944 resultados para soil-vegetation interaction


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In this paper, the nonlinear collapse of the BOHAI-8 pile foundation jacket platform has been analyzed. The ultimate load and collapse process of two computational models of the structure are given. One model is of fixed support whose length is eight times the pile leg diameter and the other considers the nonlinearity of the soil-pile interaction.


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This thesis describes engineering applications that come from extending seismic networks into building structures. The proposed applications will benefit the data from the newly developed crowd-sourced seismic networks which are composed of low-cost accelerometers. An overview of the Community Seismic Network and the earthquake detection method are addressed. In the structural array components of crowd-sourced seismic networks, there may be instances in which a single seismometer is the only data source that is available from a building. A simple prismatic Timoshenko beam model with soil-structure interaction (SSI) is developed to approximate mode shapes of buildings using natural frequency ratios. A closed form solution with complete vibration modes is derived. In addition, a new method to rapidly estimate total displacement response of a building based on limited observational data, in some cases from a single seismometer, is presented. The total response of a building is modeled by the combination of the initial vibrating motion due to an upward traveling wave, and the subsequent motion as the low-frequency resonant mode response. Furthermore, the expected shaking intensities in tall buildings will be significantly different from that on the ground during earthquakes. Examples are included to estimate the characteristics of shaking that can be expected in mid-rise to high-rise buildings. Development of engineering applications (e.g., human comfort prediction and automated elevator control) for earthquake early warning system using probabilistic framework and statistical learning technique is addressed.


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Atualmente, as tendências competitivas do mercado mundial, têm forçado os engenheiros estruturais a desenvolver soluções de projeto que acarretem em menor peso e custo de execução. Uma consequência direta desta nova tendência de projeto é o aumento considerável de problemas relacionados a vibrações de piso indesejadas. Por esta razão, os sistemas estruturais de pisos podem tornar-se vulneráveis a vibrações excessivas, como por exemplo, aquelas induzidas por equipamentos mecânicos (máquinas rotativas). Deste modo, este trabalho objetiva investigar o comportamento dinâmico de uma plataforma de aço para produção de petróleo, localizada na bacia de Santos (campo de Merluza), São Paulo, Brasil. Para tal, investiga-se a influência das ações dinâmicas oriundas dos equipamentos mecânicos localizados sobre os decks metálicos da plataforma. A resposta dinâmica do modelo estrutural foi determinada através de um extenso estudo numérico, a partir da análise de suas frequências naturais, deslocamentos, velocidades e acelerações de pico. Nesta investigação, as cargas dinâmicas provenientes dos equipamentos mecânicos (máquinas rotativas) foram aplicadas sobre o piso metálico do sistema estrutural. Com base obtenção da resposta dinâmica da estrutura (deslocamentos, velocidades e acelerações), foi possível avaliar a performance do modelo estrutural em termos de critérios de conforto humano e das tolerâncias máximas referentes aos equipamentos mecânicos, de acordo com normas e recomendações de projeto.


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O crescimento populacional acelerado e a imposição do mercado regional e global no município de Rio Bonito (RJ) proporcionaram alterações no seu espaço territorial. As observações cotidianas e a análise dos mapas e imagens de satélites do município trouxeram questionamentos sobre a organização territorial em face de novos empreendimentos e a situação ambiental. Com essas demandas diferenciadas surge a necessidade de estudos integrados para se caracterizar em escala local as problemáticas com o uso e cobertura da terra e tentar oferecer possibilidades de reorganização numa visão holística de todo o processo, que é dinâmico. A caracterização com uma perspectiva sistêmica, nesse estudo, recebe o nome de Geoambiental. O município de Rio Bonito está localizado no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e possui uma área total de 456,45 km2. É dividido em três distritos: Sede, Boa Esperança e Basílio. O trabalho em questão busca um entendimento sobre as condições ambientais das unidades de paisagem no Primeiro Distrito, a fim de subsidiar alternativas de um desenvolvimento sustentável. A pesquisa teve como objetivo principal demonstrar a importância da Caracterização Geoambiental para realização de planejamento territorial em consonância com a preservação ambiental. Além disso, buscou-se realizar análise do uso e cobertura da terra, identificar vulnerabilidades e estabilidades das Unidades Geoambientais e identificar alternativas viáveis para as questões socioambientais e que tenham como base a compreensão da dinâmica local, as relações sociais e passivos ambientais. A metodologia utilizada consistiu na determinação das Unidades Geoambientais com base na revisão bibliográfica, observação de campo, análise de imagens de satélite, dos mapas geomorfológicos, de drenagem e altimétricos. As informações obtidas foram analisadas para geração de banco de dados digitais no Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG), associadas com informações socioeconômicas. A disponibilidade do banco de dados possibilitou a geração de camadas temáticas pela aplicação de rotinas computacionais específicas, permitindo a sua atualização constante. As informações referentes à geologia, geomorfologia, hidrografia, clima, solo, vegetação, recursos minerais foram selecionadas e sistematizadas para a análise das Unidades Geoambientais. A análise do uso e cobertura do solo do Primeiro Distrito revelou que em 2011 as pastagens ocupavam 14.610 ha (67,89%), seguido da floresta com 4.039 ha (18,76%), vegetação secundária e pastagem com 1.848 ha (8,58%) e ocupação urbana de média e baixa densidade, somadas, com 999 ha (4,63%). A caracterização do uso e cobertura do solo é indispensável para compreensão da organização espacial e planejamento de uma gestão ambiental, considerando que a implantação do Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro (COMPERJ) demandará aumento de população e conseqüente sobrecarga na infraestrutura básica municipal. A análise do uso e cobertura demonstrou que os principais problemas das Unidades Geoambientais são decorrentes do uso inadequado da terra em relação as suas potencialidades. O estudo demonstrou, portanto que, a realização de estudos integrados do espaço geográfico pode ser efetuada, sendo necessário lembrar a relevância de se compreender a dinâmica do ambiente para a realização de projetos municipais com vistas a um planejamento territorial sustentável.


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O conhecimento do tema da interação solo-estrutura permite que as edificações sejam projetadas de maneira mais realista com o comportamento físico. Há décadas atrás seria inviável um dimensionamento considerando a deformabilidade do solo de fundação, e as estruturas eram dimensionadas adotando-se as fundações como indeslocáveis, sob uma base rígida. Essa consideração conduz a respostas estruturais inadequadas, por vezes comprometendo a segurança e a estabilidade do conjunto estrutural. Atualmente, o avanço tecnológico permite a obtenção de resultados de milhões de cálculos matemáticos em questões de segundos, podendo-se obter soluções mais arrojadas e dinâmicas, facilitando o dimensionamento estrutural de forma a atender ao novo padrão de construção e arquitetura. A relevância de tal assunto motivou a análise numérica de um edifício de 4 pavimentos de estrutura mista (aço-concreto), considerando o efeito da interação solo-estrutura. As análises foram conduzidas com o programa ANSYS, de elementos finitos, substituindo-se os apoios indeslocáveis por molas discretas, lineares e elásticas, com rigidez equivalente ao solo, conforme hipótese de Winkler. Os parâmetros dos solos de fundação foram adquiridos a partir de correlações empíricas existentes na literatura e da utilização do programa computacional PLAXIS para a determinação das constantes elásticas das molas. Neste trabalho, foram comparados os resultados de reações verticais, esforços normais, momentos fletores e deslocamentos da estrutura obtidos pelo modelo clássico de projeto, que considera apoios indeslocáveis, e pelo modelo de Winkler, que considera a interação solo-estrutura. As análises foram executadas para seis diferentes tipos de solos argilosos, siltosos e arenosos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram claramente a redistribuição dos momentos fletores, esforços normais e reações verticais nos pilares com diferenças significativas para os pilares de canto e periféricos. Observou-se uma tendência de alívio dos esforços nos pilares mais solicitados, adotando a estrutura assentada em uma base rígida. As análises ressaltaram a relevância da interação solo-estrutura, com efeitos provenientes do rearranjo do solo de fundação nos elementos estruturais das edificações.


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植被-气候关系的研究是预测陆地生态系统对全球变化反应的基础,为研究中国生态系统对全球变化的响应模式,本文对植被分布和植被生产力与气候关系进行了初步探讨。 首先在分析中国气候与植被特点的基础上,将中国潜在自然植被共划分为18类:寒温带针叶林,温带针阔叶混交林,暖温带落叶阔叶林,亚热带常绿落叶林混交林,典型亚热带常绿落叶林,亚热带季风常绿阔叶林,亚热带北常绿阔叶林,西部亚热带旱性常绿阔叶林,西部热带旱性热带雨林、季雨林,热带雨林、季雨林区,森林草原,典型草原,荒漠草原,温带荒漠,暖温带极干旱荒漠,青藏高原高寒灌丛草甸,青藏高原高寒草原、温性草原,青藏高原离寒荒漠。然后从中国基准气象站的气象资料出发,采用Penman方法计算了中国标准气象站的水分平衡指标,根据植被分布的多维气候生态位理论,对水分平衡指标及温度指标与植被分布的关系进行了多元分析,经过主成分析、相关分析、判别分析,典型判别分析等方法综合评价,得出低温指数( LTI),生长季实际蒸散( GAE)、生长季水分亏缺(GDE),干燥度(RATI)是与植被关系最密切的指标,与其它分类系统指标相比较,用该系统中两参数(GAE,RATI)与其它七个两参数模型的邻近判别分析结果比较,本研究提出的气候参数对中国植被类型具有最大的正确判别率;与8个参数的Box植被生活型与气候关系系统相比较,本文四参数模型的判别正确率与之无显著差异.为更直观地表达出植被类型与气候指标之间的关系,运用多段线性判别方法设计了二维决策模型,正确区分率为73.5%. 在收集425个生物量、生产力数据的基础上,分析了气象要素与植被生产力关系,对选取部分地带性植被测量点的数据分析后,提出了中国植被生产力与水分平衡关系的回归模型: NPP=2.55×GAE×EXP(-4.2092-1.9665.RATI) 运用本文建立的植被分布及生产力与气候关系模型对全球气候变化(温度增加、雨量变化)后中国植被的可能变化进行了预测,结果表明青藏高原植被,寒温带针叶林与典型草原对全球变化较敏感,特别是生产力变化较明显,不同的温雨变化组合,不同植被类型的NPP的反应差异显著.


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气候在大尺度上决定着植被的分布、结构和组成,植被结构和生理状态的改变可以通过改变植被的反射率、粗糙度以及水分通量进而影响气候,这样形成了气候一植被的相互作用。在植被一气候相互作用的研究中,植物功能型是重要的概念和方法,它可以在详尽描述植被生物物理和生理特征的同时,有效削减植被的复杂性。植物功能型的概念和方法已经在植物群落、生态系统的复杂性和功能、古植被和古气候研究,以及陆面过程模型和动态全球植被模型中得到了广泛的应用。但是针对我国植被-气候的相互作用和区域尺度的全球变化研究,还需要一套特定的植物功能型.生物群区体系。   本论文根据我国植被生态学和植被分类的研究背景,结合植被.气候相互作用和区域全球变化研究的需要,提出了一套适宜于中国的植物功能型.生物群区划分方案。首先,根据中国植被和气候特征,筛选并确定了影响植被生物物理和生理属性以及植被分布的6个关键的植物功能特征:然后,根据这6个特征,对植物进行功能型划分,得到了29类植物功能型:再根据我国植被的实际情况和研究需要,选定了其中的18类作为我国的植物功能型。这套功能型包括了7类‘树’功能型,6类‘灌木’功能型和5类‘草’功能型,其中含有4类高寒植物功能型,专门用于描述青藏高原的植被分布,并根据需要设置了2类‘裸地,功能型。   根据我国气候一植被分布定量关系的相关研究以及BIOME1和Box体系的研究结果,选定7个环境变量作为限制我国植物功能型分布的关键气候因子:最冷月平均气温、最暖月平均气温、大于50C的有效生长积温、大于OºC的有效生长积温、Priestley-Taylor系数(实际蒸散与潜在蒸散的比值)、降水量、最暖月和最冷月平均气温之差。采用半峰宽法初步确定每个植物功能型的环境限定因子取值范围。并根据这套植物功能型及其环境参数建立了适宜于我国的生物群区体系,从而得到了我国的植物功能型-生物群区体系(the Chinese Plant functional Types and Biomes,CNPB)。 为了验证这套植物功能型-生物群区体系,将BIOME1和中国的植物功能型生物群区体系(CNPB)对中国植被在当前气候条件和未来气候情景下分布的模拟结果进行了比较。结果表明,这套体系可以更有效地模拟中国植被在当前和未来气候条件下的分布,特别是对青藏高原植被描述的详细程度有实质性的提高。


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Residential RC framed structures suffered heavily during the 2001 Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat, India. These types of structures also saw severe damage in other earthquakes such as the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey and 921 Ji-Ji earthquake in Taiwan. In this paper the seismic response of residential structures was investigated using physical modelling. Idealised soft storey and top heavy, two degrees of freedom (2DOF) portal frame structures were developed and tested on saturated and dry sand models at 25 g using the Schofield Centre 10-m Beam Centrifuge. It was possible to recreate observed field behaviour using these models. As observed in many of the recent earthquakes, soft storey structures were found to be particularly vulnerable to seismic loads. Elastic response spectra methods are often used in the design of simple portal frame structures. The seismic risk of these structures can be significantly increased due to modifications such as removal of a column or addition of heavy water tanks on the roof. The experimental data from the dynamic centrifuge tests on such soft storey or top-heavy models was used to evaluate the predictions obtained from the response spectra. Response spectra were able to predict seismic response during small to moderate intensity earthquakes, but became inaccurate during strong earthquakes and when soil structure interaction effects became important. Re-evaluation of seismic risk of such modified structures is required and time domain analyses suggested by building codes such as IBC, UBC or NEHRP may be more appropriate. © Springer 2006.


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The seismic behaviour of anchored sheet pile walls is a complex soil-structure interaction problem. Damaged sheet pile walls are very expensive to repair and their seismic behaviour needs to be investigated in order to understand their possible mechanisms of failure. The research described in this paper involves both centrifuge testing and Finite Element (FE) analyses aimed at investigating the seismic behaviour of an anchored sheet pile wall in dry sand. The model wall is tied to the backfill with two tie rods connected to an anchor beam. The accelerations of the sheet pile wall, the anchor beam and the soil around the wall were measured using miniature piezoelectric accelerometers. The displacement at the tip of the wall was also measured. Stain gauges at five different locations on the wall were used to measure the bending moments induced in the the wall. The anchor forces in the tie rods were also measured using load cells. The results from the centrifuge tests were compared with 2-D, plane strain FE analyses conducted using DIANA-SWANDYNE II and the observed seismic behaviour was explained in the light of these findings. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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The response of surface structures to tunnelling induced ground movements is an area of great importance for any urban tunnelling project. Testing described in this paper aims to investigate soil structure interaction effects by observing the response of aluminium beams of varying stiffness to tunnelling, using the 8 m diameter beam centrifuge at Cambridge University. Soil and structure displacements are extensively monitored through a photo imaging technique which enables a detailed analysis of the interaction behaviour. Results to date indicate that the relative structure-soil stiffness is the governing factor in determining how a structure will respond to tunnelling. This parameter is highly dependent on both the structure and soil stiffness. It is also shown that contrary to common assumptions in the literature, negligible axial strains are transferred into the structure. This paper outlines the results of the research to date. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Underground space is commonly exploited both to maximise the utility of costly land in urban development and to reduce the vertical load acting on the ground. Deep excavations are carried out to construct various types of underground infrastructure such as deep basements, subways and service tunnels. Although the soil response to excavation is known in principle, designers lack practical calculation methods for predicting both short- and long-term ground movements. As the understanding of how soil behaves around an excavation in both the short and long term is insufficient and usually empirical, the judgements used in design are also empirical and serious accidents are common. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in soil excavation, a new apparatus for the centrifuge model testing of deep excavations in soft clay has been developed. This apparatus simulates the field construction sequence of a multi-propped retaining wall during centrifuge flight. A comparison is given between the new technique and the previously used method of draining heavy fluid to simulate excavation in a centrifuge model. The new system has the benefit of giving the correct initial ground conditions before excavation and the proper earth pressure distribution on the retaining structures during excavation, whereas heavy fluid only gives an earth pressure coefficient of unity and is unable to capture any changes in the earth pressure coefficient of soil inside the zone of excavation, for example owing to wall movements. Settlements of the ground surface, changes in pore water pressure, variations in earth pressure, prop forces and bending moments in the retaining wall are all monitored during excavation. Furthermore, digital images taken of a cross-section during the test are analysed using particle image velocimetry to illustrate ground deformation and soil-structure interaction mechanisms. The significance of these observations is discussed.


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Distributed hybrid testing is a natural extension to and builds upon the local hybrid testing technique. Taking advantage of the hybrid nature of the test, it allows a sharing of resources and expertise between researchers from different disciplines by connecting multiple geographically distributed sites for joint testing. As part of the UK-NEES project, a successful series of three-site distributed hybrid tests have been carried out between Bristol, Cambridge and Oxford Universities. The first known multi-site distributed hybrid tests in the UK, they connected via a dedicated fibre network, using custom software, the geotechnical centrifuge at Cambridge to structural components at Bristol and Oxford. These experiments were to prove the connection and useful insights were gained into the issues involved with this distributed environment. A wider aim is towards providing a flexible testing framework to facilitate multi-disciplinary experiments such as the accurate investigation of the influence of foundations on structural systems under seismic and other loading. Time scaling incompatibilities mean true seismic soil structure interaction using a centrifuge at g is not possible, though it is clear that distributed centrifuge testing can be valuable in other problems. Development is continuing to overcome the issues encountered, in order to improve future distributed tests in the UK and beyond.


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The response of buildings to tunnelling induced ground movements is an area of great importance for many urban tunnelling projects. This paper presents the response of two buildings to the construction of a 12 m diameter sprayed concrete lining (SCL) tunnel with face reinforcement, in Italy. Soil and structure displacements were monitored through extensive instrumentation. The settlement response of the two buildings was found to differ significantly, demonstrating both flexible and rigid response mechanisms. Comparison of the building settlement profiles with greenfield settlements enables the soil structure interaction to be quantified. Encouraging agreement between the modification to the greenfield settlement profile displayed by buildings and estimates made from existing predictive tools is observed. Potential issues for infrastructure connected to buildings, arising from the embedment of rigid buildings into the soil, are also highlighted. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Understanding how buildings respond to tunnelling induced ground movements is an area of great importance for many urban tunnelling projects. Testing described in this paper aims to investigate soil structure interaction effects by observing the response of elastic and non elastic beams of varying stiffness and geometry to tunnelling, using the 8 m diameter beam centrifuge at Cambridge University. Soil and structure displacements are extensively monitored through a photo imaging technique which enables a detailed analysis of the interaction mechanisms. Results demonstrate that buildings can significantly modify greenfield ground movements in both the vertical and horizontal planes. The magnitude of the modification is shown to be strongly dependent on the relative building stiffness. It is also shown that negligible horizontal strains are transferred into the model buildings. This can have significant implications for commonly adopted damage assessment methods. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.