942 resultados para societal healing


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Comunicação apresentada na Universidade de Wroclow.


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With the emergence of a global division of labour, the internationalisation of markets and cultures, the growing power of supranational organisations and the spread of new information technologies to every field of life, it starts to appear a different kind of society, different from the industrial society, and called by many as ‘the knowledge-based economy’, emphasizing the importance of information and knowledge in many areas of work and organisation of societies. Despite the common trends of evolution, these transformations do not necessarily produce a convergence of national and regional social and economic structures, but a diversity of realities emerging from the relations between economic and political context on one hand and the companies and their strategies on the other. In this sense, which future can we expect to the knowledge economy? How can we measure it and why is it important? This paper will present some results from the European project WORKS – Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society (6th Framework Programme), focusing the future visions and possible future trends in different countries, sectors and industries, given empirical evidences of the case studies applied in several European countries, underling the importance of foresight exercises to design policies, prevent uncontrolled risks and anticipate alternatives, leading to different ‘knowledge economies’ and not to the ‘knowled


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The complexity of systems is considered an obstacle to the progress of the IT industry. Autonomic computing is presented as the alternative to cope with the growing complexity. It is a holistic approach, in which the systems are able to configure, heal, optimize, and protect by themselves. Web-based applications are an example of systems where the complexity is high. The number of components, their interoperability, and workload variations are factors that may lead to performance failures or unavailability scenarios. The occurrence of these scenarios affects the revenue and reputation of businesses that rely on these types of applications. In this article, we present a self-healing framework for Web-based applications (SHõWA). SHõWA is composed by several modules, which monitor the application, analyze the data to detect and pinpoint anomalies, and execute recovery actions autonomously. The monitoring is done by a small aspect-oriented programming agent. This agent does not require changes to the application source code and includes adaptive and selective algorithms to regulate the level of monitoring. The anomalies are detected and pinpointed by means of statistical correlation. The data analysis detects changes in the server response time and analyzes if those changes are correlated with the workload or are due to a performance anomaly. In the presence of per- formance anomalies, the data analysis pinpoints the anomaly. Upon the pinpointing of anomalies, SHõWA executes a recovery procedure. We also present a study about the detection and localization of anomalies, the accuracy of the data analysis, and the performance impact induced by SHõWA. Two benchmarking applications, exercised through dynamic workloads, and different types of anomaly were considered in the study. The results reveal that (1) the capacity of SHõWA to detect and pinpoint anomalies while the number of end users affected is low; (2) SHõWA was able to detect anomalies without raising any false alarm; and (3) SHõWA does not induce a significant performance overhead (throughput was affected in less than 1%, and the response time delay was no more than 2 milliseconds).


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The present article is based on the report for the Doctoral Conference of the PhD programme in Technology Assessment, held at FCT-UNL Campus, Monte de Caparica, June 9th, 2011. The PhD thesis has the supervision of Prof. António Moniz (FCT-UNL and ITAS-KIT), and co-supervision of Prof. Manuel Seabra Pereira and Prof. Rosário Macário (both from IST-UTL).


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The use of cryotherapy as an adjunct to systemic antimonial therapy (Clucantime) was studied in 17 patients with a total of23 skin lesions of leishmaniasis in an area where L. braziliensis braziliensis is the species in circulation. Cryotherapy did not speed healing and has been discarded as an auxiliary therapeutic measure in our practice. However this technique may be suitable for species o/Leishmania causing more limited superficial lesions in man without the danger of metastasis.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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The wound healing response is an essential mechanism to maintain the integrity of epithelia and protect all organisms from the surrounding milieu. In the “purse-string” mechanism of wound closure, an injured epithelial sheet cinches its hole closed via an intercellular contractile actomyosin cable.(...)


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Este trabalho, centralizado nos subsistemas dos ensinos secundário e superior, examina as práticas educativas estratégicas de alunos detentores de fracos recursos socioeconómicos em Luanda (Angola), no período pós-colonial, em articulação com um conjunto de elementos que constituem as condições de escolarização. A análise destas práticas efectua-se num quadro de referências teóricas inter-relacionadas. Uma abordagem teórica inicial integra (i) os processos de transição (económica e sociopolítica) e de construção de Estado, e (ii) a educação, a análise estratégica e as representações sociais. Outras referências teóricas, incluindo desigualdades sociais e educativas, relação escola-família, projectos e expectativas escolares e sociais, decisão escolar, investimento em educação escolar, são mobilizadas no desenrolar da investigação. Esta fundamentação teórica, de carácter sociológico e focada na perspectiva da sociologia da educação, permite revelar os constrangimentos que condicionam a escolarização dos alunos e a sua qualidade de actores sociais, detentores de capacidades de leitura crítica da realidade escolar, de projecção e antecipação do futuro, e de decisão e acção. A metodologia seguida combina diversos métodos e técnicas. As pesquisas de terreno concretizam-se através da análise de documentos pertinentes (documentos oficiais, bibliografia de carácter monográfico sobre Angola, bibliografia crítica sobre a problemática em estudo) e de dados dos inquéritos por questionários e por entrevistas não-dirigidas (individuais e de grupo) administrados a alunos e, no caso destes últimos, também a técnicos do Ministério da Educação, professores e famílias. Os resultados permitem argumentar que as práticas educativas estratégicas de alunos detentores de fracos recursos socioeconómicos se explicam por factores que constituem as condições de escolarização, elas próprias influenciadas pela forte valorização que os mesmos alunos fazem da educação escolar. Mais especificamente, as condições de escolarização constrangedoras (constrangimentos das realidades económicas, sociopolíticas e educativas do país; debilidades das condições socioeconómicas dos alunos e dificuldades que marcam os seus percursos escolares; representações pouco positivas das suas escolas e das interacções escola-família), a par daquelas outras facilitadoras (ambiciosos projectos/expectativas escolares e profissionais dos alunos), influenciadas pela forte valorização da educação escolar, motivam e promovem decisões e acções de alunos que visam melhorar os seus processos de escolarização e as suas perspectivas profissionais. Os alunos emergem enquanto actores relativamente autónomos e criativos, capazes de cálculo, manipulação e adaptação aos contextos adversos. Este estudo fornece um modelo explicativo que melhora a compreensão das práticas educativas estratégicas de alunos (angolanos) de fracos recursos socioeconómicos, das suas condições de escolarização, e das suas capacidades de influenciarem e transformarem as realidades socioeconómicas, políticas e educativas em que se inserem; identifica um elemento decisivo de resiliência dos alunos aos constrangimentos e desafios que enfrentam no campo do ensino: o forte investimento na educação escolar, traduzido em práticas educativas estratégicas; aponta outras orientações de pesquisas passíveis de melhorar o conhecimento das realidades socioeducativas angolanas, incluindo práticas educativas de outros actores educativos, como famílias e professores.


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For esophageal reconstruction in newborns with esophageal atresia, esophageal reunion with an end-to-end anastomosis is the ideal procedure, although it may result in leaks and strictures due to tension on the suture line, mainly in cases with a wide gap between the ends. Circular myotomy (Livaditis' procedure) is the best method to elongate the proximal esophageal pouch and reduce anastomotic tension. This experimental investigation in dogs was undertaken to attempt to verify that circular myotomy decreases the anastomotic leak rate in newborns with wide gap esophageal atresia, and to analyze whether the technique promotes morphologic changes in the anastomotic scar. A pilot study demonstrated that it is necessary to resect more than 8 cm (40% of the total esophageal length) in order to obtain high leak rates. In the experimental project, such resection was performed in dogs divided into two groups (control group, anastomosis only, and experimental group, anastomosis plus circular myotomy in the proximal esophageal segment). The animals were killed in the 14th postoperative day, submitted to autopsy, and were evaluated as to the presence of leaks and strictures, as well as to the features (macroscopic and microscopic aspects) of the anastomosis. Leak rates were the same in both groups. Morphometric analysis revealed that in animals in the experimental group, the anastomotic scar was thinner than the control animals, and the isolated muscular manchette distal to the site of myotomy was replaced by fibrous tissue. Correspondingly, a decreased number of newly formed small vessels were noted in the experimental animals, compared to control animals. We concluded that circular myotomy does not decrease the incidence of anastomotic leaks, and it also promotes deleterious changes in anastomotic healing.


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PURPOSE: The recovery of a bone fracture is a process that is not yet fully understood. The literature conflicts on the results obtained by the interposition of foreign tissue inside a damaged bone. The objective of the present study was to ascertain the effect of placing muscle tissue between the stumps of a fractured bone. METHOD: The study was carried out on 10 rabbits divided into 2 groups (n = 5): Group 1-partial fracture of the humerus and interposition of muscle tissue; Group 2-complete fracture of the humerus and interposition of muscle tissue. The fractured limb of all animals was immobilized for 8 weeks. At the end of this time, the rabbits were killed and their operated humeri were carefully removed for roentgenological and histological assessment. RESULTS: All humeri of Group 1 recovered their integrity and normal aspect. However, the healing of the humeri of Group 2 was not perfect. Gross angulation of the bone diaphysis occurred in all animals, and immature trabecular bone, osteochondral tissue, and persistence of muscle tissue substituted normal bone. CONCLUSIONS: Interposed muscle does not affect partial bone fracture healing but causes instability in a complete fracture.


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Burn wound healing involves a complex set of overlapping processes in an environment conducive to ischemia, inflammation, and infection costing $7.5 billion/year in the US alone, in addition to the morbidity and mortality that occur when the burns are extensive. We previously showed that insulin, when topically applied to skin excision wounds, accelerates re-epithelialization, and stimulates angiogenesis. More recently, we developed an alginate sponge dressing (ASD) containing insulin encapsulated in PLGA microparticles that provides a sustained release of bioactive insulin for >20days in a moist and protective environment. We hypothesized that insulin-containing ASD accelerates burn healing and stimulates a more regenerative, less scarring, healing. Using a heat-induced burn injury in rats, we show that burns treated with dressings containing 0.04mg insulin/cm2, every three days for 9 days, have faster closure, faster rate of disintegration of dead tissue, and decreased oxidative stress.In addition, in insulin-treated wounds the pattern of neutrophil inflammatory response suggests faster clearing of the burn dead tissue. We also observe faster resolution of the pro-inflammatory macrophages. We also found that insulin stimulates collagen deposition and maturation with the fibers organized more like a basket weave (normal skin) than aligned and crosslinked (scar tissue). In summary , application of ASD-containing insulin-loaded PLGA particles on burns every three days stimulates faster and more regenerative healing. These results suggest insulin as a potential therapeutic agent in burn healing and, because of its long history of safe use in humans, insulin could become one of the treatments of choice when repair and regeneration are critical for proper tissue function.


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Imaging techniques are the standard method for assessment of fracture healing processes. However, these methods are perhaps not entirely reliable for early detection of complications, the most frequent of these being delayed union and non-union. A prompt diagnosis of such disorders could prevent prolonged patient distress and disability. Efforts should be directed towards the development of new technologies for improving accuracy in diagnosing complications following bone fractures. The variation in the levels of bone turnover markers (BTMs) have been assessed with regard to there ability to predict impaired fracture healing at an early stage, nevertheless the conclusions of some studies are not consensual. In this article the authors have revised the potential of BTMs as early predictors of prognosis in adult patients presenting traumatic bone fractures but who did not suffer from osteopenia or postmenopausal osteoporosis. The available information from the different studies performed in this field was systematized in order to highlight the most promising BTMs for the assessment of fracture healing outcome.