80 resultados para socioeconomics
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Tendo em vista a ação do Estado na Amazônia, na esfera do governo federal e estadual, este artigo analisa se as políticas de ordenamento territorial podem gerar eficácia social e melhor uso do capital natural, considerando as dinâmicas socioeconômicas em curso. No plano empírico, a pesquisa que deu origem a este trabalho foi realizada na região atravessada pela BR-163, rodovia Cuiabá-Santarém, no Estado do Pará. A realidade social é composta de uma diversidade de lógicas e de racionalidades que determinam as práticas sociais. É nessa perspectiva que se examina a ação do Estado e suas políticas, fundiárias e de ordenamento territorial, como contraponto à dinâmica predatória de expansão da fronteira e do desmatamento, entendendo-se que a racionalidade dos atores e suas motivações, individuais e coletivas, são importantes na definição das estratégias socioespaciais do Estado.
Os extremos climáticos impactam negativamente o agronegócio brasileiro e ameaçam o desenvolvimento das comunidades rurais que são altamente dos recursos naturais. Por isso é fundamental estudar-se a cadeia produtiva de dendê (Elais guineensis Jacq.) de óleo diante de futuros riscos climáticos, devido o Estado do Pará ser o maior produtor nacional de dendê e a cadeia ser estruturada com a integração da agricultura familiar á cadeia agrícola. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi de analisar as vulnerabilidades dos agricultores familiares da Comunidade Águas Pretas do município de Moju, Estado do Pará, inseridos na cadeia de produção de biodiesel de dendê, diante dos extremos de precipitação. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em dois momentos: o primeiro analisou os extremos climáticos da série temporal de precipitação de 1981 a 2009 empregando o método descritivo e dos quantis, e o segundo momento analisou a vulnerabilidade dos agricultores através de variáveis/indicadores de desvantagem socioeconômica, tecnológica e de percepção, que representavam situação de vulnerabilidade. Para a identificação de vulnerabilidade dos agricultores foi utilizado a análise fatorial por componentes principais, a elaboração de índices de vulnerabilidade climática e a análise agrupamento, onde foram alocados 22 agricultores em cinco categorias de classificação rédefinidas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a ocorrência de extremos muito secos e muito chuvosos na série de dados entre os anos de 1981 a 2009 do município de Moju (PA). O risco climático identificado no município representa grande ameaça à produção de dendê, uma vez que os impactos dos extremos de precipitação sobre a planta vão desde distúrbios nas fases de desenvolvimento até, a redução parcial e total da produção dos cachos de dendê. Estes impactos em longo prazo, afeta diretamente os agricultores familiares que são dependentes da venda exclusiva dos cachos de dendê á agroindústria, assim como compromete aos objetivos de inclusão social e produção de energia renovável do Programa de biodiesel. Os agricultores familiares da comunidade Águas Pretas integrados a cadeia de produção de biodiesel de dendê reagiram de formas distintas, considerando fatores socioeconômico, tecnológico e de percepção, sendo distribuídos em cinco categorias de vulnerabilidade (alta, média alta, média, média baixa e baixa). Os grupos de vulnerabilidade de maior interesse na pesquisa foram de alta e baixa vulnerabilidade, correspondentes a 14% (3 agricultores) e 18% (agricultores), respectivamente, do total de agricultores entrevistados. O grupo de alta vulnerabilidade foi caracterizado por agricultores que utilizaram com baixa eficiência a maior parte das variáveis de desvantagens, indicando dificuldades de competir e adaptar-se, em caso de extremos climáticos. No grupo de baixa vulnerabilidade foi caracterizado por agricultores que usam com eficiência todas as macrovariáveis estudadas, mostrando vantagens socioeconômicas, tecnológicas e de percepção. Este grupo se mostrou mais adaptado em caso de extremos de clima, dentro da cadeia de biodiesel, podendo ser parâmetros para elaborações de estratégias de adaptação local. A percepção do risco e os fatores levantados mostraram-se ser um forte recurso para analisar a situação de vulnerabilidade dos agricultores locais. A percepção do agricultor é orientada segundo suas convicções e experiências diárias, sendo determinantes para elaboração de estratégias adaptativas para enfrentar extremos climáticos.
As estratégias de modernização da Amazônia concebidas pelo Estado nacional tinham em sua proposta as fragilizadas diretrizes geopolíticas de segurança e desenvolvimento regional, voltadas centralmente para a instalação de empreendimentos industriais, dentre elas as indústrias siderúrgicas independentes, sob a noção de que desta atividade passaria para a produção produtos de aço e assim se processaria o desenvolvimento regional. Pela análise das diferenciações das rotas de produção independente, integrada e semi-integrada é possível se compreender como os elementos das plantas industriais se comportam em cada rota e como se inter-relacionam com a socioeconomia regional. O trabalho de pesquisa junto à guseiras permitiu identificar que a instalação de siderúrgicas independentes nos municípios de Açailândia (MA) e Marabá (PA) gerou expectativas frustradas de desenvolvimento local, consolidando-se, portanto, apenas como atividade que possibilitou o crescimento econômico, pois manteve uma rota de produção que articulou a atividade com a socioeconomia regional em bases frágeis e insustentáveis, apoiada, sobretudo na demanda de carvão vegetal. As estruturas de custos e elementos estruturais de cada rota permitiram identificar as diferenças que cada rota apresenta, principalmente na relação mantida com a economia regional, por envolver novos processos, tecnologias e produtos diferenciados. A lógica produtiva das siderúrgicas independentes baseadas na transferência e externalização de custos para a sociedade, relações de trabalho limitadas e na degradação ambiental, sem, contudo, estabelecer processos de inovação, conduziu ao não estabelecimento de processos de desenvolvimento de base local. A perspectiva das rotas de produção siderúrgica integrada e semi-integrada que se instalam na Amazônia tem bases para alterar o cenário regionalmente desenhado e transformar as inter-relações mantidas pela siderurgia independente na Amazônia Oriental, pois articulam elementos que contribuem para a consolidação de efeitos de encadeamento para trás e para frente.
This paper has as goal to analyze the Bolsa Família program in its several aspects (creation, discussions about it, perspective of those who receives the program benefits, its reach and effectiveness in comparison with what had been idealized by its creators). Besides that, it is done a report since the colonization age until the period before the creation of the social assistance programs to justify the inequality that the country are currently in, and, like it is made clear during the mentioned research, it has been improved in the course of years. And finally, it is proved through statistics the inequality between Northeast and Southeast regions. They represent, together, the biggest part of Brazilian population e their socioeconomics problems, in a way that can be taken into consideration as an example to the rest of the country
Create with the intention to protect, entire or part of the biodiversity, the Conservation Units is getting eminence when the matters is sustainable tourism. This work has as main purpose, demonstrate and analyze by a geography perspective the viability of the human being occupation and the economic develop at Núcleo ItutingaPilões of the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar(PESM), through the develop of conscious tourism. Generator of socioeconomics benefits as like passive ambient, the sustentable develop of tourism at Núcleo ItutingaPilões , will be study from the bibliography survey about the theme, and the field work will helps the diagnoses of the actual situation of the consider area.
The development of medium-sized cities in recent decade, caused, partly, by the industrial deconcentration process generated, beyond benefits, several problems for these cities population. The unplanned rapid growth of these cities, together with the capitalist model of production collaborated for the increase of socioeconomics questions in these locations. The urban mobility became one of these problems, embarrassing citizen’s lives, especially in downtown area. Therefore, the State began looking for solutions to improve urban mobility of the population, contributing to their quality of life and also to adapt the city to new market demand. In these work, we analyzed the situation of Brazilian medium-sized cities downtown area, as well as its growth process, tanking as an example the case of the city of Rio Claro – SP and it´s Public Administration proposal to improve the flow and urban mobility in a particular street in the town´s commercial centre
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
From the concept of Environmental Education proposed by I.U.C.N. in the 1970’s and considering some of the main teaching methodologies adopted in activities regarding Environmental Education, this paper aims to analyze the methodology named Pedagogy of the Project and presenting some alterations of this method, especially in relation to considered study unity: the watershed. Some teaching techniques are also presented, as well as didactic resources and considerations regarding the questions that can be developed for the students within the teaching or evaluation process. This purpose is complementary to others already existents and can be applied in many environmental or socioeconomics situations.
China is a large country characterized by remarkable growth and distinct regional diversity. Spatial disparity has always been a hot issue since China has been struggling to follow a balanced growth path but still confronting with unprecedented pressures and challenges. To better understand the inequality level benchmarking spatial distributions of Chinese provinces and municipalities and estimate dynamic trajectory of sustainable development in China, I constructed the Composite Index of Regional Development (CIRD) with five sub pillars/dimensions involving Macroeconomic Index (MEI), Science and Innovation Index (SCI), Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), Human Capital Index (HCI) and Public Facilities Index (PFI), endeavoring to cover various fields of regional socioeconomic development. Ranking reports on the five sub dimensions and aggregated CIRD were provided in order to better measure the developmental degrees of 31 or 30 Chinese provinces and municipalities over 13 years from 1998 to 2010 as the time interval of three “Five-year Plans”. Further empirical applications of this CIRD focused on clustering and convergence estimation, attempting to fill up the gap in quantifying the developmental levels of regional comprehensive socioeconomics and estimating the dynamic convergence trajectory of regional sustainable development in a long run. Four clusters were benchmarked geographically-oriented in the map on the basis of cluster analysis, and club-convergence was observed in the Chinese provinces and municipalities based on stochastic kernel density estimation.
The conclusion of the Doha Round negotiations is likely to influence Swiss agricultural policy substantially. The same goes for a free trade agreement in agriculture and food with the European Communities. Even though neither of them will bring about duty-free and quota-free market access, or restrict domestic support measures to green box compatible support, both would represent a big step in that direction. There is no empirical evidence on the effect of such a counterfactual scenario for Swiss agriculture. We therefore use a normative mathematical programming model to illustrate possible effects for agricultural production and the corresponding agricultural income. Moreover, we discuss the results with respect to the provision of public goods under the assumption of continuing green box-compatible direct payments. The aim of our article is to bring more transparency into the discussion on the effects of freer and less distorted trade on the income generation by a multifunctional agriculture. The article will be organized as follows. In the first Section we specify the background of our study. In the second section, we focus on the problem statement and our research questions. In Section 3, we describe in detail a counterfactual scenario of “duty-free, quota-free and price support-free” agriculture from an economic as well as a legal perspective. Our methodology and the results are presented in Section 4 and 5 respectively. In Section 6, we discuss our results with respect to economic and legal aspects of multifunctional agriculture.
The prevalence of periodontitis and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is high. A mixed infectious biofilm etiology of periodontitis is known but not fully established in CVD. Cofactors; smoking habits, stress, ethnicity, genetics, socioeconomics and age contribute to both diseases. The objectives of this report are to summarize factors in regards to CVD and periodontitis that are clinically relevant. The hypothesis behind a relationship between the two conditions can be founded in (I) shared infections etiology, (II) shared inflammatory response, (III) epidemiological and case-control studies, and (IV) periodontal studies demonstrating improvements of CVD markers. Streptococcus species in the S. mitis group, and S. anginosus group have been identified in periodontitis and are known as pathogens in endocarditis possibly transported from the oral cavity to the heart through bacteremia during dental therapies, and tooth brushing. Other periodontal bacteria such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Parvimonas micra are beta-lactamase producing and may contribute to antibiotic resistance (extended spectrum beta-lactamases). Other bacteria in CVD and periodontitis include Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chlamydia pneumoniae and P. gingivalis lipopolyysaccharide capsels share homology and induce heat-shock protein activity and a cascade of proinflammatory cytokines. Associations between periodontitis and CVD have been presented in many studies when controlling for confounders. Other studies have demonstrated that periodontal therapies increase brachial artery flow rate and reduce serum inflammatory cytokine levels. Thus, physicians caring for subjects at CVD risk should consult with dentists/periodontists. Dentists must improve their medical knowledge and also learn to consult with physicians when treating patients at CVD risk.
Introduction. The HIV/AIDS disease burden disproportionately affects minority populations, specifically African Americans. While sexual risk behaviors play a role in the observed HIV burden, other factors including gender, age, socioeconomics, and barriers to healthcare access may also be contributory. The goal of this study was to determine how far down the HIV/AIDS disease process people of different ethnicities first present for healthcare. The study specifically analyzed the differences in CD4 cell counts at the initial HIV-1 diagnosis with respect to ethnicity. The study also analyzed racial differences in HIV/AIDS risk factors. ^ Methods. This is a retrospective study using data from the Adult Spectrum of HIV Disease (ASD), collected by the City of Houston Department of Health. The ASD database contains information on newly reported HIV cases in the Harris County District Hospitals between 1989 and 2000. Each patient had an initial and a follow-up report. The extracted variables of interest from the ASD data set were CD4 counts at the initial HIV diagnosis, race, gender, age at HIV diagnosis and behavioral risk factors. One-way ANOVA was used to examine differences in baseline CD4 counts at HIV diagnosis between racial/ethnic groups. Chi square was used to analyze racial differences in risk factors. ^ Results. The analyzed study sample was 4767. The study population was 47% Black, 37% White and 16% Hispanic [p<0.05]. The mean and median CD4 counts at diagnosis were 254 and 193 cells per ml, respectively. At the initial HIV diagnosis Blacks had the highest average CD4 counts (285), followed by Whites (233) and Hispanics (212) [p<0.001 ]. These statistical differences, however, were only observed with CD4 counts above 350 [p<0.001], even when adjusted for age at diagnosis and gender [p<0.05]. Looking at risk factors, Blacks were mostly affected by intravenous drug use (IVDU) and heterosexuality, whereas Whites and Hispanics were more affected by male homosexuality [ p<0.05]. ^ Conclusion. (1) There were statistical differences in CD4 counts with respect to ethnicity, but these differences only existed for CD4 counts above 350. These differences however do not appear to have clinical significance. Antithetically, Blacks had the highest CD4 counts followed by Whites and Hispanics. (2) 50% of this study group clinically had AIDS at their initial HIV diagnosis (median=193), irrespective of ethnicity. It was not clear from data analysis if these observations were due to failure of early HIV surveillance, HIV testing policies or healthcare access. More studies need to be done to address this question. (3) Homosexuality and bisexuality were the biggest risk factors for Whites and Hispanics, whereas for Blacks were mostly affected by heterosexuality and IVDU, implying a need for different public health intervention strategies for these racial groups. ^
El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer una metodología capaz de cuantificar la dinámica paisajística a lo largo del gradiente urbano – rural perteneciente al sur de la Región Metropolitana de Madrid y su entorno. Esta tesis se estructura en ocho capítulos, planos y anejos. El primero se refiere a los antecedentes tanto conceptuales como metodológicos. Los primeros se centran en los diversos enfoques existentes en relación al estudio de la dinámica paisajística, con el objetivo de encontrar los puntos en común existentes entre el enfoque del metabolismo social, el de la ecología del paisaje y el humanista, para obtener un diagnóstico que permita entender la complejidad de la realidad a la que esta Tesis se enfrenta. Los segundos se centran en los antecedentes de carácter metodológico que también desde diversos enfoques han abordado el análisis de la dinámica paisajística. El segundo capítulo se centra en los objetivos concretos derivados del objetivo general ya expresado, la tesis considera que para comprender y cuantificar la dinámica hay que identificar en primer lugar los procesos de transformación, como manifestación espacial de los factores socioeconómicos y naturales responsables en última instancia de la variación de los patrones paisajísticos existentes. En segundo lugar se identifican los patrones paisajísticos con el objetivo de analizar sus características espaciales y su evolución en el período analizado. Por último se identifican los procesos paisajísticos, es decir qué tipos de variaciones espaciales se producen en los patrones paisajísticos como consecuencia de los procesos de transformación identificados así como su pauta de distribución a lo largo del gradiente urbano ‐ rural. El tercer capítulo se dedica a la caracterización del ámbito de estudio, ésta se extiende al sur del límite del suelo urbano de la capital madrileña en el año 1990, comprende la totalidad de los municipios madrileños que contactan con los municipios castellano – manchegos que se encuentran en el área de influencia de la capital, abarcando el área 9.968 km2. El cuarto capítulo se centra en la metodología. Como material de partida se ha utilizado en la cartografía del Corine Land Cover y como herramienta de análisis se ha utilizado los Sistemas de Información Geográfica. En primer lugar se identifican los procesos de transformación, acaecidos en los períodos 1990 – 2000 y 2000 – 2006, mediante la aplicación de matrices de transición. Se han identificado cuatro tipos de procesos dinámicos: Urbanización, abandono, renaturalización y agrarización. Se ha realizado un análisis de indicadores compuestos lo que ha permitido identificar los tipos de patrones paisajísticos existentes a lo largo del gradiente urbano – rural. Del mismo modo se ha calculado la variación de los indicadores individuales para identificar los procesos paisajísticos mediante el análisis de indicadores compuestos que se produjeron en el período 1990 – 2000 y 2000 – 2006. En el quinto capítulo se aportan los resultados tanto de carácter cuantitativo como gráfico de los tres componentes analizados tanto de forma independiente como integrada. En el sexto capítulo se describen las conclusiones producto de la investigación realizada. En el séptimo capítulo se identifican qué líneas de investigación podrían desarrollarse en el futuro para continuar la línea de investigación iniciada con esta tesis. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis was to propose a methodology to characterize landscape dynamics along the urban – rural gradient in the south Madrid area. It´s structured in eight chapters, planes and annexes: the first one describes previous research. Firstly to make a diagnosis of the effects of landscape dynamic we have performed an integrated analysis from social metabolism, landscape ecology and the humanistic point of view. Secondly we have focused on previous methodological research mainly developped by landscape ecology. The second chapter focuses on specific objectives derived from the general objective. The thesis considers that to understand and quantify landscape dynamics must first identify the transformation processes: spatial manifestation of natural and socioeconomics factors that induce the change of landscape patterns. Secondly landscape patterns have been identified in order to analyze their spatial characteristics and evolution. Finally the landscape processes have been identified, i.e. what kind of spatial variations cause changes in landscape patterns along urban – rural gradient. The third chapter describes the study area. The study area occupies 9968 km2. It covers the area to the south of Madrid’s 1990 urban land area, and takes in the southeast of the Madrid Autonomous Region plus all the municipal areas of the Castilla–La Mancha Autonomous Region directly influenced by the expansion of Madrid. The fourth chapter contains the methodology. To identify the changes in the landscape of the study area, the land cover data for the area held in the CORINE LandCover Project Database was examined. To characterize the transformations processes in the period 1990 ‐ 2000 and 2000 – 2006, transition matrices were constructed. We have identified four clear changes: Urbanization, renaturalization, abandonment and agrarianization. We have characterized landscape patterns using composite indicators by integrating individual spatial metrics. Similarly we have characterized landscape processes using composite indicators by integrating the variation of individual spatial metrics. Chapter fifth includes the results, both for each component and its final integration. The conclusions of this research have been described in the sixth chapter. The seventh chapter describes what kind of investigations could be done in the future.
El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer una metodología capaz de cuantificar la dinámica paisajística a lo largo del gradiente urbano – rural perteneciente al sur de la Región Metropolitana de Madrid y su entorno. Esta tesis se estructura en ocho capítulos, planos y anejos. El primero se refiere a los antecedentes tanto conceptuales como metodológicos. Los primeros se centran en los diversos enfoques existentes en relación al estudio de la dinámica paisajística, con el objetivo de encontrar los puntos en común existentes entre el enfoque del metabolismo social, el de la ecología del paisaje y el humanista, para obtener un diagnóstico que permita entender la complejidad de la realidad a la que esta Tesis se enfrenta. Los segundos se centran en los antecedentes de carácter metodológico que también desde diversos enfoques han abordado el análisis de la dinámica paisajística. El segundo capítulo se centra en los objetivos concretos derivados del objetivo general ya expresado, la tesis considera que para comprender y cuantificar la dinámica hay que identificar en primer lugar los procesos de transformación, como manifestación espacial de los factores socioeconómicos y naturales responsables en última instancia de la variación de los patrones paisajísticos existentes. En segundo lugar se identifican los patrones paisajísticos con el objetivo de analizar sus características espaciales y su evolución en el período analizado. Por último se identifican los procesos paisajísticos, es decir qué tipos de variaciones espaciales se producen en los patrones paisajísticos como consecuencia de los procesos de transformación identificados así como su pauta de distribución a lo largo del gradiente urbano ‐ rural. El tercer capítulo se dedica a la caracterización del ámbito de estudio, ésta se extiende al sur del límite del suelo urbano de la capital madrileña en el año 1990, comprende la totalidad de los municipios madrileños que contactan con los municipios castellano – manchegos que se encuentran en el área de influencia de la capital, abarcando el área 9.968 km2. El cuarto capítulo se centra en la metodología. Como material de partida se ha utilizado en la cartografía del Corine Land Cover y como herramienta de análisis se ha utilizado los Sistemas de Información Geográfica. En primer lugar se identifican los procesos de transformación, acaecidos en los períodos 1990 – 2000 y 2000 – 2006, mediante la aplicación de matrices de transición. Se han identificado cuatro tipos de procesos dinámicos: Urbanización, abandono, renaturalización y agrarización. Se ha realizado un análisis de indicadores compuestos lo que ha permitido identificar los tipos de patrones paisajísticos existentes a lo largo del gradiente urbano – rural. Del mismo modo se ha calculado la variación de los indicadores individuales para identificar los procesos paisajísticos mediante el análisis de indicadores compuestos que se produjeron en el período 1990 – 2000 y 2000 – 2006. En el quinto capítulo se aportan los resultados tanto de carácter cuantitativo como gráfico de los tres componentes analizados tanto de forma independiente como integrada. En el sexto capítulo se describen las conclusiones producto de la investigación realizada. En el séptimo capítulo se identifican qué líneas de investigación podrían desarrollarse en el futuro para continuar la línea de investigación iniciada con esta tesis. ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis was to propose a methodology to characterize landscape dynamics along the urban – rural gradient in the south Madrid area. It´s structured in eight chapters, planes and annexes: the first one describes previous research. Firstly to make a diagnosis of the effects of landscape dynamic we have performed an integrated analysis from social metabolism, landscape ecology and the humanistic point of view. Secondly we have focused on previous methodological research mainly developped by landscape ecology. The second chapter focuses on specific objectives derived from the general objective. The thesis considers that to understand and quantify landscape dynamics must first identify the transformation processes: spatial manifestation of natural and socioeconomics factors that induce the change of landscape patterns. Secondly landscape patterns have been identified in order to analyze their spatial characteristics and evolution. Finally the landscape processes have been identified, i.e. what kind of spatial variations cause changes in landscape patterns along urban – rural gradient. The third chapter describes the study area. The study area occupies 9968 km2. It covers the area to the south of Madrid’s 1990 urban land area, and takes in the southeast of the Madrid Autonomous Region plus all the municipal areas of the Castilla–La Mancha Autonomous Region directly influenced by the expansion of Madrid. The fourth chapter contains the methodology. To identify the changes in the landscape of the study area, the land cover data for the area held in the CORINE LandCover Project Database was examined. To characterize the transformations processes in the period 1990 ‐ 2000 and 2000 – 2006, transition matrices were constructed. We have identified four clear changes: Urbanization, renaturalization, abandonment and agrarianization. We have characterized landscape patterns using composite indicators by integrating individual spatial metrics. Similarly we have characterized landscape processes using composite indicators by integrating the variation of individual spatial metrics. Chapter fifth includes the results, both for each component and its final integration. The conclusions of this research have been described in the sixth chapter. The seventh chapter describes what kind of investigations could be done in the future.