995 resultados para spectral energy
It has been recently shown numerically that the transition from integrability to chaos in quantum systems and the corresponding spectral fluctuations are characterized by 1/f(alpha) noise with 1 <= alpha <= 2. The system of interacting trapped bosons is inhomogeneous and complex. The presence of an external harmonic trap makes it more interesting as, in the atomic trap, the bosons occupy partly degenerate single-particle states. Earlier theoretical and experimental results show that at zero temperature the low-lying levels are of a collective nature and high-lying excitations are of a single-particle nature. We observe that for few bosons, the P(s) distribution shows the Shnirelman peak, which exhibits a large number of quasidegenerate states. For a large number of bosons the low-lying levels are strongly affected by the interatomic interaction, and the corresponding level fluctuation shows a transition to a Wigner distribution with an increase in particle number. It does not follow Gaussian orthogonal ensemble random matrix predictions. For high-lying levels we observe the uncorrelated Poisson distribution. Thus it may be a very realistic system to prove that 1/f(alpha) noise is ubiquitous in nature.
We present a novel type of spectral diffusion experiment in the millikelvin range to characterize the energy landscape of a protein as compared with that of a glass. We measure the time evolution of spectral holes for more than 300 hr after well-defined initial nonequilibrium conditions. We show that the model of noninteracting two-level systems can describe spectral diffusion in the glass, but fails for the protein. Our results further demonstrate that randomness in the energy landscape of a protein shows features of organization. There are “deep minimum” states separated by barriers, the heights of which we are able to estimate. The energy landscape of a glass is featureless by comparison.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35P20, 35J10, 35Q40.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess by atomic force microscopy (AFM) the effect of Er,Cr:YSGG laser application on the surface microtopography of radicular dentin. Background: Lasers have been used for various purposes in dentistry, where they are clinically effective when used in an appropriate manner. The Er, Cr: YSGG laser can be used for caries prevention when settings are below the ablation threshold. Materials and Methods: Four specimens of bovine dentin were irradiated using an Er, Cr:YSGG laser (lambda = 2.78 mu m), at a repetition rate of 20 Hz, with a 750-mu m-diameter sapphire tip and energy density of 2.8 J/cm(2) (12.5 mJ/pulse). After irradiation, surface topography was analyzed by AFM using a Si probe in tapping mode. Quantitative and qualitative information concerning the arithmetic average roughness (Ra) and power spectral density analyses were obtained from central, intermediate, and peripheral areas of laser pulses and compared with data from nonirradiated samples. Results: Dentin Ra for different areas were as follows: central, 261.26 (+/- 21.65) nm; intermediate, 83.48 (+/- 6.34) nm; peripheral, 45.8 (+/- 13.47) nm; and nonirradiated, 35.18 (+/- 2.9) nm. The central region of laser pulses presented higher ablation of intertubular dentin, with about 340-760 nm height, while intermediate, peripheral, and nonirradiated regions presented no difference in height of peritubular and interperitubular dentin. Conclusion: According to these results, we can assume that even when used at a low-energy density parameter, Er, Cr: YSGG laser can significantly alter the microtopography of radicular dentin, which is an important characteristic to be considered when laser is used for clinical applications.
We compare the performance of two different low-storage filter diagonalisation (LSFD) strategies in the calculation of complex resonance energies of the HO2, radical. The first is carried out within a complex-symmetric Lanczos subspace representation [H. Zhang, S.C. Smith, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3 (2001) 2281]. The second involves harmonic inversion of a real autocorrelation function obtained via a damped Chebychev recursion [V.A. Mandelshtam, H.S. Taylor, J. Chem. Phys. 107 (1997) 6756]. We find that while the Chebychev approach has the advantage of utilizing real algebra in the time-consuming process of generating the vector recursion, the Lanczos, method (using complex vectors) requires fewer iterations, especially for low-energy part of the spectrum. The overall efficiency in calculating resonances for these two methods is comparable for this challenging system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A new method is presented to determine an accurate eigendecomposition of difficult low temperature unimolecular master equation problems. Based on a generalisation of the Nesbet method, the new method is capable of achieving complete spectral resolution of the master equation matrix with relative accuracy in the eigenvectors. The method is applied to a test case of the decomposition of ethane at 300 K from a microcanonical initial population with energy transfer modelled by both Ergodic Collision Theory and the exponential-down model. The fact that quadruple precision (16-byte) arithmetic is required irrespective of the eigensolution method used is demonstrated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The Electrohysterogram (EHG) is a new instrument for pregnancy monitoring. It measures the uterine muscle electrical signal, which is closely related with uterine contractions. The EHG is described as a viable alternative and a more precise instrument than the currently most widely used method for the description of uterine contractions: the external tocogram. The EHG has also been indicated as a promising tool in the assessment of preterm delivery risk. This work intends to contribute towards the EHG characterization through the inventory of its components which are: • Contractions; • Labor contractions; • Alvarez waves; • Fetal movements; • Long Duration Low Frequency Waves; The instruments used for cataloging were: Spectral Analysis, parametric and non-parametric, energy estimators, time-frequency methods and the tocogram annotated by expert physicians. The EHG and respective tocograms were obtained from the Icelandic 16-electrode Electrohysterogram Database. 288 components were classified. There is not a component database of this type available for consultation. The spectral analysis module and power estimation was added to Uterine Explorer, an EHG analysis software developed in FCT-UNL. The importance of this component database is related to the need to improve the understanding of the EHG which is a relatively complex signal, as well as contributing towards the detection of preterm birth. Preterm birth accounts for 10% of all births and is one of the most relevant obstetric conditions. Despite the technological and scientific advances in perinatal medicine, in developed countries, prematurity is the major cause of neonatal death. Although various risk factors such as previous preterm births, infection, uterine malformations, multiple gestation and short uterine cervix in second trimester, have been associated with this condition, its etiology remains unknown [1][2][3].
Actualment, la resposta de la majoria d’instrumentació operacional i dels dosímetres personals utilitzats en radioprotecció per a la dosimetria neutrònica és altament dependent de l’energia dels espectres neutrònics a analitzar, especialment amb camps neutrònics amb una important component intermitja. En conseqüència, la interpretació de les lectures d’aquests aparells es complicada si no es té un coneixement previ de la distribució espectral de la fluència neutrònica en els punts d’interès. El Grup de Física de les Radiacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (GFR-UAB) ha desenvolupat en els últims anys un espectròmetre de neutrons basat en un Sistema d’Esferes Bonner (BSS) amb un contador proporcional d’3He com a detector actiu. Els principals avantatges dels espectròmetres de neutrons per BSS són: la seva resposta isotròpica, la possibilitat de discriminar la component neutrònica de la gamma en camps mixtos, i la seva alta sensibilitat neutrònica als nivells de dosi analitzats. Amb aquestes característiques, els espectròmetres neutrònics per BSS compleixen amb els estándards de les últimes recomanacions de la ICRP i poden ser utilitzats també en el camp de la dosimetria neutrònica per a la mesura de dosis en el rang d’energia que va dels tèrmics fins als 20 MeV, en nou ordres de magnitud. En el marc de la col•laboració entre el GFR - UAB i el Laboratorio Nazionale di Frascati – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (LNF-INFN), ha tingut lloc una experiència comparativa d’espectrometria per BSS amb els feixos quasi monoenergètics de 2.5 MeV i 14 MeV del Fast Neutron Generator de l’ENEA. En l’exercici s’ha determinat l’espectre neutrònic a diferents distàncies del blanc de l’accelerador, aprofitant el codi FRUIT recentment desenvolupat pel grup LNF. Els resultats obtinguts mostren una bona coherència entre els dos espectròmetres i les dades mesurades i simulades.
The sensitizing action of amorphous silicon nanoclusters on erbium ions in thin silica films has been studied under low-energy (long wavelength) optical excitation. Profound differences in fast visible and infrared emission dynamics have been found with respect to the high-energy (shortwavelength) case. These findings point out to a strong dependence of the energy transfer process on the optical excitation energy. Total inhibition of energy transfer to erbium states higher than thefirst excited state (4I13/2) has been demonstrated for excitation energy below 1.82 eV (excitation wavelength longer than 680 nm). Direct excitation of erbium ions to the first excited state (4I13/2)has been confirmed to be the dominant energy transfer mechanism over the whole spectral range of optical excitation used (540 nm¿680 nm).
The correlation between the structural (average size and density) and optoelectronic properties [band gap and photoluminescence (PL)] of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 is among the essential factors in understanding their emission mechanism. This correlation has been difficult to establish in the past due to the lack of reliable methods for measuring the size distribution of nanocrystals from electron microscopy, mainly because of the insufficient contrast between Si and SiO2. With this aim, we have recently developed a successful method for imaging Si nanocrystals in SiO2 matrices. This is done by using high-resolution electron microscopy in conjunction with conventional electron microscopy in dark field conditions. Then, by varying the time of annealing in a large time scale we have been able to track the nucleation, pure growth, and ripening stages of the nanocrystal population. The nucleation and pure growth stages are almost completed after a few minutes of annealing time at 1100°C in N2 and afterward the ensemble undergoes an asymptotic ripening process. In contrast, the PL intensity steadily increases and reaches saturation after 3-4 h of annealing at 1100°C. Forming gas postannealing considerably enhances the PL intensity but only for samples annealed previously in less time than that needed for PL saturation. The effects of forming gas are reversible and do not modify the spectral shape of the PL emission. The PL intensity shows at all times an inverse correlation with the amount of Pb paramagnetic centers at the Si-SiO2 nanocrystal-matrix interfaces, which have been measured by electron spin resonance. Consequently, the Pb centers or other centers associated with them are interfacial nonradiative channels for recombination and the emission yield largely depends on the interface passivation. We have correlated as well the average size of the nanocrystals with their optical band gap and PL emission energy. The band gap and emission energy shift to the blue as the nanocrystal size shrinks, in agreement with models based on quantum confinement. As a main result, we have found that the Stokes shift is independent of the average size of nanocrystals and has a constant value of 0.26±0.03 eV, which is almost twice the energy of the Si¿O vibration. This finding suggests that among the possible channels for radiative recombination, the dominant one for Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 is a fundamental transition spatially located at the Si¿SiO2 interface with the assistance of a local Si-O vibration.
The influence of hole-hole (h-h) propagation in addition to the conventional particle-particle (p-p) propagation, on the energy per particle and the momentum distribution is investigated for the v2 central interaction which is derived from Reid¿s soft-core potential. The results are compared to Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations with a continuous choice for the single-particle (SP) spectrum. Calculation of the energy from a self-consistently determined SP spectrum leads to a lower saturation density. This result is not corroborated by calculating the energy from the hole spectral function, which is, however, not self-consistent. A generalization of previous calculations of the momentum distribution, based on a Goldstone diagram expansion, is introduced that allows the inclusion of h-h contributions to all orders. From this result an alternative calculation of the kinetic energy is obtained. In addition, a direct calculation of the potential energy is presented which is obtained from a solution of the ladder equation containing p-p and h-h propagation to all orders. These results can be considered as the contributions of selected Goldstone diagrams (including p-p and h-h terms on the same footing) to the kinetic and potential energy in which the SP energy is given by the quasiparticle energy. The results for the summation of Goldstone diagrams leads to a different momentum distribution than the one obtained from integrating the hole spectral function which in general gives less depletion of the Fermi sea. Various arguments, based partly on the results that are obtained, are put forward that a self-consistent determination of the spectral functions including the p-p and h-h ladder contributions (using a realistic interaction) will shed light on the question of nuclear saturation at a nonrelativistic level that is consistent with the observed depletion of SP orbitals in finite nuclei.
We study energy-weighted sum rules of the pion and kaon propagator in nuclear matter at finite temperature. The sum rules are obtained from matching the Dyson form of the meson propagator with its spectral Lehmann representation at low and high energies. We calculate the sum rules for specific models of the kaon and pion self-energy. The in-medium spectral densities of the K and (K) over bar mesons are obtained from a chiral unitary approach in coupled channels that incorporates the S and P waves of the kaon-nucleon interaction. The pion self-energy is determined from the P-wave coupling to particle-hole and Delta-hole excitations, modified by short-range correlations. The sum rules for the lower-energy weights are fulfilled satisfactorily and reflect the contributions from the different quasiparticle and collective modes of the meson spectral function. We discuss the sensitivity of the sum rules to the distribution of spectral strength and their usefulness as quality tests of model calculations.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if heroin and cocaine can be distinguished using dual-energy CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty samples of heroin and cocaine at different concentrations and standardized compression (SC) were scanned in dual-energy mode on a newest generation Dual Energy 64-row MDCT scanner. CT number, spectral graphs, and dual-energy index (DEI) were evaluated. Results were prospectively tested on six original samples from a body packer. Wilcoxon's test was used for statistical evaluation. RESULTS: Values are given as median and range. Under SC, the CT number of cocaine samples (-29.87 Hounsfield unit (HU) [-125.85; 16.16 HU]) was higher than the CT number of heroin samples (-184.37 HU [-199.81; -159.25 HU]; p < 0.01). Slope of spectral curves for cocaine was -2.36 HU/keV [-7.15; -0.67 HU/keV], and for heroin, 1.75 HU/keV [1.28; 2.5 HU/keV] (p < 0.01). DEI was 0.0352 [0.0081; 0.0528] for cocaine and significantly higher than for heroin samples (-0.0127 [-0.0097; -0.0159]; p < 0.001). While CT number was inconclusive, all six original packs were correctly classified after evaluation of the spectral curve and DEI. In contrast to the CT number, slope of the spectral curve and DEI were independent of concentration and compression. CONCLUSION: The slope of the spectral curve and the DEI from dual-energy CT data can be used to distinguish heroin and cocaine in vitro; these results are independent of compression and concentration in the measured range.
The objective of this work was to verify if reflected energy of soils can characterize and discriminate them. A spectroradiometer (Spectral reflectance between: 400-2,500 nm) was utilized in laboratory. The soils evaluated are located in Bauru region, SP, Brazil, and are classified as Typic Argiudoll (TR), Typic Eutrorthox (LR), Typic Argiudoll (PE), Typic Haplortox (LE), Typic Paleudalf (PV) and Typic Quartzipsamment (AQ). They were characterized by their spectral reflectance as for descriptive conventional methods (Brazilian and International) according to the types of spectral curves. A method for the spectral descriptive evaluation of soils was established. It was possible to characterize and discriminate the soils by their spectral reflectance, with exception for LR and TR. The spectral differences were better identified by the general shape of spectral curves, by the intensity of band absorption and angle tendencies. These characteristics were mainly influenced by organic matter, iron, granulometry and mineralogy constituents. A reduction of iron and clay contents, which influenced higher reflectance intensity and shape variations, occurred on the soils LR/TR, PE, LE, PV and AQ, on that sequence. Soils of the same group with different clay textures could be discriminated. The conventional descriptive evaluation of spectral curves was less efficient on discriminating soils. Simulated orbital data discriminated soils mainly by bands 5 and 7.