976 resultados para stock index futures


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In an earlier paper, we adopted a bi-variate BEKK–GARCH framework and employed a systematic approach to examine structural breaks in the Hang Seng Index and Index Futures market volatility. Switching dummy variables were included and tested in the variance equations to check for any structural changes in the autoregressive volatility structure due to the events that have taken place in the Hong Kong market surrounding the Asian markets crisis. In this paper, we include measures of daily trading volume from both markets in the estimation. Likelihood ratio tests indicate the switching dummy variables become insignificant and the GARCH effects diminish but remain significant. There is some evidence that the Sequential Arrival of Information Model (SIM) provides a platform to explain these market induced effects when volume of trade is accounted for.


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The creation of an electronic limit order book is discussed as the basis for distinguishing between the floor trading and screen trading of derivative instruments. Distinguishing between FTP and ETP in terms of market transparency allows investors to contemplate the trade-off between the 2 platforms. Distinguishing between FTP and ETP in terms of memory preservation allows practitioners to contemplate the different experiences when analyzing floor data and screen data. A comparable set of floor and screen data is used to examine the impact on the trading dynamics and price discovery of LIFFE's FTSE 100 index futures market when trading is automated on LIFFE CONNECT. The dynamics in the quote change equation is shortened when moving from the floor to screen sample. Using the model's measure of trade informativeness, it is found that in 4 out of 5 daily sub-samples, screen trades are more than twice as informative as floor trades. Variability within a system of equations is explained more by order size history than trade size history.


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Improved preservation of order flow history from the automation of derivative trading platforms suggests that traders are potentially learning from the recent history of both order and trade parameters. Consequently, a model to measure price discovery should encapsulate the dynamic interaction between the price-size coordinates of orders and trades. The Hasbrouck (1991) model is extended to measure the summary informativeness of order size and trade size. The two models are used to test for price discovery improvements in the FTSE 100 index futures market from order flow consolidation post deletion of its E-mini counterpart. The informativeness of trades has declined sharply, while the informativeness of orders has risen significantly in the post deletion sample.


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Simultaneous volatility models are developed and shown to be separate from multivariate GARCH estimators. An example is provided that allows for simultaneous and unidirectional volatility and volume of trade effects. These effects are tested using intraday data from the Australian cash index and index futures markets. Overnight volatility spillover effects from the United States S&P500 index futures markets are tested using alternative estimates of this US market volatility. The simultaneous volatility model proves to be robust to alternative specifications of returns equations and to misspecification of the direction of volatility causality.


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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the exposures of Australian gold mining firms in the highly volatile period from 1995 to 2000. This period has been characterized by significant changes in gold price due to bulk sale of gold by collective central banks. Specifically, the paper aims to investigate several firm-specific factors that are hypothesized to carry substantial influence on gold beta.

Design/methodology/approach – To estimate gold beta, we use the following multifactor model: Rg,t = a+ßgGPRt + ßxFXRt + ßmRm,t + Et , where Rg,t is the return on the gold stock Index at time t, GPRt is the gold price return denominated in US dollar at time t, FXRt is the foreign exchange return of Australian dollar in terms of US dollar at time t, Rm,t is the market return at time t, and Et is the random error term at time t.

Findings – The paper finds that the values of gold beta are consistently greater than one, implying the sensitive nature of firms’ stock returns to gold price changes. This also suggests that investors holding gold mining stock would receive higher percentage increases in stock returns from a percentage increase in gold price returns, as opposed to investors holding gold bullion. Furthermore, these values have changed substantially over time with significant changes in gold price volatility. The most important and consistent relationship that we find is the impact of firms’ hedging behavior on their respective gold betas. This is consistent with Tufano’s study. It implies that firms, which hedge a greater proportion of their gold reserves, are less sensitive to movements in gold prices. The finding therefore supports the risk management theory that hedging increases shareholder’s wealth. However, cash operating costs, cash reserves and the level of gold production seem to influence very little on the firms’ exposure to gold price changes.

Originality/value – This study is of interest and important to the stock mining companies and investors because the extent of the effect of gold price movements on the stock returns of gold mining companies has significant impacts on returns for both firms and investors especially in their risk management and investment decisions, respectively.


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We apply a Markov switching model to investigate the possibility of an asymmetric causal relationship between the volatility process inferred from the iTraxx CDS options market and the implied volatility from the stock index options market. We find strong evidence that the stock market leads the CDS market and the effect of the implied stock market volatility is more significant during the volatile regime. We also find that a large jump in the stock return, up or down, may indeed be followed by a regime shift.


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We investigate the impact that investor sentiment can have on stock market following performances by the national cricket teams of India and Australia in one-day cricket matches from 1990 to 2011. Motivated by previous findings of cricket’s impacts on stock markets, this study expands on previous research by investigating whether performances of individuals within the teams can also have an impact on their respective leading stock indices. Using an event study, we find no evidence of player or team performances significantly impacting the stock or futures markets. However, we find evidence of a ‘mood effect’ of poor performance by key players of national cricket teams in terms of significant drop in trading volumes in the following day. Our research poses and statistically examines some interesting questions and opens up the field for further research on this intriguing topic of sporting event impacts on national economies.


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In this paper, using China's risk-free and corporate zero yields together with aggregate credit risk measures and various control variables from 2006 to 2013, we document a puzzle of counter-credit-risk corporate yield spreads. We interpret this puzzle as a symptom of the immaturity of China's credit bond market, which reveals a distorted pricing mechanism latent in the fundamental of this market. We also find interesting results about relationships between corporate yield spreads and interest rates and risk premia and the stock index, and these results are somewhat attributed to this puzzle.


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A pesquisa testa a existência, no mercado futuro brasileiro, do fenômeno que Keynes denominou de normal backwardation, isto é, a hipótese de que os preços futuros não são estimadores não viesados (unbiased estimators) do preço à vista esperado para o futuro. Quatro contratos futuros negociados na BM&F Bolsa de Mercadorias e Futuros foram estudados, a saber, futuro de Ibovespa, futuro de dólar comercial, futuro de boi gordo e futuro de café arábica, cobrindo o período de julho de 1994 a setembro de 1997. Cada contrato futuro citado foi submetido a quatro testes, sugeridos pelas implicações da hipótese de Keynes. Nossos resultados indicam que normal backwardation não é normal no mercado futuro brasileiro, repetindo as conclusões de vários estudos internacionais.


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Este documento relata os resultados de pesquisa que objetivou testar se o investimento de longo prazo em ações no Brasil propicia a obtenção de maiores retornos e menores riscos, conforme sugerido por recomendações da imprensa financeira brasileira. Foram estudados os retornos mensais do Ibovespa, excedentes em relação à caderneta de poupança, no período de janeiro de 1969 a dezembro de 1998, contra vários horizontes de investimento. A evidência empírica constatada indica que "sabedoria convencional" tem algum suporte no que se refere a que o risco se reduz à medida que aumenta o horizonte do investimento, mas que o retorno não aumenta com o horizonte do investimento. No geral, os resultados não parecem ser sensíveis à consideração de que os investimentos se encerram em período de baixa ou de alta do mercado.


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Os conceitos de Governança Corporativa não são novos, mas a gravidade de impactos financeiros gerados por escândalos corporativos estimula as empresas a adotarem melhores níveis de governança. Investidores profissionais se dispõem a pagar um ágio para investir em empresas com altos padrões de governança e que garantam um ambiente corporativo favorável ao retorno do seu investimento. A liquidez na qual o mundo viveu nos últimos anos propiciou um volume cada vez maior de recursos; não apenas para o Brasil, mas para grande parte dos mercados emergentes; para os mercados de capitais locais e em investimentos diretos. Esse capital, em grande parte externo, necessita de transparência, regulamentação e outros requerimentos de modo a reduzir os riscos relacionados às empresas alvo. Com base nas expectativas de mercado de indicadores macroeconômicos disponibilizadas pelo Sistema de Expectativas de Mercado do Banco Central do Brasil e nas informações fornecidas pela Bovespa e seus índices de mercado Ibovespa e IGC, este trabalho buscou uma associação entre variações nestas expectativas e valorização ou desvalorização da média de capitalização bursátil e índice de bolsa - Ibovespa e IGC. Observou-se que tanto o Ibovespa quanto o IGC e a média de capitalização bursátil da Bovespa e Ibovespa estão sujeitos as mesmas influências de variáveis macroeconômicas nacionais, mas em magnitudes diferentes. Entretanto, fez-se como exceção a média de capitalização bursátil do IGC, que sofreu influência de expectativas macroeconômicas diferentes dos demais. 6


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Apesar da diversidade de suas estratégias, os retornos dos fundos de investimentos multimercado geralmente exibem correlação positiva com índices de bolsa. Por outro lado, fundos de categorias distintas tendem a ser menos correlacionados entre si se comparados a fundos de mesma categoria. A ideia de diversificação entre fundos de baixa correlação é discutida recorrentemente pela literatura. Na prática, porém, poucos alocadores de portfólios otimizam suas carteiras através das linhas de Markowitz (1953) por exemplo. O objetivo deste estudo é buscar identificar o ponto ótimo de diversificação de ativos (fundos de investimentos) dentro de uma mesma categoria. Como metodologia, buscaremos a minimização do risco idiossincrático dos fundos de investimentos através de simulações com outros fundos de mesma categoria. O estudo contém análises para a escolha do número ideal de ativos em um dado portfólio. Esses resultados beneficiariam, principalmente, o processo decisório das empresas de Wealth Managements, das Consultorias de Investimentos e dos Private Bankers.


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Este artigo apresenta a utilização de Beta e variação de Beta dos ativos pertencentes ao Ibovespa como novos critérios para a construção de carteiras vencedoras e perdedoras em estratégias de momento. Os resultados mostram que as estratégias de momento, com base em critérios de maior ou menor Beta e de variação de Beta dos ativos pertencentes ao Ibovespa, geram retornos positivos ao longo de períodos subsequentes de 6 meses e 12 meses, porém apontam que estas estratégias, quando aplicadas e renovadas a cada mudança do principal índice bursátil brasileiro, apresentaram-se menos rentáveis do que as estratégias habituais baseadas no retorno total dos ativos no período entre 1995 a 2013.


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Neste trabalho, propomos uma especificação de modelo econométrico na forma reduzida, estimado por mínimos quadrados ordinários (MQO) e baseado em variáveis macroeconômicas, com o objetivo de explicar os retornos trimestrais do índice de ações IBRX-100, entre 2001 e 2015. Testamos ainda a eficiência preditiva do modelo e concluímos que o erro de previsão estimado em janela móvel, com re-estimação de MQO a cada rodada, e utilização de VAR auxiliar para projeção dos regressores, é significativamente inferior ao erro de previsão associado à hipótese de Random Walk para o horizonte de previsão de um trimestre a frente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)