3) and tetramers (c4) of subunit c were coexpressed and the c subunits crosslinked in the plasma membrane. Prominent products corresponding to oligomers of c7 and c10 were observed in the membrane and purified FoF1 complex, indicating that the c10 oligomer formed naturally. Oligomers larger than c10 were also observed in the membrane fraction of cells expressing c3 or c4 individually, or in cells coexpressing c3 and c4 together, but these larger oligomers did not copurify with the functional FoF1 complex and were concluded to be aberrant products of assembly in the membrane.


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Previously, we identified a novel gene, pmgA, as an essential factor to support photomixotrophic growth of Synechocystis species PCC 6803 and reported that a strain in which pmgA was deleted grew better than the wild type under photoautotrophic conditions. To gain insight into the role of pmgA, we investigated the mutant phenotype of pmgA in detail. When low-light-grown (20 μE m−2 s−1) cells were transferred to high light (HL [200μE m−2 s−1]), pmgA mutants failed to respond in the manner typically associated with Synechocystis. Specifically, mutants lost their ability to suppress accumulation of chlorophyll and photosystem I and, consequently, could not modulate photosystem stoichiometry. These phenotypes seem to result in enhanced rates of photosynthesis and growth during short-term exposure to HL. Moreover, mixed-culture experiments clearly demonstrated that loss of pmgA function was selected against during longer-term exposure to HL, suggesting that pmgA is involved in acquisition of resistance to HL stress. Finally, early induction of pmgA expression detected by reverse transcriptase-PCR upon the shift to HL led us to conclude that pmgA is the first gene identified, to our knowledge, as a specific regulatory factor for HL acclimation.


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The binding stoichiometry of gene V protein from bacteriophage f1 to several oligonucleotides was studied using electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Using mild mass spectrometer interface conditions that preserve noncovalent associations in solution, gene V protein was observed as dimer ions from a 10 mM NH4OAc solution. Addition of oligonucleotides resulted in formation of protein-oligonucleotide complexes with stoichiometry of approximately four nucleotides (nt) per protein monomer. A 16-mer oligonucleotide gave predominantly a 4:1 (protein monomer: oligonucleotide) complex while oligonucleotides shorter than 15 nt showed stoichiometries of 2:1. Stoichiometries and relative binding constants for a mixture of oligonucleotides were readily measured using mass spectrometry. The binding stoichiometry of the protein with the 16-mer oligonucleotide was measured independently using size-exclusion chromatography and the results were consistent with the mass spectrometric data. These results demonstrate, for the first time, the observation and stoichiometric measurement of protein-oligonucleotide complexes using ESI-MS. The sensitivity and high resolution of ESI-MS should make it a useful too] in the study of protein-DNA interactions.


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Ionotropic glutamate receptors, neurotransmitter-activated ion channels that mediate excitatory synaptic transmission in the central nervous system, are oligomeric membrane proteins of unknown subunit stoichiometry. To determine the subunit stoichiometry we have used a functional assay based on the blockade of two alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate/kainate receptor subunit 1 (GluR1) mutant subunits selectively engineered to exhibit differential sensitivity to the open channel blockers phencyclidine and dizolcipine (MK-801). Coinjection into amphibian oocytes of weakly sensitive with highly sensitive subunit complementary RNAs produces functional heteromeric channels with mixed blocker sensitivities. Increasing the fraction of the highly sensitive subunit augmented the proportion of drug-sensitive receptors. Analysis of the data using a model based on random aggregation of receptor subunits allowed us to determine a pentameric stoichiometry for GluR1. This finding supports the view that a pentameric subunit organization underlies the structure of the neuronal ionotropic glutamate receptor gene family.


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We quantify the rate and efficiency of picosecond electron transfer (ET) from PbS nanocrystals, grown by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR), into a mesoporous SnO2 support. Successive SILAR deposition steps allow for stoichiometry- and size-variation of the QDs, characterized using transmission electron microscopy. Whereas for sulfur-rich (p-type) QD surfaces substantial electron trapping at the QD surface occurs, for lead-rich (n-type) QD surfaces, the QD trapping channel is suppressed and the ET efficiency is boosted. The ET efficiency increase achieved by lead-rich QD surfaces is found to be QD-size dependent, increasing linearly with QD surface area. On the other hand, ET rates are found to be independent of both QD size and surface stoichiometry, suggesting that the donor–acceptor energetics (constituting the driving force for ET) are fixed due to Fermi level pinning at the QD/oxide interface. Implications of our results for QD-sensitized solar cell design are discussed.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Although the effectiveness of herbivores in mitigating the effects of nutrient enrichment is well documented, few studies have examined the effects of nutrient enrichment on components of consumer fitness. Enclosures were deployed in shallow turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) beds in Florida Bay, Florida in fall 2003, spring 2004, and fall 2004 to measure the effects of nitrogen and phosphorous enrichment on the growth, fecundity, and stoichiometry of three invertebrate epiphyte grazers commonly associated with T. testudinum. The gastropod Turbo castanea exhibited significantly greater wet weight gain and lower C:P and N:P in enriched than in ambient treatments. Although nutrient enrichment did not have any significant effects on the growth of caridean shrimp (treatment consisted of several different caridean shrimp species), their C:N was significantly lower in enriched treatments. The final size and stoichiometry of the hermit crab Paguristes tortugae was not significantly affected by nutrient enrichment, nor did nutrient enrichment significantly affect the fecundity of P. tortugae, the only grazer in which gravid individuals or egg masses were present. Our study demonstrated that nutrient enrichment of primary producers can positively affect the growth of marine invertebrate grazers and alter their stoichiometry; however, these effects were species-specific and may be dependent upon the life stage, specific diets, and/or compensatory feeding habits of the grazers.


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Effects of CO2 concentration on elemental composition of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi were studied in phosphorus-limited, continuous cultures that were acclimated to experimental conditions for 30 d prior to the first sampling. We determined phytoplankton and bacterial cell numbers, nutrients, particulate components like organic carbon (POC), inorganic carbon (PIC), nitrogen (PN), organic phosphorus (POP), transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), as well as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON), in addition to carbonate system parameters at CO2 levels of 180, 380 and 750 µatm. No significant difference between treatments was observed for any of the measured variables during repeated sampling over a 14 d period. We considered several factors that might lead to these results, i.e. light, nutrients, carbon overconsumption and transient versus steady-state growth. We suggest that the absence of a clear CO2 effect during this study does not necessarily imply the absence of an effect in nature. Instead, the sensitivity of the cell towards environmental stressors such as CO2 may vary depending on whether growth conditions are transient or sufficiently stable to allow for optimal allocation of energy and resources. We tested this idea on previously published data sets where PIC and POC divided by the corresponding cell abundance of E. huxleyi at various pCO2 levels and growth rates were available.


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Carbon (C) sequestration in soils is a means for increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and is a potential tool for climate change mitigation. One recommended management practice to increase SOC stocks is nitrogen (N) fertilisation, however examples of positive, negative or null SOC effects in response to N addition exist. We evaluated the relative importance of plant molecular structure, soil physical properties and soil ecological stoichiometry in explaining the retention of SOC with and without N addition. We tracked the transformation of 13C pulse-labelled buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) material to the <53 μm silt + clay soil organic C fraction, hereafter named “humus”, over 365-days of incubation in four contrasting agricultural soils, with and without urea-N addition. We hypothesised that: a) humus retention would be soil and litter dependent; b) humus retention would be litter independent once litter C:N ratios were standardised with urea-N addition; and c) humus retention would be improved by urea-N addition. Two and three-way factorial analysis of variance indicated that 13C humus was consistently soil and litter dependent, even when litter C:N ratios were standardised, and that the effect of urea-N addition on 13C humus was also soil and litter dependent. A boosted regression analysis of the effect of 44 plant and soil explanatory variables demonstrated that soil biological and chemical properties had the greatest relative influence on 13C humus. Regression tree analyses demonstrated that the greatest gains in 13C humus occurred in soils of relatively low total organic C, dissolved organic C and microbial biomass C (MBC), or with a combination of relatively high MBC and low C:N ratio. The greatest losses in 13C humus occurred in soils with a combination of relatively high MBC and low total N or increasing C:N ratio. We conclude that soil variables involved in soil ecological stoichiometry exert a greater relative influence on incorporating organic matter as humus compared to plant molecular structure and soil physical properties. Furthermore, we conclude that the effect of N fertilisation on humus retention is dependent upon soil ecological stoichiometry.