987 resultados para status theory


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Large carnivores face serious threats and are experiencing massive declines in their populations and geographic ranges around the world. We highlight how these threats have affected the conservation status and ecological functioning of the 31 largest mammalian carnivores on Earth. Consistent with theory, empirical studies increasingly show that large carnivores have substantial effects on the structure and function of diverse ecosystems. Significant cascading trophic interactions, mediated by their prey or sympatric mesopredators, arise when some of these carnivores are extirpated from or repatriated to ecosystems. Unexpected effects of trophic cascades on various taxa and processes include changes to bird, mammal, invertebrate, and herpetofauna abundance or richness; subsidies to scavengers; altered disease dynamics; carbon sequestration; modified stream morphology; and crop damage. Promoting tolerance and coexistence with large carnivores is a crucial societal challenge that will ultimately determine the fate of Earth’s largest carnivores and all that depends upon them, including humans.


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BACKGROUND: Continence care commonly disrupts sleep in residential aged care facilities, however, little is known about what staff do when providing continence care, and the factors that inform their practice. AIMS: To describe nurses' and personal careworkers' beliefs and experiences of providing continence care at night in residential aged care facilities. METHODS/DESIGN: Eighteen nurses and personal careworkers were interviewed about continence care, and 24 hours of observations were conducted at night in two facilities. RESULTS/FINDINGS: Most residents were checked overnight. This practice was underpinned by staffs' concern that residents were intractably incontinent and at risk of pressure injuries. Staff believed pads protected and dignified residents. Decisions were also influenced by beliefs about limited staff-to-resident ratios. CONCLUSION: Night-time continence care should be audited to ensure decisions are based on residents' preferences, skin health, sleep/wake status, ability to move in bed, and the frequency, severity and type of residents' actual incontinence.


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The consumption of goods from brands in vogue, which symbolize status, popularity, success and social distinction, among those from the same social group in a pre-teenage girls¿ environment, has been a topic for academic studies as well as the market, due to their relevant consumption power for the companies worldwide. This paper aims to check out the use of these goods by them in São Luís, in order to become popular, succesful and socially distinguished; and the relation of the consumption for status with the brand image consumed and the pre-teenage girl self image; how familiar with the goods and the brand they are; and their attitude concerning their qualities. The empirical metodology had two phases: a qualitative and a quantitative one. The first one started with a specific group of 8 (eight) pre-teenage girls from high and medium classes, with the purpose of collecting some basis in order to reinforce the theory once the hypothesis were elaborated and used to guide the quantitative research as well as to adapt some North American scales. In the second stage of the qualitative research, a survey was applied in a convenience sample of 300 (three hundred) pre-teenage girls from São Luís, all from the high, medium high and low classes. The main result showed the pre-teenage girls from São Luís consume goods and brands for status, so they could get prestige, success, and social distinction, however, they do not define themselves or judge the social status of those from their social group based only on the clothes they wear and the brands which indicate their consumption power. Some other status symbols are important too, like, housing, the family car, the neighborhood where they dwell, the parents¿ occupation; the school they go to, the long and straight hair, how correct they speak Portuguese and their holiday trips. Another result highlighted was the strong relation of the brand image with their self image in the consumption for status.


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We discuss non-steady state electrical characteristics of a metal-insulator-metal structure. We consider an exponential distribution (in energy) of impurity states in addition to impurity states at a single energy level within the depletion region. We discuss thermal as well as isothermal characteristics and present an expression for the temperature of maximum current (Tm) and a method to calculate the density of exponentially distributed impurity states. We plot the theoretical curves for various sets of parameters and the variation of Tm, and Im (maximum current) with applied potential for various impurity distributions. The present model can explain the available experimental results. Finally we compare the non-steady state characteristics in three cases: (i) impurity states only at a single energy level, (ii) uniform energetic distribution of impurity states, and (iii) exponential energetic distribution of impurity states.


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In the present paper, we discuss a generalized theory of electrical characteristics for amorphous semiconductor (or insulator) Schottky barriers, considering: (i) surface states, (ii) doping impurity states at a single energy level and (iii) energetically distributed bulk impurity states. We also consider a thin oxide layer (≈10 Å) between metal and semiconductor. We develop current versus applied potential characteristics considering the variation of the Fermi level very close to contact inside the semiconductor and decrease in barrier height due to the image force effect as well as potential fall on the oxide layer. Finally, we discuss the importance of each parameter, i.e. surface states, distributed impurity states, doping impurity states, thickness of oxide layer etc. on the log I versus applied potential characteristics. The present theory is also applicable for intimate contact, i.e. metal-semiconductor contact, crystalline material structures or for Schottky barriers in insulators or polymers.


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Includes bibliography


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Discusses the termination of desegregation decrees and the elusive meaning of unitary status, first introducing the topic and then covering Jenkins III and providing an overview of desegregation scholarship including discretion, capacity, and legitima. Also discusses the evolution of equity, including English equity, American equity, and equity and desegregation. Explores the concepts of relevant rights and interests, focusing on Hohfeld, the interest theory of rights, and the application of the rights theory. The conclusion posits that what remains is a complicated and confused desegregation jurisprudence, and that the lines that separate desegregation from integration from diversity, if there ever were such lines, are blurring. A discussion of the theoretical premises underlying desegregation appears to continue to be necessary.


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We review the status of integrable models from the point of view of their dynamics and integrability conditions. A few integrable models are discussed in detail. We comment on the use it is made of them in string theory. We also discuss the SO(6) symmetric Hamiltonian with SO(6) boundary. This work is especially prepared for the 70th anniversaries of Andr, Swieca (in memoriam) and Roland Koberle.


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In many applications the observed data can be viewed as a censored high dimensional full data random variable X. By the curve of dimensionality it is typically not possible to construct estimators that are asymptotically efficient at every probability distribution in a semiparametric censored data model of such a high dimensional censored data structure. We provide a general method for construction of one-step estimators that are efficient at a chosen submodel of the full-data model, are still well behaved off this submodel and can be chosen to always improve on a given initial estimator. These one-step estimators rely on good estimators of the censoring mechanism and thus will require a parametric or semiparametric model for the censoring mechanism. We present a general theorem that provides a template for proving the desired asymptotic results. We illustrate the general one-step estimation methods by constructing locally efficient one-step estimators of marginal distributions and regression parameters with right-censored data, current status data and bivariate right-censored data, in all models allowing the presence of time-dependent covariates. The conditions of the asymptotics theorem are rigorously verified in one of the examples and the key condition of the general theorem is verified for all examples.


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Latent class regression models are useful tools for assessing associations between covariates and latent variables. However, evaluation of key model assumptions cannot be performed using methods from standard regression models due to the unobserved nature of latent outcome variables. This paper presents graphical diagnostic tools to evaluate whether or not latent class regression models adhere to standard assumptions of the model: conditional independence and non-differential measurement. An integral part of these methods is the use of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation procedure. Unlike standard maximum likelihood implementations for latent class regression model estimation, the MCMC approach allows us to calculate posterior distributions and point estimates of any functions of parameters. It is this convenience that allows us to provide the diagnostic methods that we introduce. As a motivating example we present an analysis focusing on the association between depression and socioeconomic status, using data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study. We consider a latent class regression analysis investigating the association between depression and socioeconomic status measures, where the latent variable depression is regressed on education and income indicators, in addition to age, gender, and marital status variables. While the fitted latent class regression model yields interesting results, the model parameters are found to be invalid due to the violation of model assumptions. The violation of these assumptions is clearly identified by the presented diagnostic plots. These methods can be applied to standard latent class and latent class regression models, and the general principle can be extended to evaluate model assumptions in other types of models.


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According to life-history theory age-dependent investments into reproduction are thought to co-vary with survival and growth of animals. In polygynous species, in which size is an important determinant of reproductive success, male reproduction via alternative mating tactics at young age are consequently expected to be the less frequent in species with higher survival. We tested this hypothesis in male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), a highly sexually dimorphic mountain ungulate whose males have been reported to exhibit extremely high adult survival rates. Using data from two offspring cohorts in a population in the Swiss Alps, the effects of age, dominance and mating tactic on the likelihood of paternity were inferred within a Bayesian framework. In accordance with our hypothesis, reproductive success in male Alpine ibex was heavily biased towards older, dominant males that monopolized access to receptive females by adopting the 'tending' tactic, while success among young, subordinate males via the sneaking tactic 'coursing' was in general low and rare. In addition, we detected a high reproductive skew in male Alpine ibex, suggesting a large opportunity for selection. Compared with other ungulates with higher mortality rates, reproduction among young male Alpine ibex was much lower and more sporadic. Consistent with that, further examinations on the species level indicated that in polygynous ungulates the significance of early reproduction appears to decrease with increasing survival. Overall, this study supports the theory that survival prospects of males modulate the investments into reproduction via alternative mating tactics early in life. In the case of male Alpine ibex, the results indicate that their life-history strategy targets for long life, slow and prolonged growth and late reproduction.


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Family change theory (Kagitcibasi, 1996, 2007) is an approach which can be used to explain how modernisation and globalisation processes affect the family. The most important assumption of the theory is that when traditional interdependent cultures modernise, they need not necessarily develop in the direction of the independent family model typical of Western individualistic societies. Instead, they may develop towards a family model of emotional interdependence that combines continuing emotional interdependencies in the family with declining material interdependencies and with rising personal autonomy. In this chapter a preliminary evaluation of the empirical status of family change theory is given based on a review of recent cross-cultural studies. It will be shown to what extent the few studies that have been systematically conducted in this respect have found results either supporting or not supporting aspects ofthe theory, and where the strengths and problems of this research lie.


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A large body of empirical research shows that psychosocial risk factors (PSRFs) such as low socio-economic status, social isolation, stress, type-D personality, depression and anxiety increase the risk of incident coronary heart disease (CHD) and also contribute to poorer health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and prognosis in patients with established CHD. PSRFs may also act as barriers to lifestyle changes and treatment adherence and may moderate the effects of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Furthermore, there appears to be a bidirectional interaction between PSRFs and the cardiovascular system. Stress, anxiety and depression affect the cardiovascular system through immune, neuroendocrine and behavioural pathways. In turn, CHD and its associated treatments may lead to distress in patients, including anxiety and depression. In clinical practice, PSRFs can be assessed with single-item screening questions, standardised questionnaires, or structured clinical interviews. Psychotherapy and medication can be considered to alleviate any PSRF-related symptoms and to enhance HRQoL, but the evidence for a definite beneficial effect on cardiac endpoints is inconclusive. A multimodal behavioural intervention, integrating counselling for PSRFs and coping with illness should be included within comprehensive CR. Patients with clinically significant symptoms of distress should be referred for psychological counselling or psychologically focused interventions and/or psychopharmacological treatment. To conclude, the success of CR may critically depend on the interdependence of the body and mind and this interaction needs to be reflected through the assessment and management of PSRFs in line with robust scientific evidence, by trained staff, integrated within the core CR team.


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Uncertainty has been found to be a major component of the cancer experience and can dramatically affect psychosocial adaptation and outcomes of a patient's disease state (McCormick, 2002). Patients with a diagnosis of Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (CUP) may experience higher levels of uncertainty due to the unpredictability of current and future symptoms, limited treatment options and an undetermined life expectancy. To date, only one study has touched upon uncertainty and its' effects on those with CUP but no information exists concerning the effects of uncertainty regarding diagnosis and treatment on the distress level and psychosocial adjustment of this population (Parker & Lenzi, 2003). ^ Mishel's Uncertainty in Illness Theory (1984) proposes that uncertainty is preceded by three variables, one of which being Structure Providers. Structure Providers include credible authority, the degree of trust and confidence the patient has with their doctor, education and social support. It was the goal of this study to examine the relationship between uncertainty and Structure Providers to support the following hypotheses: (1) There will be a negative association between credible authority and uncertainty, (2) There will be a negative association between education level and uncertainty, and (3) There will be a negative association between social support and uncertainty. ^ This cross-sectional analysis utilized data from 219 patients following their initial consultation with their oncologist. Data included the Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale (MUIS) which was used to determine patients' uncertainty levels, the Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Scale (MOSS-SSS) to assess patients, levels of social support, the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ-18) and the Cancer Diagnostic Interview Scale (CDIS) to measure credible authority and general demographic information to assess age, education, marital status and ethnicity. ^ In this study we found that uncertainty levels were generally higher in this sample as compared to other types of cancer populations. And while our results seemed to support most of our hypothesis, we were only able to show significant associations between two. The analyses indicated that credible authority measured by both the CDIS and the PSQ was a significant predictor of uncertainty as was social support measured by the MOSS-SS. Education has shown to have an inconsistent pattern of effect in relation to uncertainty and in the current study there was not enough data to significantly support our hypothesis. ^ The results of this study generally support Mishel's Theory of Uncertainty in Illness and highlight the importance of taking into consideration patients, psychosocial factors as well as employing proper communication practices between physicians and their patients.^