931 resultados para soil hydraulic properties


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土壤水力特性的空间变异和尺度效应近年来受到广泛关注。本研究以半干旱区(辽宁省阜新县)大片农田(面积20hm2)为对象,根据土壤物理性质拟合持水特性的转换函数,应用地统计学定量化持水特性的空间变异特征,并将多重分形和小波理论相结合,从奇异性和分辨率的角度探讨水力特性的尺度效应。 采用基于3级土壤颗粒的线性回归(MLR3)、非线性回归(ENR3)和基于7级颗粒的线性回归(MLR7)等3种方法拟合土壤持水特性的转换函数,并评价它们描述空间变异特征的效率,结果表明:详细颗粒模型比简单颗粒模型精度更高,非线性回归亦能提高一定的预测精度;对半方差函数来说,线性回归的结构性方差大(结构性较好),非线性回归结构性较差,详细颗粒不能增加结构性方差,因此精度高的转换函数不一定能更好表达水力特性的空间异质性。 采用多重分形方法分析了水力特性基于奇异性的多重尺度规律,结果表明:导水率、有机碳含量、粘粒含量、萎蔫系数、VG参数α和θr有多重分形特征,其它特性为单一分形;水力特性与物理性质之间的关系在单一尺度和多重尺度下会产生较大的变化,这是因为影响它们之间关系的因素随之发生了变化。 应用小波分析揭示出水力特性基于分辨率的尺度规律,结果表明:水力特性的波谱能量(方差)具有尺度和空间位置的依赖性;物理性质与水力特性之间的相关性随尺度变化而变化,仅在一定尺度(分辨率)上有效,且这种关系依赖于空间位置。尺度效应的研究对空间变异的取样具有一定指导作用。


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预报非饱和土壤水分运动必须首先获得土壤水分运动参数。土壤水分运动参数包括土壤水分特征曲线和导水率。本文使用积分方法求解了一维水平非饱和土壤水分运动问题,根据其解建立了推求非饱和土壤水分运动参数的简单入渗法,用以推求van Genuchten特征曲线模型中的参数α和n。α和n是根据湿润区的特征长度、吸渗率和土壤的饱和导水率(ks)来确定的,而非饱和导水率可由α、n和Ks确定。这一新的简单入渗法是基于Richards方程和土壤导水特征的闭合型方程。简单入渗法提供了利用瞬态水流方法来确定土壤水分特征曲线而替代通常的平衡法。简单入渗法是一个全新的、简捷的确定土壤导水特性的方法。


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The interpretation of soil water dynamics under drip irrigation systems is relevant for crop production as well as on water use and management. In this study a three-dimensional representation of the flow of water under drip irrigation is presented. The work includes analysis of the water balance at point scale as well as area-average, exploring uncertainties in water balance estimations depending on the number of locations sampled. The water flow was monitored by detailed profile water content measurements before irrigation, after irrigation and 24 h later with a dense array of soil moisture access tubes radially distributed around selected drippers. The objective was to develop a methodology that could be used on selected occasions to obtain 'snap shots' of the detailed three-dimensional patterns of soil moisture. Such patterns are likely to be very complex, as spatial variability will be induced for a number of reasons, such as strong horizontal gradients in soil moisture, variations between individual sources in the amount of water applied and spatial variability is soil hydraulic properties. Results are compared with a widely used numerical model, Hydrus-2D. The observed dynamic of the water content distribution is in good agreement with model simulations, although some discrepancies concerning the horizontal distribution of the irrigation bulb are noted due to soil heterogeneity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using a literature review, we argue that new models of peatland development are needed. Many existing models do not account for potentially important ecohydrological feedbacks, and/or ignore spatial structure and heterogeneity. Existing models, including those that simulate a near total loss of the northern peatland carbon store under a warming climate, may produce misleading results because they rely upon oversimplified representations of ecological and hydrological processes. In this, the first of a pair of papers, we present the conceptual framework for a model of peatland development, DigiBog, which considers peatlands as complex adaptive systems. DigiBog accounts for the interactions between the processes which govern litter production and peat decay, peat soil hydraulic properties, and peatland water-table behaviour, in a novel and genuinely ecohydrological manner. DigiBog consists of a number of interacting submodels, each representing a different aspect of peatland ecohydrology. Here we present in detail the mathematical and computational basis, as well as the implementation and testing, of the hydrological submodel. Remaining submodels are described and analysed in the accompanying paper. Tests of the hydrological submodel against analytical solutions for simple aquifers were highly successful: the greatest deviation between DigiBog and the analytical solutions was 2·83%. We also applied the hydrological submodel to irregularly shaped aquifers with heterogeneous hydraulic properties—situations for which no analytical solutions exist—and found the model's outputs to be plausible.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da subsolagem e da adubação verde nas propriedades físicas de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, cultivado com citros (laranjeira Valência). Os tratamentos empregados foram: manejo mecânico das plantas invasoras com roçadora (Testemunha); subsolagem em um lado da planta na entrecopa; subsolagem nos dois lados da planta na entrecopa, e semeadura direta de Crotalaria spectabilis na entrecopa. As propriedades físicas do solo avaliadas foram: porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade, densidade, resistência mecânica à penetração vertical e condutividade hidráulica. Na avaliação efetuada na safra 2001-2002, obtiveram-se os maiores valores de densidade do solo e resistência do solo à penetração vertical, e os menores valores de macroporos e condutividade hidráulica do solo nas entrecopas com e sem tráfego no pomar, em relação à região da copa, principalmente na camada de 0,0-0,2 m de profundidade. Os tratamentos aplicados não surtiram efeitos positivos significativos nas propriedades físicas do solo.


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Scaling methods allow a single solution to Richards' equation (RE) to suffice for numerous specific cases of water flow in unsaturated soils. During the past half-century, many such methods were developed for similar soils. In this paper, a new method is proposed for scaling RE for a wide range of dissimilar soils. Exponential-power (EP) functions are used to reduce the dependence of the scaled RE on the soil hydraulic properties. To evaluate the proposed method, the scaled RE was solved numerically considering two test cases: infiltration into relatively dry soils having initially uniform water content distributions, and gravity-dominant drainage occurring from initially wet soil profiles. Although the results for four texturally different soils ranging from sand to heavy clay (adopted from the UNSODA database) showed that the scaled solution were invariant for a wide range of flow conditions, slight deviations were observed when the soil profile was initially wet in the infiltration case or deeply wet in the drainage case. The invariance of the scaled RE makes it possible to generalize a single solution of RE to many dissimilar soils and conditions. Such a procedure reduces the numerical calculations and provides additional opportunities for solving the highly nonlinear RE for unsaturated water flow in soils.


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Im der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Einflüsse verschiedener wasserwirtschaftlicher und forstwirtschaftlicher Maßnahmen auf das Abflussverhalten von bewaldeten Gebieten untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt lag auf der Erfassung der Veränderungen im natürlichen System durch die jeweilige Maßnahme. Der Wassertransport wurde dabei auf der Prozessebene im Hangmaßstab betrachtet. Wichtige Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Hochwasserentstehung in bewaldeten Gebieten wurden gewonnen. Daraus abgeleitet wurde eine Bewertung sowohl der natürlich gegebenen Systemgrößen als auch der einzelnen Maßnahmen bezüglich einer Hochwasservorsorge in Wäldern.Berücksichtigt wurden Änderungen in der Bestockung und in der Feinerschließung der bewaldeten Flächen durch Wege und Wirtschaftstrecken. Die Wassertransportprozesse wurden im Gelände untersucht und in Abhängigkeit der globalen klimatischen Randbedingungen sowie den bodenhydraulischen und landnutzungsspezifischen Parameter mit dem Niederschlag-Abfluss-Modell CATFLOW simuliert.Die Abflussdynamik wird im untersuchten Maßstab im wesentlichen durch die gegebene Bodenhydraulik, die Vorfeuchte des Bodens bei einem Niederschlag und durch die Niederschlagsintensität bestimmt. Die vergleichende Untersuchung von zwei rheinland-pfälzischen Waldstandorten ergab, dass im Bereich Soonwald ein relativ hohes Hochwasserrisiko besteht. Hier wirken sich Eingriffe durch forstwirtschaftliche Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen stark aus. Im Bereich des Pfälzerwaldes ist nur ein sehr geringes Hochwasserrisiko gegeben, da hier die natürlichen Gebietseigenschaften die Eingriffe durch Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen überprägen.


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The study of particulate systems is of great interest in many fields of science and technology. Soil, sediments, powders, granular materials, colloidal and particulate suspensions are examples of systems involving many size particles. For those systems, the statistical description of the particle size distribution (PSD), that is, the mathematical distribution that defines the relative amounts of particles present, sorted according to size, is a crutial issue. The PSD can be important in understanding soil hydraulic properties, the geological origin or sediments or the physical and chemical properties of granular materials and ceramics, among others.


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In the last decade, research on irrigation has mainly been aimed at reducing crop water consumption. In arid and semi-arid environments, in relation to the limited water resources, the use of low quality water in agriculture has also been investigated in order to detect their effects on soil physical properties and on crop production. More recently, even the reduction of energy consumption in agriculture, as well as the effects of external factors, climate change and agricultural policies, have been major research interests. All these objectives have been considered in the papers included in this special issue. However, in the last years, approaches aimed at reducing crop water requirements have significantly changed. Remote sensing with satellites or unmanned vehicles, and vegetation spectral measurements, among others, represent in fact the newest frontier of existing technologies. Knowledge of soil hydraulic properties, often forgotten because of the difficulty of their estimation, can also be considered as a new way to reduce water consumption.


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This paper describes effluent flow dynamics within a septic absorption system and the prediction of flow through the biomat and sub-biomat zone. Using soil hydraulic properties in a one dimensional model we demonstrate how soil hydraulic properties interact with biomat resistances to determine long-term acceptance rate (LTAR). The LTAR is a key parameter used in the Australian and New Zealand Standard AS1547:2000 to calculate the area of trench required to ensure trenches are not overloaded. Results show that several orders of magnitude variation in saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) collapse to a one order of magnitude variation in LTAR. These results are calculated from a model using basic flow theory, allowing LTAR to be estimated for any combination of biomat resistance and soil hydraulic properties. To increase the reliability of prediction of septic trench hydrology, HYDRUS 2D was used to model two dimensional flow. For more permeable soils, the exfiltration zone above sidewall biomat growth is shown to be a key pathway for excess effluent flow.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62F10, 62J05, 62P30